Sadhguru on the Lost Concept of Heaven

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Something about this guy just made me feel off.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/Asclepias88 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2022 🗫︎ replies

Sadhguru has met with Klaus Schwab. I do not trust nahash.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/thetruthisntpopular 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2022 🗫︎ replies
the jurogan experience not today uh we've come to this place where uh if you want to be peaceful you need a chemical you want to be joyful you need a chemical you want to be healthful you need a chemical well you want to be ecstatic of course there is a chemical right so what is the consequence of this why this is happening one thing is in this generation one thing that's happened in people's minds is the heaven has collapsed in people's minds the heaven yes how so see uh i've been talking to people 50 years ago if i spoke to people and i asked how many of you want to go to heaven almost 80 percent would raise their hands today you go to your university and ask them how many of you want to go to heaven they'll say they think it's a ridiculous question all right nobody will raise their hand so in their minds heaven is collapsed there's no place to go so they want to do everything here all right so they have not found how to be joyful and ecstatic within themselves so chemical usage initially it became alcohol then it became chemicals it's getting stronger and stronger and you know so many people dying of those things every every day and illnesses and it's costing a nation in the world a lot it's not just in one country it's it's going across the world law enforcement agencies may be controlling it a little bit but they can never control it totally because the consumption is mass-based it is uh more people may be consuming these things and people eating bread it's becoming like that so this whole moment where it's going means if you do not raise human consciousness if you do not teach people how to sit here feeling absolutely blissed out within yourself by your own nature because this human mechanism is the most sophisticated chemical factory if you are a good ceo you would produce the chemicals that will give you fantastic experience if you're a lousy ceo you're giving yourself a bad experience yes now you're buying chemicals from outside to fix that all right so essentially you're a bad manager of your own system you're not taking charge of this why is that happen because your education your society is talking about conquering the world but never taught you anything about how to take charge of this do you agree with me the most in this room there's so much technology here in this room the most complex and sophisticated technology is within your system yes or no human system yes this is have you read the user's manual there's no user's manual there is there is yes where is it it's built into the machine oh how do i get it you need to pay attention you're reading you know engineering read that carefully there are i'm reading it i'm in the middle i'm at part two there are uh pointers as to how to read your own user's manual yes let me take you back to this concept of heaven you know when you're talking about uh people in universities that you say how many of them want to go to heaven the problem is they don't have any evidence of heaven and so when a lot of these young people that are atheists or agnostics they don't want to buy into anything that they believe is connected to fairy tales or they're connected to some sort of an ideology that they believe was manufactured to control people and to keep people in the chest collapsed in their minds in their minds but it's also because heaven is connected to religion and religion is connected to atrocities there's a lot of people that think of religion they think of the the evils of the catholic church or they think of you know what religion has justified the horrors of history the things that people have done in the name of religion so a lot of younger sophisticated intelligent people don't want to believe in anything that there's no evidence for so when you say how many of you want to go to heaven say show me a video tell me where i'm going do you have a map of heaven i am not asking that question offering a ticket i'm just telling you heaven is collapsed in people's mind which is a good thing because it's a good thing it is because because the idea that this is not the place to live well there is another place where you will live right it's a wrong idea right this is the place to live well you can have heaven right here yes and uh who told you you're not already in heaven and making a mess out of it um no one i think that's possible we are in a heaven making a mess out of it right now too whether we want to fix the soil or we want to fix the human mind you're only trying to see that you don't mess up the heaven in which we have landed yes i i could agree with that i think the problem is the term heaven when you say it people think of a biblical heaven they think of a place that you go no no every religion has their own kind of heaven that's the whole thing i'm saying before bible came there have been heavens in other places yes yes you know one thing i found this is one thing good about this soil is see people may even have separate heavens to go to but we all come from the same soil our bodies go back to the same soil so this is a unifying factor irrespective of one's religion caste creed whatever else so in your mind this concept of heaven relates to like a harmony amongst yourself the in the people the living things around you including the soil see essentially it's like this if you feel pleasant in your body we call this health yes if you feel very pleasant in your body we call this pleasure if you feel pleasant in your mind we call this peace if you feel very pleasant we call this joy if you feel very pleasant if you feel pleasant in your emotion we call this love if you feel very pleasant we call it compassion if you feel very pleasant in your very life energies then we call this blissfulness if you become very very pleasant then we call it ecstasy if your surroundings become pleasant we call it success so to create pleasantness in the surroundings we need the cooperation of people and forces around us without everybody's cooperation you can't create a pleasant atmosphere but pleasantness of the body pleasantness of the mind pleasantness of emotion and energy is 100 your business isn't it so if you're feeling ecstatic you are in heaven because your idea of heaven is a very pleasant place isn't it yes this place this planet earth is very pleasant except for the human beings who create creating unpleasantness among each other well this sounds like a great concept but human beings are very complex their emotions are complex their needs and desires and their trauma and pain and insecurities and and all mental health issues how does one get to that spot like what you're saying sounds wonderful i mean you're a guru you're a literal guru so when you sit here and tell people these things they go well that sounds easy for that guy no look at him it's it's not why is it it's not easier if you've got a great beard it is not easy or difficult it's not it is a question of wrong direction or right direction that is you went to an apple tree and you're digging the roots because you're a potato farmer that is the only problem you have you're you're the source and seat of your experiences within you what happens within you should it happen your way or my way tell me your way or my way no what happens within you should it happen your way or my way well it's within me when you say within me do you mean my thoughts your thoughts your emotion your body whatever your chemistry your energy everything what happens within you should it happen your way or somebody else's way well i think uh if your way sucks maybe you should listen to other people and maybe try their way see if it happened your way would you keep yourself blissful or miserable you would keep yourself blissful if you were wise if you were wise and your mind was working properly but if you have mental health issues that's exactly what you're if you're filled with trauma if you're poorly educated you're starting from a deficit a severe deficit where you don't think correctly no no that's not that is not that is not the problem the original problem the root of the problem is let's address one step at a time okay see right now the simple question is what happens in your mind your emotion your chemistry your energies must be your way isn't it it well it's yours yes it is yours so it must be your way but it's not happening your way right now because it's in a compulsive reactive state okay so see anybody can cause anything within you so if i decide what clothes you must wear what food you must eat what you should do every day you will call this slavery isn't it the government don't go there so uh right now someone else something else can decide what happens within you isn't this the most horrible form of slavery that someone can decide whether you are happy or unhappy yeah that's not good that's not that's not the best question so the problem is just this an intelligence which needs to be conscious is unfortunately unconscious and compulsive so the only problem that you have is compulsive reaction to life around you what is needed is a conscious response to life so this simple thing people have not handled from their childhood right so when you don't handle this one thing everything will be wrong everything will be accidental your success and failure both are accidental so what do you say to someone maybe they're 30 years old and they've had this life of mistakes and regret and maybe alcoholism or gambling or some other problems but they want to be conscious they want to be blissful they want to be enlightened they want to be a happy person filled with love what path do they take what what steps do they take to correct the journey they're on why is why is it though human beings are not the strongest creatures on the planet compared to other species why is it that human beings are dominating this world simply because of our ability to use tools isn't it and our intellect our ability to manipulate our environment yes but even then if we didn't have knowledge of using tools right the buffalos would have mowed us down all right yes so your intellect they don't care it's your ability to use tools you made an arrow you made a gun you made so many things made a house yes yes uh everything all instruments right now microphone yes or telephone or whatever else these are all instruments to enhance we are this much because of our instruments we become that much right now there is one little screw here in this furniture i will ask you you're a strong guy i will ask you to unscrew this with your hands you can't do it you do it you may lose all your nails i'll allow you to use your teeth maybe you lose some of them it's gonna be a problem but it'll be right there but if i give you a screwdriver boom in a minute you will get it out so this is the power of the tool yeah so as there are tools for doing things in the external world there are tools to handle this because you don't have a tool kit this machine which is the most complex machine is going crazy right now you're reading in engineering it's a tool kit yes you just use the tools don't worry about the philosophy don't worry about belief system don't worry about your concept somebody's concepts your beliefs somebody's beliefs just use the necessary tools being peaceful joyful loving is a natural outcome of that okay well what are those tools like the scenario that i laid out you have a person who's 30 years old they have a history of trauma in their life they're very unhappy very depressed maybe they're alcoholics they're trying to get their life in order today i want you to understand this the issue foundation and the senior engineering process that we're doing around the world in 2021 i think 2020 2021 i think it's 2021 our video views are 2.2 billion 2.2 billion video views yes that's a lot yes why because it's worked and because we have it has worked i'm saying for people yeah we have over 16 million volunteers working with the foundation why are they doing this because the only reason is it has worked what is it that's worked i did not teach them a morality i did not teach them a philosophy i did not promise them miracles i did not pull uh gold chains out of thin air and give it to them no nothing simply tools to fix themselves well just how to sit how to breathe how to manage yourself this is all yes you're entertaining you know that's also one of the reasons why you have that many views how many views do we have if you guessed put your pull your mic down so we can hear you on youtube i guess yeah let's just go with youtube no no it's okay that's all told how many views [Music] i don't know say four billion it's okay no i don't know probably about the same sounds about right yeah and we don't we're not teaching you no that's not true other people are that are on there but i i think that i i see what you're saying that it works but what else works is what are those tools this is all very like mystic difficult for people to grasp there are there are mystical aspects also but that is not for everybody but i mean in this conversation only for those who are interested in those things who want to pursue that aspect for the rest of the people for somebody if their back back goes away his life changes for somebody if his headache goes away his life changes yes somebody drops his alcohol consumption addiction his life changes yeah somebody some compulsive thought that drives him crazy that goes away these are simple things this is just a small screwdriver is all he needs he doesn't need a total overhaul mysticism is a different aspect it is like you're not just interested in living well you want to know the very root of life yes that's a different aspect that's not for everybody that is only for those who seek that but for common people all they want to do is they want to live peacefully joyfully with some sense of purpose to whatever they are doing in their lives
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 3,450,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party
Id: -btTC-bepAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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