Thoughts on David Grusch's UFO Claims

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The jogan Experience so you were saying that you're on the fence off the fence about grush the story I was hearing is it's just it's a it's a lot and with I'm going to skip a lot of it but what I was reading and SL what they were saying is that one possibility that could be going on is there is an I think we're taking in some of gram Hancock stuff too if if people were around on Earth 500,000 years ago in some way there was some split in a second set of humans continued on and we're like in this inter Dimension space where they're both happening simultaneously and that's where like if he was saying this no no no no this is from the I'm gathering this all from like that video I'm adding in some M gr Hancock stuff too because this kid didn't also interviewed him Jesse Michaels on his on his podcast they're talking about some of the same stuff but something they said in the grush interview on his podcast was that uh an idea would be that these people exist on a on like a split uh timeline from us like we had cataclysms and died and repopulated and whatnot now we've ended in this place in 20123 with combustion engines and were're flying around these people would have been in a different anti-gravity who knows what they figured out and they went somewhere else I think I don't they're not even saying that this is where like they're not going to talk I they haven't talked about that but I think what they're saying or getting or getting at maybe is that they're here and that's why the nuclear thing is so um uh important to them they're on the same Planet as us and if we blow up the planet it goes away from so they're here we just don't know where they are and that's where the in dimension thing comes in I that's what I'm gathering out of what I've heard how high were you when you came up with this it's not I don't think I'm saying it's my theory this is what they're sort of saying and gush is sort of like that's an interesting thing you're saying he's not confirming it with him or anything but it was it's a lot to take in that's definitely for sure yeah it's all a lot to take in we David grush is that UFO whistleblower the testifying front of Congress yeah it's hard to say man the thing about it is I believe he's telling the truth as far as what he's experience and the documents that he uncovered and the people that he talked to but how do you know whether or not they're just using him as a useful idiot to just get out some silly story because they're covering up for the fact that there's some very Advanced drone system that the United States government has they're trying to keep under wraps right it might be both I I think it's probably both things you well here's the thing you're out in the woods all the time mhm you ever see a UFO no ever see Bigfoot no have you ever talked to a hunter that's seen a UFO no ever talked to a hunter that's seen Bigfoot I talked to so really the guys down at San Carlos the Apache reservation yeah they said they've seen stuff okay were they on peyote I don't know cuz I know a lot of those Indians get down I don't think so I mean I don't and it's been like multiple times what kind of St Stu like square like something Square flying oh interesting yeah because that is the thing that they describe right it's a square with a sphere inside of it like a black no the opposite a sphere with a black Square inside of it for field or something I always [ __ ] that yeah so that's I don't know anybody other than that that's a that's the first story I've heard from somebody who I have talked to well that kind of makes sense that that thing they do spot that's a common one some flying Square inside a sphere like a translucent sphere and that's uh like legitimate Pilots have seen that that's a weird one right is that my theory and this is totally unfounded without any research whatsoever it's just those are the best kind these are my favorite kind of theories my theory is that they have this ability to make something move in this insane way with gravity but they can't put a body in it and and they can't put weapons in it they can't it's just an object that they can get to move at insane rates of speed that's what I think I think the military applications of this thing have yet to be figured out but I think they do have something that can do things that we have no knowledge of but the United States government is probably they probably have in their possession something that was either back engineered from something from somewhere else or something that they developed in a completely top secet environment with the top research scientist probably during the wars during World War II and three or three uh Vietnam that's impending and in Iraq and Afghanistan you think about the amount of money that gets funel funnel through the government and that they they don't I mean didn't the Pentagon just for the sixth year in a row fail their audit imagine you failed your audit 6 years old boy they crawl up your ass with a [ __ ] microscope yeah I think is that what it was they ever passed it but yeah is correct that to say fail six audit with number passing so there's a lot of money flowing around is my point yeah and who knows how much of that money is going to these secret programs that we don't know about yeah yeah I know and if they did that and they did have the top scientist and if I was the [ __ ] president and I was the chief of staff and I was running Pentagon I would want the best scientist so I'd recruit the best scientist and I'd said hey you know this is National Security we're working on this project it uses gravity propulsion shut the [ __ ] up don't tell anybody but you get to work on some cool [ __ ] yeah and you get make paid a lot of money you get paid a lot of money and you get to be a part of one of the most insane discoveries in human history so this is what we're working on yeah I think that's likely too but then you got to go back to like the Foo Fighters from the 1940s and the crash at well and that you also have to be open to the possibility that like look there's a lot of planets out there MH lot of planets out there it's very possible that we're not alone
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 1,355,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party
Id: Zr1D3FYcV3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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