Playing Minecraft As A BABY WEREWOLF!

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my friends find a lost baby werewolf in minecraft and decide to adopt her as their own little do they know that raising a baby werewolf isn't easy this baby is wild and she wants to have all kinds of mischievous fun on top of that she has special werewolf powers so what happens when three minecraft players try to tape her but end up unleashing her wild side instead looks like they're about to find out [Music] guys i think there's wolves in the forest what no no no no i checked the area around here this is the there have been any sort of uh vile creatures around here for weeks everything's perfectly fine yeah pierce but did you hear that howl uh it was it sounded too strong yeah it was just it was just some red piercing leaves just a really spooky set of leaves that decided to take that wind and turn it into something spooky all right and this is fine how about you get lost on the way here or something no no i'm good i'm just picking up a few things from the house and i'll be there soon okay all right okay you're not careful i need all these steaks without you i mean really just wait oh hey yeah i'm safe no come on oh on let's just stop you guys ready to go to the cape come on sure we should go inside yeah i mean it took our steaks i only have a few more of those but nothing aren't you guessing there are oh be careful yeah what are the odds that there are more than one wolf around here what are they trying to travel in packs or something oh yeah they do yeah that's kind of what they do well i mean i'm armed are you guys ready sticks dogs like sticks i'm going with my spatula and i'm gonna get our steaks back come on all right huh oh take a look at this there's something there on the ground like toys and like a tire swing what's what's happening here oh she's so cute what's going on wait wait we found it we found a tiny little baby i guess werewolf i mean it looks like a baby werewolf you an alpha oh baby but she is so adorable and also where are you look i'm at the house all right uh look yes she's mine okay but look okay i just got that baby and she's very wild so you might not want to get close to her okay real quick though what what do you mean you just got hurt did you get her from the baby store did you find in her cage in the forest okay she's adorable and tiny all right just leave her okay just let her be all right she looks she's hungry she makes you like so you may you may want to leave her alone like i said she's very very wild but she's so cute yeah she's so cute and she you know what the fact that she stole her stinks means that she's not getting enough nutrition athmo let's bring this baby over back to the people house for people wait are you adopting my baby yeah yeah i guess that's what's happening because you some someone's not taking care of her so i guess we'll just have to do it ourselves oh she's a werewolf how are you even gonna bring her back with a very large stack of beef yeah okay she seems to like the meat a lot so he just got her smiling with those look at her tail wagging wow i have a bad feeling about this and hey welcome to your new home look at all this we got ourselves a nice home yeah it was my sheep over there yeah here you have a little bit of that yeah lots of fun you guys brought her home yeah why wouldn't we she might get a little big you know and not the good way what what uh she was in a cave on her own oh my god guys you can't just bring her back like this look [Applause] ugh you know what you know what if you want to parent her i mean i mean i guess i i guess you can okay all right i'm gonna let you do that all right sweet yeah and you know what i think that we're so capable of parents that we could do this without you she loves us all right bye bye great fine fine fine fine ugh you guys i swear i'll be fine enjoy your time away from your new baby that you left in a cage trust me she's not okay to take care of all right i'm sure you're overflowing everything she's just a little bit baby baby werewolf this this is this is kawaii chan this is your mom okay she's mommy number two okay uh i feel nice she'll bake you all sorts of tasty things i'm pierce i'm uh i'm dad number one very important there and this over here is noy dad number seven hey wait why am i i want to be dad number one i'm wearing gold obviously i've never won also where are the rest of the dads the other dads i mean there's some spots reserved i'm just gonna certainly raise a stink to make sure that i'm dad number one because i'm wearing gold and i'm going to make sure that she grows up to be big and strong because she's not hey what's why are there sheep why there's sheep well we'll discuss that later at the dad meeting all right with the other days you see this is why i should be dad number one because she's eating machine learning she's throwing sheep everywhere they're being launched they're being blocked oh is it almost like minecraft werewolves don't like sheep bad baby stay back stay back stay back yeah let's let's stop i only know one way to find out the real baby werewolf half-bound get the beef anybody no oh boy there's one there's the one get her trying to get her oh my god she multiplied but that's it oh no no no no no no no no no stop do you need my help now are you ready for you guys are you ready are you guys ready to admit defeat we have the responsible parents of an entire pack of babies we're just a family of 20 now that's so old we're gonna need more pieces does that include the sheep okay oh no why come on now guys if you're enjoying the video be sure to leave a like and subscribe thanks just a little bit further up right oh guys are you are you sure are you sure okay oh okay yeah no absolutely trust us we got the control all right just don't say i didn't warn you we hear ya we hear all your names saying yeah well i think someone's a little stinky here and it's not annoying this time yeah i think that should be our first time today today and i can smell it and we appreciate it since she was living in a cave and she kind of you know eated the sheeps we need to get her clothes definitely smelling yeah wow oh my god you guys are trying to give her a bath okay this is gonna be good all right go for it all right come on kid let's take you away and just yeah get come on come on what get get seven's got you go inside there you go a little bit further and boom still the door ha bath time well now it's here we'll be taking care of you now okay no no no don't drink out of that [Music] let's get you nice and clean so that you smell fresh as a werewolf daisy wow come on [Applause] are we gonna have to worry about those bites i'll give you some beef let us give you a bath come on everybody loves diamonds there you go you there you go all right that's so nice right absolutely why are you looking at me like just spoil her it's better than getting awesome oh diamonds nice good luck she has a hard time with diamonds oh okay so she's upgrading okay how about emeralds are you sure we should give her like [Music] but where did you get those uh oh now she's dirty all over back again the bath you go and okay it's very obvious that this baby is just plain wild right like uh-huh tell me more tell me more about that wait did i say wild i actually went mild she's so mild mannered it's incredible i can't believe it okay okay before she noticed this again i we need to teach this baby some manners all right okay now thankfully i have set up ourselves a little chart explaining some of these very basic manners on how to act like a human being all right so uh oh oh okay well that's okay you know whatever you're most comfortable for learning in all right so that's you with the with little purple ears and the tail i there you can see that that the the baby there is just sitting there and the person's happy because they're not getting bit in with your teeth and whatnot yeah yeah okay but if you get up to people and you you have like the big teeth you go like you were before ah like that like that that's that's bad that's bad okay good dog no bite bad dog bite i think she's getting it i really think we're getting through to her guys yeah oh [Music] yeah oh hey stop fighting each other okay okay no no no no we have to be nice to each other all right like this wait wait like this let me give you a pat on the back friend oh okay um give me a hug real quick just show it nice right let's just get nice going sure sure okay yeah yeah so just uh just it's just nice i'm not going to minecraft guys okay okay then oh i wonder what calms the baby down oh my gosh it's like i slide down the pool just relax for a little bit yeah maybe for this snap time yeah that's a really good idea so we can just kind of think through what we're doing next right just time relax a little bit yeah yeah yeah eyes closed i think she's just just laughing should we get up or should we keep protecting a good example i mean we should be setting a good example but also what she's getting in danger oh uh hey what what what do you got there what do you got it's a knife it's a knife oh it's a beef it's okay okay put the knife down put the knife down trade it trade [Music] [Music] [Music] pretty happy outside no nope hear me never we have this under control all right everything's great good luck taming her it's hard you know what she's just an active child come on come on an active child children just need something to uh convert their energy and like something to put directly in that energy into you know oh i got it like a hobby yeah exactly like a hobby that's right and i bet all kids love building stuff right if we just build some stuff out of blocks together we can divert that energy into something cons literally constructive oh it's okay i i know i know it just got blue anybody got uh i think she likes like purplish magenta stuff but he got anybody got purple blocks magenta blocks right there do you like that there you go maybe i have some orange juice look at that she is building oh should be so creative all that energy it's gonna be great okay yeah i see where you're going with this yeah build some stairs okay that's really cool just get the bit high be safe just be safe what that did anybody give her those thoughts uh hey oh you get a little high there by the way oh that was very nice okay all right play time's over all right we gotta go up there [Music] oh shooting her special [Music] oh save the baby catch the baby where'd she go other side of the house go go go go go go nothing better for her what you know what i think you guys are doing a great job you know what you guys are doing a fantastic job good job thank you okay so uh what's she doing now she's swapping between oh boy oh great fantastic everything's going so great guys take it easy take it easy uh we tried everything at this point i'm fresh out of ideas and energy guys this is awesome we haven't tried asking aphmau for help maybe she could help us no i'd rather explode than it'd be defeat no this is our game i do have some tnt if you would like figure of speech okay i mean there's one thing we haven't tried yet you know she's like she's like a wolf thing right so what if we just pretend to be wolves like her maybe she's feeling a little weird because we're all people and she's the wolf the girl thing i guess it's worth a shot how are you gonna do that hey [Music] she respects us she respects us for once she's scared of fears [Music] there's like a little spare wolf thing going on look how pretty it and it's bouncing around see she's trying to share with us she's just so happy about this that i think oh yeah definitely not call her yeah baby think of all the steak i'm giving you over there all right you know what i get it i understand now this baby is from nature but you know what i don't like nature don't say that oh my god pierce you're in nature right now oh my god that's what i say about you nature you can all go down oh what what's the date you're gonna do send a bunch of note baby werewolves at me daddy can't do more than one i already has i've already been killed several times what could you possibly do it's okay guys i think she left you a present right inside of the the little like living room area oh that's not oh no i'm done i'm done i'm out no no no stay in there [Music] you guys are the best you know what i'm sorry i doubted you you guys are the absolute best babysitters ever actually you know you can watch it for for about maybe one more month i think that'd be great you guys are so ready for this trust me you're doing a great job i'm just gonna go sit on the fire safer it's safer in here it's safer in here [Music] story time without the wolf noi once upon a time there was a pack of werewolf kids
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 13,989,652
Rating: 4.8621869 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft baby werewolf pranks, pranking my friends as a baby werewolf in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, werewolf pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became a baby werewolf in minecraft, pranking my friends as baby werewolf, pranking my friends as baby werewolf aphmau, babysitter pranks, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, minecraft no swears
Id: H81Dgp1yYKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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