How to Catch Bigger Fish when Bank Fishing - Roland Martin

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okay hey youtubers how you doing I'm gonna show you a few things today about bank fishing we're in a nice little canal area down here in the Everglades I've got two of my favorite rods I'm gonna show you basically I have my sink Oh that stray said I don't care where you go connected to California they a cinco a five inch green 297 green pumpkin Cinco with an eighth of an ounce weight some braided line hey can't go wrong and a frog can't go wrong with a frog this from the bank you might get hung up well you don't get hung up a whole lot with a frog I might even start off with rope well let me just show you a few things that I have in my pocket okay number one I have extra hooks and some weight gotta travel light travel light on this pocket an extra frog okay in this pocket PACA cinco's hey that's all I need I'm just gonna do catch and release and I could bring a scale I could always walk back to the car here scale but get a real big one that's what I do I got a scale in the car but I'm not gonna carry with me right now I'm probably not going to be too far from the car so if I need a whole lot more stuff all I need to do is is get that now before I throw this thing I want to show you something one thing I like to do this is important let's rerigged this this worm real quick but first let's take up a magic marker and let's color that line a little black right here right at the knot area that's some comes now I get about a foot about a foot of line just a little bit of dark sometimes it makes a big difference it just depends on these bright sunny days now you know let's let's face it bright sunny days like today there's not a cloud in the sky and it's a little tougher you might have to go to lighter line that's the other thing okay let's rig this Cinco up and I'm gonna put a brand new Cinco on there just to show you I'll save that one case you run out okay brand-new Cinco this is a five inch you know five inch five inch a whole lot because the cast good cast a long long ways and it's heavy and so now I'll come through the head of the worm about 3/8 of an inch okay this is just basic Texas style and that's a that's a Faurot ewg hook for our pretty good sized hook and that's and by the way that's uh that's 50-pound line so I've got a heavy line on okay I'm gonna come through 3/8 of an inch on the head of the worm won't come out right there turn it around put it all up on that shoulder get it up on that shoulder good ok good like that now just kind of lay that hook in there and just look at that I'm gonna have it right on the top of the word want to go through the worm like this and then just lay it over like this and you can kind of just skin hook it like that just a little bit see that that's that's perfect okay that's that's a good warm deal okay on the Frog I got 50 pound line again and I could take that in the pin and I can I can mark that that line again just a little teeny bit that kind of helps and we'll see that why don't start off with the Frog I'm using this kind of jungle pattern for all gets it's kind of white and I do a lot of film work so I like to watch it you know isn't by seeing that white it's kind of half white a little bit and you can see it pretty good now I've also trimmed that tail a little bit here's another thing I've done with frog frog but fishing and that is I've cut the tail a little shorter if you look at the other frog I had my pocket anyway the tails are inch longer and that's that just does a little bit I don't know just the hooks oh boy they're sharp hooks now remember when you're CH frog fish got to let them take it just a second and that's why I have this heavy-duty rod and I drop it down to him okay he's over here and try our deal put these rods down like this I'm told there isn't grass right there okay first cast is always the best cast I'm going to adjust my drag okay I don't remember when they hit it I got a little take it just a little bit okay I'm gonna throw it in that slot right there nice long cast okay [Music] try another cache now when I get away from the cover you know some people fish frogs like this no promoter now also water gets in there see kind of squeeze the water out get it light again cuz it'll fill up with water okay [Music] you know a lot of times you'll start off with say a top water bite and in your second but second Castle you don't get any kind of action going on the top water by it I'll try the one sometimes that the first cast is a big deal on the coupler and the reason why I'm throwing top water it's some of my bigger fish on top water the Frog can be a real big big fish deal so I'm gonna try the Cinco now shake it loose from the weeds ooh [Music] there's a strike I got a strike okay except the hook couple times oh yeah good one good one okay boys [Laughter] nice bash the old cinco time till sicko trick now you know the main thing was I held the line in the rod real high I could really see the line as well as feel it okay and not dropped it down to him setting the hook okay I'm gonna throw it back as far as I can that was cool wouldn't it be cool if there's a second fish there whoo sometimes these fish travel two and three and four at a time it's quite often that she can catch a couple in a spot so and also when they hit it fast kind of like he did if he can envision two or three basser and all of a sudden one runs up he has to kind of run over a kind of fast because he keep it away from the other one so it's a fair indication there was a second pass okay so it back all the way to the end there you see the grass see I don't know now my second cast to go to those reads that's kind of shady you know massive 9i litter guys they hit the table wearing sunglasses in the visor on the hat I can handle the Sun but they they have a harder time with the Sun so I'm looking for shade when I could find it and I'm looking in that shady little place right there that could be a good choice for a bright sunny day like today a nice little shady spot right in there that's nice and shady see let's see if that works ok nice little spot a little bit of shade a little bit of shade so when I throw it out there and I get to sing anchor right here in my stomach well I can really set the hook here's a strike here's a strike I got a strike okay that's it took really good really nice big baby hook set yeah kind of small hey small ones are better than no fish we'll find a bigger fish little find of everyone okay get that room now really once that Titan hearing another good tip once once this sicko it's fragile it gets torn up on that end rather than cut it off just come around to this other hand use the tail cut just a little teeny bit off come right through the tail a brand new fresh part of the worm hey I don't think that they can tell the difference between the front or the back of a sink oh it just doesn't make any difference to the bass they hit it both ways and you save a lot of money okay boys come out come out with your fins up the gig is up - moving along now another thing about bank fishing hey will will long long pants I'm in South Florida there's all sorts of mosquitoes and every kind of thing in the world and it's it's a warm day but we're long pants because you know there's some kind of stuff in the grass okay I'm gonna keep going a little farther see the I can't get into a place where maybe right down here that Marsh kind of comes up to the edge more that might be a good deal okay nice little spot that's a good looking home right there that alligator oh yeah see an alligator there there's an alligator right by that where I want to fish let's see I'll get right here though the Frog if the alligator would come out to the front trouble is alligators like frog I'm trying to get a bass but you never know looks like an alligator it is alligator but he's not coming after the frog good I'm gonna feel warm over there [Music] this edge here I don't know it's I don't catch much on this edge look at that big giant one I said I don't get many on that edge look what happened didn't you notice how I dropped it in oh that's a big one son that's a big old bass now we're talking for all times frog time is that something I just made a comment I don't may get many on there now do you notice how the Frog got him on the top of the mouth that's so capturing of a frog bite but you've got to give him that little second time okay I'm gonna throw it back again that's a beautiful bass by the way look at the size of him he's just gorgeous just frog time see what'd I tell you hey you don't catch a lot of fish on a frog but you can't big fish on the Frog okay now what should in here actually I was working this edge here it makes sense cuz their son here and that's a shaded edge way over there just to see if there's a frog look up the way out and that open plot hole right there that's why I have heavy line because I'm here at the bank and this is a deep canal I can't swim over there if something wraps up there's a great big giant fish or something I got to pull them out I got to pull them over here so I recommend heavy braid when you're bank fishing just because you can't get there I don't know how that's going to be up and over that's the thing about the Frog you notice that I can just pull it everywhere you can't take any other top order and do that so it's the perfect complement for say a bank fisherman because he can throw anywhere he wants there's a strike oh yeah warm fish big old warm fish yes sir that was I think the fish that might have rolled up on the top order oh that's a nice one nice one nice nice one oh that's a good one son yeah they're not all small on the worm you get some big ones on the world that's a decent fish I'm gonna try another cast right over the same spot that's pretty cool Ivan oh you know they make all kind of different worms but this is the number one in the country in the whole world they make the Yamamoto company makes more of these 5-inch green pumpkin worms than any other color it's the 297 color any color will work allows this 297 let's see what happens let's see what happens in that one another cast another cast I'm gonna throw this frog frog bill there's a fish one frog fish I had to let him take it a little bit and to let him take it come on nice decent sized fish though I tell you these these aren't little bitty baths these are nice big nice big chunky chunky nice bass just as nice as can be well it's more of a frog deal today then then it was a Cinco but you never know you got to have a little bit of both there's some fish over there I got another one another one on the Frog frogfish more of a frog thing than anything hey but you never know you never know what's gonna bite that's a good chunky bass that's a good chunky bass whoo now you notice they all get hooked in the top of their mouth you never hook them on the bottom they always hook on the top [Music] oh there's a fish coming up behind it wait it [Music] the grass right here look at the size of him I tell you what a great big trophy bass a great big trophy bass son that is what it's all about that's bank fishing you can't get any better we haven't caught a whole lot of big fish hey a couple big ones on the Frog several small ones on the hon the worm just hooking it a budget nasty Wow son that's a big in hey thanks for joining me and I'm gonna make a lot of different how-to videos over the course of the next couple years of getting really strong now so hey stay tuned to be sure to subscribe that's it let it go
Channel: Roland Martin Outdoors
Views: 1,881,240
Rating: 4.8496547 out of 5
Keywords: bank fishing, shoreline fishing, walking, roland martin, lures, bank fishing lures, scott martin, fishing, senko, frog, bass, roland martin outdoors, pond, lake, canal, fish, bass pro shops, gary yamamoto
Id: H3Ik5moFMIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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