Craftopia Fans are NOT Happy with Palworld Devs

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hey everyone welcome back I got more reviews for us uh someone suggested that I check out craftopia which I thought was a pretty good idea so I've got some of the most recent craftopia reviews and I scrolled all the way back like a little time machine all the way back to around the time that they announced power world CU I thought that would be pretty funny to compare so let's see what we've got so we've got one here horrible game multiplayer is unstable and monsters move with extreme low FPS mechanics heavily inspired by games like genin impact and breath of the wild some of the assets and animations look stolen right out a genjin which would not surprise me because the developer of this game also did power world which is under scrutiny for using Ai and stolen assets steam will not refund me and now I am stuck with this garbage would not recommend buying even on sale so it's it's obvious the reason I chose this is cuz they mentioned power world which makes it funnier under scrutiny for using Ai and stolen assets which has already been disproven so I just thought that was funny this isn't even that long ago this is from like last week this is from the 24th of February it's like a week ago the AI stuff was disproven I don't even know over a month ago yeah the guy that said that he's that he like made the claim that they stole the assets he already confessed to Faking It oh well too good to resist all right so this one 31 hours on record devs just took most of what's here and stuck it in power news/ stories keep saying power didn't take long it's simple they took what they already developed craftopia reskinned it to what is super popular today so many other developers need to learn their lessons like this Dev did take all of it put it in the game even if it sucks or is controversial the player base will use what they like and dump SL ignore the rest then take that add anything else that is SL was popular and try again isn't that like a normal thing to do when you're like throwing ideas at the wall and see what sticks that's like I feel like that's pretty normal even big games try this big games try to do new things in Veil completely as well so I wouldn't say that that's too different I'm a firm believer that craftopia was supposed to be like a prototype of power world so that doesn't really shock me at all but yeah the idea of just trying something out and finding out that it sucks so you ditch it that's not that's not unique to what I wouldn't think or craft op here in this case so I don't know about that one like that's pretty normal all right so this one 8.5 hours on record they just say are they going to finish this game I mean they launched power world is this worth it if devs respond I will delete my review whether I like their response or not to be honest they probably won't finish it it probably feels like a waste of resources uh is that a good or a bad thing well they probably should at least take it out of Early Access just maybe Market is complete and then update from there but I can't imagine if you had if you had multiple projects that didn't really have a massive success and then you have one project that does have a massive success where are you going to focus your energy why would you revisit previous things that didn't really take off I wouldn't blame them if they didn't finish it so we've got a nice long one here they've got 24.5 hours on record so not bad and they say pocket pair ruthlessly butchered this game the original was a creative take on the survival exploration genre until they removed every ounce of creativity from it the seamless World update and made it Dollar Store breath of the wild they removed everything that made craftopia good suddenly it was no longer about visiting new lands for resources it became about following missions across an uninspired World utterly bankrupt of anything and everything that made the first versions a fun game it feels like there is no reason to set up a base or at least not until you've already played through the whole game and finished all the Bland objectives you think I'm being harsh the CEO of pocket pair has gone on record bragging about how creatively bankrupt they are I quote I don't necessarily have to be particular about originality I'm thinking about it I want to make it more casually I think it would be a good idea to create things in a way that just jumps on what's trendy genuinely just making games to capitalize on fads for a quick Buck he doesn't care about making decent wellth thought out games he cares about ripping off current IPS to make a quick Buck their next game looks identical to hollow Knight and he's boasting about it even power world is likely to be abandoned as soon as it stops being profitable for this lazy greedy company in favor of other endeavors that rip off other more successful games genuinely they do not care about the games they make they care they care about being uninteresting and making money so please people next time you're looking at a pocket pair game remember that they do not care about making a good game they care about copying other games and taking your money do not support them so you know pretty pretty fair pretty fair review I would say uh if that's a direct quote from him then yeah I don't blame the guy for saying it got to make what's trendy if you're a small Studio you don't want to take too many risks when you you're learning game development everybody always says don't make your dream game first because you will try and you will fail and you'll get demotivated so yeah what I don't know why not just try and make something that already exists and is already popular Jan spin on it that seems fair to me I don't know this one was good this one went in depth so I thought this was quite a good one and the other thing they're talking about with this one is uh with the seamless World update didn't actually play that one I played craftopia quite a while ago uh and I had a lot of fun with it but I didn't actually play the newest update of the game the seamless world so it seems like from the tone of what I've got from most of these other reviews is that seamless update really changed how the game was and now the game sucks I haven't gone back and played it to to see if that is the case I know that when I played it I thought it was cool but now it's looking like they've done something and they've kind of butchered the game which that would be unfortunate if that's the case but yeah that's that's the general sentiment that I'm getting from a lot of these reviews is that the seamless update really did uh ruin it so another thing that I thought would be kind of funny to do in this one that I didn't do for previous reviews is just see if I can check the profiles of the people who leave these reviews especially when they say things like oh oh I hate this developer don't report them I'll never do this I'll never do that then you check their their profile and if the profile is not set on private sometimes you can see their games so you can see that this person has played power world even if they're telling people not to support it so they don't even stand by their own words I just think that it's extra funny I just find it extra funny but yeah so I thought I would try that out for this and we'll just see we'll see if other people find it as funny as I do all right so this one is it's funny for a different reason so you can see here that at the review time they had 239 hours right and they say honestly I really like this game the problem is my character disappeared all progress gone 239 hours in and your progress is just gone would anyone want to play this game after that now just look back up at their hours on record 679 hours this person person played hundreds and hundreds more hours so the answer to the question would anyone want to play this game after that is a resounding yes just they more than doubled their time oh man I thought that was too good it's almost tripled another 50 or so hours and they tripled their time [Laughter] played so they say here this developer released craftopia in early Early Access in September 2020 the game has a fabulous trailer that shows gameplay similar to Zelda however aside from grinding resources there is little content inside the game not long after they released the first Power World trailer which essentially used all craftopia resources while C while craftopia is far from a finished product I predict that 6 months after the release of power They will announce an animal crossing clone I put this in here because I just wanted to see if this person's like just a giga genius if they release an animal crossing clone or even just another game in I guess 5 months now we can come back to this and and laugh and this person was right all along but yeah I I had to include this one it was it was good fun this poor person theyve only got 0.2 hours on record and it says it shows it has local co-op but it actually doesn't it only has online co-op so you cannot play on the same PC with two people as local co-op suggests I didn't know that is that what local co-op suggests I thought local C was like land like you're on your computer and your friends on their computer but you're on the same network so you can still play together I don't think local C is two people playing on the same computer but yeah poor guy and it doesn't say product refunded either so I think they just bought it couldn't work out how to do co-op and then just left it dead in their steam Library they refund it really so I've got another good one here where I checked this person's profile as well and again I'm just going to censor most of the name because I don't want to put these people on blast but it's just kind of funny so they say devs ditched this game to make a ripoff Pokémon game not impressed and won't be buying power world which is horribly named by the way I feel like my money was stolen from me on this one it's not even out out of Early Access access and it's cancelled well unfortunately for this person again it looks like they said they're not going to be playing power world and it's got a terrible name but you can see right here they've clearly been playing and clearly been enjoying so I don't know if these people just they they want to talk the game because like they're trying to collect steam points or something maybe like it's popular to do it so then they do it to try and get the steam points but then when the new thing does come out they do want to play it I just don't know why they would do that if I don't like something I don't do itless it's a necessity you know if it's a if it's an optional activity for recreation and I don't like it I just will not do it I'll just do something different so I don't know why these people like they say they hate these games but then they still play them or they say they're I'm never going to support this company again but then they buy their next game or I'm not going to play power world it sucks but then then they go and play like I mean near enough to 70 hours 67 hours I feel like they need to private their profiles if they're going to do this because otherwise I can just come and look and see they're wrong and lying and just talking but anyway I I just find it too funny it's like they're saying one thing and then secretly going and doing the thing that they're saying not to do oh hypocritical that's what it is is that what it is Maybe but it's just too funny I love seeing this it makes me laugh every time so yeah that that's going to do it for the craftopia reviews there was some bangers in there we knew there was going to be some people that were mad about power world I just love it I thrive on that I'm like a little Goblin or something that just likes to see people cranky I don't know what's wrong I don't know why I like it but I just love seeing people rage about stuff that does not matter oh no I spent $20 on a a game and I only got to play it for 50 hours I feel scammed I don't know what these people want oh but then the cases where they really should refund they don't like that guy with the 0.2 hours couldn't work out how to play with his friend why would you not refund it you're well within the refund thing I refunded a game yesterday I bought Lego Lord of the Rings I wanted to play it on stream I couldn't play it on stream because you can't go into borderless window which if was just locking my mouse on the screen and I wouldn't have been able to like go across and click on things I tried to download a program to make it that I could do that it didn't work so I refunded it guess what now I got $7 credit sitting in my Steam account I'll buy something else later I'm not going to leave it sitting there if I can't use it so in some cases they just need to use that juicy refund button and in other cases they need to decide if you've played a game for 50 hours you got your money's worth uh that's it that really is it I don't know if people are expecting to play for hundreds of hours or at what point do they realize that they got what they paid for I don't I don't know maybe I'm too generous and too lenient on like the value or something but I feel like if you can do something for that long that's worth it maybe it's like they're not they're not like uh putting a different comparison to it like if I go to the pub and I have to spend $10 for a beer and the beer lasts me 30 minutes and I want to get three beers that's 30 bucks for an hour and a half of entertainment or I can buy a video game on Steam and get 50 hours of entertainment which one is better that's how I do my own value things everyone values stuff differently but that's typically how I do mine what could I get with the same amount of money and what would be the most like time worth of entertainment is kind of how I do it yeah some of these people obviously don't but anyway that's that one I'll gladly take more review ideas this one was actually supplied by someone and I thought it was great so yeah if you like this kind of random stuff like the video subscribe I've been getting into the swing of things now so I've been making some more videos it's been good fun still trying to work out my formula of how I'm doing things uh so far it's been so far it's been nice it's a good it's a good project so yeah I've been enjoying it and I'm going to keep doing it so yeah I'll see you in the next one bye everyone
Channel: Vill
Views: 2,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, streaming, twitch, streamer, stream, vtuber, vtube, switch, games, microsoft, pc, pocketpair, craftopia, palworld
Id: 1HFvVpchYso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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