My SICK BABY Needs HELP In Minecraft!

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it was a good video and that the adventures were funny.

but the best part of all was when Ein got his dunk in the water with the pain of steps.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Shadow-player24 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
my babies in minecraft are sick which means it's up to me and my friends to find a way to help these adorable babies feel better using a unique mod we're able to keep track of their temperature and keep them sparkly clean but some items we need to find aren't going to be easy to get will me and my friends be able to help my sick minecraft babies feel better again oh and be sure to subscribe and like thanks okay so you know what four diamonds isn't bad at all we got four c's right here enough one for everyone exactly two for me i'm not sure how that math works but look look look i have two hands okay so i will put two diamonds in there all right wait what oh huh iron clad logic there my baby crying oh what's going on okay i'm coming don't worry don't worry question what's going on um i don't know what's wrong the baby won't stop crying what uh uh okay i can i can hear that yeah and also ah you ran me over that was very rude i'm so sorry but oh wait oh it's [Music] i think something's wrong uh wha wha what what happened i think she's sick uh but one second give me a second huh wait a minute how do babies even get sick oh my god does that even matter how do we fix baby now how do we fix that how do we i got it what is it okay no no no time for cake right now okay look what i have a wellness don't try to give out the baby's cake look i have a wellness mod all right it can help us nurse the babies back to normal here look i have a thermometer so what i'm going to do is take the baby's temperature okay so just yes see it's in that box uh what else you got in there uh just a few things sure i'm not sure if you should look around in that uh uh oh what happened oh that's a that's a shot no that hurt um i feel [Music] okay all right oh oh oh okay it's okay he'll be fine he'll be finally fine i'm gonna take the baby's temperature baby come here come here let's see what she said guys she's running a fever of 102.1 guys that's good she's she's sick oh my god oh my god okay don't cry baby it's okay all right oh no don't cry oh no wait wait wait wait wait hang on a minute baby it's gonna be all right i got this you got one you got what are you gonna do just watch wait where'd he go where'd the dark [Music] everything is gonna be just fine i'm a doctor but we have a mud look her temperature uh yes but look at this what is that i am certified to give lollipops to crying children to make them feel better we're doing good work here already oh wait what uh what i don't think she wants that doesn't happen often okay all right how about this uh little one how about how about if you want to make your little sister feel better you can help us go get some items okay some items from the wellness mod that will help your little sister feel better so good is that good okay perfect perfect okay so she wants to come with us okay so quiet keep watching baby uh zayn okay come on let's go yeah i'm just gonna oh my god you are so slow here let me get me pick you up hold on a second oh boy all right i got ian i got it all right oh oh all right it's okay come on ian you're coming with us let's go oh boy um as a doctor i don't recommend that kind of treatment to the ex extra patients it'll help ian trust me okay and also the shot just had water in it i don't understand what's wrong with you okay oh well then i am severely dehydrated well doctor no kidding come on let's go all right so what's one of the things that you can do to make you feel better when you're sick hmm doctor you can cry yes that's one of the things you can do don't don't cry baby okay don't listen don't listen to enemies see things you can do better make you better when you're sick oh oh oh oh i got it i got it uh uh you can take a bath exactly and luckily on the surface there's a special water that comes with the wellness mod that you can get so you can help so we can help the baby okay we just have to find it and it's up here in the mountains somewhere okay hey that's a it's kind of a rickety bridge there yeah that is kind of a regular bridge or a little dangerous here we go so you guys want to go first maybe just like uh you know go crosstalk let's go first yeah just check it out real quick see see how things are going you don't i have the baby look i have a baby i ca i can't go first okay i'll make sure she's all right so you guys gotta test it out okay all right it's it's for the baby so you are the baby he's got it look at him he's got it same all that dangerous right off kind of windy all right get it get out i'll carry the baby zane you're gonna hurt me and then i'll follow okay all right well ian can do it then certainly i can i know as i train down medical professional i i clearly have the will of steel to get through this uh winding terrain and you're only trained to give out lollipops okay you're like the ice cream man of lollipops all right okay he got it look at him go okay all right here we go baby all right it's a little chilly up here yeah why do we have to go all the way up here for this the cold sucks uh you know i'm not entirely sure because that looks like it's a spring water okay all right so oh are you okay what's wrong oh no oh no no what that says it's okay all right all right come on i'm gonna pick you up good thing i gotta take care of two sick babies good thing i brought the sleeping bag okay you lie there don't worry don't worry okay okay so it's over there so our plan of attack basically you guys stay here all right you watch the baby and i will go over there and make sure everything's up what's that oh no oh no oh oh oh i don't think he wants to what is that he doesn't want to give up the water i don't think okay all right yeah that's it's guardian uh you guys take care of it i will go end up okay oh yeah uh uh good thing i just happened to have a sword okay i got it i'm getting out of here you i'll get the water i get the water special bucket special bucket hi i'm giving you 50 of pain okay guys i got it i got it get out of the way you do not go that way did you get it did you get it anymore yeah no no okay they're good all right so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna grab baby grab baby okay oh look it broke the thing all right i got you don't worry come on all right let's head home come on let's go oh okay let's go let's move okay all right so so so baby's doing a little bit better kind of standing up on her own uh we'll come over here we'll make sure everything is fine all right all right come on you guys go where'd you guys go right here a little bit strenuous wow well i climbed the mountain all the way up and down with the kid all right so i got this okay all right so so here we go open up the bathroom please close the bathroom all right here we go okay all right perfect all right here baby i'll put you right here okay i'll put you right here inside all right right here there you go all right there you go i'm gonna go get your sister too quiche question huh okay all right we're back we're back all right here we go grab baby there we go all right got baby okay all right let's pick baby over here baby put baby right here perfect perfect all right so here we go here we go all right this will make you feel better okay there we go that is some pretty cool water i know it is all right so so let's see right let's check your temperature see uh oh it's gone down just a little bit okay all right and your temperature is let's find out uh so still the same okay all right so what we need to do what we need to do is just make sure that they're a little bit better okay all right what else can we do to make them feel better hmm maybe maybe they need to lie down and go on the beds for a bit maybe um so normally when they're sick they go to my bed up here okay they like to sleep on my bed right oh all right well we might as well go ahead and wait a minute what's up hang on a sec well no wonder they aren't feeling any better these beds and blankets are absolutely awful what i'm gonna go check on them yeah i mean they're as stiff and as uncomfortable and scratchy as ever well you know what fine then all right fine we're gonna go get the softest feathers from a special chicken on the server all right a very special not a chicken come on chin can you please watch them one more time i will be right back okay so someone wants to give me lip okay jeez oh god bye bye we'll be right back all right so you gotta be really really quiet oh there's a chicken all right so we're looking for anything okay what what what is it we're looking for if you let me explain without interrupting me okay so got you there please give him a prescription for um being quiet please sir blabbermouth prescription yeah i can write that down perfect perfect okay all right so so so we are here because there is a very very special amount of chicken if it's here and hopefully it is uh we will be able to get it and make a very very very comfy bed okay because someone doesn't think my bed is good enough sorry i'm being sassy i'm just doing prescription for being sassy okay you're sassy because you don't have a good bed no okay all right come on let's go find this chicken all right so that's not the chicken okay so we just have to grab a chicken and go right uh-huh um you'll know which chicken it is [Music] is okay that that's the chicken we're looking for okay what is it with aphmau and getting us in dangerous situations especially with giant nether chickens i don't know what you would call that it's a pokemon kind of ugly wow it's it's not what's on the outside it's one on the inside all right i don't want to eat all right it's probably mutated yeah it probably did so we got to go ahead and go over there and slay that chicken okay so you got your sword you got everything are we gonna slay that go get it uh all right drumstick we got your number now you just picked him out of the sky okay just pee oh my god okay all right we got hope still hold still all right it's so light that it literally floats above my head all right let's take the feather back and make a bed i got this okay all right got it got it got it i got a fluffy bed that looks really fluffy it's really nice okay all the babies are still in the bath okay all right here we go i'm gonna put this like right i'll put it right over here there we go beautiful okay let's get one baby at a time i'm gonna go ahead and get a little baby all right and little baby's gonna come over over here there you go they're gonna put you down right there baby you come here and you come over right here okay look okay right here right here all right all right all right so what else can we do to make him feel better because obviously this has not done nope not done anything and then let's see nope same thing still but you know it's not going to happen immediately it's going to take some time uh so how about how about we uh we tried to get them something else like um oh oh doctor soup why don't you tell me that we could make chicken noodles oh we cut my chicken little stupid no oh soup everyone knows we need soup that's right oh yeah well i i mean i was just distracted by other things i didn't even think about the soup at the moment okay all right so we need to go out on another adventure so it's gonna be me and uh uh about the adventures you know i'm i'm like kind of tired of um uh fighting these giant monsters and thinking why don't i stay for a little bit um are you not feeling well is that it yeah oh oh you know i i i i i don't feel great you know okay fine you're in and you're watching the babies okay come on come on let's go guys let's go see what we can find come on take care of the little angels yep you guys have a fun time on the adventure uh i i'll take care of the kids i mean if anything happens to them you know i swear go just go put that out there come on let's go okay so if i know anything as a doctor i should know that there are some medicinal mushrooms somewhere in the area that we can make a stew out okay what was that it's just a bunny oh imagine being scared of a little bunny okay i wasn't scared i was just uh clearing my throat it's okay to be scared of spooky forest that's filled with like you know bad medicine look at that we got some weather flu so this is a part oh my goodness all right so this be careful here because there is some uh you don't want to touch all this stuff all right uh-oh down guys this is a parkour here around along a rushing river oh great uh who wants to go first quiche don't you have like cadillac reflexes can't you can't you do this ah sort of kawaii you sure you want to do that first uh i mean i kind of have to the poor babies she's got this look at her look at her go whoo oh hey she graceful yes okay pretty easy doing this for the child to save an innocent young life yes there you go okay one one one down and it's the problem oh you got this don't worry don't worry [Music] all right my turn you guys ready oh my doctor's coat is all soggy there we go look at her she's such a bro you didn't fall in once look look look i'm trying all right i'm trying not to fall in once okay because what if i get sick you know oh that's cool it's very true very true this must be the mushrooms you were talking about right yes yes let's go ahead and get these and get them out of here okay all right yeah i'm grabbing quite a few of them okay sooner we get back to the babies the better okay okay uh gotta go back this way and uh here we go oh wait what's that underneath there wait what [Music] can we just keep climbing and get away yeah let's get out of here come on let's go let's go yeah yeah yeah i'd rather not get targeted at the moment let's get out of here oh be careful stay on the path don't touch the flowers okay all right so we've got everything we need kind of everything we you can eat something sweeter to make uh the soup ian how's babysitting going huh oh it's going right in the world oh my god oh you know i all these come from well you know i i was looking in the fridge uh and kauai chen must have been doing some baking while we were waiting there were all these cakes and you know what i figured the kids would love cake right stick no the cake is gonna make them hyper which isn't good for when they're sick i mean i want some cake so oh my gosh all right that doesn't help them out at all all right and okay so besides cake we need to find something that's healthy and sweet does anybody know anything that we could use because we only have these two things we need one more thing oh i know i know yeah i know you're gonna talk in front of the class please we can add honey to it and i know a great spot with a bunch of bees that got added recently we can go get some honey there of course even know where all the best bees are okay so here we go okay all right so we need to all right squishy ian obviously sucks at babysitting so if you don't mind maybe nothing you're going on a big adventure big adventure big strong adventure ian big [Music] let's get after him before we lose his train oh god okay thank you hey ian was going to destroy those babies with sugar i swear okay all right so here is the bees okay and the one way to hold you yeah and the one way to calm the b wait what oh i as i was saying the one way to calm bees is to be a bear how long has he been wearing that i don't know i didn't look when he logged off okay no i put it on the way the campfire okay we we don't the the hay and the campfire and the smoke and the bees and the bear no well there's one of those bees in that sentence that does not need to belong yeah no no no no no need to be long doctor please get this right okay so ian we don't need the bear outfit okay i don't know it's totally gonna work see watch for the baby oh my god oh no i've gotta get that money oh no oh yeah oh no here here bear go get some berries oh god oh god oh god it's good run run run run run berries get out of your gummy oh my god okay all right so we barely made it out of that alive okay i mean i i didn't no you really have to be more careful okay so i can't believe that you actually ran in there and did that exactly can't bear all of the puns oh my god okay all right now's not the time to get a little grizzly gentlemen okay so let's go calm down those bees we're gonna set the fire all over underneath and that way we'll be fine okay ooh so many beasts got it the bear is gone i think the bear is gone there's no bear okay we should be good yeah yeah uh uh i'll keep an eye out for the bear it seems to uh let's see if that works believe me the lead okay okay all right all right yeah we got the fire underneath all the bees all right they will be very calm okay perfect okay all right so i'm gonna go ahead and grab grab one one thing of honey and we can go ready ready ready ready bam oh they're still mad they got mad like that that that wasn't supposed to happen that wasn't planned okay who put it in wrong i can't believe okay all right all right let's get out of here these are okay after a long day of adventuring we finally have this soup for the baby cure okay great all right please let us administer it yes yes yes okay baby here you go take soup okay baby little baby got soup and then big baby okay all right thermometer check thermometer check okay oh perfect perfect and then same temperature guys oh my gosh okay all right well babies it's look i have some extra leftover mushrooms and some leftover sweet berries uh no honey because someone was not very smart but it's okay all right let's go all right guys hey you know at least the honey was my idea and i'm so glad that we could help make them feel oh no oh no all right guys let me uh let's take off the bear costume and uh hold on one second here we go all right i got him got him wait okay all right come on let's get him in the water let's go no no don't pump me up here we go i think i got him i'm fine okay is he good is it doctor how does he look uh i don't know maybe give it another run okay all right got it got it got it yeah okay all right there we go looking better okay all right come on guys let's go on adventure now adventure hey babies be careful wait you gotta take care of the babies here we go yeah yeah no way you're [Music] oh wait maybe we left something back upstairs let me check the case up here again bring him back up here real quick
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,837,493
Rating: 4.8304501 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau baby sick in minecraft, aphmau sick, aphmau is sick in minecraft and needs help, aphmau needs help, sick minecraft, minecraft doctor, minecraft friends help me, minecraft prank, minecraft baby, minecraft sick baby, minecraft mod, minecraft sick mod, minecraft aphmau daughter, aphmau in trouble, aphmau in pain, helping aphmau, aphmau feel better, aphmau in danger, aphmau minecraft danger, aphmau prank, aphmau funny, funny moments
Id: _6GV-_TdsT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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