NAVAL GUIDE FOR MAN THE GUNS [1 of 2] Germany Naval Guide - Hearts of Iron IV Man The Guns

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I'd like to give a massive shout out to the support from my patrons if it wasn't for you guys contributing to my work I will move to make these videos thank you so much it's feedback aiming a bag or something a bit different though I said I retired from guides that's true this one is gonna be a guide that is also a let's play a two-for-one special you enjoy let's plays great you're gonna love this you get what you love tutorials guides what are you gonna look this one this is gonna be the best of both and this is gonna be a German naval guide are you that's Vall do you like hearts of iron for is half of mine for your cup of tea how about we get three thousand likes on this video and we'll play as let's say a minor power and see we can make them a naval juggernaut 3000 likes vote for hearts buy them for the like button is where you need to be boys okay trivia time boys you know the answer to this question please comment below what is the capital of Assyria first things first we need to group up all of our ships and make a big fleet so we can see what we've got not it's not too bad as Germany it's like one of the ships hold shift and just like all of what you've got it's kind of easy as Germany cuz they're all grouped together but if you're a nation like Italy UK France the United States a bit more difficult cuz you spread out across a large area of the world so an easy way of doing it it's going to your naval map mode this one to you select the fleet's these ones are fleets select them by holding shift and right click and put them into reserve select the reserve and then press G which is the merge key which is this one here boom and then we'll all magically merge in one area easy the Sears has a naval focus we're gonna go for naval rearm and naval effort I'm gonna try a bit build up a large enough fleet take on the UK I'm gonna try and start them out by convoy rating them heavily and then we intercept their fleet and do a nice sea line and I'll end this series beautifully I've got a bunch of half complete submarines here so we're gonna complete these and then we'll start working on a fresh new fleet this guy's almost done anyway this is a popular question people ask what naval doctrine should I go for so just summarize them very briefly bait strike has a focus on carriers and the smaller screening ships that protect them trading diction is focusing on a smaller fleet and trying to remain hidden and finally fleet in being is you have a massive fleet that is loud and proud seen as a flee it's gonna be small and we are going to have a lot of emphasis on submarines we are gonna go up a trade in diction the first thing we're gonna learn about is naval exercise this is a new ability of manly goods so exercise you're free which remain in them gain XP up to maximal level 3 and it will also gain your naval XP which is very useful because it allows you to rush doctrines as well as a bunch of naval texts as well the downside is your ships can no damage so you have to put them back to repair and also it will consume fuel in this case you are gonna see you'll go from 3 years well to 246 days which overall isn't worth it because of the other day we are going to gain one point zero nine naval XP per day which we'll be able to use on research our ships have sustained damage whilst doing exercises and they've decided to go back to port to repair why I decided to do that now it's because they set on repair priority high so even when they sustain a small amount of damage they were turned back to poor and repair so they will not sustain more damage in future the question now is what port do they choose to go back to when they want to repair that is gonna be from my experience the closest port there is nearby there are some ports you walk you won't want them to go back to because the ports are very small in this case this is a naval base one and it will only sustain a one chip on repair one at a time that's not really cost-effective so you want to try and repair them all at once to get through them getting back into service immediately in this case they've gone back here so how do you tell them not to go to a port that you don't want you just hold down control and then you left click on those ports and it's just saying don't go to those ports ever alternatively and my preferred way of doing it is you takes this bus says automatically split off is now to say but you click it and it is now enabled so what will happen in future not for now but for future when there is a damaged ship that that individual ship will break away from the fleet and go back to port to repair and then return back to the fleet once fully repaired and that way the fleet will still be out at sea and this area will not be exposed look for repairs in progress you go back to the production screen and it goes naval repair queue here you can see the ships that currently are being queued up to repair all the ones that are in the queue are the ones that are ones that are gonna be repaired soon there is a limitation on how many you can repair at the same time and that is how many naval dockyard you assign to be repaired in this case we have assigned three when you assign three naval dockyard they are pulled from the production queue here for maintaining and construction ships and then prioritized for repairs in this case got 24 days for this top ship and then when this one is done the next one the queue will be repaired if we want to repair them quicker and repair some of the ones in the bottom faster you can just increase the amount of repairs as you can see this ship now is being repaired but the downside is we are pulling naval dockyard from our production queue which I prefer new ships the walls the repair queue in this case we can assign every single we've got 13 and then straight away within a month we'll be able to get them back at sea Nate doing naval exercises as you can see when one ship finished has been repaired the next one gets added to the queue and then they further work down the list as you can see some of the ships that have only had light damaged and there are smaller ships a lot quicker to repair such as destroyers and submarines and as you can see the ones at the bottom only take about three or four days to fully repair from there light damage we go now all ships are fully repaired they returned back to the mission that they were previously given but now we've got the automatic split off is turned on so that means now when ships do sustained damage they will automatically go back to poor one at a time and return back and forth underneath each sea zone underneath the mission order you can see events that have happened at this particular mission in this case we have an accident training one nine damage sustained you click on that and you can see the ship that has sustained the damage in this case is this u7 and it is sustained heavy damage to the submarine the result of that has gone back to poor to repair and straight away it is in the repair production queue to be repaired remember when it's in the production queue it is assigned one naval dockyard and that one naval dockyard is pulled from the production of new ships this isn't new this was in the game prior to man the guns but when you work researching new ships you can assign them either to a poor or to an existing fleet so what we'll do is assign the to the existing fleet that is exercising meaning when the ship is constructed it will automatically go to this fleet and start the order which in this case is naval exercises if you forgot to assign a new ship to a an existing fleet and the automatically ends up in poor instead if you want to merge these two fleets together all you can do is select both at least one of them hold shift and then both of them will be in there the people are selected and then you press G to merge them in this case this button here otherwise you can hold shift here and hold those together and I'll do it the same thing and press G and that will merge them up and now they're all actively in this naval order I'm gonna go down a historical path for Germany so we are gonna go for u-boat effort gives a boost for subs as well as a special cruiser haul that we can unlock too early on as well okay brief overview about fuel this is your fuel capacity don't worry too much about the green and red bar at the bomb the bit you need to worry about is the number at the top so that red indicates how much we have left until we run out with the current consumption rate you will be out of fuel in 8 days when you run out of fuel tanks will be incredibly slow and ships and planes will suffer a penalty for their combat ability so let's just demonstrate we're gonna take our ships off as h2 hold that's the order counts the order then right-click on the port to move them back to port and now the number is going up so it means that now there's 17 days left 23 36 days left is 35 days left and the reason why you probably thinking I'm not using any fuel or what's going on I am using a little bit of fuel using these planes in Spain and we're using these tanks here as well right now we have more days to use fuel for the two purposes we are using it for right now but the fleet just consumed a large amount of fuel when active just to demonstrate what I'll do is I'll select my air wing turn off air superiority and also I'll make sure my tanks aren't moving and now you can see we are gaining fuel but when the number is green in this case five plus years it's telling me that we are now increasing our storage of fuel in five years for the games telling me is we will fill our full silos full of fuel let's select a naval ship designer so here we go we've got the Atlantic Fleet or we have the reading fleet designer but this just kind of reflects on the plan you're gonna go with this is more plan Z and this is more of your submarine base u-boat fleet as you can see it reduces visibility of subs surface visibility and also increases speeds of you sub so this is the one we're gonna go with let's make our first submarine so the easiest way when you'll first look in the naval designer the building ships is to summarize what ship you want to build in this case it's gonna be a submarine but these are all raw templates that you can't select and this is an existing class of ship that we currently already have this has torpedoed two tubes as well as a standard engine engine one it has an extra slot that we can fill out either with mine laying off a more torpedo damage in this case what we're gonna do is go for the early submarine hole so it starts out with early 1936 named 40 and the 1944 so one two three four there we go them the submarines are on the bottom there in this case we have the submarine one which is the early submarine hull can't make this because it is lacking the modules required to operate this so we select it you have the option now to either fit the standard engine or we can go for an improved engine this results in more production costs but overall it gets you more speed and submissive Billy so we're gonna go up to the slightly larger engine and of course we need some attack on the submarine which is the bottom left slot which is a required module we can to go up with the standard torpedos or the larger ones in this case we're gonna go for the standard ones cuz this is just gonna be hunting convoys they're gonna save this class of ship as you can see here basic convoy Raider here 420 production think that on the bomb assigned naval dot yards and we are gonna select where I want you guys to go which will pop you there a different port here I start working on some improvements for our submarines whenever you whenever you research a new submarine you get with it the improved torpedo module you can see this is number three two and then four so if you want to you can use an old submarine haul and fit it with a torpedo for it's completely optional just up to you just increases the production cost as a result of having more torpedo attack same applies for engines as well so if you want to take is fit or really up today fast reliable engine in an old model that's totally up to you the downside of using older models is that don't have as many module slots so you have less flexibility and overall their stats on the old holes and to be not as good there are three torpedo upgrades here we've got a magnetic detonator we have homing torpedo we also have electric torpedo these to increase damage of torpedoes this one reduces reveal chance for submarines there's also two other upgrades that are linked into the mark today models as submarines and that is snorkels a simple air cheap running from the engine room to the control room extended it allows the submarine to turn its engines and charge its engines while still submerged this overall reduces the visibility of the sub although it's harder to detect from the enemy although the submarine 3 can have the basic submarine snorkel in this case we are gonna work on submarine 3 but not quite yet because there's a little bit too far ahead what we can do now is go for magnetic detonator and this will increase sub tack by 20% and we can also spend 50 of our naval XP reduce it from 183 days down to 79 we have a new advisor too and this guy's new he is the submarine specialists not only does this guy gain daily naval XP gain but he also gains a research bonus of 20% per trade addiction 20% let's talk about the naval composition editor with this you can make a template of how you want your fleet to look how many ships should represent this fleet you can do this by just clicking on any fleet and then clicking on this button here and it shows you the task force composition editor there were this you create the fleet size that you want and in future you can reference back to it as a template so in this case we are going to assign 20 submarines to this template I call this raiding fleet they they select what kind of role this fleet is gonna be done in this case it's gonna be a raiding fleets of skull and crossbones 20 only got two of 20 the moment hit okay you have to click the button that says automatic reinforcement the idea is that when this fleet takes damage and loses ships the reserves will fill out this ship and bring it back up to 20 submarines what we want it to become to demonstrate what we'll do is we'll put this fleet right now into the lower Baltic on a mission and what we're gonna do is select our main fleet and right-click it here in the reserves Q then we resume the game and as you can see automatically it's come from two ships we use these two ones we've just made and now all the other ships that we're in reserve are automatically filled out this fleet so what does this mean it means that if this fleet is in combat and it loses some submarines while some of them get damaged up to return to pour automatically it will pause ships from reserves to make sure it is at the optimal amount which is 20 ships ok what I'm gonna do just to make it very visual and easier to see is I'm going to right click on some reset the fleet I'm gonna right click on new theater and this is gonna be our raiding fleet raiding theater perfect and also to make it easy to see we're gonna change the icon of this fleet as well so the icon here is the specific task force the reserve fleet 1 and we can change this to whatever we need so this case skull and crossbones red I'll make it a light colored red this is the fleet itself click on that fleet icon and we can give this an icon to we'll make this a white skull and crossbones alright let's talk about Admirals so here we go this is the icon to assign an admiral and these are all the Admirals we've got available there are similar to generals they've got traits personality traits they're unique to them and they also have traits they can gain through experience and from spending a manpower you probably already guess where I'm going with this because all of the sub ones are across the top Seawolf silent hunter torpedo expert lands unloading drill master we have our buddy here Karl dönitz he has awesome stats across the board he is a sea Wolf's against extra attack and he also gains extra XP when he uses his flee as well so we are gonna select him we are gonna select him again and we are going to select his details because we can assign more traits to him as well to make him even better the first one that's no-brainer is gonna be saddle Haunter this reduces the chance of being revealed when you fire you torpedoes then when next one we've got the option is torpedo expert or we have a loading drill master loading drill master is quite useful if you are using your submarines to engage capital ships which mana like you'll need several torpedoes to sink them where this case top Edo expert just means we're gonna increase the chance we're gonna hit them then we're gonna go for that one feels weird to do it but we're gonna work on radar as Germany we need access to this surface detection which would be really useful for our fleet in future and also much the submarines but we will take advantage of it for our regular ships one thing to keep in mind is you should be developing your ship to fulfil certain roles destroyers are very effective at detecting submarines and then damaging those submarines cruisers tend to be very effective at spotting other ships and heavy cruisers tend to be for the fighting for dueling out with other capital ships and smaller ships and you've got carriers tend to behave like more flexible battleships or they have the ability to hit from significantly far away and also you've got submarines which tend to be for raiding but I will also be using them for spotting as well so with that in mind I can't go without destroyers and so now in this case we are gonna go for the actives so now right we've got two task force to four tillers of subs so let's send those out training right now and get them a bit of experience I've got one point three years with a few left if we maintain this oil consumption that's pretty good for now let's design a destroyer a countering submarines I'm gonna select destroyer we're gonna go with the 1936 hole so that's destroyer - a - I'm gonna call this sub hunter we're okay with a standard engine we don't need torpedoes we need level two sonar we need to have an armament because it requires it or a Australia so a light battery will be fine and then finally we need some depth charges to deal damage to the sub so in this case we'll add one depth charge this is our basic cheapo sub hunter we'll add this to the production queue and then this can be added hidden away in the electronics tab you do have access to improve fire control these are like computers that go inside capital ships as well as destroyers and they benefit from more light anti-air and heavy tack the way of calculating where ships a position so you can aim at them and be more accurate accuracy is translated in Holly 4 by giving more overall damage mid a new task force with 21 ships here so that's one more than I one so how do I detach one of these submarines off these is we're doing it's just a right-click here on the number of ships and select one of them what it's done here is it's created two task forces we now have access to our first Raider that increases surface detection by five so why not take advantage of it so I'm going to set the submarine I'm going to select the destroyer the first one we've not produced one yet we've only got one naval dockyard assigned to it it will ship that to the top will select the sub Haunter class I'm gonna call this the mark 2 we're gonna add the sonar on to this slot for some reason so now fire control can only be on this module and then this module which is so now we're gonna change that to radar Dave it'll now say that this model is out a day because it's just the soap on there but if we left click here click destroyers we could see the mark 1 so like city says we lose 21 days with the production it doesn't really matter and we'll continue from there let's make a few more Naval Dockyard so we can keep the production of our destroyers up so we'll add additional four stick nails to the top of the build queue let's talk about naval terrain there are only four different kinds you have shallow sea you have fjords and archipelagos you have ocean and you have deep ocean let's go to the terrain map mode and you can see a bit more clearly without one of the deep ocean this benefits submarines and capital ships we're screening ships suffer a penalty you've got oceans that doesn't give any pros or cons for anyone you have shallow seas which give extra visibility of a sub system enter for subs and finally you have fjords and archipelagos which is a bonus to all screening ships but the larger ships suffer a penalty it's not a lot you need to know really if you have a smaller fleet and you're worried about getting intercepted make screening ships and hide in fjords and archipelagos if you're gonna be combo raiding avoid shallow seas aim for deep oceans one good tactic for small nations with small neighbors let's say Greece let's say Yugoslavia because you've got access to fjords and archipelagos we can just do is make screening ships and just play defensively within these areas and you could train lure enemy fleets into these areas where you are gonna fight it and there's an advantage because you are gonna have predominantly screening ships where they're going to be predominantly capitals so the other boul be more evenly balanced another method of splitting up certain ship types from a flea is one you can either right-click and select all submarines by selecting here from the fleet itself or you can click on this bond creating a new task force you can click here select all submarines and now it's broke up all submarines from everything that was on the main fleet I know you're expecting a naval guide but I'll show you I'll show you what I'm doing on the ground as well so what strategy could go with if you were a nation like Germany or Italy or any other nation in the axis that might struggle with oil is you could build silos which increases the overall storage of your fuel and need prior to the war happening you can import loads of oil in this case will import nine all right now take 181 days to fill out our storage now it's gonna take 43 days so that'll give you a massive injection of oil all prepared for the war and to keep the supply lines moving once again I'm not forgotten about my ground forces I am gonna exercise my pilots and get them ready for the war there we go why is this ship here this is the pride of the Oh use additional five war support when it exists it also gains extra 25% extra experience once you so gives you an incentive to use it and it has a significant less chance of receiving a critical hit there's not much incentive to do but you couldn't assign a pride of the flight and you can give it to another fleet if another ship if you did want to as well you do assign it will give you a it will cost your political power it will gain some war support and the same effects will apply if your two choices with this you can actively use this ship in the frontline but there is a penalty if it gets sunk one you'll lose your 5% will all support if it's sunk in the first 30 days you will have an additional penalty of war support and minus 10% in that case a maximum of minus 15% war support there's not much point changing our part of the fleet at the moment because we are already receiving that 5% pride of the fleet bones anyway if this ship does get sunk you might wanna replace it with another ship just to gain the extra war support to take advantage of more extra defense on core territory mobilization speed command power gain etc well the question you're gonna ask is what is the difference between a light in a heavy cruiser the difference is the battery that goes on the main gun a rapid fire battery a light battery is a light cruiser a medium battery is a heavy cruiser so how do you refit ships in this case we'd like to grade some of our light cruisers into ones that have more modern radar in this case we're gonna go into here the leipzig class is our latest bruiser this is the model itself what we can do here is add on the radar then pull upgrade that'll do save that but this is the light cruiser Hulsey now if we select the ship we've got the option to upgrade to upgrade the ship and add on the new refitted model in this case it's the type c totally small upgrade and i've found from experience small grades tend to be cost effective how big upgrades on the other hand just take too long it's just about making a shoe ship in this case this will do just fine so we look great this one it's it's going to take 16 days we don't greet this one so it's gonna take 16 days it works a lot like repairs it's gonna go back to here get added to the production queue now they're way in and this case will shift these to the top because it what needs to be done first and now we're working on the upgrades first and this upgrade will be done in no time in less than about two weeks radar stations this is nice to know in addition the radars are increasing detection of enemy fleets at sea it's gonna increase your spotting chance at sea by having radars nearby let's get oil from Romania instead and we'll take all of your oil okay Danzig old war they would call it this one boys you've enjoyed this episode don't forget to like and to subscribe don't forget to ring the bell the ways your subscription means nothing if this is your cup of tea and you like the I concept of this let's play verse guide let me know in the comments and also Spang a light blonde my lets me know that i could make more of this kind of content I'll see you guys next time have a good day [Music]
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 173,512
Rating: 4.9466472 out of 5
Keywords: funny, comedy, feedbackgaming, guide, hoi4 guide, hoi4, man the guns, Drew Durnil, America, drew durnil, new dlc, dlc, hoi4 dlc, man the guns guide, hoi4 walkthrough, isp, isorrow, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4 dlc, hoi4 man the guns, man the guns walkthrough, germany man the guns, naval guide man the guns, man the guns navy, naval guide hoi4, man the guns naval, hearts of iron, world war two
Id: tWbsxONW6OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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