Coffee Filter Flowers "DIY"

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[Music] howdy duty my name is susie and today i'm hoping to inspire you to make these beautiful flowers they're paper flowers look at this paper roses in hydrangeas out of simple coffee filters and food coloring actually there are very few things that you need in order to make these beautiful flowers that quite honestly they look so realistic you'll be amazed that you were able to make them yourself so this is a great creative outlet it costs you pennies to make um it's really fun and it's actually very relaxing almost meditative you might want to say so let me show you what we need in order to make these gorgeous flowers so now we've got our coffee filters we have um cookie sheet i preheated the oven for 250 degrees because that's the temperature that we're going to dry our sheets out once we uh dye them and we're going to dry them for about 10 minutes in the oven now we're going to need eight sheets in order to create one hydrangea and we're going to need um six sheets to create the roses so i mean give or take depending on how many flowers you're going to make you can just grab a whole whack of these and i find it easier just to dye it four at a time um because then it doesn't take as long to dry in the oven so i've got my four or five sheets i have a bowl with a bit of water and now i'm going to add my food coloring and i'm also wearing gloves because i did it earlier without gloves and my hands were green for a whole day so i'm just going to add some yellow and i want this to be really pale and it will be pale because i mean this is food coloring that you're diluting in water and i don't want it to be so yellow so i'm just adding a dab of red so this is actually where you can really be creative and just create whatever colors that you like i think that's going to be a bit light as i said these are food coloring so you're going to need a good 10 drops maybe 10 drops 15 drops of food coloring for um maybe an inch of water in the bottom of the pan okay so that's good enough so now i have my filters and you just want to submerge it and uh you can let these soak for a few minutes so i think you can get the the picture so once you're finished submerging your filters just rinse them out not rinse them out squeeze them out and just lay them on your sheet so this is fun and you want to keep these um these colors fairly light whatever colors that you like and actually these will lighten even further once they are uh dried in the oven but at least it really does change the texture of the coffee filter for one which gives the uh the petals a more realistic effect um but it also just sets the base dye that um you can use to um create all kinds of flowers because there is another opportunity or um a second half to this that we will add a little bit more color just to the petals and it creates a beautiful gradation of um colors that are infused from dark to light light to dark so that's basically it um if you want to add some more color and create color for leaves then you want to add a little bit of green to it and again this is this is our base color we're going to build another coat of color on top of this actually a good realistic leaf green is yellow green and just a dab of red and it does change that color so it becomes a little bit more of a realistic green a brownish yellowish green okay so i think you get the idea you can play with all different colors you can keep adding to this color see this is very it's very pale in comparison to that so i'm actually going to add more green more yellow and a touch of red whoops that was a lot yeah no that's a nice color so be creative we will paint this later on and the color will become stronger but this is a good oh my god it turned it orange and red oh well the nice thing about this is that there's no fails here you can just keep adding color and uh see what you get isn't that amazing it turned out orange okay that's fine so i'm going to keep on with this and get all the rest of my colors so that i've got everything ready to go to um make the flowers i'm gonna pop these in the oven and check them in five to ten minutes at 250 until they're dry and then i'll be back and show you so it's been about 10 minutes and our sheets are dry there we go so here we are nice and comfortable and we've got all of our beautiful filters in the various colors i just made a whole bunch of them look at all the yellow ones pink there are some that are green they're nice and dry and crisp so we've got all that ready to go and we've got our pattern for our rose we're going to start with our rose we need six coffee filters for to make the rose and we're going to need three coffee filters to make the leaves for the rose now the rose in nature it graduates from dark to light or light to dark it just gives it more depth so we we're going to need six sheets and i'm gonna pick i'm gonna pick three sheets that are a darker pink so there's three sheets and maybe i'll do three sheets of this light yellow for the middle so i've got my six sheets that i'm going to work with and we're going to cut uh two sheets at a time it just makes it a little bit easier so we're going to take our two coffee filters and we're going to fold it in half and then we're going to fold it again into quarters so it's that shape which is this shape so i've outlined the design and it's a very simple squiggly line that you can draw and then we're just going to nip off the bottom so let's draw that on and you can use a little pattern create a little pattern but it's not that big of a deal so you want to draw something like this obviously you're going to use a pencil and not a magic marker so that you don't see the lines and then you're just going to trace it and that's it and if you've ever if you remember being a kid and cutting out snowflakes it's basically the same thing so i've just trimmed off that and i've trimmed off that then you are going to open it oh no i'm sorry then we're going to just cut off the tip just like less than a quarter of uh an inch and then we are going to cut knot all the way through the petals so we're basically uh separating the petals so it's going to look like this one side you're actually going to cut all the way through so we've got this so these are our outside petals we'll put those off to the side that's two of those done now we're going to need three filters in order to create this shape so we're next three filters one two three and for this we're going to fold it in half and then we're going to fold it again in quarters and then we're going to fold it again so now you've got this shape so now we're going to draw this on nipping off the bottom we've got our shape we're going to just nip off the bottom create a little hole and then we're just going to cut this through now this might be a little bit tougher to cut because it's you've got three filters folded up four times and just round off the little ends and then we are going to cut in between the petals but not all the way through so that we are actually um separating the little petals even though they're all linked together in the middle so now you've got this with all your loose petals and again we're going to cut one side into the middle so that we've got this because that's our next set of petals we'll set that aside then the middle petal is actually like this but there is no uh hole in the middle so we're going to take our next filter fold it in half fold it again into quarters fold it one more time so now you've got this shape which is this shape and if you notice this is a little bit further down so this petal is going to be shorter than the last one that we did just so that you notice the difference this one is bigger than that one so we're going to create our petal about half or a quarter a third of the way down like that and then we're just going to cut it really you're just scalloping scalloping but this time we're not going to cut the little tip off we're going to leave it whole but what we are going to do is we're going to snip three quarters of the way down just to separate those petals so you're going to get a flower like this whoops and we're going to keep it whole we're not cutting it right into the middle so you've got something like this that's what this little line here is for just to indicate that that's as far down as you cut it now this is going to be our center so we'll put this off to the side so that's the center so now we're going to move on to our petals for our rose they're going to look like this when they're done dyed green and these are the the little petals that surround the base of the rose so they're these little guys that make it realistic and that's going to look like this when it's done so draw your pattern out on your filter and let's just grab one of these filters we'll take a light green and you are going to fold it in half and fold it into a quarter and then you're going to draw this onto that so taking your pen that you've got so it's going to look like this stems stem leaves which are all separated so we're going to put that off to the side and then we're going to do our leaves we'll grab something that has a little green and we're going to fold it in half fold it again in quarters fold it one more time and you're going to want to draw a leaf like that with a little stem because this we're going to um adhere to the wire so we'll just draw that draw your leaf cut it out and then you've got all your little leaves so we're going to set that off to the side now the middle of the um flower we're going to need just some paper towel a little piece of paper towel and we're just going to scrunch it up into a ball a little ball like that and wrap it around there and now i'm just going to this is going to be the center of our flower that all our petals will circulate from just as you have here but i'm going to have to grab my glue gun and my wire and my floral tape so i'll be right back so now we've got our little ball of paper towel that we've covered and we've got some floral wire that you can just buy at the dollar store and i just put a little rule on the tip because i'm going to put this whoops i'm going to put this in here and glue it and it just seems to hold a bit better when it's got a little hook on it so then i'm just going to put a little dab of glue and i'm going to put that floral wire in there and then i'm just going to glue it together so now i've got that so now i'm going to take um and by the way these numbers are not the order of the petals this is one sheet of coffee filter three sheets of coffee filter and two coffee filters it's the number of petals but we're going to start with the center petal and we're going to put a little ring of glue just a little ring of glue like that around it and we're going to put our little paper towel on it and we're going to just squeeze it like that and we want to squeeze it we want to be able to glue it back here so we'll just add a little bit more glue and you just want to squeeze it so it's like this and then we're going to turn it once the petals are glued we're going to turn it over again and we're going to just bunch up the petals like this so now we've got our base to start from so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to start gluing the second mold which is the one that has the eight petals and what we want to do and the reason it's cut is basically we want to glue it here and we're going to glue it all the way around to create this effect so this is what we're going to try to achieve so we need let's see if i can do this so you can see it we'll just put a little bit of glue along here and a little bit of glue on the bottom and you're just going to add a little bit of glue on the bottom and you're just going to keep turning it and pinching it and you're going to add a little tiny bit of glue on the bottom like this and we're just going to keep turning it and pinching it take your next petal and try to alternate so that the overlaps aren't exactly in the same spot so again i'll do that and then we'll add one little strip down the other side there we go and we're gonna just pinch that tight so now you can see it's starting to develop we've got another sheet and yes the glue is a very hot so be careful and then we're just going to tack that last petal by just putting a little tiny bit there and that keeps the shape all the while you're pinching the bottom so all the petals are glued together now we've got our outer petals so these last two petals and we're going to do the same thing we're going to add oh do it like this we're going to add some glue here a little bit up the upside and try to make sure that the petals look nice scrunch them as you glue them all the way around a little bit down the side again turning and finally tacking that last petal all the while pinching the bottom and now we have our last set of the four petals last one and then up the side and then just tack it on and pinch the bottom that is the rose now the next step is we're going to add some of our green floral tape which is this and we just want to cut a strip off approximately the length of your wire and then if you've never used floral tape before it's a tape that has stretch it's a waxy tape so it's tacky but it's not sticky so you want to just give it a good pull around the top and make sure that you've got that top really secure like this and then you are going to twirl the wire but you're going to be holding the tape like this and you're just going to be pulling on it slightly as you twirl so i have to do it like this so you're pulling twirling pulling twirling pulling twirling all the way down and you just pull it off and tack it take our little green leaf and we are going to dye this green and we're going to put it back in the oven for five minutes at 250. so basically you just want to get a little tiny glass of water and you are going to use a paintbrush and with full concentration of your food color you're going to add green yellow a little bit of red to create this olive natural green color that's what you're trying to achieve and you're going to take that concentrated color and you're going to apply it directly onto your coffee filter with a paintbrush on both sides and then you're going to bake it and that's how you're going to get the intense green color so when you do that you end up with this what i'm going to do is roses have usually leaves at the base like this so i'm just going to pinch it and position it how i think it looks nice on the flower and then i'm just going to hot glue it so a little bit of hot glue and a little bit of hot glue goes a long way and then just possess position your three leaves so that they're evenly spaced out and then pinch it and that's it now these are limp little leaves so i just halfway up a dotted glue and tuck it and that way it will whoops it will keep its position and you could use elmer's glue but the hot glue gun is like instant gratification so there you go now it's starting to look like a rose so all we're gonna do and this is uh the most fun part is we're going to just ruffle up and you can see that already it looks amazing but to make it even look more amazing i want you to just scrunch it up scrunch and this creates that it makes the petals look just like real roses sometimes on the outside petals i'll squish curling them out like this and then the inside ones i'll just squish them going in now if you really want to get really super fancy you can furl the edges by you have to dampen your fingers and just if you roll the edges back and forth you get this furled effect which looks just like a real rose so you can take a little bit of time and roll them it's like roll up the rim to win it's not that easy to do once you catch it though you start rolling the little rim then it really works well and it creates a really magnificent and special effect so that's the rose but it's not done until we get some leaves on it and to do the leaves we're going to this is what we're trying to achieve so that when we attach it it would look like this and in order to make these leaves you need some very thin gauged wire and this is super fine it's like jewelry wire or something that you can get from the dollar store and you want two pieces of wire that are about six inches long and then you're going to use the tape and you're going to tape off uh the majority of this stem you can leave this little bit because we're actually going to glue this inside two leaves so that our leaves are flexible so leave that wire bare and the other little wire you're going to use the tape just in the middle leaving the two sides bare so now you've got your two wires and you're going to crisscross them but you want them to be um three different sizes so we've got a short a longer and the longest and then you're just going to twist it together the two long ones and you're going to twist it until you have a little stick like that with three sides a stick like that we're going to attach the leaf uh to these three stems so for our leaves we had our pottery leaves and then we dyed them by using a just a paintbrush with some concentrated food coloring you paint it on you're going to bake it at 250 for 5 to 10 minutes these are very thin so i've already done that and we're going to need uh we're going to be making three leaves so we actually need six so i've got six leaves i think i like these ones better these two okay so i've got six leaves put them off to the side and now what we're going to do is we're going to lay uh one leaf on top of the other actually and we're just going to fold it down the center and this just helps um to create the crease you can also create some veining by just folding it back and forth like an accordion like that then when you open it up you've got the leaf that has that accordion shape and then we're going to lay the leaves side by side rough sides in and we're going to put a dab of glue all the way down the middle of the leaf like so and then we're going to lay the wire down along the leaf like so and we're going to put the other leaf and try and match it perfectly directly on top now whoa that's a little bit out of the way now the sides are open still so we're going to put a bead of glue all the way down and full and glue those two sides together and by doing this it actually um just reinforces the edges almost gives them a three-dimensional look and it just all aids in making the leaf look more realistic so now we've glued all the sides all the way around the leaf you can bend it because you have your wire in it so that makes it really great the last thing is you're just going to add a little dot of glue in the middle of the little stem like this and then you're just gonna pinch it together and it just makes the leaf pucker a little bit making it even more realistic oops ah a little sticky like this so you're gonna do that with all the leaves and we're going to end up with our stem now that we've got our stem and we've got our rose which we can fiddle with and believe me once you start making these it's hard not to touch it and just make it look more and more beautiful more realistic anyway we stop okay so now we're just going to add our um leaves in the top third of the flower it looks more realistic that way and when you put it in your vaws you've got this these leaves that are coming out you can actually move them so you're going to put your two pieces of wire together another little strip of floral tape and you're just going to attach the two tightly and it's the same principle you're just pulling with one hand and twisting with the top as you're pulling you're stretching the tape and you're just reinforcing that stem you have la rosa bella so that's really beautiful i think everybody can do that so that's the rose now the next flower we're going to be making is the hydrangea and the hydrangea you can do it in so many different colors but it's going to look like this look how realistic that looks this is even easier than making the rose so let's get to it i'm going to clear this up so now we're on to the hydrangeas and there's only two patterns there is one pattern for the flower and one pattern for the leaf and it's going to create the most amazing flower that you've ever seen well maybe not that you've ever seen but a really amazing flower so you're going to take and remember we're going to need eight sheets of coffee filters you're going to take two at a time and you're going to fold them in half and then you're going to fold it again and then you're going to fold it again and then you're going to fold it once more so you're folding it four times onto itself and you're creating something like this that we're going to draw that on before i do that because this is a little thick i'm going to just cut it down one side but not all the way through just to about there the only and we're going to do that all the way around but it just makes it easier for this to lay flat so we're going to draw our design and as you can see it doesn't have to be perfect for little petals and then we're going to cut that out and you need good scissors the better the scissors the nicer the cut the more realistic the flowers will be and i learned to make these from and i've watched tons of um videos on coffee filter flowers but there is one um person in particular and it's called your house and home that i learned how to make the hydrangeas and she makes beautiful flowers so you should check out her youtube video it's really amazing okay so i've cut out my pattern now i want to cut down in between all these little flowerlets so i'm going to cut but not all the way leaving about i'd say half an inch from the center and you're just going to open it up and just cut down oops i think i better just do it like this so you're separating all these little stems with flowers on the ends so it looks like that so it looks like that so that's two i've got to make eight of these so i'm going to do it again fold it in half fold it again second time fold it a third time and fold it a fourth time cutting down the side but not all the way through making it easier for it to stay flat i'm going to draw my little pattern something like that i'm going to cut it out so this is our last one that we are cutting and two filters honestly is enough otherwise it's too thick it would be too difficult to cut and even saying that you need some nice sharp scissors just to make your life easier this is supposed to be relaxing not stressful i'm going to slice it halfway down okay so we're going to be oops i gotta slice this one so we've got our four little piles which oops makes up our entire flower and now we're going to embellish this by adding color just to the little florets on the tips and i'm going to show you how to do that now i wanted to make some blue hydrangeas so i pre-mixed in a little cup again the concentrated food coloring and i used blue and red and it's just a little bit but what i'm going to do i've also got a the green four leaves and i also did up a red so i just want to show you what that's going to look like so all i'm going to do is um hold my little flowers together and i all i'm going to do is i'm going to paint just around the rim of all these little flower uh the little florets and the reason i'm doing i'm painting it along here is because i want to be able to penetrate all the layers so um you can either add a bit of water initially just so that the little leaflets are more accepting of the dye actually helps keep them together so now all my little uh leaflets are moist i'm gonna take my blue and just a touch as you can see has spread the color through all of the little leaves and it doesn't have to be perfect the nice thing is that i think you can see all little flowers are the dye has gone all the way through so what we're going to do and we're going to do that to all of them but we're going to put them on the cookie sheet and we're going to dry them again at 250 degrees like this and you can touch up if the color hasn't penetrated enough or if it hasn't gone through you can certainly touch up the color this is actually looking a little bit more green than blue or purple like i was hoping but these things happen and the colors do dry um they change they will lighten as they dry in the oven so now i'm going to do that to all of my little flowerettes just to make sure that i've got every little layer covered and try and keep it together the best you can there we go and now i've got this other color which is like a burgundy so let's see what this looks like oh it's very red that's very red so i mean the fun thing about this is that you can um i don't want to hydrangea that's this red so obviously i ain't loving it i can add a little bit more water into my blue and add it so the blue saved the day i should have just kept on with the blue like i wanted to initially so i'm going to continue with this and i'm going to dry it on my cookie sheet oh my goodness this looks like the american flag hold on hold on hold on i know why this isn't uh staying blue like i really wanted it to but and that's because my paper is yellow yeah it's because my paper is yellow so now i've got my sheets in the oven and they are drying and next i'm going to cut out my leaves so for this i used a coffee filter fold it in half fold it in half again and draw your leaf in a shape like this and it's going to give you four leaves once you cut them out then you're going to take your leaves on a cookie sheet you're going to mix up some of your green food coloring and you're going to paint it directly on and you're going to dry it for 250 degrees and once that's dry then i'll show you how to assemble the leaves but next let's go check and see if our hydrangea petals are dry so now we've got our leaves or not our leaves now we've got our flowers that are dry hot out of the oven and we're going to uh just refold them because we want to make sure that all these little flowers are separated so we need to cut three quarters of the way down all the way around three quarters of the way down so when we open it up we have a flower kind of looks like a snowflake with all the individual little petals separate oops these two are stuck together so now we're going to layer the flowers one on top of the other and we're going to just turn it around so that the flowers are not lined up the flowers are not lined up so we're going to do that to all of them we're going to make sure that they're all cut individually maybe there's a faster way to do this when it was folded i should have probably done it but anyway not too late now open it up and then we're going to stack them eight layers alternate the flowers and just layer upon layer until you reach the full eight layers so now we've got our eight layers all stacked and we're going to take it and we're going to fold it in half so that we've got this it's already beginning to look like something and next we are going to take our wire and we're going to put a loop on the end just because it makes it more secure just a little loopy and we're going to start um before we put this in what we're going to do is we're actually going to start to roll this up like a cone you see so we're going to roll it up like a cone and the looser the cone is the bigger the flower the tighter the cone the smaller the flower so i'm going to start gluing this and we'll start by adding a dab of glue and i'm going to insert my wire in the middle and then i'm going to start rolling and rolling it up and as i'm getting near to the end i'm just adding a little bit of glue and then some glue right to the end and i'm going to just hold that tight at the bottom to make sure that my wire is really glued in there and i'm going to pinch it now at this point i'm going to add it's already beginning to look like the hydrangea oh my god it's going to be really fantastic i'm going to take my wire or not my wire i'm going to take the floral tape and you want to try and start a little bit at the base of the flower and just wind it around and this is might be a little bit tricky but you want to wind it around tight enough so that you can start pulling it and creating your covered wire stem or the floral tape is waxed which is what makes it sticky so the the glue doesn't really work on it so there i've just tightened it a bit frill this flower we're ready to make our leaves and we've cut out four of them and dyed them green and then we're going to take two little um wires lightweight wires you can buy this at the dollar store and we're just going to add some of the floral tape to three quarters of the way up so just wrap it three quarters of the way the hardest part is actually getting it to start so now we're ready for our leaves to line them up two together fold it create a crease then fold like an accordion on an angle going upwards that just gives you a little extra definition then we're going to lay our leaves down and we're just going to drizzle some glue right down the middle of the leaf and we are going to attach our wire three quarters the way up or all the way up whatever you like and then we're going to line up our leaves perfectly or as close as we can line them up put a little dab of glue down at the bottom to secure that little bit so then we've got our leaves but they're open on the sides so we're just going to with the bead of glue we're just going to outline the edge of that leaf so we've just outlined it and then we're just going to glue the two petals together and we're going to do that on the other side just follow the outline of the leaf and this actually not only does it give some structure to the leaf but it also um gives it a bit of a 3d effect so you can scrunch it up turn it around crease it bend it if you want to have a bent so it's really really versatile so that's one leaf we'll do the other one on the you can add a little bead at the end and just pinch the leaf together to create something like that flower and we're saving the best for last but before i fluff up the flower i'm just going to attach the leaves and these are flexible but you want it to be fairly close to the top and they usually are in pairs so i'm going to just put those two together grab a little piece of the tape and then you don't have to wrap it all the way down it can feather out there you go you could have done a third leaf if you really wanted to and now for the uh final little fluffing up of the flower and it's just amazing and then you just want to scrunch it crunch it until you get the desired effect that you want it is a very effective flower or a hydrangea our rose just really fantastic and easy too so now that we've completed our flowers i can add these last two flowers to my arrangement and i think it looks spectacular look at the colors on that they really look so realistic i can't believe i made it myself so i hope that you take the time to learn how to make these flowers they're so easy they're so inexpensive it's actually very very relaxing once you get the hang of it and it really brightens up a room in the middle of winter so like i always say stop and smell the flowers and in this case they don't smell but they do look beautiful so if you try this and you are able to make some beautiful flowers for your home and you really like the video i hope that you share it [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: suzy rebelo
Views: 271,571
Rating: 4.9425125 out of 5
Id: seFrdjn11zE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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