Bank Fishing - How to Fish Small Ponds in the Summer

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yeah there goes the shark there he goes Hudson caught a fish it's Jake's turn to get over there with next to everybody that's awesome Hudson good job good morning everybody it's the heat of the summer and today I'm going bang fishing and I'm going to take you with me alright so let me show you this little lake this is just a little farm pond that I asked permission to fish yes I asked permission to fish I don't sneak onto people's property that gets you shot alright so when I first get to a lake first thing I look at is I look at the watercolor and the watercolor at this Lake is fairly clear about two-foot visibility so let's me know I'm going to be using natural color baits green pumpkins maybe a shad color I know there's no shad in this lake but still a shadow white or a white and chartreuse still works in any Lake just it just all depends but mainly natural colors nothing I would use in muddy water like a big heavy spinner bait bright bright colors or maybe a black and blue I might throw a black and blue in there but I doubt it so water color first then I try to identify the deepest water in the lake so the deepest water in the lake is on the other side it's where they built the dam and so you look at the dam and and basically when they build these Lakes these man-made Lakes these little horn farm ponds a lot of times they'll dig dig down just in front of where they're going to build the dam and now there's pile that dirt up and make the dam then let it fill in and so I'm expecting that to be the deepest waters real shallow on this side there's some bluegill spawning right here things like that so I'm going to work the bank really quick I'm going to use a spinnerbait I'm going to use a frog it's really early in the morning summertime really hot so I want to get out here early in the morning and just catch some fish you know and if you're if you're in a lake that's gotten steep you know a stink baked on either side that's not the dam start there that's where the deepest water is going to be the fish are going to be the closest to the deepest water because that's where they're there's they feel safe if anything happens so they can get to that deep water really quick alright so as I'm walking along this Bank I am looking for activity I'm looking for fish that are going along the bank but mainly I'm looking for things that stick out further than anything else you look along this Bank and we have a little tree right here you can't see but this little pine the like a Christmas tree somebody laid in the water a little bit of grass that sticks out a little bit further it doesn't really touch the water but it's something that fish can see when they're shallow and they can locate to anything that sticks out a little bit further those are points may not be points of land but they're points so that's kind of what I'm going to do what I've got tied on is I got a frog rod this isn't going to last very long I've got a spinning rod that's going to take its place and then here in just a little bit but a frog rod a spinnerbait see a little little top toad a little spinner bait and yes that is a sink oh great pond fishing bait although I don't fish them all right so I always like to carry three rods with me um four is just too many and like I said I usually I usually if I'm not fishing early in the morning or they're morning I have a frog rod with me and I'll just take it back to the truck when I'm done when the Sun comes out but I like to have a medium action a medium heavy action or power medium power medium heavy power and a spinning rod something like a medium light action spinning rod that I can do a lot of finesse stuff especially a pond I've never been to before I want something I can fish really really light light light stuff with so that spinning rod really comes into play then I'm going to throw this little sink around this is the only sink oh I have and it's torn up so I I don't keep very many cinco's that's for sure and this is the one time that I will chase blow-ups there was a blow-up right here and there actually there was a fish right here on this grass too so like this this is green grass these little bushy grass that's on the bank doesn't really touch the water but I just chased a fish off of this bushy grass and there was a blow-up on that bushy grass so let's see what happens throw well past it Oh might have spooked it dadgummit all right so now as you're walking along the bank just pay attention look for little signs you know of more life on one side of the lake than other you know there's a couple of blow ups on this side there was a couple of blow ups on that side I'm looking for a little bait fish swimming in the water all kinds of different stuff just kind of you know just be observant something different in the water see that drain pipe right there I don't know if you guys can see it a little white pipe right there I'm going to cast at that drain pipe because it's something different now when you approach a bank these fish can feel the vibration but on the on the ground so you really want to be quiet with your feet is a main thing first thing I do when I get to a bank is I want to throw close to where I'm going to be standing so I'm going to check this area right here I'm gonna make what's called a fan cast I'm going to do fan casting in my fro close to the bank side to side one there one that way right along the side of the side of the bank to start with then I'm going to work my way out and I'm going to cast in a fan motion you know maybe shout maybe a short cast maybe long cast if I see something I want to do I want to go to where I really want to see what the depth is here so I'm going to throw something I'm going to throw it out there something that sinks but not a sink oh because it takes too long to get to the bottom and I'm going to see how long that thing takes to get to the bottom so that's kind of deep that's probably ten feet deep eight to ten feet deep right there so I just kind of know the debt the the fall rate of this spinnerbait that's kind of important know the fall rate of your bait find about two feet of water throw into it see how long it takes to get to the bottom and then you know your fall rate so my kids finally showed up guess they didn't want to wake up early this morning there's a bite got it dead sticking a lizard nice little dinky do nice fish though alright so what I learned from that bite was a couple of things I was pulling this thing through the grass and you learn what things feel like on the bottom just from experience so I was pulling it through the grass I pulled it just a little bit and then I stopped it and I just let it sit there so it's basically what I call soaking or dead sticking my bait so I threw it out there and I just kind of let it sit down and I let it fall into the grass and it just kind of tugged on it just a little bit and I just let it sit there and in about four or five seconds later I just felt a little tap on the end of the line waited for a second because it didn't feel like one of those big thumps that you hear feel from the big fish but just a tap on the end of the line so I just pulled it out of the grass I'm letting it sit on top of the grass right now and I'm just going to move it a little bit more let it sit there and that's the way I'm going to fish for a little bit just to see if I can duplicate that may not have been an exact spot but it was it was may have been the action of the bait that I'd fish it really fast it was I fishing it really slow and in this case I was fishing it really really slow the advantage of fishing from the bank when you're fishing a lake that has grass around the edges is that those bass like to travel along that grass they like to travel along that outside edge of the grass and so you can actually drag it on the bottom until you get to that grass and when you get to that grass you can just sit there and shake it or you can let it sit there for a while sit there and shake it it's hard to do that from a boat because you're dragging from the shallow off of that deep that the edge of that grass and then when you pull off that grass up that bait a lot of times like the grass lines run right here and your debates coming this way that bait a lot of times fall away from the grass line as you pop it off the edge of it so it's really is an advantage to be on the bank when you're fishing this basically grass that's along this along the bank that's still submerged so what I did is I switched to one of my favorite small lake rigs something that whenever somebody asked me I tell me it tells me I've never caught a fish before I tell them to tie this on this is called a mojo rig I've got a another older video on how to rig and how to fish this bait but if you can't find these little sinkers right here which is they're very hard I make them but they're very hard to find just pinch a split shot on the front of it and just what's called a split shot rig and it's made to fish on top of the submerged grass and it's a finesse technique I've got 8 pound test fluorocarbon on here I've got a braided line as a main line you don't have to do that you can use monofilament anything but light line light little hook I've got I'm using a little tiny baby brush hog right now our speed craw a little bit little speed craw and if that doesn't work I've got some 5-inch lizards in my pocket I normally fish this with a straight tail worm like a plasma tail I just don't have any with me right now so I have to use what I've got because I'm not going back to the house all right so the Sun is out clouds have gone away and what the bats are doing right now is they're transitioning from shallow all out to the deeper water and luckily with this Lake it looks like the deeper water is just right here that's all shallow really really shallow and so eventually they're going to get all the way out here out to some places they can hide out your options are or my options today are simple I can stay here and wait for them to come or I can beat the heat and go home and get an air conditioning almost down here for a little bit longer I just I got a lot of stuff to do today but I'm gonna try to catch one more fish for you before we end this video hopefully it's a big one so stick around all right so I'm back over here where I caught that last one think I just got a bite came right back to the same place and caught another dink I'll be de must be a something there to hold them if there's more than one they're a little bit he had high hopes but long as the lizard I was fishing there you go swimming away it's still fun I don't care what size they are they're fun let's go back gets another one so basically what I've done is I've gone around the lake I've identified the deepest part of the lake I've started there and kind of worked my way out went over checked the shallow area there were a few fish my kids were catching them but they're you know they're not that many of them over there caught the one here at the deep spot figured out what kind of a mood they were in that's huge it's so huge once you find the fish you know you get bit once you want to kind of get clues as to what kind of a mood they're in and they're in the mood to feed off the bottom and that's why I'm throwing something that's close to the bottom and so I match their mood allocate them I take a clue as to what mood they're in and try to match the mood and I did that with this mojo rig lizard something close to the bottom something small because I don't think there's very many big fish in this lake and you catch bass just like that all right well before I get finished with this video let me let me tell you guys about a company I just started it's called fishing shirt of the Month Club I'll link it leave a link down the description but for $10 a month I send you assured that I design or one of my friends design and I approved not all of them are going to have my logo on it actually very few of them are but uh go check it out and subscribe dude it's it's pretty cool but um anyway fishing sir the Month Club well like I always say be sure to introduce somebody to fishing introduce them to my channel let me help you teach them out of fish more important to get out of the water go and catch some fish have a great day see ya
Channel: Flukemaster
Views: 1,187,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bank fishing, how to, pond fishing, largemouth, tutorial, fish small ponds, pond, Largemouth Bass, bass fishing tips, bank, Mojo Rig, right rods, bass fishing tips and techniques, summer, Fishing Shirt, Intro Music, Fishing Rods, New fishing, catfish, senko, ponds, tips, #fishing, bassmaster, reels, pond bass fishing, tricks, #bassfishing, tips for catching bass, how to bank fish, bluegill, bass fishing videos, how to catch catfish, shore fishing, big, swimjig, bassin, bank fishing tips, vlog
Id: shT-MdnrClA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2016
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