Critical Role: Your Voice Actor is Showing Campaign 1

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Matthew Mercer who T Mercer everybody a great voice actor great guy great dungeon master say this Matthew Mercer never has to audition for me for any role in a project I direct ever again he is so committed to his dungeon mastering Dungeon Master I don't know what it is but he was so good he played 17 different characters and embodied them physically snapped into every different role constantly I thought he was that sort of smarmy Guard stationed in front of the outpost at one point then I thought he was the bad guy that we were sent to kill turn into an old fart it's close ah hi nice to meet you where are you from you had an accident next few a whisper to my sister he had parents they were related somewhat I'm not going to say cool poster oh yes yes yes Laura who are you how did you find me what is your purpose he asked no misfire I got I got it I can eyes try right you go ahead and roll as you your disadvantage she's up you and there's a slight delay and you wonder why isn't working in this horrible you guys now see its motion stop and you get a full view of it's horrible like form actually slaps the plate on your hand news sticks into the ceilings thankfully returns back to your belt side because magical belts are cool what's technicals real back and pullback in severe pain and it roars this horrible screeching arms are trying to pull up off the ground just flipping around as the entity turns around its head cut off to the side it's tendrils produced flailing around it and any of you speak janitors grog talked grog translates essentially they say we'll take you but it's at your own folly don't take us take us as in grow can you ask them take us as in lead us or on their back he's got a northern accent who's become trinkets all right I'll do whatever it takes to protect my Becks this feature tries anything that'll tear its throat from its head sounds super sexy man and just cresting over the top of this platform is the edge of the alabaster snout overlapping you hear this it's a growling snarl and this little voice kind of spill settlement Nathan says why don't you if you're going to arrive and present yourselves do not bring in the known do you desire a gnome Shire I would like to know more performing right to kill you know make sure he is a foul mouth in many a song fetching I assure you sire this gnome has many songs a very tiny instrument there announce themselves be careful there they're pretty steep I haven't actually gone within the mount range myself and I've been within a few miles of it just to make sure that I could market with on my map but uh but yeah it should be fine so I need to finish it before I can give it to a printer to make more what's your name teriyaki fury awk Matthew we've been doing this for three years and you stuff [ __ ] you hear a sudden clap of thunder whose rumbling through the sky hello charming my name is personal friendship signed by music kawaski the role of the third ha oh you came looking for how do you know it asks about the black powder but he knew it had a purpose yes you wish to buy it how much you want [Music] speak up I haven't hold a 4620 three gold pieces for the Bears if I can see 500 400 I send attention my said sir you have a deal glorious comes around in just jams and pushes you out take both you I the arms and pushes you out slams door behind and you're left kind of standing there half covered in black and black powder in the center of the thoroughfare comfortable with it you're pretty sure it just translates to easiest number to count to so [Music] I'll and and I instantly like a skier woods on him I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll get a blood sprays hold my hand there it's a misfire pepperbox you go to the shoot and there you go the actual barrel it's okay just hit me once water elemental seems appropriate knowledge yes all right and planar bindings alright so and I talk to him in my elemental speech which I can do and you say I say we make sure nothing brings him in even an enormous vision of death a grinning ancient green dragon it's wings are kind of curled around its form as it looks down at the rest of you in the middle of this open space is delicious scatter all right shun enjoys the taste of - at which point this sleeps down on the stage all right and a frenzied rage all right take out Kraven age I say how do you feel about dragon there I think it sounds delicious let's try a test great weapon master run up to the dragon and hack away alright me another set of wings I'm slamming down the large black dragon and it's like just kind of toying with you it's climbing across the rooftops and just watching you as you run I mean Jesus here I'm shuffling under breath hear this voice come just tearing through the center of the cloud top district saying move on I claim this is my domain now the rest of you have a test complete goal I shall remain and set a new domain of the chroma stop stop stop what you're doing stop it what have you done what have you [ __ ] done a flame base elemental energy that's tearing over the side of a newly fallen petrified not petrol floyd petrified tree no could you've done this is your phone 34:38 4444 hollow damage I don't think I appreciate that I'm saving all your [ __ ] arses out here hey who are you bringing here and the off behind uses apparently a blood relative of keV Dax is he really useful Joe I see your eyes still serves you well city came across you have no we breathe these [ __ ] out of him for being a liar no you should have beat the [ __ ] out of him for being a coward he begged me to let him go you know what I remember I remember a herd that nations used to part for I remember a herd that towns used to quake and run from I'll remember a herd that was so proud in dangerous they would never hold up in a [ __ ] stick city like this I will never have expected this a very very long time so you come here cast away of the herd of storms you have my attention now what words do you bring my ears before I'd say them from your skull boy hello uncle the piece of [ __ ] you wiped off your boot has come home you and me I challenge you to single combat for the pride of this herd I've been a fool you are truly a foe to be reckoned with and I will slowly drop to my knees no no crock and I will shout out books machina to shock walk [ __ ] come soon see you soon can I hit my head on the door where the way out yeah nothing nothing just taking notes Oh people out there yes Oh interesting because why not this is really high this is really really is I think we should go say hi to my friends don't you need company dear and we've like oh who are you i I am but a simple wanderer and an individual who enjoys learning about things that are new and different ways Amelie blue sparkle firs can you teach me blueberries I'm gonna Hospital forgot blueberries who taught my daughter to say blue sparkly poo come back soon please runs back to her mom's side once a woman goes you see like a burst of of Mike's face coming through her door her divine form and she says I'm sorry disappeared comes back the walls can't maintain and her form vanishes once again look in her eyes another memory here and keep me company in Oblivion to each and every one of you it's been fun to watch you know I get so disinterested in these lands I have to say I'm impressed now I wish to say I do good luck on your journeys who are you but I'm simple wanderer an individual who sees the landscape for artistic benefit I'm near it but I'm glad to have major acquaintance so definitely made these past few days absolutely devoid a border at the very least and filled my sketchbook Barney Lee yeah there's one of one names I prefer tagging as we need to approach the gate you hear a small horn just kind of give off this this arrival notifications like deeper and much more the regiment behind with a small conch cell it's partially broken there you go it's more hitpoints it's a it's it okay so it's not a small not gonna say it but the Sun is high in the sky yeah yeah lunchtime okay in lighting small around yeah yes does it still belong in my possession that this is soo tan I don't think so didn't really know those don't demo what they own so maybe it's one of them you can go ass are they close so much tentatively ending on which one you asked that you can just give us their addresses or something and we can go check it out like okay that's just like singing back arm does he seem like she seems like totally like she'll this is the way this dude toga Steen 29 the Badlands South Dakota lights up on the McAllister farm mama a sturdy country woman comes in from the windy dusty farm and slams the doors Joker jr. get your slowpoke molasses ass down here entered you you're a simpleton down the stairs good sound effects guys kind of big in me alright these look sorry I didn't do no chores mama I'm a simpleton you'll be sorry when I run this cat and I'll tails over your rear end school acres well teacher Sally died this evening before last not sweet sweet Sally my rear and I'm gonna miss her what did her in a drunk smashes a beer bottle against the family cat he kills us all around here just policemen here MA I found your bagpipes to play the best funeral your brother is a fun character do you mean a dick from your standards yes being from where I'm standing I find it hilarious we ask you questions which is bull named Francois behind jean-luc Australia and transference of ownership that are yours to take you to sugar do a demonstration do they have names no it's your choice to name them well ow it's no use no one has enough money for our slaves forget it we should clean up and go home of course master of course though we tried so hard but it was worth a try but we must I can be the first guys you're saying this bring the caffeine puts a hand up and its mouth doesn't move but you hear a voice piercing deep inside your head oh [ __ ] it says stop I have discourse to make with you small matter of course I am here to sell if you are here to buy I have interest with your Sammy yes or two you have access anything that goes boom well because what they be expecting is the fifty men to come in and hold the game I'm gonna retire this is cut hi how are you gonna tack Dale go to die today what are you doing pretty much the same thing man this will explode very loudly how much damage you know I've honestly been too nervous to ever find out may we bring it my plan good can I just give you a quick note planning cushaw is very staccato he's very very clipped I feel like when you're just talking normally you're so warm and unpleasant but when you're planning you get this this voice that you use it's very good grating I'm just saying just try to even out your tone do some breathing exercises working your diaphragm let's go he wants one one great you want a greater or yes please okay we have one great two left last the last one is as far as I would also like to takes it is how to open the court what color drink some ale use your magic canister like empties you know fills three small glasses over we're playing this game three years you wait three years to pull out that brand new sound effect of a cork on the back there is a critical role logo [Laughter] I've been good money for that thank you thank perfect you - oil my home after what you've done below I will watch you dissolved before I suck down your liquid forms slowly curling out from the darkness ahead of you survival and victory mean everything oh shut up you flyingsuitcase you we're all mutes and you were lepers and mutes and you are our doctor everybody else just does like fearful anime reacts this giant bluish doorway just erupts across the way facing away from facing away from you you see all of you that the somewhat darkened shadowed ravine is now suddenly aglow with bright vibrant bluish light the blue light turns to crimson to a deep burning red and you hear this horrible deep sucking sound and you watch as yank the goriest roast throne from its landing in the center of the ravine make all the action figure sounds Matt Vogel lands you can see the icicles kind of crystallizing in struck form just goes running forward and just slams boring with its horns watch me play with my toys guys 13 no sight the first arrow you aim for it it it streaks off and hits another wounding it's jammed and pull back the second arrow and right as you see the snow beginning to blind the image this one moment of clarity that hits you released the arrow piercing inside where the wound does were one of the angst horns and gash into its front of his chest poor girl and just spins into a corkscrew plummets and crashes into the side of the ravine tumbles backwards come tumbling onto it for girl hits the ground she smacked open as it begins to get back up bunch of rocks laying down in one big shard of Isis slams into still like riding in blazes angry or raging two lives runs and takes one swing it skids across the scales of the front thorn axe chest kind of leaning past the giant scar in the center see no damage to the thorax gonna you kind of look up into the beaming star like eyes and angrily this time the axe sinks in the laughter stops yeah yeah book especially as those are just alone she inhales the chest expanding each and every there's a street dragon blood and agendas and you watch as portions of the scar in the chest to know like split almost like like a fresh wound and look like pus begins to pour forth it's nasty this is you guys bring me to the greatest places oh he's not looking so good well I I understand these have been very trying this if there's anything we do to help let me know you know how to help this dog why won't you all just stay down and die with dignity [Music] you watches as Azariah Xiang kind of chuckles one of the tendrils flashes out and wraps around the throat and slobber begins to drip from the lower jaws right shun distress opposed to speaking nuggets to a guttural [ __ ] and I'm going to go to bed as the hammer arcs downward is he you from the corner grog and you see the VAX holding the still body of Scanlon just dangling out of his arms no no no fix him or somebody do something like empties you know Phil's three small glasses passed over a new play in this game three years you wait three years to pull out that brand-new sound effect of a cork okay so same time how do you see oh yeah I've seen it and oh it's [ __ ] terrible it I'm not a science melon easting but it's big your beard is glorious thank you yours isn't too bad yourself buddy I'm gonna cast a minute [ __ ] I'm gonna cast animals on him steak drink it drink it everything's fine it's underwater it's very work you're gonna make me cry dear we're gonna be swimming for a little while all right do you feel okay with this you can breathe just breathe in it's just like land only not we're good are you alright alright your heads up you may be turned into a whale whoa I've been here long time and I'll be here long after you are dust feed me and give me sustenance I'll fight my way through some for a greeting I mean as much as there is one it's it's a pretty abrupt and the you if you were keeping tabs on this it's it's it's pronounced COO [ __ ] [ __ ] goodbye is very similar cool trick maybe you like a yes and a no and then we'll totally leave you to your work cuz I feel like I've totally interrupted like your flow yes yes or an acknowledgment it's more about yeah yeah ninety one where we force a pet to make up an entire language on this is so hopefully dr. Doolittle nice night and learn ermahgerd sure that's it there is there's no no there it it it looks like it can't really communicate their dad who is talk damaged common rules oh you are from her own certainly not every Maggard I don't know my god oh do me good could I possibly entertain you with some company it would be a change of pace that is quite welcome take a seat both of you make a deception leans in real close to you like give a little bit at which like maybe I'm the damage behind it you are found in the seating stages of about trusted of dissipator enough sentenced to more or reassignment and delivery you are for victim endearing yeah um I'm spoiled and harmed now to guide you and the creature walked up with the bars and clutches the side staring at you you seek out this yes here's under the ceiling of this goth though is God is not and interiors day you must leave this room turn right left straight straight left straight then right the iron door with a things green bears the mark your quarry now like that is paid goodbye right web straight straight right love Street no right left Street Street right right the walk picking at me care about dry mud no you got as long as we're all free already and one even just gets spattered across the back here knuckles but the other are you here oh fly off whoa the shape changes so what were you weird Dame's don't see 2.0 take this down Terry yes duty how handsome a my dairy I heard very dirty could you sing to me Darien my mom Darien my boy she guess it's the book down a walk so puts our hands out about to so take some of the sides of the face and pulls we inform what I've been making my way through your library oh oh my books in my room yes I have had a lot of time to myself been bit under the weather for some time and these have kept me fine company oh that's lovely I hope you've enjoyed them as much as I did what's your favorite one not this piece of trash she says done there's one the rivers dawn who's a a Billy before the rivers dawn yes yeah before the rivers does that one yes yes it's it don't was on it was sort of a a continuation of the the creation myth of wild mountains but it turned into the spirits for God's is these two fawns and they fell in love but could not be together because the dawn had to rise and his son would shun this it was very very beautiful no it was it was but also heartbreaking at the same time how much so it reminded me of you well you said you have things [ __ ] you up right so what would that be considered patron see I don't want to go in you know send someone to the local temple but under the table bring it quicker than you've seen your father move he has grabbed a chair behind him and thrown it across the room smashing it against the nearby wall I take a step forward and just unsheath a dagger an inch and say we're gonna keep this civil today aren't we how'd you have no right to talk to me I was learning about the world and about life and about family I was learning from these fine people what it means to really be a family and care about each other I learned I learned from grog and VAX what it means to be a man and to be a father I learned from Pike what it means to be a caring mother I learned from Kela what a real sister is like one who loves you and cares for you I learned from Beck's what a best friend is like these are things that you never gave us growing up I even learned from Percival the type the type of man I would want to marry one day and we never got that at home and from this day forth I'm going to create a home my home that I own that values and respects the opinions of each family member and for the first time not even the other evening in which there was a sort of feigned softness to him you have read through before and seen the first time you see your father is a broken man and he looks up at you oh I lost everything I did this to us I'm sorry I am too he starts flapping his weight his his arms right at you I need to make a wisdom saving throw we're wobbling in through the doorway of the end as the Sun in the afternoon is going down to dusk oh there they are this one this one under the city that is crazy [Laughter] hey yeah can you tell me where there's a really sick tree maybe in the for your whales that sounds sad but no I don't know a tree like that a venire Whitestone since day one graduated from Berkeley you apparently kind of live in the middle of all these arcane ley lines of the world yeah how far do those stretch way Kiki my cows commute with nature and Ryan connector with century grab the root so you feel the warmth flow through your hands and their your consciousness connects with that at the Sun tree and you you are both present in that same plant space [Music] century Wow hey Sun tree thank you can I just you know without burning a question can I just personally ask you just how you doing man doing all right yeah so cold but sure why it's soon can't say I do god dammit kids calm down I'm happy to answer your questions invite you to myspace just because I'm not an all-seeing tree don't be angry with me angry in general just it's really easy for you to say son - yeah oh yes it is a pleasure to have you back how are things in my absence they have been well in your aura mean done for a few hours but they've been uneventful oh yes yes that's right yes any any new reports of of the hooded people none within the town not since last Oh millena it's good to see you anyway you like it make sure you like super strong I really yeah that's right no fraternizing oh oh that's the fancy fellow you've brought with you yeah the new Scanlon you know right hello I'm Terry and Arrington quite pleased to spend some time with your friends for the last year and mmm it's uh you have wonderful friends you should honor and cherish them they are the best people I've ever met in my life and this is a lovely home you have Scanlan don't be rude this bone it's nice to meet you too thank you for looking after my friends I I guess any friend of hawks Malkin as a friend of mine I don't know you can you can use the downstairs the basement room but we can keep going straight where their light is yeah they might still be look hello and I call hello okay that goes Oh have you working together but you could you could talk to Scanlon about it and see if he would be reaction it Lisa nosebleed you're suggesting that I Scanlon shortfalls bequeath my employee child to this gentleman here do you mean to me you mean chod could join my brigade well yes I guess that's what they're talking about I don't see why not he's very strong yes and I won't have much use for him for a while so if you'd like to take him and you hope a gauge you can't well I mean not we're not going to I'm not going to say no to a fellow member of Vox marking on now am I tuneless before you make a fool of yours I've watched you since you stepped into my domain and I'm not going to lie it's spin entertain I admire your notion it reminds me of others who've tried what you are try but they're dead so I leave the choice to you I have no plan we're fully Leroy James I mean just slowly [Music] the guard captain there immediately singing this reaches back and pulls a horn off his belt and goes snap the whole horns make him angrier go crazy with rage angrily start stomping around not affecting anything directly in its vicinity the only way down is if we slowly walk away in different directions [Laughter] hey sentry bro are you a century bro are you a century bad brother are you a brother are you what's your name I'm a tree the Sun okay and I'm not your bro no no no I mean I I just I didn't know if you knew the century the grill in white stone on the prime material plain I didn't know if you knew him or so because I'm a tree the son you assumed that I know Oliver Street this is one of those things sorry if I came off a bit brisk it's been a long time seen this talked to me and no I'm sorry I'm I didn't mean to offend you if I did I am apology accepted no I would most definitely not like ACK hello there I'm real yes you're real frog the voices in my head would not have spoken to that they they they they know a little bit better than that but I haven't had people here in over 35 years you you watch us two tiny Red Claws cool around the corner as these tiny in fish wings gonna hmm and you watch as his hiding imp releases from the edge of the door frame oh my god out and slams the door show yourself out to me trick I don't need you here 19 years of you is more than enough you hear muffled argument to the doors the voice because I'll stay empty you gave me permission to stay if anyone's going to lead your times I think you should go to Craig hammer and it will become a circus of performer with a little cold yeah I'm Dmytryk the magically basis yes he wasn't really going to offer information anyway who are you are you know no standing by the doorway you see their arms crossed casually standing before you welcome back oh [ __ ] [ __ ] ball you must have traveled quite a distance to be far from my sight you that sorry well as you can tell we're not from around here questions one is there's a volcano just off of this coast somewhere right hey I guess he's time to work takes the card the poles not from the table strapping young lads are taking us out to the volcano yes cold seat both look at each other alright let's wake up Santi Santi Santi Santi Santi Santi is this sea shanty technically this is captain Santee of the sea chantey the short shanty the ground we've got customers here this rustling beneath and all of a sudden the hatch slams up and barreling out from underneath you see the drunkest most unshaven unwashed gnarled Goliath you've ever seen make to the rest of this earth because no one's gonna be able to understand stomps the ground and you watch from one of the other walls strutting from what looks to be a smaller version in a second emerges two children both emerge one as you're all just standing there holding perfectly still they can't see us would just stand still they'll be fine right [Music] it's in the movement of the wings keeping you aloft and the baby's going there's enough air to like actually get a lungful here and there though it is still thin and there is still the toxic fumes here that had you not had to hear his feast you'd be having a rough time but you're not having to constantly dip into the jug anymore that was you it was me over did it come out of the speaker I [Laughter] cannot wait to get the Halloween Horror Nights of you again yeah hi bearer for turns to you sing rock smoky with a gift of timing have you anything to ease in this crisis then please take the center of the changes I believe everyone here could use some form of good news yes the dreams have spread right we've seen and spoken with the clerics all across this land and it seems that a new force has shoved its way amongst the rest of the Pantheon how do you know his company [Music] I have have you I'm I mean you could just look outside yo take it down I don't read the sighs yeah weak with respect that Elise and the visions we've seen as well the Pretender God his words channel through prayer speak of a new terror a vile tyrant and chapter believe him his words are that of our lady this threat stretches beyond the borders of a silver the clouds darken even our desert skies the specter at the age of Arcanum has indeed ascended as the clerics here are convinced and it is a threat that we have an Carell cannot ignore we are merely here to offer counsel and communication we mean no harm nor to bring our arcane knowledge to your quarters and I apologize but extenuating circumstances require strange bedfellows I think you would agree Highbury Highbury writer of Thetis with writer mommy returning from beyond more dire than a todas bass we found the dark city said oh make of all places curious indeed very well if this is true we must mobilize our forces very quickly we can push our ground troops along the blue of the grass walk road towards the range if we can choose some elite selected numbers for an on-site assault I can transport them you will do nothing of the kind these are King perversions that enable this madman and we will not allow we have druids who are familiar with the woods surrounding the base of a zen McMullin we could transport you to those trees a number of you for an initial assault while the rest of our ground forces assemble northward I am not done my apologies only Marly and myself survived with one of our rivals as we fled over the nearest mountaintop as fast as we could Marly saw and the other one takes her helmet off and you can see just caked with blood one eye from the swollen shut in a giant wound across the face I saw the city move positivity it moved I swear it I heard a rumble over the winds looked past and back over our shoulders and I saw the city begin to rise silence takes the room ah turns over to Kemah who's currently in the process of him getting in arguing with a wiper and writer did you see what like oh come on right - have you ever ridden a wyvern no well they had a metal wire that I can't stare down my riders turns around crunch chuckles and they get stripped immediately under his face the crush of metal and the bangs he spins over and she can spins around and joins Alaura side and goes you know in everybody like this place bunch of pricks good to see you guys do as well that Holy Avenger getting some action lately that's okay you come back you me I'll have a tussle don't be all doom and gloom all right it's a promise stay alive feeling right now you look back at Pike who's clutching onto the back of Jamaat's Awards seeing this her face just pale white eye is why [Music] it's also a monster okay that's how it just lie here she's turning [Applause] [Applause] I was I do all this all the time I'm a big big fan of doing terrible sound effects for physicalities the whole soundboard is Partners Program I'm like that make up that mouth and sound ridiculous one reason I like doing something stone again stoned and fires gold like that like flames you know we ever did thanks for introducing me to Dungeons & Dragons do you like it
Channel: Soda Wax
Views: 106,630
Rating: 4.9557767 out of 5
Keywords: Critical Role, Dragon Friends, Matt Mercer, Sam Regil, Sam regiel, Purvon, Pervon, Assum, Sigil, Sigel, Travis, Willingham, Marisha, Ray, Taliesin, Jaffe, Ashley, Johnson, Laura Bailey, Voice Actor, Sound Effect, liam, O'brien
Id: PlFbwZK0zOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 34sec (3934 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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