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hey guys welcome to the vlog channel we are about to pack up what hi we're about to pack up all this stuff head to my brother's house basically try to create something fun today something different something new we've never tried and looked all this stuff should be a pretty fun day I am taking just about all my random crap tripods mouths anything you can think of to put a camera on tons of chargers extra batteries we got way more GoPros than we actually need all right I'm gonna take the monsters you get better oh let Britt sleep she's still down she's laid out look like a pro boxer that just lost the night before you guys stay in sleep bye mommy I buy juice me and my boys today baby we're gonna have some fun or what yeah yeah all right let's do it all right you ready to do this oh you got a new vid yeah oh yeah yeah I gotta see I can't show you guys action-packed thriller dude love it hard work on that one be sure to check out the elves move in right oh yeah thing we want to do is try to set up some type of track or obstacle Dale's got the best back yard because these trucks will go just about everywhere there's different paths options we have a main path here in here and then there's one down there like the whole idea today is that we race outside but we drive inside no idea really what to expect but it looks perfect look at the point of view super cool setup yeah I don't know yeah I guess we'll see so here it is guys here's our rig this is our trucks we have the executive trucks this is our exact we have the exact same trucks the same camera rigs the same transmitters and hopefully we will be able to drive in Dale's woods from inside his house give me swing so right now we're trying to figure out how to rig our GoPros so that we can cut into the Edit it's actually what we're seeing basically kind of thinking right like that that's all though we'll be seeing from here you guys will be seeing the truck did you did you have a spare GoPro for me um I mean you have to take a look or you got the new pilot isn't even out yeah I want to use them yeah yeah but what are we doing here well here's the thing first of all John got here yeah I'm here to help I know so little what's crazy is there's no pizza that you took its way right I told you there was no guarantees all right well let's see no matter what mount we use it becomes rocky on the GoPro because it's just I mean it's its weight on plastic so we're gonna actually just physically tape the camera to the frame should give a more stable shot you guys didn't just shrink-ray an actual SUV no you're ready dude yeah let's go all right John said it best you got all this technology and then tape tape give me credit for something that I said is that it just stealing it that was John Corman II actually did this I have all these mounts he invented the tape - yeah that's nobody knows that now Roman it fitted the brass knuckle mount for the go p-- I don't know if I've ever showed that look at this it's a GoPro mount brass knocker listen proud UFC you know they can get the real good yeah it's the first person person fight real test these babies out we're going out the front door here's our screens and they are there ready to go and we're going to follow the leader okay all right that is so fun and out into the jungle baby oh there's a sled they go over the sled oh there you are rocky terrain of SATA like nothing like that wasn't gonna sled there oh this is a sick ramp right here what is this he's going for it oh yeah well screen only guys that's the rule still anywhere crystal clear no break up it is wild they'll fit it up side down oh yeah here he is you'll see it better on the GoPro yeah yeah look looking Roman screen Oh is the underwater Roman has flips I don't know man has flipped Dale can take the lead there's they're not even racing do that GoPro yeah this is the whole everybody wants this to dig up oh wow that's nice we have to put on scuba gear because we're so deep you have to dive in this camera is heavy shite no way all your GoPro lived yeah I think it barely lived look less than an inch away from water look oh it's the water Oh barely you're like yeah we literally were in there and he's like oh yeah we don't need cases we're fine we're fine oh his looks like oh yeah that one's recording they'll just flipped Oh cut it out cut it out Dale all right that one needs a grease and these things look covered and like turkey doodoo stuff looks like it's covered in dragon diarrhea diarrhea Dale is like a surgeon with this thing oh good job bro Roman is the green truck oh yeah these are brand new Wranglers so ready to race yeah we got to build something yeah yeah we got to figure out what what's next and I've definitely immersed myself into the vehicle so I'm I'm really gonna be able to get inside would you say you're one with the vehicle not yet now we're getting there but we're off to a good start dude we got to put them in cases go in mine this one's yours chocolate cover yeah you wanna do it fresh I didn't really go go grab a toothbrush I'm super annoyed because my FDR popped out so I don't know what I got on here all right guys we've decided to switch it up a little bit we are gonna actually create a rope soaked in kerosene or some type of liquid and clay Llosa flavor more and we're gonna try to ramp the truck through the fiery range this is uh this is called the dragon jump the dragon jump jump it oh I like the dragon theme we can do a square it doesn't have to be a circle just a burnin cube of fire burning cube of fire burns like a cube of fire tails down here building the ring I'm gonna build the ramp I'm in charge of the ramp so I don't know hammer nails John just appears hammer nails right say you build a ramp out in the woods if you ever need one this is a good shelter - I will my wife already kicked me out that's why I'm here that seems like a good story for the vlog it wasn't wood I did break this arm both bones and this arm be a mess I was out I was really close so learning 360s on doubles okay sure there's no middle it's a double and I bailed I was a good baler I slid down I stood up didn't even know didn't even know my arm was like dropped this terrible is a huge compound fracture nice test number one no fire just roping RC muscle and dreams easy on the landing I looked out guys we don't know what's gonna happen there we go perfect so there is some danger involved hey you landed upright hey how's my little boy how's my big boy feel my fingers feel when your neck really getting in tickled me no it's cold all right so we're gonna let the Sun go down so that the fire is hot we're gonna eat some wings John we broken John is broken Dale help John help John thank you that's a close one man all right guys we're gonna try to pull it off the fiery ring of death are you ready to see it me too yeah I don't think it works very well on gravel all right we're about to soak this row it's not even a ring I don't know what this object is what is that object hexa Rex huh gone we're gonna attempt to get a pretty crazy picture here I can make it look darker we went from creating a race to setting a rope on fire and ramping through it it was always yeah this could be the finish line dude my voice is cracking all day my nose our stuff just got a text from Brittany she is still super sick I can't even believe it we're gonna do a test so this is it yeah all right Kane go back there ladies and gentlemen please don't try this at home no warmups no warm-ups necessary we're going for it all right we are soaked in charcoal blue light her up there we go dude we're gonna have a forest fire bro hey let me jump it got any fireproof gloves I don't know what happened all right second attempt I don't know what happened actually well we're gonna soak it up a little better and yeah what do you think of that you see it came like crowd sounds what do you guys think of that tow truck going through the fire you're falling huh all right we're gonna step it up a notch I successfully went through the fire now it's Noah's turn this is risky this is risky this isn't bad for throwing this together today like right now we're gonna light the fire for you all right buddy you ready hey are you ready let's sit this is Noah's first jump faster that's one way to do it I so here's pre hit and the air looks good Oh on the road and then he gets wow that's like a full day time shot yeah so weird go back it's full night on fire and then that's a sweet shot that was a lot of fun lot of RC stuff today you guys build a little for what's going on here I see feet let's go in who's in there no uh you guys go for in here all right kids everybody sit here ready it's time for class Noah it's time for class put the toys down we got to learn some things today you guys ready for class come on you're gonna want to learn this you're gonna want to learn this okay i sat on the couch and started reading this book and I am baffled by space every time I read about space I freaked out like it messes with your head because it's so vast it's so massive it's so unreachable it just blows your mind so what's the fastest thing ever in the whole world what is it what's the fastest thing in the whole world on Flash's the fastest thing in the world how about light light when you turn on a light switch it's instantly light right yeah that's it so light is the fastest thing okay flashes festive we're gonna take a flash all right light travels at 186,000 miles a second that means if you shine a light at the moon you can blink your eye that's there that's how fast it is deep so a light year is how far light can travel in one year to get to the nearest star to us it's 4.3 light years away you have to travel the speed of light for 4.3 years to get there honestly guys space is baffling it drives me nuts man I can't even think about it look at all the stars it's crazy out here Seuss hey boy you scared me he's happy you guys are back oh yes he's looking for you he's looking for you right now I hope that you enjoyed today's vlog it was so awesome hang out with all the kids my brother getting some one-on-one time with him just doing what we do man goofing off having fun being parents showing our kids how to have fun I hope you guys can take a little bit of our energy and do something fun yourselves I don't really recommend doing anything that we ever do in fact I'm actually against anything that I'm not sure that our ideas are always good but on a real note guys get out do something fun man get up get off the couch for a little bit turn off the TV maybe put your phone away but that's it guys I love you hope you have a great day hope you had a great day we will see you tomorrow you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile let him have it
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,647,038
Rating: 4.9604034 out of 5
Id: xjuseSvYjyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2016
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