Our Mobs Are HURT And Need HELP!

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these poor mobs are hurt in minecraft and it's up to me dr ashmouth help them out from scattered skeletons to baby ender dragons with hurt wings i can heal any minecraft monster that comes our way and healing them makes them super friendly with me what sort of danger can i save these monsters from you'll just have to watch and find out oh are you not feeling well then this doctor's orders are to like and subscribe for more laughs thanks okay you guys really need to keep up with getting wood all right well it's a lot slower if you don't have an axe you don't have an axe are you just punching the wood i did have an axe but i didn't bring a second one and it broke oh my gosh oh no well i'd give you mine but i don't want to so there i'm just gonna keep doing my thing oh my god what is this what what what's going on what's happening over here why did you tempt fate like that i do not understand no it's in pain look it's oh they try to get this it tried to move a lava block what that's that's not smart oh yeah look at its little arms it looks like it got cinched a little bit yeah also serves it right so i think we should just go she's just leaving me okay i gotta calm it down before it does anything uh there we go oh okay perfect down what'd you do all right i have a potion of coming i have a few of them on me nice no i get over here nurse i always need calling what what what is that what is that noise [Applause] nurse noise we have a patient right here who is suffering from uh it looks like bad burns okay all right let's get this he's calm i've subdued him he's come all right yeah that looks cold all right i don't know about this come on [Music] get him in the car uh this is gonna be hard we're all good rocket don't worry it's gone where are we going i want some llama i can't see hurry oh my god you do know there's a break button there right there's no time to hit the brakes when there's an emergency come on nurse joy let's go get him in get him in what all right i gotta change ropes you're in safe hands all right here we go perfect okay all right all right uh what do we do what do we do wait why did that happen what haven't you ever heard of a quick change before uh welcome to the observation room so these two these these two are the ones who tried to hurt the endermen even further so this one is suffering from uh let's see burns all right dr noye or nurse noi we're going to need uh to use all of everything that we have at our disposal all right got this okay all right there's no way what you're gonna do here here here take this i want you so you put a few on him while i put the cooling ointment on him and we'll see if this works he should be calm still okay ready this is mine two one heel enderman here with the power of ice better oh he's all good look at that how do you feel mr enderman um he looks like he's doing pretty good i mean it looks like he's doing good i still take offense personally to the fact that you you blamed us for his injuries all right yeah yeah it wasn't our fault yeah wait what's going on all you need to do is look him in the eye and tell him that help oh he wants to be friends with you oh he wants to leave it's fine i got you there you go enderman no no no that's not the kind of help i was talking about [Applause] how'd that happen huh it doesn't matter maybe that enderman's got superfire powers that make him explode who knows all we know is that we have a cool interment on the loose who's been saved by us yes okay wait wait wait wait wait wait i want to be able to help people i i like all the things in there and it looks pretty cool i want to be a doctor too do you want to be a candidate and help me practice amputation i don't know what that means but i want to be a doctor okay all right well don't worry uh let's let us take care of the doctor stuff right now nurse noy let's head inside uh come on let's go inside bye you got some stuff for bandages yup getting some more wool to make the bandages and uh i think that's just about good there we go all right cool i think i've got ten so we should be able to make a few more uh let's head over and see what's going on on the server hopefully ian and people hey little one just gotta stand still you got this doctor i believe in you thank you nurse pierce oh hello doctor nurse hello fellow doctor hello fellow nurses what are you guys doing pierce what's that on your head it's my nurse's hat i see you have one as well yes that's not the same what yeah that means something very different than mine um anyway i found this little guy with the scratch on his chest you know figured i'd help him out okay well first off ian one you're not a doctor all right and did you beat up a witch and take her cat and her hat and what did you do um listen listen how dare you how dare you insult dr ian he oh have you know he has worked very hard to get here all right yes that is very true uh i i i i was helping this creeper okay but this creeper okay creeper hey hey it's okay don't be scared it's fine you don't have to worry about me yeah here how about i use a nice question okay that should calm them down there's no i forgot my person's are calming i need to find those again uh dr ian i believe they're trying to show you up here have some bandages i'll go get some calming potions look at them go look what they're doing okay uh oh there goes noy again ian yep he goes maybe siren maybe if you just let me pick up the creeper and take it back to my place no no no no no no no no no no see see i was trying see i got this comfort cat for the creeper that way the creeper will feel comforted i know you're gonna scare the cat you know what i'm a professional i'm a doctor i can pick up creepers with my bare hands you can't so how about you just put the cat down let me take the creeper okay oh yeah you're right you know what you're right about that okay no it's mr snuffles how dare you ian just let me know all right mr creeper we're just gonna fix you up here let me take you into my doctor's office and good idea doctors pierce just lie down on this table open your mouth and say ah all right creeper why don't you just take uh take a lay there oh don't worry you're actually in professional medical hands now i i will put on the bandage here we go uh there we go i have the calming potions [Music] thank you nurse noy all right there you go okay out here take a potato maybe we should everything's fine don't worry i'm a doctor oh hey look i think the witches showed up to get their hats back what ah the witches are back oh they're uh i don't want the hat i don't want the hat i don't want the hat anymore i'm sorry mr snuffles got got by the creeper i'm sorry i'm sorry okay let's head out there's no way let's go bye-bye yeah you think we're gonna have any patience by the end of the day oh we'll have two new ones trust me no i will have two new ones all right noah you gotta take care of this fish okay not like how ian take care what the there's something going on outside [Music] what's going on [Applause] there's a dragon here and it's burning down the hub yeah no it's a real big problem here wait a minute guys guys guys guys be careful oh look oh oh no it's ringing oh wait oh sorry i just tried oh i think we need some of the comic potions okay hey i got calling potions uh uh here you go baby try this try this there you go try that uh oh oh oh oh oh that is a oh oh that's not working wait wait we gotta follow it come on come on let's go all right noi over here over here i think it went this way all the fire leads to that little cave right there which makes sense right it's probably in there you think we have to approach cautiously though yeah we can't yell we can't scream we can't run in there we have to be incorrect did you see something we found the dragon uh okay [Applause] [Music] i'm hiding [Music] okay just let it go back in its cave it should calm down looks like it's it's really hurt oh look at that poor baby okay come on it's calming down now's our chance to do it again oh my god calming potion oh okay yeah nice calm thanks come on let's go over here oh lay down right here oh you know what i don't feel kind of chill right now i'm just gonna over there right there i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go hang out okay it looks like it's really mad um you know what you know what it's gonna take a little bit hey pierce yeah what's up what's up sorry i was just enjoying some of this let me put some more of this on you uh here how about this if you want yeah i know it's really let me get him the thing guys it's really pretty there we go okay perfect yeah they don't have an immunity to this like we do all right so pierce uh can i have that mutton please uh i need it to calm someone down what do you need it for uh i don't think this calms people down i think what you gotta call these people down oh it does it calms people down and normal mobs but this is an ender driver watch out no i'm gonna do it again you can't handle two doses watch out there we go okay all right perfect okay button is pretty good give me the mine i'm gonna take that okay thank you i was looking at that thank you look at one there we go all right all right baby dragon hey hey look we got you a snack how about this look come on oh look it's got treasure there we go there we go oh okay all right he's coming he's coming with the calming potion and the bandages uh there's no way i need to put the the potion on him okay yes all right here we go ready ready to go and here we go awesome yay okay perfect doctor you did it ah we did it oh his little arms all his little bandages oh my gosh feeling little one want some more mutton some more okay you should be good to go back now all right you can go back to the end okay i'm sure your mom is waiting for you bye good little one careful not to stretch wings too much perfect okay there he goes oh it's so nice okay you know what noi let's get him oh this comic potion is really taking a toll on me do you have the backup van by any chance okay [Music] i'm feeling tired noy got it oh you all right there you go he's nice what's in my other pocket okay thank you okay all right let's go nurse noy let's get out of here you know what cloud looks like like like a car oh and that car looks like a cloud nurse noi you really need to take oh you really need to get the driver's license there's noy you're harshing by five dude sorry man okay all right now that this is all taken care of all cleaned up everything is all nice and uh sterilized we should be a doctor aging doctor rappel oh no it sounds like an emergency i'm coming noy doctor i fell quickly quickly quickly what happened oh and we have a skeleton who is down to her head oh no this is not good this is the worst case of of of skeleton skeleton uh dis anatomy deconstructivitis that exactly yes all right skeleton you're coming with me no you gotta drive the car all right come on let's go i got the skeleton let's go come on no that's not your body [Laughter] please move down a little there we go all right perfect uh we know it's a nice set of ribs but yeah so what happened uh nurse noi uh so i found this little one just out back they were all deconstructed like their bones have been picked apart one by one and wow that isn't good there was a trail of bones but i i had to bring them to you before we could be able to check on it hmm it smells like wolves ah that makes sense so horsey horsey i just wanted to pet the something very soft and fluffy and i just wanna paint the horsey so uh pierce how about this how about you join me and nurse noy because we're gonna little pets and puppies yeah puppies i like this new siren puppy [Applause] puppy likes to play chase though so you got to go in there and uh distract him okay what do you mean distract you mean pet right yeah yeah look at it yeah exactly okay okay okay okay okay papi oh you're so cute you're very big too oh oh hey hey no don't bite [Applause] so that part of the skeleton was in there but i don't see its body do you happen to know what what might have happened to the other part of the body um well i mean i kind of saw bones that were laying around and i kind of you know wanted to be uh friendly so that mother nature wouldn't hurt me so i kind of uh put in my composter and your comp wait what in here what the yeah oh my gosh okay i'll grab it there we go all right come on let's go put this back with the patient all right here we go all right so so watch out skeleton oh noy can you please move the patient uh so we can uh put the patient's body down uh here we go all right let's put this down uh patient's body is uh right here there we go and then i'll have you back together in no time just like a jigsaw puzzle let's put this right uh here really quick i think it'll fit right there and uh all right perfect all right just put the head down all right and this should work okay this won't hurt except it will okay okay perfect and then hold still patient hold still let me put the uh potion on you and oh nice all right mr skeleton here you can take my bow in there i'll get a new one you go do your own thing look at him oh he's all nice and good go ahead go live your life go live your best life skeleton uh go ahead go live your best life go go go oh beautiful oh is he supposed to smoke like that in the sunlight yes all right nurse boy that should be enough i think do we have enough water uh let me just get one more and there we go all right that should do it perfect perfect doctor raphael dr fbo what's up everything okay hold on you you help bob things right yes uh yeah there's there's a zombie up on the hill that's like i don't know in the sun and it doesn't look so good zombie okay all right we're on it we're on i want it let's go yeah come on come on ian's keeping an eye on it for me oh wait oh it's underneath the tree are you poking with a stick stop it oh you poor thing nurse noi we are going to have to uh let's see calming all right fire resistance ready all right wait what fire what's wrong with it all right all right there we go we gotta take it in it's obviously surfing from heat exhaustion all right we gotta go we gotta go yeah come on let's go let's go let's go into the house let's go all right uh noi open open up open up the door let's go there's no way come on let's go all right all right perfect going going [Music] oh that should be good it should it should calm it down a little bit okay don't worry you're not the first heat case we've had today we've had another guy in the beginning who had a few breaths i need you to get i need you to get the leather cap unless you have it on you so come on come on uh i have the leather cap here we go here's some good ice cream and here is oh he's back to normal and to keep you nice and safe yay there you go there you go one leather cat you're all good you should be recovered and you won't get hurt anymore and i'm going to step away he was sick so they gave him ice cream and hats do you think of what i'm thinking it's so hot out oh i'm so sick now oh i'm overheated i need possibly more ice cream on account of running out of ice cream previously yeah there's no more ice cream and i want more hats please yeah i have cool hats please cool heads i think these two are suffering from liaritis is that serious it is very serious yeah here um what we should do what we should do we do doctor we're going to have to take you inside and give you the sweetest thing of all come on i mean i like sweet things yes you're getting sweet things i think so i think let me come over here and grab something for my first aid kit okay all right nice what flavor do you think it's gonna be i don't know i i'm hoping it's um um um all of that all of the flavors all at once yes i mean she's the doctor she's probably very smart about some of these things yeah yeah yeah yeah okay what flavor is [Applause] you need your i already got my shots no no no no i don't need shots are you doing check out my checklist stop resisting the shot i got him
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,485,296
Rating: 4.8859611 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft doctor pranks, pranking my friends as a doctor in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, doctor pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became a doctor in minecraft, pranking my friends as doctor, pranking my friends as doctor aphmau, doctor pranks, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, minecraft no swears
Id: j886LI33jZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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