How to cast a baitcaster (with NO BACKLASH)

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yeah the old backlash bird nest professional overrun whatever you want to call it happens to all of us don't worry we're gonna take a look at what causes this the brake adjustments that can be made on the reel to fix it the gear that you have and how that comes into play and some casting do's and don'ts let's get this demon out of here and bring this demon in so let's understand what actually causes the backlash the backlash itself occurs when your spool is spinning faster than your line and lure can take the line off of the spool so think of it like a washing machine when a washing machine gets going really fast all the clothes in the middle of it gets spinning all the clothes go to the outside of it your spool is gonna do the same thing if you were to just spin this spool really fast all this lines are gonna fluff off kick out backlash bird nests whatever you want to call it it's gonna be a bad day so what stops your cast every time from not back lashing as control of the lure line the problem happens when this lure a line are going slower so things like wind things like not putting enough thumb pressure on here things like line selection and line memory those are all factors that are come into play on how this line actually wants to come off the spool so let's pretend I throw this cast out the wind catches a little bit and kicks it back to me and slows my lure down but my reel doesn't know that my reel still spinning so it pulls it off comes to a complete stop that happens that's your backlash okay now you may say well okay there was no wind I kind of had my thumb on it everything was fine I threw a big cast and it still backlashed well there's there's a few different things that come into the back line how you can prevent it so when we get looking at the reel itself the reel itself has a few features that I think people often misunderstand to control your backlash number one the first thing is the spool tension knob so your spool tension knob here is going to put pressure from the inside of this knob onto the outside of your actual spoole it's gonna press on it so think of like if if you had a drill here spinning just lightly and you were start putting pressure on it with your finger it's gonna slow that drill down so your spool tension knob is going to control the cast the whole time through from beginning to end it's gonna put more resistance more friction on your spool so everybody's you know probably seen the line test yeah well I'm gonna adjust my tension correctly I'll I'll press my button here and it should follow my lure should follow the decent rate well yes and no depending on what technique you're using that may or may not be right and depending on how far you want to cast it if you have your spool tension tightened up a lot you're not gonna be able to cast as far it's gonna severely decrease your casting distance so spool tension knob puts tension on this the whole time depending on the reel you have different reels have different features for the other breaks they'll have so on this reel for example it's got just the external magnetic brakes and those are all pretty standard these days turn it you off or max I usually have them about halfway other reels will also have breaks on the inside so a lot of them these days are gonna be on the inside they look like little hats or pins and what those breaks do just like the name of them centrifugal breaks as this spool is spinning those little breaks in there kick out so they're like this but when you throw it really fast just like the whole washer again it throws those breaks to the outside of your reel it's gonna push on usually on the inside of this part there's like a metal ring it's gonna push on that metal ring and slow it down so those are gonna help toward the beginning of the cast but the most important break is this break the thumb the biggest mistake I see with new guys learning to use a baitcaster is they'll push the button down it back and throw a big huge cast and do this but thumb comes off and that's exactly what happens when the thumb comes off in the cast you're gonna get a big backlash so you want to as they call it thumb the spool and what that means is no matter where I'm at in the cast beginning to end I'm all was gonna have just a little bit of slight pressure on this fool with my thumb and you'll be able to feel the backlash occurring you'll be able to start feeling the lion kick off and get loose like that all willy-nilly you just want to put a little bit more pressure on when you fill that through the cast put a little bit more pressure on the spool and it's gonna calm it down it's gonna slow this down and let my spool catch up to the speed that my line and lure are pulling it off at okay that's the basics on reel adjustment let's take a look at the gear yes the gear you're using will definitely have an impact on how you cast so if you start out with a medium or a medium heavy power rod and the power refers to how much power it takes to actually flex your rod a heavier power rod takes more power to get that tip to flex-o-ladder action rod takes less power I would suggest something with a fast or a moderate fast tip what that means is a fast tip is going to Bend closer to the end of the rod or as a moderate fast tip is going to Bend closer to the middle of the rod when you have a rod that will Bend closer to the middle it's gonna allow you to get more snap more Bend - that rod to cast your lure farther now not that you're worrying about how far you can cast it but you want something that's gonna be easier to cast something where I can just lightly whip it and that rods gonna Bend and do most of the work for me whereas a a real heavy extra-fast rod is going to be what they call a broomstick it's not going to have a lot of bending a lot of flex to actually throw that lure now when you get into the line the line of the rod also has impact on your cast a braid is a lot easier it's a lot more forgiving it doesn't have the memory like a for fluorocarbon or a monofilament it's also going to be a lot less likely to flare out and lastly lure weight when you start out I would suggest something like a 3/8 is a good good weight to use it's not too heavy not too light this is a 3/8 ounce jerkbait it's gonna give me enough weight to throw it out there remember I want the line and the lure to pull faster than the my spool is spinning but it's not something super heavy that if I throw and I have a big fatal mistake that it's gonna just rat nests to everything because it's a big huge 1 ounce gargantuan brick okay so I would suggest like a 3/8 ounce lure if you're just learning so let's get into casting techniques when I'm teaching somebody how to use a bait caster for the first time the cast that I always recommend is the sidearm cast and which will get into the roll cast the the sidearm cast is the first part of the roll cast so I recommend the sidearm instead of the big overhand so the big overhand where you lift it above your head over your shoulder cast it out there as far as you can it gets a lot of whip into it and people tend to leave the air the Bloor excuse me up in the air now hang time is gonna make you bird nest every single time if you don't have good thumb control you cast out there it goes really high up in the air and then it kind of stalls this is just gonna bird nest up so that's why I like to sidearm cast so to start out get your lure about a foot underneath the rod foot from the tip I'm just going to turn my body sideways and toss it now when I do that I'm gonna feather the spool of thumbing the spool that we talked about I'm lightly gonna touch that spool the whole time okay so you can see my lure ray I said it so it's not falling too fast if you're new person start it like that to where I put that tension on I screw it righty-tighty to where my lure doesn't move just like that so when I cast it I don't have a thumb on it it's not an issue when it hits it's going to stop so you might see casting techniques and tips and tricks and people say oh I figured out this reel has everything you need you'll never backlash again that's not it when you see people doing this and just not thumbing it and I've even done it to show people it's about your tension control knob now you see that was a pretty light cast with three it sounds lower and that casted really far there's no backlash you know so if you're a beginner start out here where it doesn't move at all all right as you get more comfortable with it you can loosen that and back it off a little bit to where it starts to fall down like right there it's just creeping down alright so as you cast it with that sidearm it's really just all in your hips starting out and your arms and I'm just gonna toss it sideways now you'll want to make sure that before the lure hits you thumb that spool and let the lure stop so it's gonna be flying over the water you thumb it and it's just gonna stop and gently fall in just like that a real gentle easy cast to learn now the reason again I say that one is because it's gonna go right into your rule cast once you get the sidearm down and you're comfortable with just kind of tossing it into a spot you can add the roll to it the rule the rule cast in my opinion is probably the most used especially for a bank angler because you're fishing you know sides of banks like this maybe I'm trying to bomb it out there but I'm trying to go for accuracy I'll take accuracy over casting distance any day and the roll cast I'm just gonna bring my rod tip around I'm gonna roll the bait and throw it and it's just gonna give me a little bit more momentum on that bait so I can cast it farther like that so same cast no backlash I just thumb the spool gently held light thumb pressure on the spool and I got a lot more distance on it so that's the cast I would always start a new person on the sidearm cast going into the role cast you can get your distance work on your accuracy that's really what's gonna matter starting out all right so the big secret to never back flashing again is there is no secret everything that I've told you is gonna help you eliminate the backlash on your own make sure you understand the basics of why the backlash happens get your reel adjusted properly so that tension control knob turn it up adjust your magnetics whether it's external magnetics and trophical get those adjusted turn them all the way up to start out with make sure you've got the right gear so I recommend a medium power rod to a medium heavy power rod with a good tip on it a good flexible tip that I'll allow you to throw that bait out easier and start with a braid or a cheap mono if you really don't want to go to the braid first get some some cheap mono a lighter test softer test is going to be easier to cast so start with a model like that or I would just say start with a braid braid is a lot more forgiving it doesn't have the memory of fluorocarbon and monofilament so I would start a new person on braid casting lightly a heavy ish braid not too light I would say maybe thirty pound is a good spot to start once you get past your gear you want to go out and practice your casting start with that sidearm cast into the roll cast that'll add distance to your sidearm cast so I hope this helped you all hit that like button if you enjoyed the content smash the the subscribe button if you see fit only if you see fit until next time be a responsible fisherman thanks for watching
Channel: DEBO'S Fishing
Views: 1,192,760
Rating: 4.921526 out of 5
Keywords: How to cast a baitcaster without backlash, how to cast without a birdnest, how to cast a baitcaster without birdnesting, how to cast a baitcaster farther, how to cast a baitcaster for beginners, how to cast for a beginner, how to use a baitcaster, how to setup a baitcaster, how to use a baitcaster reel for beginners, what are the dials on a baitcaster, brakes on a baitcaster, how to set brakes on a baitcaster
Id: YGvX7peO10s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2017
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