SECRETS OF THE GIRL'S BATHROOM?! | Riddle School 7 Transfer 2

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oh my goodness guys it's finally here oh my goodness quick play the titles actually no forget the titles it's here riddle transfer to or real school transfer to whatever you want to call it it's here I kid you not this was released about two days ago bear in mind the riddle transfer one that we completed the other day was released ten years ago ten years ago he's finally released Riddle transferred to at the perfect time so without further ado let's play this game I am so excited so so exciting I hope you guys are too completely useless hahaha so one last time so basically we were chased down by the FBI and then the alien Dizz just when he just when he left us on the alien planet ship FBI place and we escaped down a manhole cover and that's where it ended so hopefully that explains this isn't that's how my master worded it maybe uh oh they'll see they'll all see how much worth I have he looks like a evil he looks like Vince cause he's got the four arms going on in the sewers so yeah it could literally just continue straight on oh jeez calm down and be shot at quick Zak help help smiley help there we go okay we're good I saved the day don't worry oh maybe not local lasers of course they do all the lasers don't even work perfect absolutely perfect I still can't believe this is out I still calmly this is our after 10 years after 10 years we don't transfer to right here we are we've ran into and this is underground in the sewers of the alien place and we have reached a random location it's what I like to see so let's talk to some people that talked to Fred any ideas as to how we get out of this mess Fred maybe we could just find a sleigh of some lemurs what no he has no idea Zach are you doing he's now the flame Lord instead of the ice Lord thinking up an escape plan is hurting my head I'm pretty sure that's just the fire Zach sounds I've got two hotheads in this room now and smiley isn't so smiley after all I'm sorry I love school but you've always had better grades than me what no way no way right powerbox this needs a key card luckily we have a key card there we go this is the second time in a row I conveniently had a machine powering doodad on hand perfect so that's now working which is good the circuit box no what kind of puzzle is this what jeez oh my goodness um so we need to power it so the two things that's that's fine we need it so that two bits come off of there and then we just need it to get to here and here I guess so let's see if we can work this out um that doesn't work that does work I think we just need to link the other two this music is intense music is really intense okay let's see if we can just link up one and see what happens can we link this one there we go oh wait did we do it no we didn't do it okay we linked up but wait let's see it does say does work okay we've done that I don't know how but we did it that's all good oh so right monitor passwords oh okay um that that's a problem we've got a scrap of paper down here that says woof why is there an evil dog well is there an evil dog graffiti face pac-man I was here um there's a little paw print down here as well there must be something around here where we can see like a code or something Shirley um um Agra Fiji is having more fun time than I am that's true ah there's like a three or a four there I'm not really too sure portal this portal seems to be turned on but doesn't have a destination yet this sounds pretty cool actually haha couldn't whoof be something like seven double zero three seven zero zero three nope three double zero seven no um what am I supposed to do I need to find a code oh it's that way it's 4 double zero 3 I'm pretty sure 4 double zero 3 not 7 4 double zero 3 boom yes haha good thing zones 5.1 security kind of bytes yeah that's absolutely terrible right riddle Elementary so we're going back to riddle Ella entry school portal target coordinates we need to set the latitude to 39 let's go to 39 39 come on one two oh geez it's just a puzzle as well no no this goes plus 5 plus 11 oh man I've got to make it up oh this is hurting my brain guys this isn't fair oh I don't it nice okay so this one adds five this one adds three so I need to go to minus 77 that minus is sick so oh jeez this is gonna be complex hey hey hey I think I did it I did it activate teleporter will be active when power is odd look at that oh that is amazing let's go inside let's do this let's not mess around oh this is so cool this is so so cool oh man I'm so glad this is back I'm also I don't know how long this game is this time because obviously it's not happened before yet oh what's going on here yeah I don't know how long this is gonna be so I have to put it in parts I'm not too sure but we'll just go to like I don't even know or go to is a good place okay everyone's gone now this is from the original riddle school so this is really really old yeah we made it so who's ready to repeat an entire decade of school um I was reborn ready I get it I get it smiley that's clever there goes my rhetorical question indeed right this is goofy I was the guy and you're the coffee monster right she like loves coffee class why they've been absent for the past several days uh we were abducted by aliens a good excuse if you're still at school and your teacher comes in and ask you something do not use this an egg excuse it will not work then we got kidnapped by secret agents I want my work we have to use a teleporter to get back to class yeah yeah I've heard those before so what really happened says mrs. Kofi um well why couldn't we have been in a more convincing sounding double abduction I mean we could have really helped it it wasn't really our fault I'm well I've made sure you have time to do make up work oh geez I've decided I'm not going for having a quiz this week yes no quiz actually I believe you are always this the blue guy this is the blue guy here we go it's phat vis I have quiz haha no way the new face of Vizio analysis epic with these purple guys as well they're so serious awesome so we've got quiz Byzantines so dudes we have no idea where he is he's the green guy then it visits the red guy who he frozen smashed and then quiz it was just rolled in I guess oh I remember you were the one with the blue text in that one cutscene was it right at the beginning um yeah egghead thanks to rub it out my boss now I've inherited his throne haha I become quiz judge of all worlds and headmaster of this silly building okay we have an alien as a headmaster now I guess stopping cliche super villians is my life now definitely I'd like to try that eggheads I won't be the Arcanum reader I won't be the pushover the Vince was Tata worms where'd you call his worms that's really evil he's kind of my favorite character already I like him I like him a lot do we still have to do that makeup work mrs. goofy she's still here oh wait what's goin on oh we're still here why are there guns guns why let's see what mrs. cofee says so I miss goofy what do you think about this I could really go for a cup of coffee or six dozen of course right I'm messing with these guns are about boy quiz and his minions made some fast modifications to the school they certainly did then we've got arts yeah who is John Breaux he's the creator of the game as he was in the trash can it was tricky to reach for scaring the trust has yielded a light tan paper bag awesome right Fred is there anything around your desk that seems useful there's a green backpack on the floor I'm sure nobody's using it I hereby confiscate this backpack for science right let's ask Zach as well I tried burning my way out of this building but that's too much property damage to pay for that's true what about smiley holdin up smiley haven't got a reason to smile about this whole situation yet ah that's really upsetting I don't like hearing that about smiley so we have a green backpack and we have a stained paper back I put this on my face come on I never talk to myself wait what alright he's asking if I'd Ogden's up we combine these two we can I feel egg treat decoy let me see if I can use that on myself okay nothing like me God oh it's scanning me to check that I'm in class oh that's cool I like that right see you later you you do that test you do this test good okay what founding we have to press that when we go now unlocks Locker oh math book is an exceedingly long division book my opinion on this is very divided too many puns too many puns so let's go left because there's less ways to go and special class for the insane was I in this class before I don't even know the current member all the boat five poster is gone oh no cuz he got put in prison didn't he or something crazy oh hello gone outlet a crack and Ritchie how you doing buddy who's like I haven't seen you in forever I'm hi have we met you don't remember stopping me in the hallway before he showed you my Hall Pass oh yeah of course not remember something as small as that in that case let's start over hi nice to meet you my name is phil egg tree that's probably the dumbest name I've ever heard we're off to a good start what do I even ask here I have no idea how's life do you collect buttons the school zone control aliens breadcrumbs and beaver spit or goodbye let's ask them besides being able to leave your desk let's do this my teachers didn't like me ditching my post as a hall monitor so now I'm in a special class oh this is the detention class that we were in right at the beginning of riddle school the first ever video school video I don't even have a smart teacher I'm getting out of the school as soon as possible Ritchie you've got to learn buddy you can't just do that you can't just escape it doesn't work you caused definite world domination by aliens um do you grab buttons what kind of dog collects buttons I reckon you I reckon you what about this alien situation well I can't get out even if there's an evil mastermind running the building so oh yeah don't call him a mastermind all I've got is some Elmo glue I'll take it give me it well dude I'm not just gonna give you the thing that I remember to bring to school 1 dollar then I'll trust you oh Jesus one dollar why let's say goodbye see ya later outlet this is just an outlet not a creative outlet I get it I get it right we've got a crack as well I don't know I think there's chewing gum oh that's got hair on it oh that's gross oh we've got some blackboard information as well can we do this No we you this no okay we've got a book that we can't combine with the chewing gum and I think that's pretty much all we need from here so we need a dollar we've learned that we need a dollar from him we get out no doors are unlocked but not oh they are unlocked we need to chat with a new headmaster okay right who's the janitor in this one he hasn't even there isn't even a janitor here okay I'm going to grab the bucket I wanted to grab the mark what about the broom no okay that's perfect let's see what else we can do with this stuff I want to check if there's more unlocked lockers as well so don't think there is what's going on in the toilets then a look at this very snazzy the sinks don't work well at least they look nice very nice I'm gonna take the hand soap as well apparently this store seems to be untouched even by evil alien hands what about here I'm pretty sure that's not even a toilet in that stool so the inside of it is a very messy ill oh let's see if we can combine any of these items cuz it might be handy to know if we can I'm pretty sure we can it doesn't know why there's anything we can combine okay let's get out of here right no more lockers no more weird stuff women you're gonna get I am NOT looking forward to this but desperate times call for desperate measures he's gonna do it he's actually gonna do it ah what oh my goodness the secret of a girl's bathroom what the flaws want that's a cool name I like that I might use that um oh okay gumball machine it's it's a gumball machine what's the lid on this gumball machine is jammed shut I wonder if I can grease it up a little bit what about with hands so the gumball slipped out quite nicely at the lubricant okay awesome let's grab one of these okay take two I've never been in a woman's room before today by 99.9% sure that this is not what most of them look like very true um I doesn't know why there's anything else we can play with here but we got a gumball that's cool we've actually got a lot of stuff let's see if we combine anything else can we combine any of this no what about this no we can't combine any of our stuff yet right oh geez I let's see what the science says any human DNA detected passing through the red lasers will be shot nice very nice indeed futuristic gun it doesn't like like the gun is looking at undressing me with its scope the crows ah can we put our buck on ahead no okay it was worth a try where else can we go I think we've been everywhere so far what about I don't know I don't know can we use any of these items on the lasers it looks like this an electric box on that side but we need a way to get through wait wait a second not though I was thinking when I made this poster there's more than seven students here well maybe while quiz incline of the building but usually because look there's like a rumor in here but I need to get to this electric box with this water blazing the way I can't reach the electric box what if I put uh anything in front of it let's put anything in front of it come on come on it's got to work it's gotta work gumball come on no um jeez Oh know what to do actually I'm actually stuck so instead of a dollar Reggie how about you take this gum bowling said yo-yo you're a yo-yo um bread crumbs and beaver spit you're so random man I cannot give you this here have this yo-yo no it doesn't work um oh geez is there a way for me to use what would I use a bucket for oh can I do this yeah the buckets full of water now but what do I need to do now um can I use the water on this now no can I use this no I can't do that I can't combine any of these what can I do there's the jealous of course it has nothing in can I click on any of these nope not that one about this oh I'm going to water on his head oh I guess let me know if this is awkward yeah it's pretty awkward I don't think so it's definitely awkward yeah of course that's awesome okay so now we have boiling water but why would I need that I literally don't know can I use that on this let's see no how do i why do i why would i need boiling water ah can I use soap anyone let's try using soap on any people I don't know why I need hot water um so take the soap take the soap take the soap take this up anyone take the soap oh wait a second look has so mrs. Kofi what do you think about all of this I could really go for a cup of coffee we don't have a coffee maker here so how else can we make coffee I think I could conjure up a hot liquid the taste like coffee so we need something that tastes like off you've got the boiling water but the Gumble doesn't work what about the gumball and his heads no I try biting my I've already read that um Oh Oh guys I've done something by accident oh I didn't know I thought I'd already done this but you can throw the gum at the electric box and then Oakley's got DNA on it the DNA the guns got DNA on it oh man that is so clever that is so clever my goodness could be looking this no okay let's carry on her oh job how you doing buddy I really wanted you to be here I'm not just it it's a foam fire extinguisher that's amazing we're giving this gumball I asked Chubb if he wants this first instead of shoving in his face okay hey job hmm I like fat jokes but I'm sorry for calling you a fatty that was out of line oh yeah you should be sorry for that one it wasn't witty you can come up with better materials in that bald eagle equip bald eagle I like the way you think earthquake generator and now that's better I'm so anything new with you I don't my being obese except for the part where it's really unhealthy that's fair so I'm kind of on the fence and whether I should stay like this or lose some weight just don't break the fence while you're sitting on it lots of laughing no but probably you should probably lose a few pounds true could you scooch over a little bit I liked you I can't move I'm only here because some aliens set me in front of the door usually I can't get myself to move without sugary energy boots like a cookie oh yeah I'm also sorry I misled you into thinking the cookie machine wasn't broken we all make mistakes I don't have a use for the stores you can head back now yet if I find any cookies lying around I'll let you know I did you hear that the school has been over ting buy-back creature that clod there's only room for one fat guy around here and that's me right see you around so now we've got the dollar we can go and get the whatever it needs from this stupid guy Richie have a dollar bro I have a dollar that says I can stop with this alien take over with your help alright I'll trade you for my glue stick take care of it Nori's this puzzle I will stick together like glue please never ever say that again alright can we combine any of these things that's combined these no what about these two note this what about this no okay so why would we need glue I'm so confused let's carry on going anyway so there's a way to get in this room there there's only one more room left but I don't know what it is the cafeteria of course it is let's go in there coffee grounds nice I think I'll carry around these coffee grounds because why not awesome okay mustard smudge something a blueberry wet eight and a cookie machine the cooking machines still broken death will come to us all okay so now I should be able to combine this and I've got a bucket of coffee fantastic let's go and see if she wants it here we go mrs. Kofi do you want this Kofi Kofi you know what I'm saying here we go there we go nice jus kick oh geez she's looking a whole bucket of coffee you're a nutcase you're an absolute oh my goodness here she goes here she goes she's gonna take off haha she's actually going to take off you're okay I have no idea how mrs. Kofi Sam does that but this room became a laceration hazard what if I throw the gun belong there no okay what if I throw the glue stick no what about the the book no what about the soap no okay so why would I need to do that um it came a laceration hazard okay no one says anything different why did I need to give her a coffee I'm so confused can I give him a gumball let's see if that works here you go yes does it work I think it works okay we're actually making really good progress Hey ha ha the teachers lounge is now open awesome okay let's uh let's go in there who happens oh my goodness what are you oh that's weird this side left eye drops hello garden monster how are you um howdy-do that's a lot of text okay what's your name um I'm nitwit my mom and pop thought it sounded intelligent I need to speak with your master you told me you didn't want to speak with him and I take his word over yours all right yeah that's fair of course may I have your eyedrops oh it ain't easy having no eyelid keeps eyedrops keep me comfortable I mean I can just function fine with a dry eye but it just get irritating okay let me just quickly grab these I see you eyeing up my jobs lay off if you know what's good for you okay we can't take those I have an idea though I think I my dear does your eye feel dry right now now that you mention it I guess it wouldn't hurt to moisten it up oh that's weird oh that's really weird this guy is really strange balls made you an idiot ha I passed every class at your school on day one and beat you a chest at the same time okay calm down a little bit and I tell you we are in the way of the principal's office course them in the way the Headmaster's right through this door you mean quiz obviously I mean quick up though though okay then I'll just have to sneak in elsewhere bread crumbs and beaver spit no okay um I think we should throw this on his eye hello how do you do okay maybe not uh what about this can't put anything there while I have an audience um glue stick no the glue stick doesn't work either what about this no I don't know what to do oh I get is a box office that's amazing someone must have put this box right here then left the room okay I don't know what to do now I've said everything that I can to him it's sitting like eyedrops he doesn't want me to take the eyedrops but I need him to be somewhere else so I can take the eyedrops okay uh I don't know what to do let's see where fat guy went where did fat guy go did he just leave he just straight I believe if I just give him this he said he was smart I bet you can't solve the maps equations in this feeble earthling textbook ah here we go sit you think I'm done to you oh it's on give me these there we go got the eyedrops oh I've got an idea can I replace some of this yes I can have them back now these are these problems of child's play do you want your book back yes your insect is truly superior give me that right is your eye dry knives or I need to ask here we go it's just feel a little dry but there's clearly a soap container where my eyedrops used to be oh okay I thought I was being I thought I was being um I thought it's being smart um oh dear okay another idea I'm sure not sure why they're soapy you can take it can ice mix these if I'm going to put anything in this eyedrops thing I need to find a way to open it okay um why is it locked yeah why is it locked oh wait a second we use this yeah there we go slice it straight off the top that's what I'm talking about that is awesome okay right now we've got this we can put the hand soap inside now I need to find a way to stick the two parts of this container back together luckily I have some glue and eyedropper full of soap has been created okay you're about to get absolutely burnt son there you go put that back oh yeah I need to give him the book there we go now I need to put the soap down here and then yeah I'll take that back and now I need to tell in these I is dry now the eventually I guess it won't hurt to moisten up there we go he's gonna bide Oh hahaha that face tho oh that was magic so let's go into the principal's office and see what's going down here he is look at him with his fingers just all pressed together how you doing buddy huh how did you get in here well I walked in I just walked in that's that's what I did here we go through the door that's how I did it there you go so epic intense dude I'm busy like dominating your entire stupid planet no no no you call putting some turrets in an elementary school dominating the planet Hart is that what you call it this conversation it's over no no it's not it's definitely not if you're our new headmaster maybe it's about time you did something educational quiz I'd like to propose a quiz let's do this I'll watch let's do a quiz I'll ask you some questions and you don't have to answer them for me I just give me a whirl just give me a few answers to choose from and I'll take a guess which is right ah well that seems fine after all you humans are all bad and multiple-choice I definitely am bad at multiple-choice you fail this quiz faster than your body does left you behind to die yeah he did do that I'm very upset hey it's not as for he has longer running legs than me and my friends do you charm question one vision was a project dedicated to destroying every planet with an evil population now tell me after business death who was the first subordinate alleged to take his place this is long this is really hard who is the first individual in business line of succession ah oh no this is bad I don't think it was dis was it quiz was it this quiz let me see ah boom well of course I was visit us Joyce I'm in charge now um we'll see about that question - I think I got arrived what was visitors opinion of you what was visit impression of quiz aka me um talented cool nerdy or useless let's say useless useless or errand useless I heard it with my own invisible ears back when I was just waking up from a long dream I remember that now yeah I do remember that quiz you're completely useless why you question 3 how many of Izzy's lackeys did he allow to use his data and technology regarding visi on Oh I don't actually know how many minions tied to Visio on did vis that access his data and technology for all the projects a select few Oh only the top dogs had any idea what vis was doing I knew Disney and that's about it I think we just mastered it intriguing how many questions question for you said a minute ago you'll fail this quiz faster than your buddy diz left you to die how could you have known about that ah ah can I skip this one no no you can use your paper this is awesome and no idea why we gave him a quiz but hey uh how did i quiz know about is running off and leaving you and your friends for dead he told me or he saw it so did diz come running back to quiz so just confusing isn't it did get deers go back to quiz or did he see it with his very own eyes I'm gonna say he told me I think didn't quiz working together yet duh he told me when he uh I don't think this is right is it um very convincing response let's try that one again I saw it explained Cuse we only got one question wrong that's pretty good I uh I I can't even explain final question here we go zone five point one the place where my friends and I were trapped who owns that place ah I see what's going on here who owns Zone 5.1 I guess this quiz just became a fill in the blank what is going on this is so random I'm guessing quiz I'm Dib here we go here's what I believe is the whole story here we go we've gone for story time the three leading figures are busy on were visitors and you quiz ok one two and three days it was second in command you were third because vist considered you were useless underling as such vis only shared the nitty-gritty details of his plans with diz so when vis was cut out of the picture it was up to diz it was technically in charge of the fate of visi on but if peers decided to put an end to the project you would never inherit the powerful top spot you needed to eliminate deals fast but not without learning all the project secrets that's where zone 5.1 comes in here we go zero and 5.1 has a machine that can read minds and translate it into data if you could get days in that machine you can extract all the necessary data and keep tears at bay that's very very true and that's what that's what he did wasn't it that's exactly what he did so you signaled Zone 5.1 with disses whereabouts and killed two birds with one stone there we go he was dragged into the middle and and quiz was now mastered that was an easy task because busy on owns five point one okay television may even place useless visions that's amazing even use a busy on this TV screens there must have been years of studies done before the project determined earth to be evil so in 5.1 isn't just a place to research rare animals it's a testing ground where visib serves humans okay awesome but one thing you got in the way of your plan to steal disease newly inherited throne was me ah-ah-ah we did it we did it that's awesome the machine never got all the data you needed to reign over the cosmos amazing because we messed it up and now you're here hopelessly lost in your quest to be a true leader always gonna cry it's true I'm no leader oh he's actually gonna cry I even let you walk all over me with that whole quizzing idea ah man I feel sorry for him there's still time to do what's right quiz definitely just let my friends and this school free please please you're right you're definitely right you humans can be smarter and wiser than I gave you credit for I've stopped doing his voice I'll change his voice okay what's he doing all security measures are now offline there we go look at that is this the end of this not the end it's filling me with feels right now look at this is he going home ah quiz I kind of like him now I told you he was my favorite character to begin in the video after I returned to my home base I'll put an end to this video nonsense myself awesome great that's fantastic you've opened up my eyes it is up to the civilizations of the universe to judge themselves perfect perfect thank you egghead sorry egg tree full egg tree no problem stay classy quiz see you later buddy go make peace like a true leader get out of here what's that what's that one s is that Oh could that be what what is happening Oh No what no he's evil he's evil joy of joys this doomsday device can use eyes from its comets as fuel oh my goodness I was ready for it to end then finally nothing is in my way no bears no quiz not those meddling kids now vision is my vision no more beating around the bush with that judge the planets garbage just pure cathartic destruction of all civilization I can't even say sin nation's insights this is up there it must be him okay this is intense take me up there in your ship quiz I will do what I have to do to stop him this is intense does this mean you have a plan no no it doesn't know it but nothing yeah whoops oh dear but we have no choice but to try let's go come on let's get outta wasting time you're right I'll take you closer to the lights let's do this I keep changing his voice have no idea but before I go what are we doing smiley uh what's going on I used to tease you a lot because I didn't understand you but now I realize you're a true role model for me Oh what is going on and you have a beautiful smile that's so cute I know smiley that's so cute ah ah they like each other well at least I'm feel like smiling which is really cute I like that I like that a lot right here we go I've never tried to use the shuttle for combat before so it's up to you to find something we can use to fight that ship um glue or hand soap which one that's all I've got I've got a front panel you've got some stuff a key I'm not getting whatever is in this panelist like find a key okay do you have a key quiz you have a key I've never used most equipment in the shuttle ID he'll figure it out but I need to keep the shuttle stables like yeah I'm sorry what am I supposed to do now um I can't put this in there can i no uh what about this no what about this no um there can't be many places to find a key can there that laser is target to freeze it up blocking the stop with this Space Shuttle would only be a temporary fatal solution okay behind the seats okay let's go behind the seats escape on neon sign a blue compartment blue compartment red compartment green compartment display panel oh man this is intense let's see what this is oh it's another puzzle no it's another one of these ah this is gonna take forever I need to change oh wait that was close that was really close I messed it up though okay when you change all of these to evil red and unlock stuff so give me a second I'll be back when I've completed this yes I did it okay awesome that's all I needed to do that's done okay green compartment this is is this his face no way I need to do the outside and then the in wait where's this go I think that goes like this and then this goes yep like that and then this oh wait that was it that was almost it and then this bent round - yeah done it yeah that's this is face and then this is a sliding puzzle oh oh jeez oh my goodness this is this is gonna be intense right let's go I think that goes there this needs to go there and oh this puzzle blowing my mind a little bit I think I've almost done it alright done it nice I did it okay all three are done what does that mean what does that mean I've done it I've done all the blue I've done the green I've done the Reds uh does that not do anything and now I've got a display panel so that must be something on here escape pod e ACC so the way this is flashing is EAC CA so let's try that e ACC a enter oh my goodness I'm on fire today I'm on fire oh my guess that was the most oh I gotta leave I just walked out that was insane right now we can use the key on the front panel so let's see this here we go it's all done all the cuz what no I don't wanna do that yeah what is that it that's all that's on here already thought you had some ammunition in this fancy spacecraft isn't that anything else no nothing else that's all come on quiz come on don't do it what No why are you doing take the escape pod oh no is he gonna sacrifice himself but there's only room for one of us in that skateboard Phil the clock is ticking I will finish this Oh No go and be with your friends on earth oh I don't this to happen I like him I like him a lot I'm gonna cry oh I'm gonna cry that's so bad Oh why'd she did it he's gonna do it here we go here we go um I guess he's so confused he's like oh oh he's realized come on don't shed a tip he'll make me cry oh he did it he actually did it he actually did it oh man do we survive though I hope we survived there am here am escape pod boom nice hello ha ha Oh smiley so happy are we like oh that's so cute that's so cute look at that ah ah I'll a boyfriend and girlfriend now oh he's got a smile oh my goodness this is so cute this is so cute here we go photo album I think this is the end now I was gonna split since new videos but I think I'm just gonna do one photo album ha ha ha oh this is going to be like reminiscing over everything created by John oh chrome John Breaux if you're watching this play any random chance thank you for making this game this has been an amazing a game originally inspired by Pecos school ah look at that so they're playing game boys together and there's pictures of cows for some reason I look Fred threatened his whistle and the tuber and stuff yes ah the feels are strong big thanks to oh I won there Amy's a whole lot to me to see riddle schools shared and enjoyed by awesome channels thank you I won there that's awesome thanks to Scott Cawthon he was the guy who made fine ice free for inspiring a change my outlook on life and creativity are they gonna engaged oh my goodness they got engaged that is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life ah so he did see the videos thank you that's so awesome I'm glad I kind of helped you to I maybe inspired you to make will help to inspire you make this game the final riddle school which I'm really really happy that you did so it was an amazing end to a story because the pressure to put a end to a story that's ten years old is massive and he's done it perfectly and smiley and Phil is she's gonna be mrs. egg tree ha ha ha let's oq happy 10th anniversary riddle school happy 10th anniversary that's amazing that's really amazing this was awesome loved it I absolutely loved it I'm kind of sad that this is actually the end now like really sad that's ah I don't even know what to say that's awesome and thank you so much for putting me in the special thanks that's crazy that's it that's it that's so cute that is so cute that is so cute look at them old Phil old smiley oh my goodness oh my goodness guys guys what's gonna happen now what's the noise hello hello there's just a play button oh okay I was like is that gonna be like some cliffhanger special features this quickly see the introspective retrospective lot can change in a person's mind at five or ten years worth reflecting progress vlog Riddle transferred to a middle school - you had the same development time of two weeks so we could have made this game because we uploaded the first riddle school video I want to say like three three weeks ago so you could have made this game an inspiration which is absolutely amazing so um that's awesome that's really awesome and sad it's over so now guys it's definitely over unless he decides to make another game I'll definitely look out for more games that he makes because there are awesome so guys thank you so much for watching thank you so much for the support on this series to supporting the series is an absolutely phenomenal this is the last episode thank you so much funny if you did enjoy it and enjoyed the last episode as much lighter than please a big fat thumbs up that'd be greatly appreciated know so if this happens to be the first video you seen by me please do consider subscribing join team TDM day for daily gameplay videos Rob Matt thank you guys so much for watching and enjoying the series of much decided you can follow me on Twitter inscription below - if you do so wish thank you John a grown for making such an amazing serie of games and I'll see you guys in the next video yeah
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 20,131,428
Rating: 4.8896551 out of 5
Keywords: riddle school, school, escape from school, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, challenge, app, free app, free app game, free game, riddle school 7, riddle transfer, riddle transfer 2
Id: bCZj_CYgvs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 41sec (2321 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2016
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