THAT'S MY MOM?!?! (Among the Sleep)

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hi guys so today I wanted to do something a little bit different today we're gonna start playing a game and cool among the sleep where you play as like a two-year-olds which in speery insist bad dreams basically it's a horror game and you guys like me playing horror games and you've kind of suggested this for a while it's a fairly old game but it's just been re-released with an enhanced edition and what's different well you get better graphics a better experience and you can choose your own pajamas so ours is the sign me up so let's pop the headphones on and the potential of this is to create a really cool series out of this because it's not the longest game in the world but I've heard it's absolutely incredible but before we get too serious let's change our pajamas we've got our blue bear pink purple rainbow red yellow and back to blue okay I need to make this choice very very carefully it's gonna be rainbow right I mean I'm pretty sure there's unicorns on there so let's hit apply back and I think we're ready to start this know you guys like seeing me play horror games whether it's five nights at Freddy's or even a horror stuff inside Minecraft so I hope you enjoy this if you're excited leave a thumbs up that'll be awesome I'm excited already because we've got rainbow pyjamas with unicorns on no matter how scary things get we can always stare at the unicorns let's go let's see what is happening this does not apply to me because I'm using a controller oh this is not what I was expecting at all what is this am I in a womb it's a little bit weird oh it's not gonna let me use my controller at all that's a little bit weird hello oh it's a cop it might break well I think I might have done mom's so sorry only be a minute mom you just has to make sure that the cake is perfect she's making cake this is the best game ever check out our pajamas guys looking beautiful as she comes you you're so adorable and your tiny footed pajamas thanks but um mum you look a little bit freaky I'm not gonna lie is that our mum happy birthday sweetie okay Wow I'm 2 years old I'm a baby I think I know a little someone is ready for some cake this is weird did you see the way she bought the cake of a don't put that my mouth ah no what's wrong with you don't do it again mom no no what was that mum protect me protect me I'll be right back okay see see you later mom did you see how the cake came off of the plate onto my plate it was so weird oh geez what is happening hello although I can press things I want the ball give me the ball you know I could throw the ball I don't know why but I threw it what's happening this baby did not like this cake my mom is pretty weird-looking I'm not gonna lie uh what was that she is I was just talking about you I have no idea okay that sounds good you gonna carry me you're gonna carry your mom with you freaky eyes she is gonna carry me okay so it Oh what unflattering angle this is actually what it must be like to be a baby Oh what is that oh it's like credits that freaked me out for a second oh no okay things are gonna get dark pretty quickly remember I am a two-year-old child but this is meant to be a horror game there's weird black smoke everywhere not sure what what's going on but it's gonna be weird among the sleep okay here we go guys let's be a baby a two-year-old with a very strange-looking mother put me down put me down right now I can see right up your nose oh this is my room its massive yeah what's in my present I hope so I hope it's not new pajamas I've already got the best ones in the world what is it what is it it's ready no okay sweetie be a dear and play for a bit mommy will be right back mom no no you just teased me and you're gonna put me in here Wow okay thanks a lot mom see you later yeah you go on to that phone call and close the door I'm gonna get up to stuff she properly properly teased me then all right let's think how on earth we can get out of here hold left mouse button to pick up objects okay this baby can make things float it's a little bit weird not gonna lie but I do look fabulous why am i itching my belly button look at the way we walk it's so a left control too cruel okay that's cool we can do that nice crawling is faster than walking perfect and space to climb there we go see we're out of here already we don't need mom see you later haha left shift to run okay so we can run and cruel this is a pretty extreme two-year-old I fell over right what do I need to get I need that presence pretty desperately mom I need whatever you bought me for my birthday use left mouse button and mouse to open the drawers okay nice so we can open these and climb them yeah give you our present actually this this elephant is perfect look at it look it through his eyes get out of here dude I've got a better present than you now what's inside let's throw on the floor and see what's inside sweet what there's nothing in sight well I'm oh hold on a second there was definitely something inside that box right that is so weird mr. elephant I'm sorry that I made fun of you earlier can you get in the box you can't even fit in the box I've lost my bear already hey what else can we do let's press this button yeah it's fun being a two-year-old's look at this train trains getting boring already it hasn't even gotten around once what else can we do we can play with blocks which is pretty cool can we open the chest I can move the mouse to open objects like chests Oh once you could soar broke I mean as Debbie nice to meet you hey what's your name my name is Dan nice to meet you Teddy how's it going buddy not much of a talker you name know I can do everything but though let's play again let's that'll be fantastic why is this bear walking and how did you teleport from the present to yeah okay yeah you do that I've kind of moved him already though eh you um what you're doing come here turn around and cover your eyes okay do I trust this guy press escape to cover your eyes oh that's weird that's really wait so it's like the pause screen but you actually cover your eyes that's pretty clever there you can look now no way it's gone this teddy bears magic where did you hide it buster where'd you hide it that is so creepy getting warmer oh he's giving us clues as well where did he hide this is up here I don't think I can climb in the bean bag which is annoying pretty okay pretty warm goods get out of here oh you're following me now freak me out a little bit not gonna lie are you in here mr. elephant nope yes give me the other pound it yeah buddy easiest game ever thanks that was fun buddy thank you Wow is that a music box does it work I don't know let's find out let's climb on this and see if it works yeah there we go does it work that's nice yeah this is a nice game so far I like you teddy I like you a lot still itching my bellybutton that's a little bit weird got anything else to say buddy it's getting kind of boring you started playing games and now you're just staring into oh there he goes Teddy's just like knocking over my blocks and stuff what's wrong with I think we'll have to bid each other fairly well why are you reading to me huh he's freaking me out he's freaking me out guys I don't trust this guy at saw he walks through books blocks and he's gonna break my train does it run how do you start it yes it does BAM look at it buddy read it and weep this isn't even the creepy bit yet but this guy is freaking me out pick me up and carry me on your back I want to show you something what I can do that that's amazing we need someplace very dark okay that's not that's not something I want to do right now is it I don't know about your closet no why okay let's take the freaky bear into the closet I mean between him the freaky bear and my very very strange-looking mother I'm not trusting this game at all let's go in the closet and see what happens although it has to be darker shut the doors completely okay let's do this let's grab this one as well oh no oh no what's gonna happen why did you say oh my goodness why would you say that look at this if you ever feel scared in a dark place like this hug me tightly goods you might feel a little bit safer thank you how do I do that press F to hug teddy oh wow dude you're like a lights that's insane how many talents do you have I don't like to see that why would you send me here into the the closet of the abyss we will these hanging coats and stuff Teddy you're weird bro let me hug you there we go oh my goodness what is happening I feel like I'm in a hello neighbor style world right now is this the neighbor when he was a child if so that if that make a lot of sense actually excuse me coats no what was it is this the ends it's the end of the closet oh no oh it's mommy oh it's mommy I was playing oh are you playing with your new friend yep hello mr. bear nice to meet you it's not his voice you've got to stop hiding from mommy look at your face you freaked me out a little bit no you left me by myself if you didn't left me by myself I just told you and now it's time for bed Oh goodnight goodnight freaky-looking mom see you later why is this so light though why are you sending me to bed in the day I know I'm 2 years old but come on no no I knew this would happen I knew this would happen it's gonna get old freaky now the cause it was weird enough the bear was weird enough the mum was weird enough but now it's gonna get weird up Oh huh Oh bear where you going what are you doing no don't be playing tricks on me now what what what are you doing who's got my bear actually you can take him because I find him a little bit weird you could just take of its vibe oh my goodness leave me alone though oh my goodness look at this am I having a nightmare if so it's a pretty freaky one oh I could control it now okay I need something to help me get through there mr. caterpillar I choose you come with me buddy you can fend off anyone that tries to get in my way okay or you can just get in my own way thank you see you later buddy Q and E to peek around corners it's not let me do it I'm just gonna go I'm just gonna go see what happens where do I need to go though through here I need the chair okay just grab the chair I can't grab the chair perfect I need to stand up perfect so we need to go and jump on here and open the door but where is it's gonna lead open it up and I can hear like noise talking crying do I have a brother or sister or is the bear in a really really awkward position right now ah my ball thank you right let's put this down the stairs ah no my worst enemy the baby gates it's locked okay I need to unlock the baby gate I don't know how I just throw the ball into it nope although something is weird in here guys the washing machine is the bear in the washing machine or a child how do I stop this anytime plug in the Sun plug in bear have you been washed are you okay oh my goodness I think he's been washed guys oh it is not right who put you in there teddy what's what he would do that's my poor friends oh my goodness can we still squeeze you though okay kids will keep you warm we'll keep you dry it'll be fine that's so weird I can't believe that just happened whoa look at my shadow that's weird was that what was that is there a dragon in the house are you kidding me opens it actually opens something weirds going on here guys I'm not sure a two-year-old should be trusted on the stairs Eva what's the worst that can happen let's go seems like I've mastered it what find us are you mad teddy bear I think your your mat you're scaring me more than you should be right now hello sir how are you who it's who you hello ah change colour you okay ah oh that's weird I've out of here what is going on do I still wear my unicorns Oh cam still wearing my unicorns wait a second it's gone when unicorns have Gordon what am I supposed to do doubt about no unicorns freaky sounds and I don't know what I'm going to do oh my goodness no no no no did you see that did you actually just see that there was a silhouette right there I'm getting up and I'm running let's go let's go there's static on the TV I don't care for that let's just go come a little child all of these melons apples that's a big Apple let's use the Apple against this foe who's breaking things the fridge is open as well what is happening oh look a painting it disappeared do I have magical powers okay let's see if we can get on the worktop that might be quite helpful see to line these up properly here we go let's get up here and then up here and then up here yeah we made it marble on the table mom what do I need to do I can smash this oh whoops here we go let's open the door and see what's behind it this house can't be too big right surely not it said cue and eat oh I can actually peek look it's working now that's good could also be very bad it says someone in that coat look at the shoes oh jeez what is that what is that I mean it could just be another teddy bear inside a washing machine but you never know I'm gonna grab this picture and see if it disappears I can't grab the picture and see if it disappears but my mom is in there I'm guessing or maybe she's not maybe she bought a tattle-tale before oh jeez look there's a smash in the wall was that me when I threw my blocks at the wall I think it might have been let's try and replicate it huh there's a broom but why are there huh why there's so many doors in this house what is going on is this an office it freaks me out this opened by itself Teddy help me out please hello mom another door how big it what's safe yes please Teddy do you know the code for the safe maybe we should find it be rich and then leave mother by herself the code must be here somewhere or maybe it's in this freaky room hello that's a lot of drawers why does mum need so many coats and why is that hissing noises can you hear that it's like some weird hissing noise sounds like there's a snake in here what can I use to I need to unlock that door but I don't have anything to drag there I guess I could use this chair maybe come on share don't do this to me you can fit through look you're not stuck come on okay it might be stuck just a little bit yeah that's not gonna fit through okay we need another plan is there anything in these drawers cloves cloves again which I guess they can climb on these weird pot things they probably have expensive watches in but what else can I use nothing else pulls out far enough mommy's gonna be so mad where I am Ont fighters in the morning Oh could I reach it if I pull this out all the way there we go that's the stuff unlock perfect well kind of perfect I figured out the puzzle but there's also weird noises coming from here is that mom mom hello oh why is she got a pan door under her bed that's a little bit weird she really really needs to clean up her clothes as well this is pretty gross mom I'm the two-year-old here not you she even in there I don't know if she's in there you know guys let's find out mum mum hello do I need to pull this off you oh oh no no no who is in there mother I hope you just do in a toilet hope you're just having a poo because this is not you MA what is that I'm gonna cruel cuz I'm feeling very very insecure right now mom wait this is where we were before right this is the entrance hall why is it black sludge everywhere bendy mummy you bendy use on who drew bendy and stuff are you crazy what's wrong with you there's an oven glove on the floor there's drips oh my goodness this is not good is it can I just can I just leave I just want to leave this house guys I'm out of here I can't even get out no no I want out what was that I think mom's playing a little bit of a trick on me is it Halloween it's at April Fool's Day ah that wasn't fair was it that wasn't fair at all I'm going back to cruel mode just so I can get out of here oh wait good is it was terrifying what is happening what are all these random doors what is that what on earth is that and why are there more coats I'm walking in I'm doing it I am the baby that does whatever it wants in time and space this is so weird whoa so I travel back inside she can't hear us and she seemed so distant maybe it's more like a memory of her yeah maybe yeah this is my memories isn't it can I grab this I can I've actually traveled to time on a pretty special child I'm a superhero of some sorts dude what is this time to open the imagery so I can use this at some point it's pretty cool I like it is this a slide if this is a slide I am a happy happy boy here we go let's get in and let's go down what's the worst that could happen oh my goodness open it just kill the child here we go yo what are you alright hello sir how are you he's just gone he's just going see you later buddy I have no idea it's little bit weird though isn't it it's like I don't know what is it like a weird wizard kind of world made of sand and planks this is so weird and there's a house through here to play house what's that doing here no idea I'm guessing I'm in some kind of like dream like a dream like nightmare worlds that's just a figment of my imagination it's very cool though but the house kind of scares me teddy it kind of scares me a lot how do you feel buddy do you feel safe I don't trust those eyes I'm gonna put you on my back just so I can keep an eye on you because I don't trust you it's all what's in the door this is locked I might be able to open it from the inside if you help me up okay yeah go be gone bear maybe I can trust you after all open the door please sir don't tease me come on open the door open the door oh here we go it is open what is this whoa what are you doing teddy blocks a machine this is giving me real hello neighbor vibes listen there it is again what it sounds like it's coming from behind this door okay there must be a way to open it there must be but it's all made of pipes and Suns like these are connected somehow okay let's uh let's open this there's nothing inside so anything else we can open maybe these drawers no is this something to do with the blocks no Teddy what you do in be careful yeah maybe anything we can use oh of course we can use this right let's see what happens probably should put my mom's locket in there but let's see weapons it's only a dream right right close the door perfect and move this around let's see what happens I liked it it gets you to use the mouse movements like I'm not just clicking and moving the mouse as well can it work oh my goodness I think it's working look look at this but tons oh there's a bear button and a human button we press it together buddy use your brain press bolt the same time that's what I just told you Teddy ready go yeah this is same guys actually insane okay so our memories unlock the door B if we can find more memories like this it might bring us to her yeah maybe that sounds pretty cool like we need three more okay perfect so guys I actually think this is a good place to leave it umm what I wanted to do with this game is make this initial video and if you guys liked it enough I would make basically a let's play that's almost unedited and uncut where we just play through the game maybe make it as second videos throughout the week on the weekend and stuff like that maybe even stream it I'm not sure but this is a very cool game I really want to see what happens I want to see what's through this door and if you do - please look fat like that we greatly appreciated do you want to see little teddy again with his weirds bug eyes and also leave a like if you want to stick around and see what happens in the rest of this adventure then please do subscribe and join team TDM day for daily videos apartment guys thanks for joining me in this first episode of the game I hope you did enjoy it and I will see you guys next time good bye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 16,398,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, among the sleep, dantdm among the sleep, among the sleep dantdm, dantdm mom, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app
Id: VPnaKhAJofs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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