The Name Above Every Name

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open your Bibles with me to the book of Philippians the chapter number 2 Philippians at chapter 2 verses 910 and verse number 11 I want to preach about the name that is above every name name above every name Philippians 2 commencing in verse nine reads wherefore God also has highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father thank you you may be seated grass withers and the flower fades with the word of our God shall stand forever where for God has highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name but at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father the name that is above every name each of us here this morning wherever people live everyone possesses a name given to them by their parents perhaps we were named after some some relatives we were given a name after our grandmother or a favorite aunt or a grandfather or member of our family or perhaps you have one of those names that you want to ask your mother was she on some mind-altering substance when she named you bum Keyshia Denise or Shaniqua alopecia names that mean absolutely nothing other than your mother was smoking weed when you were born some of us have names that we don't we don't like we just put the initial of our fris or our middle name because we just hate the name that we were given coincidentally the name teri is of German derivation and it means ruler of the people just in case you want to know what that name means my name is fitting for my title names are given to us by our parents and sometimes they mean something in our family background and sometimes we were just given a name because that's the name we were given but in our text we are told of a name that has great significance the name of Jesus stands out over every name name your heroes and write their names as high in the columns of awareness in history as you can and I reach above it and write the name of Jesus name your orator demosthenes and cicero aristotle and plato and i reach above their names and write the name of one who when he speaks the winds and waves obey his voice Jesus the name that is above all names there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved except the name Jesus the name Jesus brothers and sisters is a special name because in Matthew chapter one and verse 21 it was chosen by his father Mary who is his mother was espoused to Mary Joseph but when he was born Mary and Joseph did not pick his name his name was given to him not by his earthly father but by his Heavenly Father for you shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins the name Jesus means Jehovah is salvation God loves us soul that he sent Jesus into the world to die for our sins the very mention of that name means salvation the name Jesus is a portrait of God the Father God does not love us because Jesus died for us Jesus died for us because God loves us he sent Jesus to take our place on the cross he became sin for us who knew no sin that we might become the righteousness of God there's power in that name the salvation in that name that hope and healing in that name there's deliverance in that name there's joy everlasting in that name there's hope there's peace there's happiness everything the believer needs is in the name of Jesus it's a life-giving name it's a sin killing name at the name of Jesus every knee every president every potentate every queen every governor every Zhou every Emperor every knee every knee got ranee shall bow of things on the earth and things under the earth and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord Raffle God has highly exalted him where does this exaltation come from the scripture says let this mind be in you I wish I had a Bible reader which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made of himself no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself became obedient unto death even the death on the cross he emptied himself into a body of weakness and contamination he came to stand in my place the sweat in my heat to shiver in my cold to die the death of a sinner so that I might have a right to the Tree of Life so when I call the name Jesus everybody who knows that name ought to feel something and if you don't feel something it's because you don't really know that name you don't really know the name if you don't feel something at the calling of that name those of us who are who are 50 and older can remember who was some of our heroes back in the day their names meant something particularly people who grew up in the church world in Houston those names are no longer sung anymore but there were names that were called in Houston of preachers and churches that was synonymous with how church ought to have been taking on names like mm Malone and NC crane ml price I wish I had one or two witnesses here JJ Robinson those names were sung here in Houston because they preach the gospel with such power and conviction Leo Daniels and WH bangs those names mean something Ossie Johnson and Floyd Williams those names were sung because they were preachers who are not ashamed of the gospel they named the name Jesus and whenever they stood you knew the gospel was going to be preached but that's not even a monument there's no street named after them that's not even a record that they passed this way because this young crowd that's coming along now cares nothing about those names that meant much because once you're out of sight your heart of mine somebody ought to help me preach it but all brothers and sisters when you name the name Jesus there's something about that name there's something about that name I said there's something about that name the true believer can't sit still or be quiet a hold our peace at the mention of that name if your back has been up against the wall and you've called on the name Jesus and he came to your rescue whenever you hear my name cold your testimony is I know him for myself if you've been down to your last dime and he stepped in right on time you know that he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all you can even ask often if you were lost and on your way to hell and he turned you all around at the mention of the name Jesus you can't hold your peace no it's a special name but then brothers and sisters it is a stainless name there's no sin associated with that name there's no blemish associated with that name there's no tarnish that's no rust there's no bad reputation associated with that name if I call a few names they are infamous because of their reputation names like Adolf Hitler names like Benito Mussolini Napoleon Bonaparte they are infamous because of their names and there are those who are famous because of their names names like Martin Luther King jr. names like Harriet Tubman and Benjamin Banneker and George Washington Carver and Abraham Lincoln they are famous for their names either famous or infamous there's some sin attached to the name there is no salvation in those name walk with me to the scripture and helped me to call some names that are famous and infamous famous names like Abraham Isaac and Jacob I wish I had somebody to help me preacher Ezekiel and Daniel Hosea and Amos Rebecca and Zephaniah Zachariah and Obadiah nayoon John the Baptist great names Moses David Jesse Obed Ruth Boaz great names but there's no salvation in those names let me name some infamous names from the scripture Ananias and Sapphira Jezebel come on help me preach a minute on a DAB and about whom I wish I had one or two more witnesses Judas Iscariot some infamous name some famous names all of them died and when they died nothing happened because their names died with it but one Friday on a scoresheet Hill and a blood-soaked cross Jesus that's the name I'm trying to get to when he died something happened I wish I had somebody to help me I said when he died something happened dreams got sick of the stomach and started vomiting up it's dead and the dead in Christ stays the protest march down the streets of Jerusalem a Centurion soldiers that I believe we killed the wrong man surely this must be the Son of God but when that name is cold everybody here who is saved sanctified secure and selecting know that there's still power in their name it's a special name it's a stainless name and then finally it's a saving name no other name given among men whereby we must be saved except the name Jesus my last breath before I die I hope I have the presence of mind I hope I'm still in my right mind because my last breath hopefully before I die I want to call the name Jesus because that dimension of that name strange things happen you gonna help me preach this won't you he was at a wedding feast in Cana of Galilee and they ran out of wine and his mother called his name and said these people have run out of wine he said woman what have I had to do with that his mother said don't pay no attention to that whatever he tells you to do do it and it took some ordinary water pots and filled it with ordinary water and between the dippin and the sipping it became extraordinary why because there's something about that name they were out in the desert place and all the h-e-bs and power burns were closed and there was nowhere to buy any bread and that was a barbell with two fish and five loaves of bread and one of the disciples says what is that among so many jesus said bring it to me and when they put it in his hand he lifted it up to his father and when he brought it down to his disciples he started adding by dividing subtracting by multiplying and he fed 5,000 men not counting women and children because there's something above that name a storm came on to see one night you go help me preach this won't you and the disciples walked Jesus up and he stood and raised his hand and said peace be still and that was a great call that was a woman who had an issue of blood and Jesus was walking in the crowd on the way to ji roses house and that woman just had the good sense to grab his clothes and he stopped and said somebody touched me I wish I had a Bible reader and they said come on master all these people here somebody's bound to bump into you jesus said no somebody touched me because I felt power I felt threat you run out of me and that woman notice that when Jesus stopped the blood stopped he said who touched me the woman said I touched you she said let me get your theologist straight there is no healing in this garment the garment is on the healer your faith has made you whole Peters mother-in-law was dying from a fever Jesus showed up in the house and just put his hands on her and the fever left her you gonna help me preach this won't you a woman of nain was on the way to bury her only son and Jesus put his hand on the casket and that boy came back to life again because there's something about that name but I don't have to go back to Cana of Galilee I don't have to go to that a woman of name I don't have to go to that crowd where that a woman whither with an issue of blood I don't have to get in that crowd where there was only two fish and five loaves that's somebody in this crowd this morning who knew that Jesus still has power I wish I had somebody to help me preach somebody had know that that's power in their name that's joy in that name there's deliverance in that name there's salvation in that name you gonna help me close this once you let me go from A to Z calling the name Jesus let me go through the alphabet talking about how wonderful that name really is a he's the Ancient of Days B he's the brightness of the father's glory see he's the chief Cornerstone Dean he's the Dayspring of Israel the desire of all nations he he's the everlasting father our Emmanuel F he's the faithful witness he's the first fruits of the resurrection G he is the gift of God and the giver of eternal life age he is our hope the Horn of our salvation he is our high priest ah he is immortal invisible the great I am Jay he is our judge K he is our King of Kings L he is a Lamb of God our law giver he is the living stone M he is our Messiah our mediator our messenger and our master and he is a noble Nazarene carpenter oh he is the offspring of David the only begotten of the Father nificent and omnipresent he he is the Prince of Peace and our potentate our he is the root of Jesse the Rose of Sharon the resurrection and the life s he is the seed of the woman and I was sinless sacrifice t here's our tabernacle and our tree of life WG is our witness our way and the wisdom of God I've just about run out of alphabets so I'm just gonna calling Jesus my mother's Jesus my grandmother's Jesus my father's Jesus you'll Jesus my Jesus is there anybody here who knows him for yourself if you're not ashamed to testify if he's open doors for you if you don't mind being a witness fine why don't you grab somebody tell him I just call him Jesus I knew he's the Dayspring I know he's a rock in a weary land I know he's a shelter in a time of storm I know he's a way truth and the life but I just call him Jesus Jesus he'll in the morning Jesus late in the midnight hour that's power in the name shake somebody's hand and ask him aha have you met this Jesus have you found this Gina let me introduce him to you he's a rock in a weary learning he's a shelter in a time of storm he's a friend when you're friendless bread when you're hungry water really invested y'all know him don't you have you tried him and they all run and they are all right won't he save him won't he keep you why do you wash you won't he deliver you won't he redeem you won't he pick you up won't he turn you around won't he bless you on solid ground Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus I love to call it Sheila's Jesus come on help me call Jesus Jesus see this he died didn't he die but bright early Sunday morning Sheila's came out of the grave no either there is a name I love to him I love to sing is well it sound like music in my ear it's the sweetest name oneth oh I love Jesus oh oh I love Jesus here's why I love him because he first loved me because he first loved me come on thank him for his name Frank him for his grace Frank him for his power thank him for his majesty Frank him for his goodness Frank him for his faithfulness thank him for his love Frank him for his righteousness fact Jesus I feel it now he's been so good to me he's opened so many doors for me he's made so many ways for me he picked me up turn me around place my feet on solid ground I've got sunshine on a cloudy day when it's cold outside I've got the month of me I guess you say what can make me feel this way is there anybody here know who I'm talking about Jesus is on the mainland Jesus is on the main line tell him the name that is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee don't have to bow every tongue shall have to confess hallelujah hallelujah if you don't meet him here as Savior one day you're gonna have to meet him as a judge because right now he has on his robes as a mediator one of these days he will take off his robes as a mediator and put on his robes as a judge and declare that time that has been shall be no more Jesus getting us ready for that great day who shall be able to stand if you don't know him as your Savior one day you're gonna have to meet him as a judge and that will be no probated sentence no deferred adjudication you will have to answer for every deed done in this body whether good or whether bad and when I stand before Jesus it will not be to be judged for sin because he took care of my sins on the cross but when I see Jesus I'm going to get my reward because my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life my reservation has already been made my room is already being prepared because he said I go to prepare a place for you and if I go I will again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you will be awesome
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 135,444
Rating: 4.7153196 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: wetlBsITy3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 49sec (2089 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2016
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