Meals in a bag: Hamburger gravy and mashed potatoes | Just add water! DIY MREs and emergency foods

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hey youtube Christian pepper got here and today I'm going to be putting together another meal and a bag today's meal will be hamburger gravy with mashed potatoes and I thought I would share that with you today so why don't you come on along the first thing we're going to do is take out our bag and I'm using a mylar bag this is the one quart size you can also use a vacuum sealer bags and vacuum seal them and they work just fine as well the first thing we're going to do with our bag is write the instructions on it for the meal and I've already done that I apologize for the change in lighting and reflection when I put the bag up to the camera but there's not much I can do about that anyway this particular bag has the zip lock I just noticed I have some magic marker on my finger from writing on the bags anyway this houses a block back and it also has a test fit at the bottom that opens up so that we can stand the bag up and it's easier to fill it so this is a little bit different than some of the other recipes I've developed and tried and shared with you so don't worry about writing it down I'll include some the recipe and directions below in the description box first thing we're going to do is this is actually mountain house freeze-dried hamburger meat and I've stored it in the mason jar because it last longer on the shelf life than to leave it in the original 10 number 10 can then it comes in so this is 1/4 measuring cup or native 3/4 cup of the hamburger meat or ground beef whichever into my little bag then we're going to just kind of set that aside for a moment and I have a baggie here that I'm going to use to put our other ingredients in the first thing we're going to do is put in 1 cup of instant mashed potatoes I'm probably gonna make a mess with this soap haha just hope not too bad of a mess all right and I'm gonna pour that right in the baggie not too bad at all for vessel ice okay vivillon in the baggie we're also going to put in some gravy mix to make the gravy and I'm using pioneer country gravy mix it's got a sausage flavor and I've actually taken one of these packages put it into a ziploc bag so it's easier for me to dig in and get out what I need for the recipe you don't have to do that at home I just did it for sake of easiness on the camera or behind the camera I'm gonna put three tablespoons into the baggie with the mashed potatoes or the instant mashed potatoes guess three tablespoons and then the next thing we're gonna do is put some powdered milk and this is neato in AI D o powder milk it's not an instant nonfat dry milk it's a a whole milk that's powdered and that's what you want to use you the instant nonfat dry milk will not thicken the gravy up enough you need something that's a little heavier to do that so we're going to put one tablespoon of this in with the baggy powdered butter and it's August and Farms brand and get that on you can get get it at Walmart and get it online at Amazon I'm putting in 1 tablespoon anyway in different places that you can get that butter butter and you don't have to use the August and Farms brand it just happens to be the one that I like the most next up we're going to put in some beef broth and you want the dry powdery kind that does not have to be refrigerated in order to get the shelf-life that we need to have with these meals I'm going to put in two teaspoons of beef broth oh my and that's it for the the potatoes and gravy mix so now what I'm gonna do is I'm not gonna close it up just gonna kinda even it out some take the bag and roll it like that and then I'm going to set it inside the mylar or the vacuum sealer bag with the ground beef that's in there and then excuse me I forgot something on my cupboard then I'm gonna take an oxygen absorber sorry I was out of the camera view for you an oxygen absorber this one is 300 cc's gonna place it in the bag then I'm going to close it up halfway I'm gonna press press as much of the air out of there as I can and then I'm going to close that zip lock back up the rest of the way no I have got three more of these I'm gonna put together but I'm not going to make you suffer through and watch me do it so I'm gonna go ahead and put those together and then I'll come back and we will seal the bags up so stay tuned I'll be right back and I am back I got the bags all ready to seal up as you can see I've done the other ones and I've put the baggies inside the oxygen absorber inside squeeze out the air close up the zip portion of them now I'm going to seal the bag the mylar bag so that no air can get in the oxygen absorber that's in there will absorb any oxygen that's left in the bag so then these can be shelf-stable many were from 10 to 15 years so depending on the environment and how they're stored okay this is a straightening iron it is for straightening hair however I use this one strictly for sealing my mylar bags I'm going to take the bag and on the end I'm going to put this straightening iron and just squeeze it and hold it down hold it down for about Oh 20 seconds I never really counted I just kind of go by how long it feels and then I turn it over and do this other side and you do want to be careful that you don't seal it all the way down to the Ziploc portion then I'm going to turn it over and do it again because it's had time for that first side to cool off just a little bit and I just like to do a double-take to make sure that it's fused together really good you don't have to be honest quite as long that second time around but there you go and these are sealed and ready to store these are good for camping hiking boating anything you want to use them for basically what I've done them for today is to put in our bug out bags and I also do some and put them on our shelves in my long-term food storage area so as I said before I'll put the recipe the link to the recipe down below and if you liked this video please click on the thumbs up like button if you would like to see more videos like this please click on the subscribe and then the little bell that's next to subscribe and you'll be notified every time a new video comes out well that's it for today so until next time happy prepping and God bless oh and I almost forgot to tell you that if you want to see what it the hamburger gravy and mashed potatoes looks like when it's all rehydrated and cooked up I will do a video of that in the next couple of days or so so you might want to watch out for that and stay tuned for it otherwise the directions for that are down below with the recipe and instructions so okay until next time you
Channel: Christian Prepper Gal
Views: 6,930
Rating: 4.9207921 out of 5
Keywords: meals in a bag, meals in a bag recipes, meals in a jar, meals in a jar recipes, backpacking food recipes, dehydrated meals, diy dehydrated meals, diy shtf meals, prepper meal recipes, diy mre, diy mre recipes, diy homemade mre, prepper recipes, emergency food prep meals, prepper food storage recipes, mylar bag meals, mylar bag meal recipes, long term food storage recipes, long term food storage, hamburger gravy and mashed potatoes
Id: 5PJLIAr21Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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