Just what is the GOSPEL? (Best Definition I've ever heard.)

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[Music] I am going to introduce you to the gospel right now you are a rebel whether you want to acknowledge it or not I'll tell you straight up you are rebel against the Living God this is your natural disposition why because you are born in sin we are in a prison cell and it takes the weight gain and the grace of God you caught the pervy nyan grace of God to awaken us to the fact that we are lost and we can't get out we're headed towards destruction fast the enemy because of our rebellion against God has legal rights to harm and harass our lives there you are behind the prison cell ha buddy house you can't get out those prison bars are stronger than any adamant there is no way you can cut them because they're stronger than diamond penetrable you cannot escape you're doomed because when the enemy comes in in the very end and he's gonna finish you off because he has a legal right to do it he's gonna relish every minute of it in strolls your intercessor you're my team and he stands between you and that accuser and he takes the hint that was rightfully yours he takes the blow that was intended for you that is an extraordinary reality that he was turned to a pulp and he actually died God died for you over your person selling has always said condemned separated eternally from God guilty and then settling if switches when you realize what Jesus Christ has done it says justified it says forgiven redeemed here's the problem most of us have stopped with the good news right there the blood of Jesus Christ has been shed and he was killed I want you to know that is unbelievable news but we are still in a prison cell and so we're praising God within a prison cell going thank you for forgiving me thank you for changing the sign on the outside of the prison and God's Word says check the door to the prison cell because my blood was shed for more than just forgiveness forgiveness was the Avenue through which he could make the escape for us just interested in dealing with the consequences of the penalty of sick he's also dealt with the problem of sin that's the door it's unlocked the door of the prison cell is unlocked in light of Jesus Christ when you get outside the first cell there's like this period that's waiting and the saris from a king and they said the King beckons you into his presence in a bazaar this is when you realize that you were a rebel that you are undeserving completely the living God has literally given up his life for you set you free and the very key is beckoning you into his presence are you sure you have the right guy here I'm a rebel I stood against bygone a Spanish space how could he want me came back at you to get in the chariot and as you're pulling into the kingdom you're looking for where they might drop you off you're looking for that poor district where are you taking me very near presence of the king he wants you to live right where he lives not just the problem but an invitation into his very near presence but as you're coming in the emissary's say he wants to adopt you mrs. child Hey we are brought in and invited here to share his heart you come into his presence totally broken before the reality of what he has done for you I don't deserve this why have you done this [Music] I have a commission for you for me you wanna have me work for you I want you to work for me I want you to represent me absolutely anything I can do for you just tell me I need you to go back to that prison cell that I took you out of because there's a whole bunch more that need to know about me and my love my truth will you go for me and a heartbeat I would I would gladly serve you any way you want any way you asked I need to forewarn you I'm gonna send you out and you'll be as evil morphs they'll kill you they'll destroy you they'll hate you they'll persecute you they will do whatever they can to harm you I mean I'll do it god I don't care you shed your blood for me I would gladly shed my blood for you take my body take my blood spend it any way you want I belong to you and in covenant take me on Jesus send me the Commission not just the penalty not just the problem not just the invitation to his very near presence not just the induction as a southern a daughter of the King of Kings but we are commissioned to represent him and I want you to realize that it's a privilege beyond all other privileges to bear the very the very image the very reputation of God Almighty and he says I ask you to go go and make disciples of all men go and be unashamed to my gospel and preach it go and empower worthy to receive the reward of his submarine I'll go and as you're beginning to head out with his blessing he says hold it wait there's one more thing not just the pepper not just the problem not just the invitation to his very near presence not being done not just a company this is the cap style you think that is all good you could wrap that mall up into one ball and it still falls short of the final one because this final one is so condescending on the part of our King it is so bewildering it is so extraordinary so amazing and this is the truth that turns the world upside down before you go what I'm sending you out to do is impossible I know and if you do it in your own strength you'll fail I don't care I'm willing to do whatever you ask of me if you want me to go in there and just die I'm willing I'm sending you out to be a victory my children will not lose would you give me your body and I will come in and make my home and I will take those hands of yours and make them my hands I will take those feet of yours and make them my feet I will take that mouth of yours and it will speak my words I will take those eyes of yours and they can now see what I need you to be seen in this world and I will take your artists stone and make it a heart of flesh so they will leave with my burdens and you will care for the very things and I care about and your prayers become my prayers and your life in your attitude your behavior every minute of every day will be the very behavior of God you allow me to overtake your life because then we go into this world with the faces of lions because the Living God Almighty the consuming almighty sovereign God dwells within his children and the walls back surrounds us we stand the authority in the name of Jesus and we will because we do not head off to war to lose we head off to war birds inhale through flood these little lambs because his and demonstrate to the universe and even though we we are spiritually greater is he that day in the church we need to rise up proclaim the Gospel with yourself we cannot do you we cannot bring you boring without you please you don't have to go onto your home you don't have to pull off the impossible on your own you don't have to fail any longer your God is ready to do it and then through you you can't do it you can't muster up the discipline you can't muster up the intellect you can't muster you can't muster up the perseverance in the fortitude love the loss you can't love those who spit up on your face he can't don't pray to God would teach you how to love like he lost prey that he would fill you with himself and he would love it in through you don't pray that he would teach you to have joy pray that the Living God full of joy would enter into you don't pray that he would teach you how to be peaceful ask for the God of peace the Prince of Peace to be fulfilled because if you try and imitate your own strength you will be a miserable replica but if you allow the impartation of Jesus Christ to overtake you suddenly it all works because it's him imitating himself and he's very good at being God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: DivineRevelations Spiritlessons
Views: 97,616
Rating: 4.8421526 out of 5
Keywords: Gospel, Christian
Id: i6ZX7ui0Dfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2017
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