Natural 20s inspired by Love | Critical Role

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and you can see now there is uh secret assume and uh uh lord briar what about kind of standing over what looks to be a small cluster of cloth the dread the source of the dread ice cream and can i can i attack yeah yes i did [ __ ] it i'm doing it oh jesus lightning arrow right at her face don't miss okay go for it roll for it that's right oh well that's hard uh that's that's a that's kind of wedged yeah yeah it's always a weird overall natural sweating comes through your veins an attempt to vengeance at what apparently seems to be your twin brother at death's door you pull the arrow from back your quiver as you feel like the energy gather from the the atmosphere around you while the energy itself is like a blue crackling energy you just see it as bright vibrant crimson red and you release it with a scream towards lady briarwood when do i get another attack though yes you do okay then i'm gonna i'm gonna attack you through my blazing bowstring yes mitchell sweaty by my brother i certainly invoked the fury [Music] okay eight plus seven is fifteen plus two for brazers so that's what seventeen times two is thirty four hundred five plus hundred smart damage which is another [ __ ] six uh all right so that ends your turn uh that brings us to uh delilah cupcake there's no on fire um [ __ ] turns to these guys don't look at me like that now laura blazing right um what do you want to offer to the skill challenge for this event something something that that you as an individual bring to this and bring to the connection to percy to try and i say uh percy i don't know if you can hear me but [Music] that day in singhorn was one of the best moments of my life and not because of what you think it wasn't because of my father or the title it was because of white stone it was because of you you allowed me to be a part of thing that you hold dearest and i was so proud but i don't want to be here if you're not white stone still needs you darling i still need you here and i lean down and i kiss him and i say i should have told you it's yours persuasion wrong i trust you okay okay being presented who wishes to take the next presentation i have a couple things to say but i know i'm already okay um well i reach in my pocket and i pull out um a little doll and scanline i i i don't i don't know if you remember this but you gave this to me and it's a little doll of you which is very appropriate um but when i died this saved my life because you gave it to me and i didn't know that you would put healing words in it and it saved me and i hope that today i can return the favor so place that next to him i've prepared a poem i don't have it memorized so hold on okay here lie scandal in the bard a gnome who sang soft but died hard to anyone who hears us both far and wide bring us back our dirty friend at least one more time he may not be tall or brute or rough he may be little but his heart is buff we are a party and every party needs a clown without our friend to reign us in we'll burn down your whole [ __ ] town you see i love this gnome very much he's small like me but he's touched he's raided and slain he's pooped while he's saying but if he's gone forever i won't be the same now that he's learned he's a dad the journey that all of us had cannot be in vain will not be in waste please scanlin open your eyes and see your daughter's face i'd say go ahead and make make a performance check with advantage okay okay that's good i just rolled a natural 20. [Music] all right uh as you finish the poem you wrote and step back the the second of the three portions of the circle comes aglow to maintain one of your spells i do a useless scan of the ocean out of desperation perception should be anything i'll join yeah yeah yeah natural 20. it's true it was a gill dice it was gil's dice you can see you can 31 31 perception's 11. um you take a moment and you don't know if it's the sense of the sky spell and something about the arcane winds that blow the ley lines of magic that traverse across alexandria but something guides your attention that way and you focus real hard and you see jazz at the horizon what looks to be a very very faint speck of movement [ __ ] up there they are oh [ __ ] i don't know i think puts his hand on her shoulder and says oh child i take off on the road right now wishing that she no i know i know but look look there's there's something it could be something else but there's something cute i'm going i'm going i went you are fast you can on the broom full speed holding onto the hat as fast as you can the wind of the ocean air coming past your face the salt and the briny spray of you know bits of reef and rock that surround the island um i'm trying to give vex over the earpiece like a warmer warmer warmer colder the little twin 10 degrees to your left um you you do look out and you see both keema and allura swimming through the ocean um exhausted and it looks like uh based on both the heavy armor the kim is wearing and the general physical state they're both having a hard time treading water and they're swimming in the wrong direction i fly over them and just tell them hang on to the broom oh oh that's that's the that's the best thing i could have helped sing and uh uh allura reached and grabs your arm and kima hold on and just grabs the edge and you can see keema now it's like he's like coughing up water right now and it's trying desperately to tread water um [Music] it's natural 20 on a strength check for allura holy [ __ ] with no modifier manages to hold on to both you and keema and getting you up and carrying them both back as fast as the broom which is not very fast at this time it takes you probably a good 15 or so minutes and as the tensions going on you can see allure getting more more exhausted uh we're almost there darling i'm trying i just i i just keep saying facts did you find them i'm taking the carpet that direction facts if it's been this long carrick has given i'm just crying in carrick's shoulder right now just bawling my eyes out i'll be back in a moment i'm taking the carpet towards the spec i see on the and probably 10 minutes in is where i would have given it a 10 minute i'm on the way with it yeah at this point you can see you can see allura's grip is getting shaky on the broom now and says we're almost close enough now and then harikima vanished in a puff of dark bluish uh energy and appear on the carpet next to you through dimension door i'm so tired
Channel: SpeckoVids
Views: 144,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, vox machina, natural 20, vex, vax, percy, scanlan, Resurrection, death, kima, allura, matthew mercer, love, laura bailey, liam o'brien, marisha ray, sam riegel, taliesin jaffe, travis willingham, grog
Id: CrrpRp5SElI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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