Found $2365 in River Treasure while Scuba Diving Dangerous Spillway!

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well you got a sponge and oh we got something in here - hi mr. Liza can this morning we're gonna return over here to the Newport Avenue bridge jump in the water by the spillway and we've got a couple of other guys that we're gonna include today Nick Rin down there Facebook Ryan and we got Chris I don't even know what Chris is known for Chris what are you doing for what we're doing we're gonna put in over here by the the bridge is my cell phone go down there come down in the spillway sign is my plan to kind of do a 45 over those boots that area as you guys know diving bridges people throwing stuff off all the time so between for those up expecting all of us to go low so that's the rundown we're gonna gear up and get ready to get in the water yeah I have a new joke for you today what you get when you have a dinosaur and a pig a very neared friendship no no are you ready for Jurassic pork I got one more for you yeah what since we're coming up on the Halloween why didn't the skeleton cross the road why because he didn't have any guts oh nice this wasn't here last time yeah do you know what that is something you probably shouldn't be picking up yeah that's what that's what otter poop looks like yeah Nick and Chris gonna be here in a few minutes but I got my air Ryan you got air are you buckled up you're all stuffed up air and basket here we go good well good all right that's the end of water [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I've got three pounds yes in the back Chris and Nick here getting in Richard it up head back in the water so we'll see ya in a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll leave the area there's a lot of stuff under here I believe it for real this time okay is that Chris all right hi Ryan [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're saying strike hard to be someone now [Music] giving us giving notes on the breathe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you found the GoPro yeah the GoPro on a homemade selfie stick I don't think it works anymore well if I is it a waterproof housing all your friends are under the bridge I hope they're fine good stuff ones right there and then the two are over there I like it a bit [Music] I got a site posh for the city of bet [Applause] thank you good stuff would you end up with first anything yet our subtraction dog toys hmm all right here we go again here [Applause] [Music] if this was at last fall chale we might well just declare me the winner right now so there's no radio I can't give you out my back to FC real quick you're really heavy and I'm not gonna make any promises but there's a shopping cart over there to retrieve if I can find it again thanks forget hey you don't get better okay that's your problem dad you put it in there you take it out of there I'll get it later hey that hubcap looks like an old classic yeah pull that out I'm gonna see that thing that's all Bree do gucchi Oh show the card that drag for well I didn't image did you get it yeah that's right I got the soccer ball yet not yet hold up well mask is leaking but that's that oh good it's getting the soccer ball you're good [Music] your coat that's a good garden piece don't you think oh yeah so buddy get your soccer ball yeah Ryan did and then he tossed it up and then fell to the other side and then he also got the shopping cart oh good so that's out of there yeah well I still wear so I'm good to go for one more pass all right after we empty that bag thanks dad it's like the splash zone at SeaWorld [Music] [Music] [Music] freaky kids like right here you know yeah hey some people say mr. Isaac what are your quads so beautiful it's that scoop we'll work out 45 minutes and look at everything we got I found I think it's a radio from the early 80 70s anybody know I'm Alan I ended up finding the GoPro I love the power of Facebook I put the picture of this picture up and check it out I found the guy that this actually belongs to look it actually still works I charged it up for you I am surprised actually that things still going your cards still in there all your footage is still there this is your sir I've got a story to tell Elliot's got a story to tell all right you know what you doing man I appreciate it awesome again hey thanks I don't live with this very nice to meet you awesome you too Thanks I also found and I want to cut this open I have no idea what's even inside of it homemade dog toy well I feel it feels like there's a rock in there are one of those yeah because we are next to the dam so somebody could be homemade explosive to blow up the dam oh we got a sponge in oh we got something in here too okay it's getting interesting now first of all it's a star shape so I don't even know why we have like the little star shape it threw me off for sure and then I rope around it and then we have a bottle inside of all of that that like a wick with yeah like the string is going into the bottle so why is the string going into the bottle any idea that was true well let's take the lid off good thing I'm still wearing gloves there's something in here we have any yeah I got some fresh water there uh okay say it's just a bolt why I don't know here cuz he gave me the water there looks look like muzzleloader and threads well if anybody's ever wondering what's inside of the little starfish looking thing inside of the pill bottle a little threaded through maybe their gauges may like high-end gauges you can put through here I ended up with a another cell phone today a ton of bottles yep or so so this attaches the side of a boat the or goes through here like this a little strap goes over at Grove Road oh that I also found was the level here and the parking sign and oh and the amazing parking sign that parking sign is going in mom's garden for sure but it's not an old old one let's open it up maybe there's something still good in there for your neck yeah maybe down the river oh yeah that's good oh it's ice water go ahead and drink that it looks like wait that's actually been sealed in there pretty good yeah that's not bad though whoa Oh smell that is it bad I can smell it from here sulfur that means they'll keep your youth if you want to drink that I'll keep a half bottle of that and everybody wants to buy it it's gonna be four thousand six hundred seventy two dollars hipping yep let me know I'll even sign the bottle for you let's jump over to a nick and some of the other guys what they got on this old looks like a hubcap Boy showers what year would you guess is no is that like in the 50s or something what'd I say yeah somewhere back there so I thought that was pretty cool that was about the most interesting thing I found not a lot of cans in here mostly bottles oh but I did find the look at this the Bob Marley mellow mood light half tea half lemonade I might have to run right out and buy a fresh one these were made from 1937 to 1954 somebody just checked that on no Google Ryan I want to know about your shopping cart and I want it tipped for you to get those out of there as well as your chair if you don't mind talking about those sure yeah those are really heavy it was only about 40 feet that way but something ten minutes then you found a chair that as well a chair in a big street sign oh yeah it's not it's not best that we ended up with two street signs so we end up with the newer one and the older one and we end up with a barricade lighter lighter doesn't light up anymore but we end up with that barricade for the city of Bend as well guys that guys say we did good I find a way to go right way go Chris I miss you I see this is Brad Amir and I'll leave a link in the description below ship Knorr Chris on the right and we got Ryan from Facebook I don't like you know if we're allowed to say that but I said it anyway if you have not already done so make sure you subscribe turn on that little Bell notification that way you can insa notice any time we're out having a good time on a saturday morning like this we'll see you on the next one later later bye bye [Music]
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 133,998
Rating: 4.9067936 out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, river treasure hunting, scuba diving, found cell phone, found gopro in river, returned gopro, treasure hunting
Id: MYs_qJMfxmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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