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last week I made a video where I took three and tiny little random games and I must them all into one video and I think that actually turned out pretty well today we're going to do the same with some even more random games I haven't seen these whatsoever I just literally downloaded them on the premise of a title and a couple of screenshots and the person we're going to play is this roommates simulator now apparently this is our roommate and she don't look happy to look at me at all and let's see what we could do Alma gives which is so sensitive look at that star lit you're only moving my mouse a tiny little bit what can we do here look at it kitchen it's so purple where is our house by the way our house is like floating in mid-air can I jump I can't jump it's just wait why is there an emoji in the top left-hand corner yeah our flat is kind of like floating in MIT it has no windows gonna pretty nice caocao and a decent TV that I can pick up Oh okay can I throw stuff I can well that's not very nice is it at all is the emoji Hammoud left-click to be nice right click to be means if I'm nice the love parts happen and they're moti changes what if I mean she just get angry what if I mean over and over again I was gonna fight me she's gonna fight me no leave me alone I'm sorry I'm really sorry but she actually punch me will she actually punch me hello well Johan gon have a TV have a see me she's actually punching she's actually punching it's been like two minutes I've made her angry - she hurt me no your punch is a week I give you this TV as a peace offering what happens if she punches the TV oh okay haha what fist goes through the TV what's this what is that I don't know but I can't pick it up and she's still kind of just like she still just punching the air you very aggressive what else have we got we've got breads we can serve food oh yeah look peace offering have some food get booty punch to print off the plates what's wrong with you what else can we make fur we can make we can make Chucky's it sounds good it looks like Freddy fazbear's it'll be weird are you on one of these you want some of this no you're just going to usually get a punch everything make bed okay let's do that it's kind of already made though oh we got rid of the nice you still angry oh so a lamp we don't need the lab oh we can actually throw stuff knock it down okay let's do that Oh what what do I look like I have no reflection I'm a vampire why are you following me give food there you go enjoy the food enjoy it I don't even have any food on me stop following me around and punching the air mess up the toilet Oh Oh laughs I didn't read it I didn't mean it why is that that's not really messing up that's messing in can I close it all no can I wash my hands clean bathroom did it work ha ha look at that sponge the sponge it is floating I'm a wizard I'm an actual wizard clean bathroom there we go can we clean the toilet kind of needs cleaning right now oh jeez no I can't I can't I can't I can't about here right a fridge I can't open the fridge oh jeez I can actually pick up the knife should I do it shall I do it hello let me see what happens game food eat the knife Punk nothing happened she swallowed the night but you see that the knife is gone she's actually swallowed the knife we also got cookies I think well okay we've also got what's that it's so sensitive I can't even like pick things up properly got a golden goblet a frying pan okay and then we've got a sink as well Brian pounds is randomly twisting around ah I like you I'm leaving bye wait wait second I can't even leave there's no door we don't have a door she's trapped us in here is he's just going to punch all the time look you know what I'm sorry I'm sorry I can't even be nice to her anymore it's all about the food I don't want to give you food I don't like you much why I'm out here about anything next game morning flowers this looks cool look at these guys face do we get to be him that's cool I've no idea again I have no idea what you're doing this games let it start and oh he's my hands oh yeah this is great okay morning post so I'm guessing this is me I'm a postman this is my van the coin bag it's got no doors but it has a smiley face you have a piece of post a piece of smiley post there you go perhaps so I can deliver poster people even my cursor is smiley this is smiley as GAMEOVER seen right who needs some posts you need some post you are a postbox so here you go enjoy which have the watering can I think it's letters for you buddy it's Ramon gardener's weekly and then we also have you is it your house or you just the gardener I'm post anyway buddy I'm going to drown you in post it makes weird noises it changes the music when you like post posts enjoy every single letter buddy every single one he's kinda like rubbing himself up against it's kind of weird and this guy's reading a book okay this book is nice and flat let's make this book even better and then everybody one else around here No okay right let's go into the big smiley door right click knock knock hello okay what kind of house is this hello are you an octopus with just two legs which are post different sizes post for you violence isn't fun okay you know what I feel like this game has a hidden message I love shapes I am a shape we fun even fun on it's fun buddy hey friends so there's loads of like random doors flowerpots boxes so I can just deliver post for no reason let's go in each door one by oh hello I didn't even see you there have some post buddy have some post keep your feet warm I'm going to keep your feet warm oh yeah right let's go in here and see what's inside we have oh sorry guys I I didn't realize you were going to be in the bathroom look at this toilet what was the wrong with this toilet this is a little bit weird you know what yeah I'm just gonna close this door it's not good okay what's line door number two I think I can see him already there's loads of people playing game boy which is quite cool and this this room seems pretty normal it's a very strange looking dog though I like this house it's also cool look at this TV show possibly dark as always it's a video game okay there's also a chicken hey buddy how's it going do run this establishment what am i doing guys what am i doing right door number three surely this can't get any weirder or the kitchen so literally everything has a face everything even the microwave the washing machine does the chair the chair doesn't have a face but the glass of water does and there's a there's random bird which also have faces hello guys I was going to even the pots and pans that made in the background pose for you are the fridge has a face though is that a fridge sir is that a door to even know right next door which one haven't we opened yet we haven't opened this one hello what is going on here what is going on here just like a classroom there's a snake or a green Pooh ah I love another glasses of water just have faces it's so cute onion friend and the cloud cell faces the trees have faces are this is a glorious game looks like we got one more door we can open up the garden oh it's so cute as little ants there's a laptop with a face on a guitar with a face on and someone playing video games again is this post for you I have no idea who this post is for and who are you are you playing hide and seek because I found yes I think they are playing hide and seek with leaves tiny little guys I reckon I could drown this guy in post I can literally fill his face up let's see what happened yep I did it that's me god oh jeez ah such a weird game there's like no point to it whatsoever and there's weird jelly shape people everywhere and everything is kind of jittery which is a little bit strange flowey flowey do you have some post I told you these games are random like seriously random I can just put as much post as I like absolutely everywhere and how do I have a post bag it was big enough to house all of these letters that's crazy right I think we've almost done everything here we've ruined this guy's picnic with oh wait wait wait wait wait lets us read me would you say so I read it can actually read it or is it just read me you trolling me see I think we've safely ruined on this guy's day this ants picnic and this laptops life so I think we should swiftly move on to our final game this is very strange nice house though and this one is called Malone in the dark and I have no idea what it's about I know it was made as part of a watermelon game jam yeah games about watermelons were the rules let's begin they call me Malone huh you probably would say that this is just a name I'd like to see does the title a medal given by the universe ah yes I am the greatest living melon devotee my collection of melon related furniture apparel paintings is breathtaking okay time for my favorite midnight snack a bowl of sliced melon luckily a big ripe melon is waiting for me in the kitchen once I bought it this morning at the farmers market it was a strange exchange the crazy old coot behind the stall didn't take my money instead he said no your fruit no its name what if you don't the demons in your soul will claim my guitars melon melon love me one market field is waiting for me on the kitchen counter hahaha oh geez hello how are you so this guy is literally a watermelon king use arrow keys okay I've got that he's got like watermelon wallpaper why do you walk like that one of the melon stuff does you got press space this painting is called thankful eyes looking at it's watermelon - right apparently there's watermelon waiting for us in the kitchen these graphics though top-notch what else have we got to look at what's this my own melon plant it doesn't grow for some reason this guy's a little bit creepy isn't he like really creepy where else can we go we are those are those mirrors look at that it's so strange right let's go through this door and see what happens why do you walk like that let's go through this door I don't want to go out I've got a melon in the kitchen well that's fair enough that's fair enough I guess so that's his front door at least we know that much his bowtie is amazing by the way where is that picture of him I drew this alright let's go in it I'm guessing this is the kitchen is it yeah I think he's opening the door there we go beautiful let's go to the kitchen buddy let's see what this watermelon hype is all about Isaiah table it's not the watermelon wait did the door just closed by itself is this a scary game there's lightning and stuff is this a scary game guys I never go to bed before my big night snack like this bed why do you sleep in the kitchen the music as well there's like a low hum which is classic in horror games which I'm a little bit worried about but let's go and see what I'm assuming is this melon right here there it is look at that look at the way he walks up to it beautiful let Sun its press space and see what happens there's the melon ah what a marvelous now ah what is that big oh my goodness at that oh oh okay yeah that's not good what is going on melon leave me alone no melon leave me alone haha this is the Rhinos go ever seen my head hurt so I'll hold space why why why do when he told space why do I need to Oh I'm punching the melon the Lord says all my goodies was going on yeah I did it I'm not feeling so good there's another one there's another one they're crashing through the windows everything goes black no stay away from me stay away from me no ins everywhere stay away from me guys I feel tired this shouldn't be his nightmare this should be his dream there's watermelon summoning themselves to him luck haha I've got melons galore now look at is this is beautiful and so random look on the melon everywhere let's see what happens when we go through this door now here we go he's opening the door slowly very slowly holy moly well Walter oh yeah I am the supreme Waterman oh you finally came you must have heard of my collection oh yeah so a little we have to talk look just so you know I rarely come down to this planet I basically never talk to people but yeah you and I we need little guy oh okay what's it Oh watching melon this is yeah it's exactly this you've gotta stop calling us melon let me do are melon now we are water melon Oh honeydew no orange melon we are no continue water melon oh right okay yeah so this probably sounds like a small thing to you but it is really important too today balanced all the time have um you noticed oh okay watermelons nice yeah thanks for being professional no problem why yes and don't get me wrong like the setup you're having here it's really nice it's kind of cool painting wallpaper that's pretty impressive yeah I know alright Walter I gotta go gotta go back to watermelon planet release it good goodbye goodbye what'd you think alright alright man melon oh no you can't just cool the moments like that buddy he just came and visited you do you not see was a king he was a king of the watermelon planet and you think it's okay just go back and call them melons oh that guy he's playing with fire he's playing with melons no explain with watermelons which is never a good idea game was made in two weeks for the watermelon game jam you know what this is really really cool I like this stuff melons everywhere we bent the melon king and today's three games I told you a random and they were very random yeah there you go thanks thanks for watching guys I hope you enjoyed this video this is very round the video if you did have a like see some more of these where I find suitable random games like this and mash them together into one of the greatest melon videos of all time then please leave I think press thumbs up star be greatly appreciated a becomes whispers did he see money please do consider subscribing to join team TDM day for daily gameplay videos apart from that guys thank you again so much Norton have an amazing day and why check out another because I need right here only said less watermelons for the same arm random
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 15,769,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roommate, room mate, weird game, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, challenge, dantdm game, 3 random games, random games
Id: m-qPvGlJ7t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2017
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