Navy SEAL hidden IFAK | Individual First Aid Kit | Tactical Rifleman

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hey guys how's it going this is Jason with tactical riflemen today I'm gonna talk a bit a little bit about medical and some individual first-aid kits but first don't forget to hit this subscribe button below as well as a little bell button on the side that way you can get any kind of notifications when we put out new videos surveys and polls and things like that so to get into it just won't let you guys know look man I'm not a I'm not a corpsman or a medic as we call in the SEAL Teams we I am a I'm just an operator however I'm very well trained and in t Triple C I can't crack a chest open or anything but I can definitely take care of myself and my brothers and in combat so what I'm gonna go over is the kit that I've put together and that's put together for us individually as a first-aid kit but anything that you put together regardless and what you see here today hey as long as you trained for it know what's in your equipment and know what's in your buddy's equipment in order to get him stabilized and out of a firefight that way you can go on to more extended care if it works for you cool my intent is just to give you guys an idea of what we carry it's not gonna blow your skirt up I'm telling you it's nothing in particular for seals and the maritime line of work that we do a lot of things that we that differ from the other branches is the fact that we have to pretty much waterproof everything seawater adds a whole new element to all of your kit and the protection of it so anything that you see here today we'd have it somewhere unorthodox on our body and most likely it's going to be waterproofed and that's about it so getting into it in combat you're gonna have a war belt where you're you might see an individual first-aid kit this one's a bulky one and the army digital now there's nothing wrong with carrying this bulky IFAC and carrying it in combat if it makes sense to put it on a rucksack or in a rock sack on your third line gear you're gonna carry it on a war belt and if it's something that you are carrying great as long as you train to it and know where it's at now preferably mission dependent if it's a long-range reconnaissance patrol and you're not wearing a lot of kit that you're not required to wear a belt to put this on one of the things that was offered to us is to custom make our own medical individual first-aid kit now as you see here I've got my my second-line body armor wrap there's been a few operations that I've been on that where I wasn't wearing a belt but I did need all the required medical loadout that includes for tourniquets whether or not you want to put him on your kit or on your body I just know that we had a literally a big cardboard box full of tourniquets and I wasn't gonna get shot or injured with a hundred tourniquets back on base where they couldn't help me out they're super light I'd carry a couple of my legs a couple of my arm pouches I'd carry a few on extra spots on my actual wrap I'd put a tourniquet to fill up space they're worth their weight in gold if it's not for you it could be for somebody else and in just like anything you don't need them till you really need them so it's important to me to have those tourniquets once you're stabilized with with a tourniquet if you see here now mind you I can feel it in your hearts right now like I'm not gonna go digging into my body armor in the middle of a firefight so in the T Triple C and the tactical combat casualty care mentality of it absolutely take your individual tourniquet stabilized do whatever you can to stop the bleeding get that dude off the X and out of the zone that way you can have some more extended care now that extended care like we call remain over day care is what this is designed to do so if you're under the impression that you're gonna I'm gonna break open my body armor in the middle of troops in contact yeah sure I don't think so so what I'm gonna do now in a remain over day status I'm gonna open up my body armor and I'm gonna have some follow-on equipment now my individual first-aid kit minor run dry during that initial and I need kind of something more to extend my medical I don't know the situation to make it up I mean for us it's worst case scenario yeah the the medevac bird couldn't get there because the air was a red-eye who knows but for some reason you've expended your individual first aid kit now you're going to a more extended version now Valcour tactical is the one that I went with they can make it based on customer requirements so if you need anything specific in your medical kit you can absolutely order it via mission and via item now I've got one in the in the back of my kit the other ones stored obviously in the front the kit comes in two parts one front and one back and what I'll do is I'll just basically go over what's in it it's nothing's gonna blow your mind it's just what I deem essential for this extended care we've got the basics we've got combat cotton gauze I mean you can't go wrong with a like just the basic curl acts I've got it out here but inside the kit if you can see it it's nice and neatly folded the thing about the Valcour it's a 1u thing you pull this cord if it's got air in it it could bleed out of the drain the bleed valve and the bottom like I said if you hit the drink and do any kind of diving operations it's good for that it's getting that air and the bubbles out of it but when you do use this there's no sewing it back up granted you can store some stuff back in it to pack out your trash if you need to do that but for the most part once you pull this cord it's open when I first got these we definitely had a test one where we opened it up saw how to open it so if maybe we might want to reinforce this in case our hands are wet and it slips off but a couple knots in it you know use your little creative minds to figure out what the best way to optimize this is but fact of the matter is you're gonna have time to open this up you're gonna have time to use this stuff moving on we got the curl X we've got the a set of gloves in here just basic rubber rubber gloves you can use it for a multitude of reasons but we've got a couple sets in here just just because in the front here behind behind the little logo for the inventory sheet is a halo chest seal now for some of you guys that don't know that you get it through through and he patched the exit and you patched the entrance this could prevent your attention pneumothorax or any kind of medical conditions that come from a bullet wound this thing is sticky it can be bloody wet sandy open this up smacking on a bullet wound it's gonna definitely bleed it you may see in the package like this you can take it out and pack it how you need to but this is the halo chassis in the back here a little bit more of elaborate extended day care you've got a SAM splint in this some more cotton gauze there's nothing to do surgery like a scalpel that could potentially pop this thing you got some oil rehydration packs you got a little combat pill packs to help you if you have an open wound the T Triple C card to kind of take care and log what you've got going on with your patient some more gloves and inside here just a little grease pen to fill out that T Triple C card and your 14 gauge catheter to bleed down any air air and lung problems you need to fix it comes with a nasal pharyngeal a little nasal tube stuck right in there and if you want to you can go for the combat gauze this isn't that Sandy powdery crap you put on wounds that the surgeons hate you because it's basically kitty litter and an open wound this is the combat cause this is the good stuff open it up it's just like regular gauze pack it in it will coagulate all that blood that you need to to stop from from leaving your body now that's pretty much about it guys it's it's a basic pack if you need if you think of something if you're if you're a corpsman or you're medic or you're 18 Delta gets wants to get creative absolutely you can go online order these to spec order than order these for any unit specifications you have that's what I like about these just because I use them here if there's something missing absolutely I'll pull it I'll put it in or order another pack maybe my maybe my maritime operation differs from my land warfare stuff and I'll have to but make it as specific and as as effective as you can the Aqua tactical does have that kit variation option where you can go on specifically put in these what you want if you ain't got the budget for that if your Elio or just you think of the budget to go to these sexy shops that haven't make it for you I'm pretty sure a food saver and some knee packing what it would help you out with these but biggest biggest thing for us is we want to make it waterproof we wanted to make it durable and I wanted to be able to put these somewhere where I didn't have to be wearing a belt or anything to carry it on me so it this fits right up inside of my body armor it's a great idea that I wanted you guys to share with you granted it's not for like I just want to reiterate it's not for the Omni X operations it's for that extended remain over day care because if you do use this technique you're gonna have to get into your the velcro and your body armor if your body armor set up better a different way cool but otherwise that's what it's used for that's all I got for you guys I hope you enjoyed the video hope you got a few gems out of this like I said I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on TV I just wanted to share with you guys some techniques that I used to shove some medical kit in my in my body armor that's all thanks for tuning to the channel subscribe like us and I'll see you guys again next time thanks for watching if you like this video make sure to like comment and subscribe also make sure you follow us on Facebook Instagram and Twitter so you don't miss out on anything if you liked the shirt that we're wearing in the video you can get it in our store
Channel: Tactical Rifleman
Views: 175,671
Rating: 4.954783 out of 5
Keywords: Tactical, rifleman, NRA, military, training, skills, gun, survival, prepper, how, to, special, forces, sniper, karl, erickson, techniques, conceal, carry, 2nd, amendment, navy, seal, ifak, first, aid, medical, pouch, hidden, support, individual, kit, stealth, treatment, combat, war, zone, treat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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