Navigating the Bible PART 7

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all right welcome back to sunday school and today we're going to uh finish up our teaching on navigating the bible today it's part seven and believe it or not i had to go find another tie because every tie i had was a theme of navigating but i was like well i don't want to use the same tie over so i went ahead and bought this this week so a lot of stuff goes into making this amending behind the scenes i actually bought three ties one of them is just all anchors so i might wear that one day but uh we're looking at navigating the bible and we've looked at part one moses's ministry part two john's ministry and jesus ministry and part three is the apostles ministry paul's ministry the ministry of i didn't call it the ministry of the antichrist because i don't like him is the ministry of the two witnesses and then we looked over here at the millennial kingdom where jesus's ministry begins again on earth but today we're going to look at our ministry and i actually put it in two different places see how we have jesus two and six so jesus kind of has two ministries he comes twice to the earth well we have a ministry now but when we go up the rapture we come back down at armageddon and then we have a ministry over here where we minister on this earth in our glorified bodies so really you could say we have two ministries and how you do in the first ministry determines how you do in the second ministry so we've got a lot of verses to get into so let's get started in second corinthians chapter six and verse two and i have a lot of verses like i said i'll try to go quickly because i've got something on the end of this if we have time i think would be a blessing to you but that's the thing will we have time i hope so i hope so so second corinthians chapter six and verse four we're going to talk about our ministry and that entails what are we supposed to be doing today as christians and are you doing that is the question the world is not christian there was a time when the bible saturated society and a lot of people even though they weren't christian they said well i believe the bible well those days are long gone so we are in what the bible calls the apostasy of the last days and you know whose fault it is it's ours yeah it really is our fault i'm the kind of guy if i see something going one way i want to go to the opposite extreme the other way you know so if i see people that's claimed to be christians not preaching that makes me want to preach even harder you know what i'm saying so what's it say in second corinthians chapter six and verse four but in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of god in much patience in afflictions in necessities and distresses now it continues there but i'm gonna stop right there but look what he says approving ourselves as the ministers of god paul says we that are christians we need to be ministers of god and we need to look at ourselves and say wow would god approve of me am i doing a good job am i what i'm supposed to be as a christian would god be happy with me or would god go yeah that's my son down there that guy you know so that's the question so i did this study and i'm talking about this and oftentimes we use words without even thinking what words mean and so the thought struck me as i'm studying this out is you know maybe i need to go to the dictionary and look up what the word minister means because when i say the word minister you might be thinking it means something different than what i think so what does the word minister mean well the 1828 webster dictionary says minister as a noun is a chief servant or one who serves as a verb it's to give to afford and to supply so ministering to other people i think involves caring it's because you care about them you want to give them something you want to supply them with something you want to help them you want to serve them a lot of people today that claim to be ministers they're not serving they're doing it for them what they can get out of it but that's not what a ministry it's supposed to be what can i do to help you um even in the lost world governments they call them prime ministers huh most of the prime ministers they don't minister to the people they don't care about the people they're just in powers of authority and they're like i'm going to get mine now and they put down their people they don't even know the definition of the word that's to me very sad so i think it has to do with charity amen both peter and paul said above all things charity what is charity it's sacrificing it's sacrificial giving and so a true minister is someone that cares about the people and you can see it and you can see why he does what he does is it so he can get rich or is it because he wants to help you and there's many ways to minister to people so let's look at these verses in the bible about the ministry and a lot of times when we think about ministry we think about the minister the preacher and yeah it's his job to preach the gospel and it's like well yeah yeah but what about your job right so you can just sit there on a pew like a bump on a log and do nothing or do you have a responsibility too did you know every christian is supposed to minister now maybe not every christian has a ministry in the sense that you know called of god to do this or that but every christian can do something for god and they should and we're going to get to what's called the judgment seat of christ here in a minute and that's where we give account to god for what we have done whether or not we receive rewards based upon what we did if we ministered to others or not someday you're going to be judged on whether or not you did something for jesus you're not going to be judged for your sins because that's at the cross amen sins were judged here but god will judge us for our service over here so have you ever done anything for jesus that's my question today so let's look at some verses here let's go to acts chapter 26 and as you read the bible the bible is its own dictionary you know all you really need is the bible it defines itself gail riplinger's written books on that showed how the bible is amazing because in one passage over here it says this word another passage reference it uses a different word and you look at that you go oh so this means this so the bible defines itself now it's good to have a dictionary but if you don't and all you had was the bible i think you would do well and the bible says here paul is speaking in acts chapter 26 and verse 16 paul says but rise and stand upon thy feet for i have appeared unto thee for this purpose okay jesus says okay i am persecuted yeah jesus is is speaking to paul right okay so jesus is speaking to paul and paul is retelling of when jesus told him this so jesus is telling paul this is what i want you to do i have appeared unto thee for this ministry thank you to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou has seen of those things in which i will appear unto thee all right now go to acts chapter 20 verse 24 acts chapter 20 verse 24. so let me write these words up here while you're turning minister is one word we're to minister now what did he just say right there he said you're to be a witness part of being a minister is to be a witness we call sharing the gospel witnessing you ever heard that witnessing to others now in acts chapter 20 verse 24 look what it says here but none of these things move me neither i count my life dear unto myself so that i might finish my course with joy and the ministry which i have received of the lord jesus to testify the gospel of the grace of god so testifying to testify brothers got us given us our testimonies on thursday night well i gave my testimony and i shared how i got saved through someone witnessing to me my father cared enough about me to minister to me and to give me the gospel and that's how i got saved so in the bible when it talks about ministering the first thing i want to say it's we that are saved should minister to lost sinners in the sense that we care enough i'll go ahead and put the word care up here that we care enough that we want to see them saved do you care enough about lost sinners to witness to them you know you can give out tracts a lot of people tell me brother breaker i i just can't talk i'm scared to talk to people well that's what a track's for you say hey do me a favor read this and let's talk about it later and then they have a chance to read it for themselves if you can't do anything for jesus you can do that i remember that story in australia this guy in australia his only thing that he could do is just say eternity somewhere and he lived somewhere in an area where there are a lot of sailors that came through in australia i think it was in sydney australia and he would ride on the sidewalk in chalk eternity somewhere and people walk by and he said hey you're going to spend eternity somewhere for something like 20 30 years he did that he never saw anybody get saved then all of a sudden reports started coming in if people say well back 20 years ago i was walking through sydney and i saw eternity somewhere and that bothered me i never got that out of my mind and i began to read the bible and i got saved you know how many hundreds if not thousands of people got saved and that guy figured that's all i can do and he did something for the lord i bet he has a lot of rewards in heaven so what are you doing you can do something like that are you doing anything for the lord so witness to others by giving them the gospel what is the gospel well for sake of time i've been there much and taking you to the gospel a lot of times but the gospel is first corinthians 15 1 through 4. i like to print up a little card that has on one side robert breaker the and then on the back it's first corinthians 15 1-4 the gospel just so they'll know what it is because a lot of people even even those that claim to be ministers today claim to be preachers they don't even know what that is so do you share the gospel i mean i mean pack your bags i'm trying to take you on a guilt trip okay do you share the god when was the last time you witnessed to somebody it's a good question and when's the last time you gave out a track when's the last time that you told somebody about jesus christ let's go to second corinthians chapter five that's what we're to do so are you doing it that's part of our ministry and you need to do that so you get some rewards in heaven imagine getting to heaven and that's wonderful i want you to get to heaven but imagine getting to heaven and you got no rewards i'd kind of be a bummer to have nothing to throw at jesus feet wouldn't it so second corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 through 21 therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new and all things are of god who hath reconciled us us who are saved to him self by jesus christ and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation so there's a ministry that's given to all christians and it's called the ministry of reconciliation now what is that let's continue verse 19 to wit that god was in christ reconciling the world unto himself notice that's an ing he was doing that on the cross in order to reconcile the world unto himself is the whole world saved now no that's why we have the ministry of reconciliation we have to go say hey look at what jesus did on the cross if you trust that you can be reconciled it says reconciling the world on himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and have committed unto us the word of reconciliation now then we are ambassadors for christ as though god did beseech you by us we pray you in christ's dead watch this be ye reconciled to god that's what we as christians are supposed to go preach hey have you reconciled with god yet are you reconciled reconciled means peace making peace he made peace for you with the father now you come to the cross trust that now you have peace because you know you're safe so that's called the ministry of reconciliation and for funds let's read verse 21 for he hath made him christ to be sent for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him there we go imputed righteousness through faith so that's the message that we that are christians are supposed to be sharing to other people and you can do that are you doing that that is my question if you are thank god if you aren't why not i mean it's very close to the rapture amen and you have an opportunity to lay up treasures in heaven i was going to take you to what jesus said but i don't think we have time where jesus said they are not up on earth treasures but lay up treasures in heaven well that's what we're here to do and how do we do that through ministry through witnessing to other people so let's go to first peter chapter four and verse 10. so all christians are to do this all christians are to give the gospel to the lost and dying world and to tell them how to be saved okay not just the responsibility of a preacher or a pastor okay all christians are supposed to share the gospel now first corinthians chapter 4 verse 10 and 11 the bible tells us this as every man hath received the gifts even so minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of god preach the gospel of grace through faith amen and then it says there if any man speak let him speak as the oracles of god that's the bible so we should know the bible we should memorize the bible so we can quote scripture to people because it's the word of god that's powerful right and then it says here if any man minister let him do it as of the ability which god giveth that god in all things may be glorified through jesus christ to whom he prays in dominion forever and ever amen so god gives to you an ability some of us have more of an ability than others but whatever ability that you do have you should be using it for the lord okay i mean beds about eyes closed no one looking around i meant altar called time and we just got started so we have the ministering or witnessing or testifying that's what all christians should do all christians should witness and share the gospel with lost people alright now there is another thing though called the ministry in which a man can become a pastor or a missionary or an evangelist or a deacon and that is only for men the bible teaches and that's called being called to the ministry when i was on deputation i went to about 200 different independent baptist churches and all the time i would run into things that just bugged me to no end a lot of these preachers weren't preaching it right and a lot of the people in the churches were confused and they'd always ask me questions and i'm like your pastor hadn't taught you that he hadn't showed you that in the bible no i said well come on get your bible out i had a lot of bible studies a lot of times they put me up in a house of someone that was a member of the church and they had lots of questions and one of the things that bothered me to no end was i was in a church one time and i was at this house of this guy and this guy said brother breaker he said i'm just not called to preach so he said i'm just i'm not called to preach and i i thought about it and i said you're wrong sometimes it just comes out he goes what i said you're wrong the bible says preach the word the bible says go into all the world preach the gospel every christian is supposed to testify a witness and preach the gospel i said what you're confused on is the call to preach and the call to the ministry those are two different things you might not be called to be a pastor and be in the ministry but don't you say you're not called to preach i think you're trying to give me an excuse for you doing nothing for the lord i told the guy that he goes i said when have you passed out tracks lately when have you shared the gospel he's like and in his mind he thought he could only do that if he was in the ministry and his pastor preached so hard on being called to preach and he said called to preach is to be a missionary and it confused that young man to where he didn't do anything for the lord so i said i want to clarify every christian is called to preach the gospel in the sense of sharing that to others but it is different to be called into the ministry that's a little different so maybe god hasn't called you into the ministry to stand up here in a pulpit and preach does that mean you get a get out of jail free card oh i don't have to go share the gospel that's the missionary's job or the pastor's no you are to share the gospel with others too okay you got that now i was going to go to a lot of verses i have to skip through a couple but the ministry is being called into the ministry romans 1 1 paul says he's called to be an apostle galatians 1 15 he said god separated me from my mother's womb god in heaven said i'm going to use this man in the ministry for a specific purpose and the bible calls it a specific office there's the office of a pastor there's the office of a deacon now in the bible there's also a missionary and there's also an evangelist so in the bible the bible talks about that calling to the ministry and guess what the ministry is it's where a man is in the pulpit preaching you know there's no women pastors in the bible that makes some people mad but you know what makes me mad is people not reading the bible right because in the bible just really quickly we don't have time but uh first timothy chapter three verse one says this is a true saying if a man desire the office of a bishop he desireth the good work it's not a sin to want to be a pastor a pastor is called a bishop and an elder in the bible and a man can do that but he has to be what well it says there the husband of one wife it doesn't say the wife of one husband does it you know there's actually four passages in the bible that say only a man can be the pastor or a deacon did you know that i don't have time to go to them but first timothy 3 1-6 titus 1 5-9 1st timothy 2 11-15 where it says i suffer not a woman to teach nor do you serve authority over a man so women can't be a teacher so how could she be in the pulpit teaching and then it says first corinthians 14 34-35 which is where it says that a woman is not supposed to speak in tongues in the church well the speaking in tongues was them preaching in a different tongue or a different language so in the bible there's no woman preachers or teachers so a lot of women say well that stinks i hate that well guess what i've got some good news as a woman you can have a ministry to other women and to children and i'm going to show you that verse here in a minute but you're not supposed to be in the pulpit preaching there are no women preachers in the bible but nowadays they want them to be so they they're departing again apostasy nowadays we see a lot of ladies saying they're pastors and such as that you've got to be careful so let's look at some things the ministry is a calling god will call you into the ministry and he will enable you let's go to second timothy chapter four and it might be that some of the men in here god might call you to be a minister and call you to be a pastor or a deacon or such like i hope so not everybody is called for that not everyone can go some people have to stay and support the guy that goes and things like that but it starts with your desire if you have that desire brother you said you had a desire to be a pastor and it's good to have that desire to be a pastor now there's the enabling and the equipping and god has to equip you and i'm going to get you to that verse here in a minute too that the bible says a minister needs to know the bible all right second timothy chapter 4 verses 1 through five i charge you therefore before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears well that's the day we live in today you say the bible says this they say i don't want to hear that and they won't listen well does that mean i shut up no the bible tells me to preach it anyway whether they want to hear it or not verse 4 they shall turn away their ears from the truth and be turned into fables but watch thou in all things and do afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof of thy ministry so if god calls you into the ministry then you're to make full proof of your ministry and i skipped the verse that i wanted how i went ahead well i wanted what first timothy 2 12. so go over to first timothy 2 12. this is what i was saying being enabled or put into the ministry first timothy 2 and verse 12. oh that's not the one i want where's the verse where paul says god put me into the ministry i wrote it down wrong i hate it when i do that is it in second timothy 2 12 nope oh well there's a verse where god says that god enabled me putting me into the ministry if you got a on your phone a bible a search engine look that up so we'll know what verse that is where paul says that god enabled me putting me into the ministry if you want to be a minister and you're surrendered to the lord he can open the door for you and make you a minister and i don't even have time to get into that but how amazing it is when i surrendered and said lord if you want me to be a missionary if you want me to be a pastor if you want me i'll do it you just show me the way and boy he just pushed me right into it and doors kept opening and open and open and it was just like i can't say anything other than that had to be the lord doing that first timothy 1 12. first timothy 112 and i wrote 212 thank you amen so first timothy 1 12 says right there in first timothy 1 12 and i thank christ jesus our lord who hath enabled me for he hath counted me faithful putting me into the ministry so in order to be a pastor or a deacon or an evangelist or a missionary you got to want to and then you've got to be enabled and then god will put you into the ministry if you're what faithful see a lot of christians out there that aren't faithful they'll do a little bit here they'll go away for a little while and come back and do a little bit more for the lord here and then go away for a while that's not being faithful and being faithful is hard but that's what god wants from us is faithfulness faithfulness now let's go to first corinthians chapter four and well that's exactly what it says here in this verse first corinthians 4 verse 1 and 2 let a man sow account of us as of the ministers of christ as stewards of the mysteries of god moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found what faithful all right now that we're here let's go to second corinthians 3 6. so god is looking for faithful men to put into the ministry is that you if not just be faithful witnessing the others don't worry about being a pastor but are you faithful at all in anything that's the question how faithful are you amen so in second corinthians chapter three and verse six the bible says this who also have made us able ministers of the new testament not of the letter but of the spirit for the letter killeth but the spirit giveth life that takes us all the way back to the beginning of where we started this whole seven part series paul says a minister is an able minister of the new testament are we in the old testament no we're no longer under moses ministry we're not under the law but all over this world there's people that claim to be christians who claim to be pastors who are trying to get people back under the old testament they don't even know how to rightly divide their bible they're not able ministers of the new testament we are over here on that side of the cross we're not back here okay so part of the thing that a man supposed to be who is a pastor or a deacon or evangelist or missionary is he has to be an able minister of the new testament he needs to know his bible and preach it rightly divide it sadly they don't even preach on dispensations in many churches today isn't that sad so you've got those that are to minister every christian is called to preach in the sense that we're all supposed to share the gospel with lost but then there's a calling to what god calls the ministry which is the men who are uh leaders in the church pastors missionaries deacons and evangelists then we have women where does that leave women well let me give you some good news go to titus chapter 2. you can be a woman and have a ministry did you know that you just can't be the pastor of the church but i think your ministry is more important than the one in the church you know why your ministry is every day a pastor is just what once or twice a week who has the most influence women be honest and look what it says here in titus chapter two titus chapter two verse three through five the age women likewise that they be in behavior as becometh holiness not false accusers not given to much wine teachers of good things paul said i suffer not a woman a teacher usurp authority over a man but the bible says she's supposed to be a teacher so who is she teaching younger women and children and who is usually at the home most most the time the man's out working and the woman's at home with the kids i to this day still remember things my mom taught me because i was with her and she taught me things every night before i go to bed my mom's voice goes through my head teeth brushed hair combed oh yeah before i leave for school that's what not before bed before bed she said pray so i always remember to pray before i go to bed but i wake up in the morning i hear my mom's voice because that over and over and over as a kid i heard before i went to school is your teeth brushed is your hair calmed that's one of the things she taught me and it's just like i i still wake up in the morning teeth brush hair comb mom you know but thank god for a good mother that taught me that and so it says they're starting over verse three the aged women likewise that they be in behavior as becometh holiness not false accusers not given to much wine teachers of good things that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chaste keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the word of god be not blasphemed so women can do something huh and they can teach the kids i want to say something about mrs camp and say what a blessing she is because she feels like this is her ministry and she i believe is doing a great job teaching those children the bible and giving them some stuff so tell her today how much you appreciate her okay tell her you appreciate what she's doing do you appreciate that she's looked at the bible and she's an aged woman like it says here you know and she wants to do something for jesus so she said lord what can i do for you and what a great fit what a great fit so maybe you can ask the question lord what can i do for you you can have a ministry as a woman you just can't preach in a pulpit but you know what you can do other things one of those would be ministering to the saints let's go to romans chapter 15. yeah i think we'll have time hopefully to get through this one of the things that i've noticed is when you read the bible and you look at modern christianity they're so different yes the early church met in homes today we have gigantic cathedrals that they haven't even paid for as soon as the rapture takes place the antichrist is going to inherit all these so-called church buildings isn't that crazy to think about the church is the people not a building but in the bible they ministered to the saints what did that mean that meant that christians helped other christians i vaguely remember that as a kid i vaguely remember that if you were in church they cared enough about you that if you were having a hard time we would come home sometimes there would be a bag of groceries on our front step because someone at the church said you know i think they might need that i used to see that was a kid and i remember we did that once or twice and i heard stories and people giving testimony in church i lost my job but i went home there's two bags of groceries thank you church that was them caring about one another and helping i don't see that anymore nowadays churches well i'll see you sunday they don't even come on wednesday or on our case thursday where is the ministering to the saints and in the bible when saints needed something they took up an offering for them i see a lot of preachers and they take up offerings they don't take up the offerings for the people in the church they'll take it up for anything else but not the people in the church that are suffering that's why a lot of people are just like well i'm done and i quit and churches are dying because people aren't coming to church because they're not ministering to them they're not preaching them the gospel which makes me angry but then they don't care enough about them to say hey what you're going through what's going on how could i help you that's what a minister is supposed to do most so-called pastors are ministers they're in it for the money and they get up there they preach their little prosperity gospel so they can enrich themselves and a bunch of bald-headed fat preachers driving a new cadillac every month it makes me sick i better watch out i might tell you what i actually think about it here in a second so i better be careful but it makes me sick what modern christianity is it's this prosperity stuff and the preacher gets up there this big smile and says well if you'll give me a hundred dollars god i'll give you 200. lie lie lie lie and all they do is get richer while the congregation gets poorer it makes me sick it makes me sick what did i say go to romans 15 25. so that's what i wanted to say brother ray i appreciate you that other day when you said can we make a a suggestion of maybe setting aside a fund for people in the church that might need it there's a guy that that has the mindset of wanting to help others the ones i thought man that was a blessing i wanted to say that romans chapter 15 and look what it says here in verse 25 romans 15 25 but now i go into jerusalem to minister unto the saints paul is an apostle and he's a missionary and he's going everywhere preaching the gospel and then he goes but now i'm going to go back to jerusalem and help those that are already saved you know what they were doing they were taking up offerings in these other churches saying help the poor saints in jerusalem why were they poor because they were being persecuted for their faith in jesus go to hebrews chapter 6 and verse 10. i don't see that nowadays i i see so many things nowadays that so bothers me that it makes me just want to separate from those that claim to be christians because they're going the opposite way i went to bible school and i had some friends that went with me and they got out and they got in these churches and they got stuck in these churches that wouldn't let them do anything for the lord they had a call in their life to be a pastor or a missionary and they're sitting in this church and the pastor looked at him as a threat i better not let him preach or the people might want him instead of me and so god gave them this gift of preaching and they weren't able to use it that really bothers me and i've been to other churches where i saw it right the pastor says man there's about four or five men in this church that god's called into the ministry i'm gonna let them have the pulpit every other month or something like that i'm gonna enable them i'm gonna help them in that gift that god gave them and i think that's cool i think that's cool so we need to think about these things because a lot of times hearing the same guy preach every week it's great but sometimes god will give a message to another guy or another guy too and in the bible did you realize it says ordained elders plural when i went to honduras there was this big stink when i went down there among the churches and they were all upset they're like oh so-and-so believes that you can have three or four pastors in a church what what evil thing there's only one pastor and i'm like let's look at all these verses and every place i showed them it says elders there's nothing wrong with having two or three men in the church that are able to preach what if the pastor is sick somebody else can fill in so there's just so many things that they're doing today that are foreign to the scripture where is the assistant pastor in the bible right that's a man-made thing anyway what did i say hebrews 6 10 hebrews chapter 6 and verse 10 for god is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love that's what ministering to the saints is is loving them and helping them and it says labor of love which ye have shown toward his name and that ye have ministered to the saints and do minister look at what it just said you've showed toward his name it's like if you're helping other christians you're doing it for the lord so do you care enough about other christians to do that well a lot of churches don't a lot of churches do not help one another they must not be reading their bible they don't want to do a ministry uh second corinthians chapter eight and verse four praying with us much in treaty that we should receive the gift and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering of the saints you might as well turn over there because we're gonna go to another verse oh wow i have verse 91 how on earth do i find verse 91 maybe it's there's another verse there somewhere in that chapter that i was going oh 9-1 maybe that's what it is second corinthians chapter 9 and verse 1. look at first corinthians chapter 9 verse 1 for as touching the ministering to the saints it is super furious to me to write unto you what is he saying saying you don't even have to write to you because that's what you're doing so minister to lost all right let's write that up here giving them the gospel then we minister to other christians and you know you can minister to the pastor even i've been in a lot of churches where the deacons took over the church they starved the pastor out no one cared about the pastor so we ought to care about our pastor we ought to care about one another what other christians don't forget the children minister to the children there's a lot of ministry that you can do as a christian and can help people now let's get into this i have a little bit of time to do it i think we have just enough time to get through this do you realize that what you do for jesus whether it's witnessing to lost people or being a good example to other christians and ministering to them you get rewards for in heaven and i'm gonna have to go through skip a couple verses here and there but the verse i mentioned earlier was in matthew 6 19-20 if you want to write that down where jesus said lay up treasures in heaven and in colossians chapter 3 verse 23 and 24 it talks about our inheritance and how we get an inheritance for serving christ so if you serve the lord now i showed you the verse if you're serving other christians you're doing it in the name of jesus so that's serving the lord being a good minister to other christians did you know that wow i don't know very many independent baptists that know that and that's the denomination that i came from they think a minister is the meaner he is the better minister he is so they teach get up there and be mean in the pulpit well okay i like hard preaching preach is from to stab or to thrust that's where it comes from what the word mean but out of the pulpit you're supposed to be caring and loving and taking care of and wanting to help people and sometimes we don't see that do we is that a good minister head's about eyes no no so romans chapter 14 verse 10 talks about the judgment seat of christ you write that down if you're taking notes it says we must all stand before the judgment seat of christ now second corinthians 5 10-11 is another passage about the judgment seat of christ second corinthians 5 10-11 and then it says therefore knowing the terror of the lord we persuade man there's some terror it says when it comes to the judgment seat of christ now it's not hell because our sins are judged here so what could it possibly be the terror that it's talking about at the judgment seat of christ well maybe you claim to like sister so-and-so but in your heart you hate her and there's a root of bitterness there that's going to come out over here and you're going to be like oh i should have forgiven there's a little bit of terror that's going to come out maybe it's we could have got more rewards but we didn't maybe that's the terror we could have gotten so much more but we got in the flesh sometimes so let me show you first corinthians chapter three real quick and let's show you real quickly what the bible says is going to take place at the judgment seat of christ and i got through all these verses and i haven't even got to go over here yet so very quickly briefly when we go up we get our rewards we come back at armageddon and this is where we serve the lord for a thousand years so this will be a ministry but we'll be ministering to jews and whoever makes it through the tribulation and we'll be ruling with christ so that'll be another ministry but we'll be in our glorified bodies so that'll be but what you do now determines what your ministry will be there you might have more to minister over or less to minister over so the more you do here the more god can use you here so it's an interesting thing but in 1st corinthians chapter 3 verse 11 and i hope this is a blessing to you first corinthians 3 11 says for other foundation can no man lay then that is laid which is jesus christ now if any man build upon this foundation gold silver precious stones would hay stubble every man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is if any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon he shall receive reward if any man's work shall be burned he shall suffer loss but he himself shall be saved yet so by fire so the bible teaches us that the judgment seat of christ god says everything you did after you were saved let's put it over here in the fire and whatever you did for me comes out as gold and silver and precious stones and whatever you did for yourself guess what smoke smoke i don't know about you but my fear is when i get to heaven everybody starts coughing because all the smoke because i didn't do what i could for the lord and that smoke just fills heaven and i was like what's going on breaker's being judged okay get your gas mask on i mean i want to make sure i get more gold silver precious stones than i see smoke coming out maybe that's part of the terror of it is you're a backslidden christian out pops up out a little gold peanut and that's your reward for all eternity but there's so much smoke god goes okay let's take 10 minutes and let this clear up could you imagine no man live it to himself no man diet to himself be sure your sin will find you out no no man how does it say something about secrets will come out there's nothing you do that's not going to be shown one day so what are you doing are you doing it for the lord are you doing it for you so what is this why why would you want rewards well go over to zechariah chapter nine for me real quick and i was hoping to find this in the hymn book but i couldn't find it but zechariah chapter 9 and verse 16 9 16 it makes it sound like these rewards are for a reason a lot of people ask me brother breaker why do you need gold silver and precious stones in heaven what do you need rewards for i mean the pavement's made of gold who cares well it's in the bible there are five crowns that you can receive that's part of that and i don't have time to give you this that sermon of the five crowns in the bible but there's there's actually seven i might do a video on that one day but the five crowns in the bible well crowns usually have stones and it makes it sound like the people that you unto the lord god will give you a precious stone for each one of those and put that in your crown and we see that in zechariah chapter 9 and verse 16. and the lord their god shall save them in that day as a flock of his people for they shall be as the stones of a crown lifted up as an instant upon the land stones in a crown people being saved are like a stone in a crown there's an old hymn called stars in your crown and that hymn goes will there be any stars any stars in your crown and it's like a stone will you have any stones you know stones reflect like a star there's some beautiful rubies that that make a six-pointed star what is that called something ruby tiger ruby i think it is beautiful stuff so they are beautiful and maybe what you do for the lord will be recognized and for eternity people will look at you and go oh wow whoa you won that many people the lord man you must have really loved jesus and so it sounds like that's what it's all about so what does the bible teach go to revelation chapter 5 and verse 10. so i wonder do you have any of those five crowns do you have any stones in those crowns have you ever won anyone to jesus christ after you get saved you need to tell others hey i'm saved and i want to show you how i got saved and why and i want to ask you to get saved that's testifying that's witnessing that's telling people this is what happened to me and i'd like to see you saved to go to heaven with me revelation 5 10 tells us it has made us unto our god kings and priests and we shall reign on earth and now go to chapter 20 and verse 6 revelation 20 and verse 6. blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection on such the second death had no power but they shall be priests of god and of christ and shall reign with him a thousand years so here is our ministry now but we get rewards in heaven and then what happens we come back with jesus and we get our ministry here and that's our ministry then and we rule and reign with jesus 1000 years that's what millennium means a thousand years so when we're reigning with him people will see us in our glorified bodies and we'll have a white robe the bible says and then we'll have probably crowns and maybe i don't know medals or something i don't i don't know but i know that for a thousand years people can recognize you and will know instantly whether you were a good christian or a not so good christian based upon whatever rewards you have and it's not about bragging i don't want i don't want them all the bible says that the 24 elders had a crown they took it off just threw it at jesus feet you know it's like no it's all about jesus it's not all about me that's what it should be but god recognizes us and what we do for him and he's going to reward us for us someday some people say so why why why the rewards well maybe it has something to do with the rank in the military i showed you was it last time how we're the army of the lord and how we come back with him so maybe the more you do for the lord maybe he gives you a nicer sword i don't know because the bible says we're going to have swords maybe you get a different rank you know it's lieutenant breaker i mean i don't know i don't know how that's going to work or anything like that but we have time so we can do it let's go to joel chapter 2. and i really wanted to read this last week but i think we'll read it this week so maybe just maybe it's something to do with the lord's army and the rewards are what gives you your rank in the battle of armageddon i don't know i'm just throwing that out there just spitballing if you will but it's got to be something it's got to be for something that we get the rewards it has something to do with our future ministry when we rule her out here on earth now we are waiting for the rapture we who are saved all saved people go up at the rapture then they're judged for their service that's where they'll get those rewards then we come back with jesus at armageddon now he comes back and we looked at this last week he comes back on a white horse and out of his mouth goes a sword a flame fire you know and he destroys his enemies but we read and his armies with him who would the army be that's coming back that's us now this passage of scripture may or may not be talking about us but it kind of looks like it is it kind of is sounding like because it's the day of the lord and we know that the day of the lord has to do with it it kind of sounds like god gave joel a prophecy of what christians are going to be doing when they come back with jesus at armageddon and it gives me goosebumps every time i read this joel chapter 2 and look what it says here in verse 1-11 blow ye the trumpet in zion and sound an alarm in my holy mountain let all the inhabitants of the land tremble for the day of the lord cometh for it is nigh at hand what is the day of the lord it starts with armageddon a day is a thousand years well it starts with him coming and in war he does judge the bible says he judges the earth and he takes over so that sounds like the context a day of darkness and of gloominess verse 2 a day of clouds of thick darkness as the morning spread upon the mountains a great people and a strong there have not been ever the like neither shall any be any more after it even to the years of many generations now who are these people well we have our glorified bodies so we'd be strong in a glorified body wouldn't he and it says there won't be anybody like them for many generations yeah a thousand years how many generations can you have in a thousand years verse three a fire devoureth before them and behind them a flame burneth well that sounds like jesus and the fire in front of them the land is as the garden of eden before them and behind them a desolate wilderness yea and nothing shall escape them the appearance of them is the appearance of horses and is horsemen so shall they run we get a white horse we come back with jesus he's coming on his white horse we're on our white horses as the army verse five like the noise of chariots on the top of mountains shall they leap like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble as a strong people said in battle array so these people they're ready for battle and they're here to fight whoever they are before their face the people shall be much pained all faces shall gather blackness now watch this verse 7 they shall run like mighty man they shall climb the wall like men of war and they shall march every one on his ways and they shall not break their ranks neither shall one thrust another they shall walk every one in his path and when they shall fall upon the sword they shall not be wounded what you fall in a sword and you're not even wounded how could that happen unless there was a glorified body and you got a sword and you're just like see nothing it's my glorified body i can't die i mean or you fall off your horse oops oh that's okay all right now let's go kill him i mean crazy but that's what it says verse 9 they shall run to and fro in the city they shall run upon the wall they shall climb upon the houses they shall enter in at the windows like a thief wow and it continues there the earth shall quake before them and the heavens shall tremble the sun and the moon shall be dark and the stars shall withdraw their shining and the lord shall utter his voice before his who army that sounds like us for the camp is very great that encourages me that means a lot of people over the last 2000 years got saved thank god for that for the camp is very great for he is strong that executeth his word for the day of the lord is great and very terrible and who can abide it you think that might be talking about those coming back with jesus those who are saved the body of christ the church and maybe we get those rewards as a rank to see who's closest to jesus and who's farther back but it sounds like when we come back and he's destroying all his enemies we get to come back and do a little uh melee too sounds like that's going to be a fun time isn't it i don't want to fight in a war i'm scared to die well not even not afraid to die i'm afraid of being mangled for the rest of my life have one arm in one hand and you know and half a leg you know i've seen all these people come back from iraq and and places like that and my heart bleeds for them i don't want to be maimed for the rest of my life that's why i don't want war but imagine going to war and you can't die wow that would be interesting wouldn't it that would be interesting so there it is there's uh what the bible says in joel maybe that's a prophecy of that and maybe that's talking about us who are saved looks like it doesn't it let's close with colossians chapter four i wanted to throw that out there i hope it's been a blessing and now is the time to serve jesus yes we'll get a second chance if you will over here but what you do here determines what it'll be like for you over there so it is good to win souls to jesus colossians chapter 4 and verse 17 and say to our chip us take heed to the ministry which thou has received in the lord that thou fulfill it everybody in here needs to think about what would be something that god wants me to do what can my ministry be you know we put tracks in the back back there an old preacher said one time if you pass out three tracks every day you will have reached over a thousand people by the end of the year you ever think about that every time you go to walmart or someplace like that hand them a gospel trap that's simple i mean that's almost too easy and yet people won't even do that what else can you do if you're a woman well you need to minister to your husband be nice and loving and caring and help him amen you need to minister to your children teach them the bible read with them pray with them do things like that you're a man you say well brother breaker i work i'm not a pastor i'm not in the ministry well you have people at work you can talk to you can have bible studies maybe you can witness too i mean there's something for you to do all right there's no excuse for you to not have any rewards in heaven when there's so much to do you could even go to youtube and start a youtube channel and start teaching on that like i did i mean if the lord has called you into the ministry and you have nothing to do wasn't that a good place to start see in my ministry i was on the mission field for seven years as a missionary in honduras i left two churches there by the way and they're still going on thank god for that but god showed me he said now i want you to come back over here and my dad died and i had to take care of my grandmother and i looked at that as part of my ministry because that's my family and i need to minister to her and the churches were going by themselves so i came back to take care of my grandmother got the leader of the lord by the way so that to me was worth it but i didn't stop serving the lord i kept staying in the ministry i'd go and preach and the lord said hey i want you not just to be a missionary i want you to be a missionary evangelist so god pushed me more to evangelism an evangelist is someone who travels and preaches and helps churches ministers to churches tries to help churches so i began to do that and i began to find that a lot of churches were going the wrong way and i said you know i think i'll do what some people are doing i think i'll go to youtube and preach on that and you know what i probably should have done it a lot sooner my wife told me probably four five six years before honey you ought to do that i thought ah no you know i thought that because a lot of churches said stay away from the internet it's evil um there's a lot of evil on the internet but did you know it can be used for good same thing with television there's a lot of bad on television all right according to their argument you should never preach on tv then no you can use something for good and so i resisted listening to all these pastors saying oh you don't want to do the internet thing and then i finally just said you know what lord i'm going to do it i'm going to preach every week because i'm at home with my grandmother and i'm not able to travel and preach like i'm going to travel this way and god used that ministry and i thank god for that amen so if you're just surrendered to the lord and do what he says and try to reach people he can use you okay and um my prayer letter is in the back there you can read that and and every two months we put that out and it's just amazing all these people say hey brother i got saved watching your videos i just say man it's the lord it's the lord i just wow it baffles me so the lord put me into the ministry and i'm trying to minister and i'm trying to encourage you to do the same thing so think about it is there something that you can do and how can you do it for the lord you say well people look at me weird so who cares what they think of you how about what does god think of you someday you're gonna have some smoke in heaven if you're not uh if you're not out there witnessing so we'll stop there thank you who knows what we'll do next week but uh hey amen any questions feel free to ask all right amen you
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 9,372
Rating: 4.9006624 out of 5
Keywords: Navigating the Bible Part 7, Navigating the Bible, Rightly Dividing, Robert Breaker
Id: xeY2coCm03o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 41sec (3101 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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