My TOP 5 Summer Bass Fishing Lures (Bank Fishing for Beginners)

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what's happened to future friends welcome to another episode it's heating up here in Iowa summer is officially here time to put away those cold water baits and talk about summer fishing so today I'm going to be going from my top 5 louvers for summer bank fishing I just don't think bank anglers get enough love out there so I do a ton of bank fishing I like to share with you all what works for me I'm no pro however I am certainly happy to share what I do what I use to help any of you out there so all the time I get people saying you helped me with this if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have thrown this bait and caught my PB that stuff means the world to me so thank you all I'm glad my videos can help hopefully this will help we're gonna go over combos lures colors and even some tips with each of the lures so enough captain let's get started the first one happens to be my favorite lure to throw if you've been around the channel for any amount of time you probably know lure number one is a frog if I really could pick one lure to catch fish on all day it would be a top water frog now the frog seems to be something that people either love or hate I get a lot of people saying I've thrown a frog right know how long I've never caught one on hollow-body frogs don't work you know I think people have this misconception that the perfect frog and whole is full of slapping algae and slime and covered in pads that's what you have to have to throw the Frog however that is definitely not the case and it really is a versatile lure for bank anglers now the greatest asset to a hollow-body frog like these right here is their ability to go anywhere whether you are in that slop lily pads grass over wood getting hung up with these is not easy to do it's pretty dang hard they're kind of the 4x4 of bass fishing lures which makes them really safe for new anglers especially fishing it from the bank now here in the Midwest once it starts warming up we get a lot of lakes with grassy slimy overgrown stuff so a frog like this is perfect for tacton fish top water so a regular hollow body frog like this I love to start with this early in the morning when those bats are actively feeding on those hot summer days early morning and late at night is usually when they are gonna be most active roaming and actively looking for food now as that Sun starts to come up they're gonna go to the shaded area so whether that's under mats you know into the grass wherever it is shade lines under trees it doesn't mean you have to put the Frog away the Frog still works perfect in those spots under overhangs under docks along grass lines just because the Sun comes up doesn't mean to have a half-two frog the frog has to get put away so when it comes to colors I honestly keep it pretty darn simple the black frog all black frog really the belly is the most important usually you'll find out all black frog the whole frog is that color just like that guy right there this has honestly been my go-to generally I threw this or throw this overcast conditions you know cloudy low light but I've been throwing this in the middle of the day again in those shade pockets under stuff and the ole black fog has really been my favorite now an all white frog like this some people argue that once the Sun comes up you know or if you're trying to target bass on a like crappie you know bait fish i know white frog like this does really well or when the Sun gets high when those bass get a better look at it a lot of people think an all-white frog does better except for you know your own interpretation I'm throwing both I've caught fish on both it's really what you're most confident and now the third color is some sort of bluegill variation this is a pop and perch so I think chartreuse bluegill something like that I forget exactly what it's called but some with some chartreuse you know something mimicking a bluegill especially right now post spawn when those baths are getting their revenge on all those bluegill that were harassing their little babies and fry they're now up eating those bluegill that are spawning the bluegill fry brain fart oh yeah bluegill frogs do perfect now also if you notice that bass are actively feeding on bluegill so if you see up in those kind of the Maddy patty thick stuff you hear stuff that sounds like Rice Krispies great chance for those bass to be up there feeding on those bluegill eating the step out of that algae and out of whatever's in there it sounds like Rice Krispies you'll know what I'm talking about as soon as you hear it but perfect time to throw bluegill frog okay when it comes to the cobble I personally like heavy power rod this happens to be a seven-foot for heavy this is that lose speed stick like 80 bucks so far it's done really well I like a heavy power rod to get those fish out of the really heavy stuff 65 pound braid on a reel of your choice the biggest thing that I have to say is get something with an aluminum frame it'll last a lot longer in the long run if you go with you know a cheap graphite reel once you set that hook really really hard on you know a dozen or so fish good chance it gets out of alignment not always you might have a good you know a good reel that holds up but in the long run honestly go with an aluminum frame reel because really frogging is one of the toughest things you can do to your gear now if you throw in a little bit smaller frog some on the smaller end you could drop down to a medium heavy rod especially if you're not on the real thick stuff medium heavily you'll be fine and you could drop down that 50 pound braid I personally don't ever go below 50 pounds but that's the combo that I use now one tip for frog fishing is don't be afraid to bury your retrieve some days just a really slow methodical you know walking frog like this pop pop you know where it's either kind of chugging or just gently walking back and forth is perfect especially if there's not a lot of ripple on the water kind of a gentle you know regular motion will trigger those fish now other times if there's a little bit of chop on the water or you notice they're really aggressive chasing you can see them actively chasing work it a little bit quicker work a little bit harder a little bit more splash and spit often that's the deal now sometimes if you have a poppin frog I work something like that you can see the mouth there is cupped I'll work it just like a regular popper once they get by you know a lay down or a little isolated brush pile I'll work it slow pop let it sit for five seconds pop let it sit very that retrieve find out what the fish won let them tell you by eating the lure okay lure number two my second way to target bass in the summer without a doubt is flipping and pitching around wood so a Texas rig for me is undoubtedly lure number two now specifically a weighted Texas rig generally 1/4 ounce or 3/8 is what I go to in a bank fishing and you might be saying right now wait a minute a Texas rig that's not a lure that's a rig I count it as a rig if anybody's asking me hey what were you catching him on I would say I was pitching a weighted Texas rig around brush something like that again the Texas rake is so versatile because it's weedless you can see that rig right there I've got that on the ewg hook completely weedless you can throw that up in wood thick stuff into grass you can even punch you know light grass with something like this weed lifts that's the key for bank anglers because the more you get hung up the more you get snagged the more you la Luz lures the more you just want to go home and out fish okay so for my choice of lures on a Texas rig if I'm flipping really thick brush so I don't just mean like regular wood I'm talking about the gnarly stuff where there's not a lot of openings you got to get in there because when the summer hits Sun gets high oftentimes you've got to get in the very heart the very middle of that bush to get that fish to eat if you're pitching a foot out from that bush like this they're not gonna go out and get it but if you throw that right where it comes down they're sitting in the middle of that gnarly stuff they'll eat it that can be key number one I like some sort of lure I refer to him as beaver baits really reaction innovations it was the one that spawned the whole beaver deal that's a reaction innovations sweet beaver now the big thing about these is they don't have a bunch of appendages to get hung up on stuff there's no cool slippy action no crazy tail on it it's just that a boring a little lure you can see it's very streamlined goes in grass goes in really thick wood really well nothing to get caught on that's my first deal another one would be a missile baits d-bomb both of those are killer great ways when you're attacking real thick stuff that number two would be some sort of creature or craw bait so if you're in a spot where it's kind of cross you know kinda rocky kind of woody you know something like this a rage craw I mean a pack of craw there's all kinds of cross on the market even like this what I was showing you earlier that's the reaction innovations kinky beaver so it's like a sweet beaver with craw legs and Carl antennae that kick on way down something with motion a pit box for example something that really flutters and kicks you can still get these in and out of stuff they don't get hung up too bad and it got that motion a lot of times in the summer bass you know they're cold water cold water cold-blooded bats are cold-blooded so they regulate their body temperature depending on the water as that water warms up their metabolism warms up they become more active so oftentimes they're looking for something with a kick now number three arguably the all-time best Texas rig in the middle of the summer a big worm that happens to be attending a half inch zoom ol monster one of my absolute favorites 8 inch 10 inch worm is so hard to beat any time you're around standing timber anytime you're in kind of is somewhat thick grass doesn't do great in that real heavy brushy stuff though you know the big long ribbon tail can get caught up can kind of be a headache but sparse wood anything like that a big worm is hard to beat it's a big meal bass and we're apt to go after that big meal you know if they're gonna travel a little ways they want to eat a big thing that you know some little inchworm thing you know for colors if you can go only one green pumpkin as my color of choice the dirtier the water goes I go to a darker color of black or junebug the cleaner the water gets the more natural and translucent I get something like a watermelon or a watermelon red flake in that real clean water but those are so killer now for the combo I'm gonna let the cover that I'm fishing dictate what I'm using I was flipping and pitching heavy brush the other day with that thing some of the heavy power rod I like anything from seven to seven foot four seven and a half foot for flip and a pigeon I'm 6:1 that's comfortable for me this happens to be a heavy power rated for lures up to one and a half ounces a regular medium heavy rated for lures up to about an ounce is kind of my all-around do it also less wood less cover I would go to something like that now it comes to the reel I like something in the seven speed this is the shimano SLX xt that's a seven point two to one speed then i've got twenty pound of keyline I think pline fluorocarbon on here if you're not in the real thick stuff anywhere fifteen to seventeen twenty pounds somewhere in there depending on what you like okay lure number three I'm going with a paddle tail swim be as Bank anglers we are often limited to a few spots to fish at the pond or like you're at you can't hit the whole thing usually there's only a few spots that you can actually access so when it comes to a weedless snag less search bait option the paddle tail swim bait like that is really hard to be okay so color choices and styles the first style is going to be that kind of all standard kind tech you know it's kind of got the ribs on it there's a number of companies that make meas Kai Tech is kind of the the benchmark a lot of people love and use those the striking rage swimmer that's another really popular one one that I've been using is the grande bass kickback shad it's a little bit thicker in the back end the tail is a little bit beefier so it doesn't break off I know that's kind of one of mine and a lot of people's deal with the context is the great great action they look beautiful but they just don't hold up one or two fish they're often ripped and done with it so four colors I keep it really simple I've kind of got three deals one kind of a translucent or a shad typisch color that can be you know opaque or translucent but something it kind of looks like a shad for the shad lakes around here number two is gonna be something kind of green pumpkin ish bluegill ish this is the electric Chabot it really works good to imitate like a young bluegill as well once grande bass call this that's the ballistic shed green pumpkin with kind of some orange on the belly great bluegill imitation and number three is just something white a white swim bait like that that's the I think they call it bait ball kind of like a silver on bottom white up top that does perfect I love that color so that's the way I go with like the Chi textile but number two you can see I've already got one rigged up here is the beast Coast Miyagi if you've been on my channel for some time you know I love these I caught my PB on this this color right here actually is what it is dope Gil perfect bluegill imitation the Miyagi is a little bit different it's got a bigger tail moves a little bit more water but even it's low speeds it does really well that tail still goes and the body actually rocks wobbles back and forth so a completely different look whenever you can be different from other people sometimes that's the deal if everybody's throw in a chi tech and the fish have never seen that I think it does make a difference so the East Coast nagi and last probably my all-around a favorite to throw if I can get them off here the reaction in a bay little or skinny dipper skinny dippers the regular size you can see that right there one of my all-time favorite and those is the shiner color kind of a brownish tan up top white on belly killer killer around here number two this is the Little Dipper the smaller version that's their son Gil so again a bluegill imitation my all-around favorite has drove for these and these board great for trailers we'll talk about that soon but you can throw them regular you can throw them on a trailer I absolutely love those reaction innovations now when it comes to the combo it's gonna depend on how big of a swimbait you're using and how heavy of a hook you're using you want to match it so for example this is kind of my thicker cover bigger setup here you can see on the miyagi this is actually a sick sock hopefully that's focusing a six on owner beast hook thick heavy hook this is a heavy power rod it's kind of a softer heavy power so it's not super super stiff it's got kind of a soft tip but a heavier power rod that's 50 pound braid on there that's for the really thick vegetation now if I was throwing let's say one of these little guys just a little dipper like that I'm only have you know two three hook on there pretty light say a quarter ounce three hook on that run an AK your vegetation I can get away with just a regular medium to heavy power rods so match it to whatever type of swim bait you're using anywhere from fifteen seventeen pound floral maybe even twenty if you're going real thick like this but if it's real thick vegetation like that I'd go fifty or sixty five pound braid just to be safe and if you're in really dirty water you can get a win with braids you can go with that but those are my recommendations on the swim bait okay lunar number four sticking with the moving baits I am going with a vibrating jig cat or may thunder cricket there's a bunch of them on the market vibrating jigs are great here in the Midwest once the summer comes we've either get you know a lot of rain and flooding here that happens the water gets really dirty as the summer keeps going we get algae blooms so we can get a really green cloudy water whatever it is the vibrate is great for attacking that dirty water because of that vibration a vibrating jig like one of these is great in sparse grass you can kind of get it stuck in there and pop it free you can bounce it off rocks the only real disadvantage to a ChatterBait and some people might say a swim jig is better is you can go in real heavy you know grass with a swim jig you can go around wood with a swim jig and I get that you can't really throw the chatter bait around wood they don't do well there they do get hung up a lot but the advantage to this is the drawing power and the calling power of that vibration I've got a really woody place I just go back to that paddle tail swim bait okay so for the colors on these again I'm keeping it simple on usually just regular dirty water I'm going with like some sort of green pumpkin variation so this is green pumpkin with some blue on the bottom or one of my all-time favorites to be high delight and honestly I still think the ChatterBait custom these are only on tech warehouse these are the best bang for your money good components it's got a good hook keeper they rock and they're not very much like six something if you get them on sale I can get it for like four bucks so the ChatterBait custom is kind of my all-around go-to I've been using the striking Thunder cricket these have impressed me they're a little bit more pricey but I really like them they're very consistent of course you go with the old jack hammer I only have a couple of these 1718 bucks it is really hard for me to justify spending that much but I got a few just to try out they do work very really consistent but best bang for your buck I think is that chatter big custom back to colors I deviate I'm sorry some sort of green pumpkin variation for just regular dirty water if you've got a shad lake or they're targeting bait fish it's really hard to be just an all-white ChatterBait does great and then of course as that water gets dirtier a black or a junebug black and blue black and purple does create in the really dirty stuff all right now the combo for these guys again same rod length seven to seven and a half feet I like something a medium heavy that's rated for lures up to about one ounce but it's got a little bit after tip when you're looking at that actions gonna say moderate fast or kind of a slower taper depending on the company they'll call it different things but just test it out something that's got a little bit more bin in it it's great for that chatter because it's not gonna by berate the heck out of ya a little bit softer kind of dampens out a little bit and a little bit softer Rob when those fish eat it eat that ChatterBait it gives you just a little split-second before you hit it or feel it and he hit that fish with the hook set so a little bit softer medium heavy of course if you're in Florida and the real thick stuff you go up to a heavy power rod but for me around here something like that does well now the real again I like the 7-speed again that's that Shimano scorpion that's in a seven point four to one retrieve line anywhere from fifteen to twenty pound fluorocarbon this is just 15 kind of my all-around go-to 15 pound fluorocarbon if you're in the thicker stuff bump it up or go up to a 50 or 65 pound braid if you're in the real real real thick stuff now my tip for the vibrating jigs is try to get a reaction by out of these I know a lot of people just throw them out and real I'm a foot under the surface and they're just real in a constant you know speed the whole time with chatter baits if I'm around rocks I'm trying to ticket and bump the tops of those rocks kind of pull it up get those fish to react if I'm in submerged grass vegetation if I can keep it up over top of it sometimes I'm letting it get down in there and rip it in or if you know it's kind of sparse stuff you're coming through don't be afraid to rip it through when you kind of get hung up on stuff those are the times fish will eat it they're gonna react to it it's kind of like a dog if you're in your backyard you can walk by a dog doesn't do anything but you run by it thinks you're playing you know wants to eat you whatever and it chases you it reacts to you same thing I'm doing with the chattering even in open water I'll cast it out let it sink down I'll pop it up be real and let it sink down pop it up pop it up get those fish to react to it impart a little bit different action oftentimes you'll catch a number of more fish okay lure number five you didn't think I was gonna leave this out did you the old stick bait arguably one of the best Bank fishing lures ever made heck one of the greatest fish catchers ever made there's some silly looking straight worm and they just they catch fish that's all there is to it they catch fish the real power of this simple lure is that shimmy there's not a lot of intimidating action to it there's no strained appendages it's just a straight worm like thing that's easy for Bastien swallowing on the way down has this kind of tantalizing shimmy on the way down that fish just can't resist great for beginners because all you're doing with this is casting it out letting it sink on slackline popping it a few times letting it sink the baits doing all the work for you there's no crazy way to work it you know no strange rod actions throw it out let it sink pop it up rinse and repeat I like to Texas rig these for bank fishing so instead of using a wacky rig where you'd rig it in the middle with an open hook some weedless hooks I go with the Texas rig you know regular Texas rig your weed weed list is what I was going to say you rig it up at the top put it back through so it's weedless I've got videos on that tons of people have videos on Texas rigs if you're new to that heck maybe I'll even do one I can talk all day on weightless versus weighted versus peg versus what kind of lure let me know comment below and let me know if you'd like to do an all Texas rig episode anyway I like the Texas rig stick bait for bank fishing super weedless you don't have to worry about getting caught up in stuff all the time again remember keeping snag free is key from the bank it can be so frustrating when you're bank fishing so I try to keep that in mind when I'm picking the words and telling them all to you now most of the time I'll go with a three or four OTT ewg hook for this I like a five inch or a six inch stick made those are my favorites speaking of some of my favorites how about some of my favorite styles well if you're going just this like the regular stick bait style I think the Bass Pro Shops stick oh is really hard to beat it's affordable it's not crazy expensive it has a good amount of salt in it and a good fall rate it looks really good on the fall you know the Yamamoto Cinco that's like the gold standard right it's the best out there don't get me wrong looks amazing on the way down catch is a ton of fish but you catch one maybe two fish on it and that baits ripped-up durability on them is not that great so if you can for them absolutely if you can afford to get those but I think the stick go is probably the banker buck now my personal all-around favorite stick bait you've been around the channel you probably already know the reaction innovations pocket rocket it's different its larger let me show you here that's the two side by side this is more of like a five and a half inch getting closer to that six inch stick baby you can see it's bulbous and the front and back it's a heavier stick base so if you're somebody that struggles to throw just a regular 5-inch stick bait a weightless stick bait like this bump up to this pocket rocket it's got more weight cast very easy on a weightless ewg hook can also see it's got those little ribs on it this has more movement when this goes down and Wiggles on the way down it's got more wiggle I personally like it for that I just have more confidence in it find a stick bait that you like and stick with that now when it comes to colors some sort of green pumpkin variation stamp is one of my favorites in this payback is one of my favorites in this a dirty sanchez is one of my favorites in this their names on those kill me but they're all variations of a green pumpkin all around I don't think you can beat green pumpkin for a stick bait now as the water gets dirtier it gets a little bit cloudy or muddier I'll go into a black or a black and blue again the water gets clear I'll go to more of a translucent natural earthworm ish kind of color or you know watermelon red flake something like that that just looks a little bit more natural and when it comes to the combo again nothing spectacular just like the stuff I was talking about before I'd go with a seven to seven and a half foot medium heavy I always throw fifteen pound fluorocarbon on just my regular weightless stick baits and I go with a seven speed real very versatile combo you can throw that for chatter baits the swim baits those your Texas rig a medium heavy combo like that will do about anything you need it to so that's the combo I would throw for those now a tip for the stick baits is make sure you always keep one rigged up on a separate combo I'm a big proponent of bringing a few different combos with you when you go bank fishing you know a search bait a Texas rig and maybe a weightless stick bait like this even a frog so if you're gonna bring four that's how I would do it out of these now the big reason why is because let's say you're fishing a frog I'm up in the slop fishing it comes up through a hole and blows up on it and misses it sometimes you can throw that frog five six seven times and it won't come up after it but if you have this weightless stick bait ready and you throw it up as what I call it follow-up lure you throw a little weightless stick bait like that down in that hole where that fish is where you're trying to get on the frog seven out of ten times I would say you're gonna catch that fish it's there it's waiting it was just actively looking for that bait and missed it and sees a little weightless stick bait drop through generally they're gonna grab it I've said it before I'll keep saying it again the follow-up is the deal keep one of these ready that's my tip for these because they can save the day all right piece your friends that's gonna round up my top five summer Bank fishing lures again the Frog the Texas rig paddle tail swim bait chatter bait and of course bringing up the rear that old stick bait now I know this is gonna be a long video comment below and let me know if you like these type of videos just kind of do a tackle talk these are some of the most common questions that I get from people hey I'm doing a pond fishing session I can't catch anything what can I use her I'm struggling in this Lake it's got this kind of clarity this that and the other what lures can I throw I know people like this stuff so comment below and let me know if you enjoy these type I could certainly do more but I appreciate all of you now especially Jo juice and oh you are the subscribe feature friend today I thank you for commenting and watching my vids everybody else of course I appreciate all of you so thank you all for watching it is late I got to drink some more coffee because I'm trying to stay up and get these done but I'm gonna get that done thank you all for watching you'll see this tomorrow and until next time you
Channel: DEBO'S Fishing
Views: 125,703
Rating: 4.9497404 out of 5
Keywords: Best summer lures for bass fishing, Best summer fishing lures, Top 5 bass fishing lures for summer, Top 5 bass fishing lures, Best lures for bass fishing, Best bass fishing lures when it's hot, Top 5 lures for hot water, Best new summer fishing lures, Best frog for summer fishing, Best chatterbait for summer bass fishing, Best texas rig for summer bass fishing, Best swimbait for summer fishing, Best summer bass fishing lures for beginners, best lures for summer bank fishing
Id: xNwXhM5RvA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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