Graveface Museum - Savannah, GA

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oh shell yeah hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the south more specifically savannah georgia and even more specifically than that i'm in front of the grave face museum this is a museum that has actually opened up very recently i believe it always should open up the very beginning of this year they specialize in sideshow the bizarre and true crime and i'm very excited about checking this out so please follow me a lot of these museum focusing on all things unusual macabre unique and mysterious oh wow the devil's mouth right there some records down there some taxidermy overlooking the shop check out that baboon masonic baboon also masonic bear up there it looks like it's like they've been pet a little too much oh look at this [Music] teletubby head richard ramirez an anti-social distancing avoid people take walks at night [Music] if you're not if you're not touching your own stuff wear gloves uh while quarantining listen to music or read a book and wash your hands often all right in to the face museum oh wow i'm ryan uh as i stated i own all this so if you have questions along the way just ask this is what i call the roadside america by that i mean things you may have seen driving cross-country 40s to the 60s tourist attractions and stuff or where i got some of this uh it's got three aspects to it the freak taxidermy like clementine our five-legged cow there's a two-headed calf two-headed pig this was a performing circus bear this was this trick you got spider-man two heads and six legs so i point these things out as they were real living breathing creatures not sideshow gaps the flip side of this room are these sideshow gasps i don't need to tell you this but the fiji mermaid's probably the only example that's a nice one my personal favorite version of the fiji mermaid though is this this is a homer tape piece called fish girl from the 1940s where he cut off his wife's hair and used his cat's teeth so that's homer tate's wife's hair on there yeah so that's it's a great green zone holding it that's who we got it from oh wow um so i at this point have to my knowledge there might be some private collectors the world's largest overtake collection that's amazing probably has i don't know 15 16 pieces but i've got another 15 16 at home [Music] this is where i would tell people who the hell he is but you know who he is this is a nice ward hall used coffin lid so that's got some good sideshow use this piece here these two are my favorite trunking heads that he made and this is an original lecture where he would pretend he found them in the wilds of borneo um i you might love this piece to my knowledge and again i could be wrong uh this is the only complete complete original coffin okay so it'd be actually displayed in this coffin and then you'd pay your your dime and hear the big talk of come see crocodile boy and so on and then that's the reveal oh wow i'm in love with this piece oh the teeth are interesting wonder what kind of no clue they look like there's some kind of teeth but i can't wait i mean that's the beauty of homer obviously and i don't know if you've dug much into like his his workshop spaces but uh i mean they're fantastic like real human skulls mesh with weird gaffy things and the way he looks at his creation is just creepy dude is one of my faves of all time so it's been an honor to collect his stuff this is a good piece this is where it came from um yeah so the i'll i'll let you roam free but the third and final aspect of this room is the voodoo stuff so it sounds kind of weird but all this cladding you see on the wall surrounding us i ripped out of this house this was troops who do house out towards the isle of hope like 15 minutes from here well worth checking out by the way um before they demo the house i got walls and rescued these other objects now madame truth should be famous like marie laveau is in new orleans but you know that's voodoo and this is hudu and savannah doesn't tim focus embrace on that too much yeah so this is me doing my part to elevate her so if you want something hyperlocal read this um last but not least we opened for the first time on valentine's day despite me having this space for three years slowly building it out and somehow it took until three days before we opened for me to notice that there's light back here and darkness here so i cut a hole here a couple days before we opened just to see why that is and i ended up pulling out this chanting speaking in tongues and sermon record from inside of the wall as well as the stuff you see inside of the wall so this was all in here there's like a like an altar yeah so the thing is if you notice that's voodoo which is not native to savannah so what i would surmise and this is now me just riffing but if you google that label it that company of maybe like three four years in the 40s existed so i would guess that someone came in off the river found this was abandoned at the time found out that it was abandoned and literally just squatted in here and then over the years people just built in front of it built over it didn't wanna you know disrupt it that's amazing people leave like i don't know rolled up sick i don't i've never looked at what people are leaving various objects so but yeah feel free to roam uh i'll pop in from time to time just to check on you and give little bits look at that that is a possum and they have like a crystal ball full of fetal possums here's a little mouse uh satanic sacrifice see the satanic mouse priest uh sacrificing that other adorable little mouse to uh satan i'm actually completely blown away by this homer tate collection i was not expecting this for you people i may not know who homer tate was he was the king of the gaffes he made these these uh models so they would travel in traveling sideshows uh actually his most famous work is the thing out in dragoon arizona but he made tons of these for traveling sideshows let's take a look at that that fiji mermaid made by homer tate with his wife's hair so cool we have spider fawn it is a fawn with two heads and six legs oh baby deer it's a coffin lid wolf boy one of 26 that were found in the cave in peru this cave just dries out and mummifies body moisture disappears there's devil boy it's a furbearing trout hanging right there never actually seen one of these this book has a advertisement for homer tate from tate's curiosity shop in phoenix arizona who actually sell his uh models in magazines this is pete hennen's thalamide baby show that's a rubber baby that would put in a jar and claimed to have been a real baby this is eddie the circus bear here's the unicycle that he uh would ride [Music] clementine five-legged cow yeah look at that fifth leg right in the middle get another fiji mermaid right there that's a creepy one look at his mouth this is will knight's spiderweb farm apparently he would farm spider webs and then preserve them on pieces of wood okay heading into the ufo room here this story here talks about a mysterious visitor that came and met ryan at uh his record shop he said the man had claimed to be an alien that was observing people uh incognito so the ryan didn't believe him until he shot a laser bolt out of his cane or walking stick and said that after that that nambia the alien visitor dropped off his picture for ryan with no explanation there is a ufo was spotted over savannah someone had drawn a picture of what they had seen another eyewitness account of five objects flying over savannah here we are in the cult room there's some heaven's gate material this is marshall applewhite's yearbook you can see him right there he's actually wearing instructions some sort of military outfit no one else is wearing anything like that a heaven's gate away team badge speed vcr up here belong to heaven's gate there's a flail from a cult known as the brothers of the lions marked 1880 this would have been used for self-flagellation ouch here you can listen to the jonestown uh recordings just listen at your own risk i wouldn't recommend listening to that and then look at that jim jones's glasses jonestown we're trying to and flavor aid packets used in the jonestown mass suicide a lot of times people say don't drink the kool-aid as a reference to the jonestown suicide but it actually wasn't kool-aid it was flavored and these are unused packets that were taken from the crime scene this human spine right here actually belonged to anton levay founder of the church of satan i can see here yikes some drawings charles manson through this little dragon he drew this clown which has a uh swastika on its nose and this here a original sign from spawn ranch where the manson family lived and a pair of charles manson's sweatpants here's a collection of haunted dolls it says this one willy it's known to whisper people's names as they walk by and down here there's this eyeless porcelain doll head that belonged to a man and all his daughters had the same reoccurring dream that the doll was trying to steal their eyeballs and so uh he decided to get rid of it so it just sits here at the store in the uh grave face museum here we have a last rights kit which a priest would issue last rites to a dying person here we are in the restroom uh hope you don't mind a bunch of uh wild pigs watching you while you uh use the bathroom oh oh dear oh dear child coughing right there and ryan was just telling me this is his great grandfather who was in the odd fellows he had donated his skeleton to be used in odd fellows rituals but they had they were demolishing the odd fellows building and had found several skeletons and went to return them to family members so ryan has his great grandfather here in the grave face museum some real embalming equipment right here and then this is a wax head for men embalming school i guess where they would practice their makeup trying to make the face look realistic and alive here is a skull from a concentration camp so this would have been a victim of the nazis says that this skull actually was used as a piece of evidence in the nuremberg trials i guess it was uh never identified some odd fellows masks and uh those are hood winks thrown as hood winks they their goggles that initiate would wear and it would only allow them to see through that red spectrum i guess that would be some sort of a entrance ritual be involved in here we have a vintage arcade and pinball machine area this one's called bone busters and i don't know if it looks somewhat similar to the ghost busters we have monster gun here with ernie's head let's uh oh okay we got the gun here we gotta shoot those targets oh these are hard it's quite a collection of pinball machines hails from the creature from the black lagoon phantom of the opera haunted house nightmare on elm street monster bath i'm seeing a clear theme these appear to be monster and horror themed uh pinball oh now people have commented in the past on how terrible i am at pinball but in all fairness i do have to play with one hand because the other hand is holding the camera so let's see [Music] oh other side there we go this is dracula here here we have a giant squirrel creature and i think that's a young papi right there we got uh ronald mcdonald so we head up these stairs [Music] so you see this clown here throwing that spiky looking ball to that bastard yeah so that's a clown's hat that's the clown's nose and that's his dead body in the box clown in the box so it's a dead clown but i felt it was necessary to have one dead clown in this museum only one he's not famous well i guess now he is have a little hamburger 26 years of age who in a horrific automobile accident was completely decapitated you're going to see here in the science show a girl a wife who has no head a living body and when you come in here today you'll be invited to walk right up to the headless girl extend your hand out to her she'll reach out to you genuine photos of circus performers circus freaks dog face boy up here we have millie christine this is one of the uh three siamese twins buried in the state of north carolina i have a video where i go to her grave these are giants rings we sold the souvenirs at the sideshow they're big two headed baby here today billy budd born to live [Music] and this is the part where stuff starts to get a little bit dark we are in the uh serial killer room this is our newest addition to the museum the ed gene section we even have an ed keen rookie card of course ed gein um one of the most uh notorious serial killers you know technically not a serial killer he did not kill enough people he actually liked to dig up dead bodies um but probably the most influential when it comes to cinema he was uh the inspiration for leatherface from texas chainsaw massacre the inspiration for uh buffalo bill and sounds the lambs and norman bates as well so just think about think about that think about how wide of an inspiration that is there this is a crime scene photo from ed gein's house those are all human bones laid out they have some other um crime scene photos in this museum but i i don't i don't think youtube would let me show those to you this was found at dean's house it is a a uh lock of women's hair on a key chain i guess they don't know exactly whose hair it was i think there's some uh feeling that it could have been his mother he was very obsessed with his mother and that little ziploc bag is uh unidentified bones from uh from eddie's house things found in gacy's house they have these frame pictures of the seven dwarves and yes looking at casey's art he was absolutely obsessed with snow white and the seven doors here's a painting that gacy made himself another one of the seven dwarves usually with casey's paintings it's uh clowns or the seven dwarves yeah look at this more seven dwarves mickey mouse and also well he would paint his clown alter ego pogo here's a gacy painting of the uh um universal monsters along with freddy krueger yes this is an absolute massive collection of uh john wayne gacy art there's a painting of charles manson by uh john wayne gacy it's kind of an interesting uh crossover here's john wayne gacy uh it's a painting of jeffrey dahmer's skull i guess uh i don't know i guess there was some networking with the serial killers there's more pogo yeah pogo the clown so this here is the only painting that he made before he entered uh prison that's interesting here's some art by artist tool and henry lee lucas there was a pair of uh very disturbed serial killers in florida it's the oddest tool made these horrific monsters and uh henry lucas made this uh happy-looking puppy i hear her eileen warnos's worn underwear that she wore in prison shoes belonged to joseph drewes they uh he was a inmate and he stomped to death a fellow inmate who was a former catholic priest convicted of abusing children like what it says there on his shoe stop a child molester out try it so apparently in the san quentin gift shop it would actually sell art by prisoners oh my goodness so that was the grave face museum very very impressive some dark stuff some dark stuff some some very sensitive topics in there in regards to true crime but a very eclectic museum as well a wonderful wonderful sideshow section and uh the the section on um on calls amazing it's amazing artifacts the the ed gene key chain with human hair on it i don't know that i've seen something i mean that is wow that is a terrifying but remarkable artifact so check out the gray face museum here in savannah georgia if you'd like to see other places i've been please check the interactive map in the description of this video if you'd like to help support the channel consider uh donating patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month also now selling two different types of enamel pins in the etsy shop until next time this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 46,037
Rating: 4.9155622 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, graveface, ryan graveface, records, oddities, museum, ufo, sideshow, roadside attraction
Id: 6pgwjiIN41Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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