Packing Dehydrated Potato Shreds and Pasta For Long Term Storage; Please Read Pinned Comment.

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hello youtubers Alaska prepper here well I wanted to show you guys a quick pack up and and a storage of some potato shreds that I got but I want to show you how you can fail by thinking that you can store your own food for cheaper then you can buy it prepackaged now that's not for everything I feel that for most things you can put away and package your own food that you buy in bulk for less than what you pay for prepackaged foods like oxen farms and that's the example I'm gonna use today because I saw these potato shreds at Costco's and these were roughly about five dollars and fifty cents each all right maybe a few pennies less maybe a few pennies more but not much there were less than six dollars of piece okay and I saw these Costco's and decided to pick up six of these a case of them and a case of these brings six times two point three four pounds so you're looking at just shy of fifteen pounds okay of potato shreds so for fifteen pounds of potato shreds I ended up paying I would say about roughly thirty three dollars okay it might be a couple pennies more a couple pennies less but right in the range of about thirty three dollars for fifteen pounds of potato shreds so after I bought these then I went ahead and on I went onto Amazon and took a look at ox and farmed potato shreds and to my dismay I found that in oxen Farms offers a bucket of twenty two pounds of potato shreds for forty dollars so where I could have gotten an additional seven pounds of potato shreds for an additional seven dollars instead I ended up getting fifteen pounds of potato shreds for $33 so this as far as I'm concerned is a fail on my part as far as what it costs me to put this away because in addition to the $33 that I'm paying for the product okay I ended up paying an additional $2 for my mylar bag and an additional $6 for my bucket and my lid so I'm looking at paying right now for putting this away I'm looking at paying $41 for putting away 15 pounds of of these potato shreds and it's actually a little worse than that because only as you can see here let me show you so you can see here I've already packaged a five gallon bucket of this and it only took five containers all right it won't take more than five I might be able to squeeze it in there but I doubt it and I don't want to put so much in there that I won't be able to put a lid on it so really I'm only putting away about eleven or twelve pounds of potato shreds okay and it's costing me roughly $27 in potato shreds and then an additional eight dollars or so for the bucket and the mylar bag and the lid all right and the oxygen absorbers come with the mylar bags so it's the same cost about $2 per 5-gallon mylar bag with the oxygen absorber in there so in this case I ran into a situation where I would have been much better off ordering the prepackaged foods from Autzen farm than to try to package my own so this is the last time I will do this I do want to pack more of these potato shreds because I think that there's a lot of uses for potatoes number one right it goes a really long way like one of these one of these right here lasts a long time like I remember when I made those breakfasts burritos that I mean about 20 of them I only used about a cup a cup and a half of these and it was enough for me to make 20 burritos okay in addition of course to the eggs and the meats that I put in there but just as an example of how far these go and I personally don't like canning potatoes because I think that it just takes up so much room to camp potatoes so I prefer to to package my potatoes or store my potatoes in an 5-gallon mylar bags or in the shredded form dehydrator form for long term storage instead of having it in the pantry in jars now having said that when I start growing my own potatoes and growing my own Gardens I more likely will have to can some of them however that's going to be a learning process because I do know that you can store potatoes depending on the humidity and the temperature of the area in which you store it they can last you six seven months okay store it away which is enough to get through the winter here so that's gonna be a learning learning process but for now I'm going to go ahead and concentrate on storing some of these and I realized when I saw these one of the good things I like about going to Costco and surfing the web for things like this is that I realized that I really don't have that much potatoes stored up and that's one of those things it's like rice it's a good carbohydrate well white rice is not necessarily a great carbohydrate but it is a carbohydrate and will provide you with energy depending on what other things you eat it with okay now I know I'm diverse in here but for those of you that think that white rice is the devil if you mix white rice with other things like beans or with proteins it does allow the body to digest the carbohydrates and the white rice a little slower therefore not inducing too much insulin to be pushed into your body okay for those of you that may be you know diabetic and things like that I know white rice really not good if you're diabetic but if you do mix it in with other proteins other fibers like legumes and meats it does allow the body to digest it a little slower and oils too it allows the body to digest it a little slower enabling your body to put the sugar from the rice into your bloodstream a little bit slower than it would have otherwise okay so I just wanted to show you that fail because this is as far as I'm concerned this is a big fail I mean I'm looking at probably almost paying almost twice as much as what I would be paying if I just bought it online because this bucket right here we're looking at this bucket costing me about $35 to store roughly half of what I would have been able to get should I just bought it online so this is one mistake I won't make again as long as I can get it through oxen Farms that's what I'm gonna do it already comes packaged it won't take any of my time to do it all I have to do is grab it and put it away here I stored it I made sure that I that I froze these potato shreds I made sure that I kept them outside of my truck for a couple of days right to make sure that they were in a constant temperature that was below freezing all right that's one of the things you want to do before you store these in there and also ladies and gentlemen I know that for those of you that have been with me for a while you see me do several videos of this where I show people how to package things in my tar bags for long term and I keep revisiting this subject or I keep revisiting this is because we do have new subscribers all the time and a lot of times I am asked how do I do this so I don't mind doing this once in a while because I'm gonna do it anyways and if it can help someone that's new that hasn't been able to find one of the videos that I've done in the past about doing this it'll help them to at least become what do you call it more interested in doing it because this here can be a little bit intimidating as far as packaging your own food you know a lot of people are afraid of am I gonna do it right am I am I not gonna be able to use this in 10 years if I have to because I've messed up so I like to show you all how simple this really is this is not rocket science and anybody can do this anyone at all and it's not that expensive now having said that just make sure you do a little bit of research before you go out and purchase things okay like for example I would never buy prepackaged rice all right from Autzen farms or anyone because it almost always I've never seen a case where prepackaged rice is less expensive than you packing your own rice okay but in this case right here I will never I will never buy this again at the store to package myself when I know that I can go to oxen farms and get almost twice as much for just a couple dollars more all right so for those of you that are new that haven't really seen me do this before okay what I've done here is all I have here is is a five gallon bucket okay and it's not it's not a food grade bucket which doesn't really matter in this case because we're using a mylar bag which is food grade okay you get yourself a five gallon mylar bag which if you look in the description of all of my videos you should see a link to the five gallon mylar bags that I use which is exactly these same ones for Amazon and they're the best deal that I could find you get 10 a 10 pack of these and it comes with 10 1000 or 2000 CC absorbers oxygen absorbers and one of those oxygen absorbers is plenty they come with these right here these are 2000cc oxygen absorbers and as you can see I keep them in a mason jar so that they can you know keep their so that they can stay fresh okay I'm gonna be opening this up here in a second so they come with that and I think they're the they're about two dollars and ten cents apiece that comes out two for each mylar bag and oxygen absorber combination so all we're doing ladies and gentlemen is just filling it to the top making sure that you'd publish this down a little bit so that you can get it compacted down as much as you can all right and then we're just gonna fold our bag hold a nice and neat and then what we're gonna need for this all right the low-tech way of doing this we're just gonna need a board okay and we're gonna need an iron okay and get your iron nice and hot all right so make sure that if you have little ones that they're not near that thing okay we're gonna take our board let me just make sure that you guys can see this we're just gonna put it on the lip of the five-gallon bucket and then we're gonna take the mylar bag and lay it nice and flat on the board okay when I do this I try to hold it right here and I try to squeeze down a little bit to get some of the air out of it don't worry about getting so much air out of it that that um that you're spending a lot of time because when you put you're out such an absorber in there it's going to suck this in okay trust me it is going to suck this in and if you want to see how that works I do have other videos showing you the end result after I've let this sit in here for a couple of days meaning after I've sealed it with an oxygen absorber in there for a couple of days showing you how much it actually sucks all the air into these oxygen absorbers which really is not sucking any air in all it is for those of you that don't know is the oxygen absorber therefore with what I call iron powder all right so if you know a raw iron is will rust really easy and what rusting is is a chemical reaction between the iron and the oxygen in the air okay the oxygen oxidizes the iron turning it into rust so when that chemical reaction occurs the oxygen is evacuated from from the environment in which it's in all right taking away the oxygen and replacing it with co2 okay because that's what oxygen oxidation is right so what will happen is is these bags will shrink in because the iron that's in here takes up a lot of the oxygen in order to oxidise alright that's the best way I can describe it or explain it alright so do your own research if you're interested in that but all this says here is just a little bag with with iron dust in it that's what it is okay so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna take an oxygen absorber out of here and I'm gonna go ahead and place it in the bag now that is ready I've got my iron ready I'm gonna go ahead and seal it and you'll see how easy it is to do this okay and by the way these oxygen absorbers I've been storing it like this for a long time all right there's different channels that use different methods I know that if you guys go and check out bug-out Bubba instead of using oxygen absorbers he uses hand warmers and a hand warmer is the same thing as an oxygen absorber okay the main reason I use these is because I get them with my mylar bags and I like using mylar bags if you guys go check out Booga Bubba he's got different methods of storing his dry goods all right it's totally different than the method I use he still uses a five-gallon bucket but he doesn't use a mylar bag and he doesn't use traditional oxygen absorbers he uses hand warmers you guys can go check him out if you like because he's got a really good Channel and he's a really good guy all right so I recommend that you guys go check him out all right but I like using the same method I've been using for years because I know that it works for me okay if something works for me I don't want to change it to a different method just to change it there's got to be a reason why I'm changing to a different method and this way here I know works this way I've been doing it I'm not gonna change it now okay so I'm gonna go ahead and and also this is how I store my oxygen absorbers okay whatever extras I have I put them in a mason jar I put a lid on it I put a ring on it and tighten it tight and it will seal this off you can see that I'm holding this just by the lid okay so and you'll hear that you'll hear the hiss when it opens up that way you know that it's still good so check it out I don't know if you heard that but it did his I'm gonna take one of these out in a quick way to check to make sure that your oxygen absorber is still good all right just to make sure it's still good if you shake it you should hear powder in there all right and doing this actually helps to activate it quickly okay now if you open one of these up and it's really hard and it feels like it's just really tacky and hard in there you may not want to use this you may not want to use it but this one is really good nicer you just put it in there you place it on top okay you want to go ahead and make sure that this is lined up nice and well push some of my air out as much as I can but not fussing too much with it then I'm gonna grab my iron and just iron it ladies and gentlemen for any of you guys that have ironed clothes before this is pretty much the same thing okay all you got to do is iron it making sure that you don't leave your iron on one spot for too long because it will burn through all right this is pretty much just a plastic bag with a very thin layer of metal and that's what a mylar bag is is a plastic bag with a pretty much a thin layer of metal which is what acts as the barrier between allowing any air and/or light and moisture to get into the bag all right so once you seal this you're good to go now you see this this is all good to go all you have to do with this now is you put this aside okay you put it aside and you give it a couple of days I usually like to take another five-gallon bucket and put it on top of it okay so usually I just feel like this trying to make it nice and neat [Applause] [Music] you can see it's still nice and airy but that will definitely shrink down okay I guarantee it all right I usually like to put another five gallon bucket on top of this so that I can crush it down nice and even so my lid will go are nice and even so I got another one here that I pack I might as well get this one done I'm already out here and this one is just uh this one's got 20 pounds of macaroni in it I already packed it so I'm just gonna go ahead and get this one done at the same time since I've already got the oxygen absorbers opened up okay so I'm going to take this throw it in there I'm gonna do the exact same thing that I did before so ladies and gentlemen for those of you that haven't pulled the trigger yet on getting yourself some of these or starting to prep period all right I want to show you here how simple this is this is man I'm telling you for people that have an excuse or use excuses of not prepping because they don't have the time that's really not a good excuse now if you don't have the time and you have the money go ahead and buy yourself you know prepackaged foods but if you really don't have a lot of money obviously the best thing that you can do is to buy and bulk and package your own foods okay and that's what I recommend I recommend that you buy us much things in bulk as you can and package your own foods all right that way you can know what you have anyway you can label it yourself and you know everything about the stuff that you packaged yourself okay and do your research alright this mistake right here probably cost me for what I ended up paying for these and the bucket and the mylar bag I could have probably gotten a full seven pounds more of shreds all right so I could have probably gotten the equivalent about three more of these about three more of these for around the same price maybe a couple of dollars more but not too much more so do your research when you're buying stuff don't just buy something because it looks cool or because you're getting it on a whim do a little bit of research it'll save you money in the long run okay so this is something I won't do again I am gonna end up ordering arcs and forums so this one right here and will end up in my pantry and we'll end up using it eventually or maybe I'll just put it in a half-gallon mason jar and throw an oxygen absorber in there which will work just as well okay but just a quick video today ladies and gentleman I hope you enjoyed this I hope that you got something out of this if you know someone that is on the verge of starting to prep or is thinking about it share some of these videos with them because it may only take one video to wake them up to the fact that they do need to start preparing all right that we all need to start preparing and if we have been preparing we need to continue to prepare well more importantly ladies and gentlemen reach one teach one alright we need to keep reaching people and teaching people so that they can understand why it's so important to start prepping with the times that we're in right now okay ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna go ahead and sign off I don't really mean for this to be this long of a video but you know me I like to blab so having said that or a quick note I'm taking this sunday off so there's not gonna be a premiere on Sunday however I have a really really good premier I think it is for Saturday all right so you guys are gonna want to catch that premiere on Saturday it actually took me a whole day to do this video because I had to do a lot of editing and supply I'm not good at that stuff so I hope that you guys join me this Saturday 8 a.m. Alaska time alright so for those of you that can join in we'll have some fun chatting and I put up I'm putting up in the process of putting up a video that I think you all will enjoy ok so having said there remember to be good to each other when good people do good things good things happen remember to reach one teach one and repeat if we all did this the world would be a better place and you know that it will be a better place many blessings to every one of you and your families this is Alaska prepper and I'm out
Channel: Alaska Prepper
Views: 15,413
Rating: 4.9516325 out of 5
Keywords: Long term food storage augason farms
Id: e70gmARcrGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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