MYSTERIES Of Ancient Egypt! | Joe Rogan & Elon Musk

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imagine if you're successful we eventually do colonize Mars and you're correct we Earth winds up through human folly or natural disaster getting wiped out and there's only the colony on Mars and that Colony exists for 10 20,000 years and they have their origin myth that we all came from Earth I mean ultimately that's going if if this does happen you do colonize Mars and Earth does get destroyed and if there a period of time takes place like look at the the period like at least the conventional timeline of the Great Pyramid which is 4500 years ago 5,000 years yeah so that's not that much time it's not that much time no I mean if it's nothing in the on the galactic time scale right so if we're talking 20 30,000 years from now on Mars people talk about Time Square and what Earth used to be like I mean it is I think like there's some debate as like how do you say what the when did civilization start and I'd say like probably from the first writing MH um and and the first the first writing is only 5,500 years old yeah it's worth reading about the history of writing but only 5,500 years and then and um one has to credit basically the ancient samarians who aren't around anymore uh with the first writing are you aware though that like there's Hier that depict a history of Egypt that goes back far longer maybe even 30,000 plus years ago but archaeologists dismiss it because they think that's mythical but non-conventional archaeologists who believe in What's called the younger drias impact Theory okay that uh somewhere around 11,800 years ago civilization was essentially all but wiped out by Common impacts um okay and that that is the reason why they keep finding these in insanely old huge structures megalithic structures that are carved out of stone like when you go to back to like gockley teepe which is 11,600 years ago okay that's that's an insanely old structure that they didn't even know people were capable of building until they discovered it in the 1990s so the conventional timeline of people when you go 11,600 years ago was just hun gatherers but now that they have gockley tape with its 3D carved uh things and have you seen Graham Hancock's amazing series on Netflix called ancient apocalypse uh I know you should check it out it's amazing but it's about that it's all about that there's a lot of physical evidence of an advanced civilization from far far far longer ago than we have conventionally dated which is ancient Su which is we we put it about 6,000 years ago yeah the like the first it's it's difficult to date date with Precision but or at least to within a few hundred years but it's roughly 5,500 years like you say like what is the oldest like Stone tablet yeah um because this is you know it's if if you're like an archaeologist if you were to discover something older than that you'd be very famous you know it's like it like they really looked hard yeah um and 5,500 years uh really is kind of the the if you say like any kind of evidence that that I've that I've seen that is actually so stantial is is writing is 5,500 years old yeah in terms of writing yeah well what they believe is that there's very little left of this ancient civilization other than things like the pyramids other than things like the Sphinx there's a geologist that really stuck as necki his name is Dr Robert shock from Boston University and what he said was his theory is that there's deep water erosion all over the Temple of the Sphinx where the Sphinx was carved out of that is indicative of thousands of years of rainfall and the last time they had rainfall in the N Valley was around 9,000 BC so what he believes is cuz back then the the whole Nile Valley was a lush rainforest and eventually receded into desert um okay yeah so the entire that whole area like even the Sahara used to be rich rainforest and it receded into what it is now but if you go back then he believes that's when that thing was constructed and he says the physical GE the the geologists look at it and if they if he shows it to them in terms of like just shows an image of the erosion doesn't tell them where it is they'll almost all of them will say that's water erosion from thousands of years of rainfall I I think even if you say like okay even if even if you know even if you say like okay civilization is like 9,000 years old it's still nothing nothing so you know we're still talking about like a very tiny fraction of O's existence like oath um the geological evidence suggested Earth is about 4 and a half billion years old um so um human civilization has been around for roughly 1 millionth of Earth's existence yeah CU we's basically nothing and if even if it's 10,000 years even if it's 30,000 years ago still nothing what they're saying though is that Civilization is insanely fragile exactly and much much more fragile I think we realize absolutely I think we should view civilization as being fragile yeah but we don't isn't that Biz it's one of the weird things about people that we unless the threat is in front of us it's abstract unless it's like really is the pizza here oh yeah pizza's here yeah [ __ ] civilization no actually one like one of my sons who sax he he has these profound observations um you know he asked me what was La like 4,000 years ago I'm like it wasn't around and they said what will it be like in 4,000 years from now hm probably bar buried under Rubble I guess probably very similar to what it was like 4,000 years ago yeah exactly radioactive and he asked me did they speak English 4,000 years ago I'm like nope like did they will they speak English in 4,000 years from now probably not I should point out that I never eat pizza really no never why not because it's not really good for you well I don't think anyone's going to accuse Pizza of being like a the healthiest thing in the world looks awesome that does look awesome want plat Jamie yeah get in there sir grab a piece all right sick go this is awesome and uh what's the name of this pizza P Pizza Leon Pizza Leon shout out to Pizza Leon oh yeah that really hits the spot that's legit I mean I'm no da poroy I'm not like a a pizza analyst he'll probably I'm not going to rate it it's excellent this point I really gets into pizza oh man man ever seen Port noise videos where he analyzes pizza oh my God it's like a whole method got a number system all right he's into the crust and the Flop and all these different things and wow yeah everybody knows the rules yeah what what is his everybody knows the rules one bite you get one bite of a pizza yeah one B yeah he bites into it and then he just starts nding his head he's basically like a somala of pizza pizza somal okay yeah and and and is he is there like what's his favorite pizza joint cheese oh the favorite one that's the everyone wants to know that it's those cheese yeah we spend so much time on pizza and it's New Haven New Haven Connecticut really
Channel: JRE Fun Clips
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Keywords: joe rogan, joe rogan podcast, jre podcast, podcast, podcasts, podcast clip, podcast clips, jre clip, jre daily, jre shorts, jre, joe rogan experience, joe, rogan, joe rogan daily, joe rogan topic, joe rogan clip, joe rogan podcast clip, joe rogan experience clip, joe rogan experience daily, joe rogan conspiracy, egypt, ancient egypt, elon musk, elon musk jre, elon musk rogan, elon musk joe rogan, elon musk podcast, tesla, pyramids, sphynx cat, elon musk twitter, twitter
Id: GuNEGhE0Xfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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