My Review after completing everything in Last Epoch

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hi everyone last epic has been out for a little over a week now I've been blasting the game quite a lot so I've been going like 15 hours a day I had a pretty good time and I think it's a good time to make a review video so I have prepared a few points here that I'm going to go through the good the bad and stuff I want to see for the future and to give you a bit of a perspective uh here's my current steam profile so I have played the game in total around 240 hours most of that since launch last week I had clocked in something like 50 hours or so maybe over the past two or 3 years I've played a little bit here and there to try it out but ultimately it only really got on my radar right before launch when I started putting out all those guides and I started exploring the game a little bit so pre-launch I had like 100 hours and then 140 or so since then uh most of the time was spent on this Rogue here so this is my hardcore Falconer Rogue I leveled to almost level 101 uh I was the second in the world to reach level 100 on this character and also currently um I think I'm still number one on the U ranking here on the in-game arena ranking uh so I pushed pretty hard to this I went to 666 corruption for the memes I've done all of the dungeons on tier four I've uh grinded out some really insane gear on this character uh so this was with circle of Fortune so I kind of went all the way with the progression here just trying out the game like trying out all of the end game and I think I have a relatively good perspective so this is kind of like the Baseline here from uh it just you know what I have achieved and what I will be talking about and from what perspective now for the good there's a lot of really obvious things I believe number one is the offline mode it was just really nice because the servers were really unstable at the start while this is actually an online character uh you can just play offline so if you decide to make make an ALT if you decide to play alone uh I think that's really nice to have in um modern games it's you know barely ever a thing um from at least other args so it's really cool that this exists and it allowed a lot of people to actually play the game when the servers were down so that's nice what I also really like is that this game has built in ssf Solo cell found or it's called Solo character found and there's also another solo Mode called solo account found where uh well you can't trade but your characters share one stash but the other one is like per character basically that is really cool this is something that um other airs can definitely learn from so um I hope to see that basically in every single arpg ever because I think it's just so important and it's so crucial to arpg experience a lot of people just play solo and being able to show off that you are playing solo and that you are doing everything on your own is very important especially when it comes to rankings then the crafting I think crafting is excellent in this game it's probably the strongest point in last Epoch if you enjoy finding items and making items this is absolutely superb and uh they still have ways to improve this in this game like it's very like you know modular basically with how they have build it uh they could make um you know more runes more glyphs you know more kind of interesting stuff you can do with those items so overall I think just finding items on the ground and then modifying them further is definitely the strongest point in the entire game it's just so much fun to try make items now on the higher end it gets a little bit too rough I would say but I'm going to go in that in a second but in a grand scheme of things uh the fact that basically every single piece of gear that you wear is in some way Modified by you and it's also you know a good mix or between deterministic and RNG uh it just makes the whole gearing process the whole like you know progression really really fun so I think this is done very well on this game and also something that other lpgs can learn from and maybe take some um inspiration here so I'm going to be comparing this a bit to like pee D3 and D4 because those are the args I've played for a few thousand hours each and U you know I don't know exactly about every single RPG out there but I think out of all of these games crafting is probably done the best in Epoch uh Poe does have really interesting grafting but it's kind of like too convoluted at this point too highend most of the time like too much RNG and in last EPO there is you know a relatively clear way to get the gear that you want basically so this is kind of cool and well the3 and D4 basically just don't have any crafting whatsoever besides a slot machine uh we'll see how that changes in season 4 and D4 uh so I guess we will get some crafting and maybe it will resemble last EPO in some ways but we can only speculate at this point so in general crafting is definitely powerful in this game and definitely one of the biggest reasons to play it then we have skill trees so this is another really strong uh Point here for last Epoch so not only does every class have quite a lot of skills but they also all have their own skill trees they look like this and you can choose to spend certain amount of points and this and this you can change skills completely it can you know make an attack skill into a cown skill uh you can change the element you can change what it does you can change the um U like I don't know the shape of the ability or you know I can make this trap skill into a bow skill there's a lot of really crazy stuff here so that is really cool I think they have done an excellent job now of course some choices are better than others but ultimately this is how you make builds you make them around the skill trees and then you kind of like put the rest together and that makes it really exciting because there are so many different choices so many different things that you're going to stumble over and you're going to be like man I really want to try this at some point so you you know you play one build and you always find the next build to play uh just by default basically so that is really cool very well done in this game this also to the next Point here the build diversity uh so it kind of goes with the skill trees it just opens up so many different options uh that is uh really well done I think so you never ever going to run out of builds to play like even if you play this game like 12 hours every single day for the next half decade I don't think you're going to have to replay the same build twice so that is really cool and also there's a lot of uniques that kind of play in that as well there's a lot of uniques that are actually interesting that you know completely transform certain skill you know give you an interesting effect so they have done a really good job there I guess this also goes with the next points here of items also what is really nice in items is that um you have you know very interesting base types so you have like you know 10 different Helms they have 10 different body armors they have 10 different pairs of boots and they all have like their own uh you know implicit effects that you can see here at the top for example the top three stats the armor decks and the melee and throwing damage for your Falcon and then you know there are other body armors for the Rogue for example where maybe get a bunch of resist you get a bunch of glancing blow chance you get a bunch of whatever and this also makes it really fun to kind of progress your character to higher levels and try to find not only the right stats or craft the right stats on your gear but also trying to find the right bases and in general you're basically never going to find like the perfect item like the ceiling of how good an item can be is incredibly high and you're never ever going to get there maybe you're going to find some crazy drop and you know make it like a crazy item you know something like this is really really strong especially for ssf or something like this here you know these four Legendary Power items for example so uh there are some pretty crazy things you can find but basically never will and that makes the item hunt very exciting because you always know there is something out there that you can find that is you know even like a lot better than what you already have so to give you a bit of a perspective like I consider my character pretty much done in fact I have not really gotten any upgrades whatsoever for like 50 hours of gameplay or something on this character besides one drop and um I'm still very far away from best in slot gear I could literally play this character another like a thousand hours and I would still be quite far away from best in slot gear so you know best in slot gear is like somewhere up here and you know like the early Game Gear is somewhere down here and I maybe here you know but I still consider my character pretty much done because it's just so un likely that I will find any upgrades at this point which is also something I'm going to go go into in a second again but in the grand schem of things you can keep playing the same build basically forever and there's still something you can hunt for so that's kind of cool then we have the item stats um so it kind of goes with that as well I think stats are done extremely well in this game as well like it's really straightforward you know you have certain defensive stats they are usually on suffixes you have certain offensive stats usually on prefixes and they don't really mingle now there are you know some cases like for example Vitality is a prefix it does kind of like a defensive stat but in a grand schen of things you are kind of forced to have a certain amount of defense and you also naturally gain a certain amount of offense as long as you have the right stats on your gear so this is done pretty well and also it's pretty straightforward you have four starts in your items uh and then you have you know two prefixes two suffixes and you can like you know kind of like Target okay do you want to craft this do you want to craft that what do to go for so this is done pretty well and also the stats are very clear so there's not really that many stats in the game I think and you know if you need a certain main stat to you know boost your main skill then you're going to stack that and if you a crit build you're going to stack some crit if you need more Mana you're going to St Mana region so there's like not really like that many like you know crazy stats in this game they're relatively straightforward but the interesting part you know as I mentioned comes from like for example the skill tree and there maybe some uniques and some interesting effects that come out of that so it's kind of a good combo of making the items and sales very to be simple and then having like the more complicated mechanics somewhere else so that makes it really cool then we also have the faction system so this is something I really enjoyed as well so this is something that introduced in patch 1.0 I've played the circle of Fortune to rank 10 I didn't do Merchant skilled but it also looks like something I really want to try so if you want to trade uh you can get some extremely high-end items in merch skild so like the high end of Masters Merchant skild is definitely op and uh for most people I guess circle of Fortune is just nice because you get more stuff and you can also Target from your own thing so it's it's kind of like nice that you have like this kind of like bad luck protection like you can play your character for like 50 hours and have a bunch of stuff but you might be missing this one or two pieces or so or you might want to really try to upgrade you know for example my bow I I got this mainly through circle of Fortune um like prophecies for example I been for Unique bows I made for exed bows I student of ascendance on them and eventually I got a bunch of these free LP Talons and I made this thing so it kind of feels good because you can hunt down certain things or you can go and trade for certain things so that is very well done then we have the loot filters loot filters are excellent in this game they're very easy to use uh lately I made my loot filter tutorial so if you need any kind of help you can watch that I also have a lot of other guide videos on Last EPO but in a grand scheme of things even in like one or two minutes it can already set up like a relatively basic filter for a build and it can start blasting basically and it's just going to sort out a lot of the stuff that you don't need want to see it's going to highlight certain things that you want to see and so on and you can kind of like just like build on it step by step as you go as you go to higher levels and you find more stuff you can like you know make it stricter and stricter and you know just look exactly for what you want so this is really nice because you know at this point I pick up like one item you know every 5 minutes or something like that and uh you know I I'm hunting for really high-end stuff and uh it makes it really enjoyable to just blast through the game and not really have to worry about this Loot on the ground so this is really well done there could be like some improvements here like a few things are missing that I wouldn't like to filter for for example like the faction ranks or something like that or you know some other you know like maybe the ranges of the exact stats that are present on the item or something but in a grand schem of things it works pretty well and also compared to for example Poe loot filters you can actually filter the item itself with the stats on it like in PO for example you can only be filter for the base item because items are unidentified there and here they're all identified so the loot filter can actually show you exactly the stats that you want to see on the item as well so that is really cool another strong point here is in-game explanations we have the game guide you can just search for anything you want it gives you an explanation of how stuff works we have the tool tips you can press alt you can press alt and control and there's even more information so all of that is done really well you see like the scaling tags on every single scale so I can look at this here and you know exactly okay I need to stack fire damage bow damage dexterity and then this skill becomes better so that is all really well done I believe so there's nothing really too much like confusing here in this game and there are some things that are not like perfectly explained uh one example would be like the glyph of inside or something so for that sometimes you have to use an external resource but it's like also kind of like highend stuff and that's kind of okay I guess but in a grand scheme of things this is done really well another good point here is the infinite stash well it's not exactly infinite but ultimately it is it's practically infinite basically so you can have up to 200 stash tabs apparently and they're all pretty large and the buy them with gold so it's very easy get a lot of stash at least and way more than you could ever need as long as you're not like an absolute crazy hoarder so that is really cool and also we have infinite difficulty so this is another cool thing about this game we used to have that for example in the AL 3 with greater Rifts but these days you know like for half a decade already um that is no longer a thing like difficulty is basically kept at gra 1050 the difficulty in last EPO is different from for example the AL 3 difficulty while in the AL 3 you are always kept by your damage output in last EPO you will always be capped by your survivability you're not capped by your damage output there is no timers when you do a run you you can fight anything for as long as you want now obviously that's not a good idea to be in efficient if you fight something for like 5 minutes every single Monster but the point is that it's relatively easy to do enough damage but it's not easy to survive and you can always go higher and you can always go to higher corruption and so on and there will always be a challenge for you so this is really cool I think this is something that other games are lacking basically any every other afg doesn't have this there's no difficulty where you will just get wrecked but last Epoch has it and I think that's a really strong point and that also goes with the next next point which is Hardcore I think hardcore because of this infinite difficulty is also extremely cool in this game because you have a very clear path to just like ending your character basically this exactly what I have done so I was just kind of like done with this build you know I was moving on rrolling another character and I was decided I just you know I just hadn't died at this point even with like all the pushing and the tier 4 Dungeons and everything I had done I just didn't die and I had to finish my at some point and well there is one clear way to do that and this is you go into the arena and you go until you die the arena run will always end with your death unless you go out early and in that case you know you can finish a character by just killing it off and this is something that other games are also lacking um you just you know sometimes you just don't die and I think it's kind of cool that you have this really clear like you know end to your hardcore progression in last epok or instead of the Arena you can also just put push your corruption higher and higher in the molives and also eventually just die so that is really cool and makes hardcore very exciting and in general I think hardcore is relatively fair in this game there is instant log out there is instant TP uh so um you know it's mostly like the pesque hardcore where it's about you know one shot or get one shot kind of style it's not like the4 gameplay where you know it's like kind of like more attrition more like you know back and forth uh so in terms of the gamepl it's you know not really as good as for example4 but in terms of like the overall like difficulty the overall fairness of Hardcore and you know and what I mentioned with like you know sending off your character to the death I think that is really cool and also in this game you can actually keep playing your character so instead of actually losing a character you see this is a dead character right now it got sent to softcore so yeah I lose all of my Ms and my gold and my stash and so on but in a grand schen of things you keep your character around so so it can still do limit testing it can still push to the limits and you can still keep playing the character if you want so for example uh when I ripped I just had a bunch of these keys in my inventory and um maybe I'll go back and do another Arena run just to see how far I can get or maybe I go back and do another few T4 dungeons just to practice those a little bit and these kind of things and of course I should mention there are no cheat deaths in this game so um there is an item that gives you like kind of like a shield proc I use this one here ultimately I've been wearing it for like 70 hours and it never saved my life I just I just died anyway when I actually died to this character uh so I think that's also a really strong point for hardcore enjoyers so no G deps uh also something that other games can learn from and then we have the um partial campaign skip so it's my last good point here uh you can uh you have to play part of the campaign I think you have to do like act one and act two and then I don't know some other stuff I haven't tried to campaign skips yet but I know a lot of people enjoy campaign skips and having the option to kind of like Fast Forward a little bit to the end game you go into the mon very early especially with twink gear when you are extremely powerful you can make some insane twink gear in this game um you know and through legendary potential in particular uh so that is kind of cool so you don't always have to go through the campaign But ultimately if you're like you know FAS at the campaign you can do it in like 3 hours or faster and it's not such a big deal anyway but I kind of like that this exists now let's talk about the bad stuff here so I don't actually have that many points but I do want to go into detail about them uh let's start with the combat so I already mentioned this here for example I think that the combat um like you know the flow of combat and uh you know like what the enemies do it's generally just not really on the same level as other games in particular diao 4 I guess and also I guess Diablo 3 has done this pretty well so combat in in last Epoch is usually very short and usually very like one shoty basically what I just described of Hardcore as well usually it's just kind of like this you know go around one shot most stuff or nearly one shot most stuff now there are boss fights and they are basically mandatory and they are usually relatively long so I think this is pretty well done so for example compared to the other four dungeons where you have like a boss at the end of every dungeon here you do like 10 runs 15 runs or something and then you fight a boss and this also allows last to actually have longer boss fights with a lot of mechanics whereas you know you don't want to have like a two-minute boss fight at the end of every 2-minute dungeon in Diablo 4 for example so naturally the bosses have to be really fast and you know somewhat easy I guess in uh D4 for something like this to work or for example in D3 as well right if you do Rifts for example or in PE maps like every single map has a boss and stuff like that but in last EPO you don't actually have bosses regularly you only have them like once every so often and this actually allows to make put a much bigger focus on bosses so that is relatively good but but in the grand screen of things I think combat monsters this is definitely like some of the points that can really improve the most it really doesn't hold a candle compared to Diablo 4 in my book Diablo 4 just does this by far the best and I think the only game that will rival this is po2 so yeah while it is fun in its own way to go around and you know like see your build flourish and you know you blast down entire screens of of monsters and stuff like that in a grand schen of things it is um relatively shallow combat most time let's say so I hope that monsters is going to become a bit more interesting and also this extremely like you know fastpaced like either you are alive or dead kind of uh combat could be tweaked in the future but I guess with existing like healing and life leion mechanics and stuff like that in last EPO this would be very hard to achieve so this would probably need like a pretty major rework of um combat and monsters and also like you know certain character systems yeah in a grand schem of things combat is all right but definitely not one of the big strong points here in this game so I give this a bad uh so I would like to see more improvements in the future then we also have build balance so while we have really great build diversity in this game I think the balance is really bad in a grand schen of things now every class has its own good builds even every Mastery I guess um so there is definitely good stuff they you can make work you know it's not like you can't get through the game and it's not like you're going to get stuck somewhere but in a grand scheme of things uh some of these passive trees are just really outdated some of these skill trees are just really outdated you can definitely see a pretty clear path towards power creep with the newly introduced masteries for example one example here is the falconer we have the Warlock both these just got added to the game and both of them are like dominating the game right now and also for example the Rune master that was um the last one introduced before those two is also one of the powerhouses in this game right now uh so you can definitely very clearly see that new stuff is generally really good good and the old stuff is generally somewhat bad now um you know there just a trend there that's not always true but uh in a grand scheme of things there could be a lot more work put into build balance I don't think that perfect build balance is really um necessary it's totally fine to also play like a weaker build and have fun of it you know I do that all the time in in D3 in D4 in Po and I will do that in last EPO as well but I think that there are definitely like some huge gaps here so that could definitely be looked at and also Ward so I heard that Ward was already Omega nerfed but it kind of sounds to me that in game basically everyone is going W anyway there are people that run around with like literally 10 times the amount of w that I have as health like 30,000 40,000 50,000 W apparently is a thing even more in groups and um yeah that that is even makes it so that certain builds and certain classes that have no business of being a ward build eventually just go Ward anyway because there is extremely efficient Ward gain mechanics in the game and uh it's kind of sounds like you're just screwing yourself over by playing a life build so I think you know life versus Ward versus you know also maybe other defensive mechanics uh that needs to be in a better balance for this to you know kind of like feel fair and fun especially on the higher end of things so um yeah I think that should be looked at at least then we have animations I guess this also just like means like the general graphics and I think the general Graphics are relatively good right now I'm actually playing on I think just like medium Graphics or something and the game does look fairly good uh especially with the 1.0 updates I think they've done a really good job here at making it better and now it did have its own set of issues like memory leaks and lags and stuff like that but I guess that will be fixed but in the grand schre of things the graphics are fine I would say definitely something that can work on over time but also the animations I feel is something that can really put a lot more work in so for example um you know like the leap like it was a fury leap of the primalist or something like it doesn't feel nearly as satisfying and impactful to use as for example the Diablo 4 Barbarian leap now of course you know very different Studio much smaller Etc I kind of get it but I really hope that over time you're going to get a better feel for all of the abilities there's really just bunch of clunky stuff and uh if you compare this to like D3 or D4 G gameplay it just doesn't really hold up and a lot more things can be done here with just like how it feels to play certain builds but in a grand schen of things I've I guess they have done a really good job and they have made improvements here so we'll see where those go another bad point are the memory leaks here so um this is something I just mentioned uh so basically with 1.0 upgrade maybe before that I don't know uh but basically at least for me my FPS was constantly dropping to even below 20 uh so this might have to do with me streaming as well but overall I had really bad bad FPS and every few hours i' have to restart the game uh to actually like kind of play at all and this is obviously extremely scary on Hardcore sometimes my game would just freeze for like half a second or one second or so whenever I pick up loot or these kind of things so a lot of optimization issues here this is not true for everyone but at least for me this was a major problem so far and I really hope that it's going to get fixed over time uh I guess also because um the servers were unstable so every time I loged out to try to restart my game to fix the memory leaks then you know I would some end up in a queue again or something so yeah there's um there's work to be done here for sure so I'm just going to leave that here and also the brick wall and gear progression so while I did talk a lot about you know how great the item system is in a crafting I feel like yeah while there is always something to look forward to at some point I felt like I was just like done with the character and I didn't really have any realistic path to any upgrades anymore so I talked about this I've played this character for like around 100 hours and basically for like the last 50 hours like half of its lifetime or so I did not get a single upgrade on this character so I kind of like you know early on of course in a campaign you're going to start finding all the time and then you're going to recycle items really quickly and then you're going to do like your crafting sessions once you monolith and then maybe another one once you in empowered monoliths and then kind of like you know upgrade stuff as you go but most of the time you always have to like switch multiple things around at the same time because of resistances for example so you can't really just like pick up an item craft a bit on it and throw it on there but usually save up a few things and then try to min max it but that is all fine it's just that I think that once you have like an exalted item in every slot um it's very hard to even get anywhere beyond that most of the time you see here that even though I've played this character so much I still only have you know like a tier six exalted mod on this one it is the right base it has the right exalted start okay but there is still a tier four mod on this there is still no no sealed mod on this um you know it's not even like a legendary like it could be like a 3 LP legendary or 4 LP legendary I'm very far away from that um but in a grand scheme of things it's just that it's so hard to find upgrades that are past a certain point anymore once you have decent exalted in every slot it's so hard to even get anywhere where you have like a tier s mod or even double exalted and I feel like it just becomes so exponentially more unlikely to find any upgrade that um yeah as I said you know I've been playing for 50 hours without a single item drop until I got this thing here which uh you know gave me like a little bit more health I got like 5% more HP but I lost a bit of damage but ultimately this was like the only upgrade I found in like you know the 50 hours before I actually meant to go and rip this character it was like right before the end I I found this Bel for example but um yeah it's just like kind of tough to continue gearing a character at least in circle of Fortune with Merchant Guild of course you know people might find some insane items for for a build that they can buy from them and there's you know there's like a higher chance to keep going in the end game progression but I think that maybe highend wise at least Circle for for example could be buffed a little bit there is really powerful stuff here but in the end the game just kind of like vomits loot at you and you know 99.99% of it is just something that's going to get filled out at some point and that you don't care about and then the other 0.01% that you actually pick up is going to be items that you you know break on the first s of second craft attempt that you do so you kind of let like pick up like you know 20 of these belts that have a good exalted stat and then you you know immediately destroy almost all of them because you have to do like very risky gambles to even get an upgrade at some point so I think there is a bit of like a middle step missing here where you know I've invested like 50 hours in this character and I still want to keep progressing and I still want to you know maybe get like a double exalted item or maybe have like you know a t7 mod on an item or you know these kind of things and yeah something is kind of missing here before I go to like the absolute GG like 4 LP legendary stuff or something like that so that's just something maybe for the future for devs to consider as you know more gearing options I don't know what they could do but I'm sure that can come up with something on the other hand I got to say that you know if you play a character for like 50ish hours or so you get it to the 100 and maybe a bit beyond that then well your character is pretty much checked out with most of the stuff that you would like and of course you know you can still upgrade it but it kind of feels like also like okay your character is just somewhat complete with like the realistic upgrades you can get so that is also not terrible but I I would kind of wish that there would be you know a few more steps somewhere in between where I don't feel like I'm just grinding for that you know one in a million drop basically now for the future um so this uh kind of like settles like the good and the bad points that exists and here is like just some stuff that I would like to see uh also in no particular order let's start with the server and FP ises I guess this is kind of like no-brainer here so uh servers were terrible at the start a lot of people were upset it didn't really bother me too much and I got somewhat lucky as well how I was able to log in but yeah this needs to be fixed for the next time FPS issues need to be fixed as well like I had this mem leaks and all that stuff I explained um sometimes I pick up Loot and my game just lags for like two seconds this kind of stuff so it's very annoying definitely one of the things that uh was kind of bad but it doesn't really take away from the game I know this this fixable and I know this doesn't have to do anything with like the design of the game so it wasn't really a big point for me then we have the tool tip box so uh another few things is like sometimes you have like an item on the ground for example and I would Mouse over it and it would just not show the tool tip or it would not show the level requirement or sometimes you go to like the gamble vendor and it has like some really weird like large text um when you look at items or something uh so there is like kind of weird stuff here that um exists and I hope that this is going to be fixed at some point now speaking of tool tips also for example minion builds don't seem to have any NE damage tool tips for example so I'm not sure why but maybe that could also be improved for example so you can actually see like how you can scale your minion skills but yeah uh also relatively minor but I would like to see that improved uh I would definitely like to see more content inside of monoliths so um I didn't really talk too much about the end game yet but when it comes to content yeah we have the monoliths which are like the end game basically and then there also like the um like side content I guess the Dungeons and the arena they kind of like no minor things but the endg game content is theives and they do get repetitive after a while so I've done like I don't know what 2,000 or so echo on this character and yeah it's basically always just kind of like you know you go in you rush the objective you're done the bonus stability is somewhat irrelevant uh you just try to fill it up a little bit as you go I guess but there's no incentive to full clear Maps like for example in Poe where you have an investment into a map and you're going to try to get as much out of it as possible basically by full clearing it um so that is kind of missing I believe and just in general stuff to do so there are these Exile Majors which is kind of nice and we need more stuff like these ex measures that they can maybe try to hunt down in those monoliths um maybe there could be like you know other like meta progression paths as well where there like you know new special accuracy can do to get something or these kind of things and just inside a run inside an individual Echo I feel like most of the time it's just like you know go to the end ignore everything on the way kind of and yeah there needs to be more stuff so I guess it's going to come with more leagues or maybe more cycles and there's going to be more content at some point but yeah they do get quite repetitive and I can definitely see this being like a pretty major downside for a lot of people if you look at the actual gameplay uh outside of like you know item progression and crafting and you know this kind of stuff it gets very repetitive very fast and this is definitely one of the weak points of the game as well then I would also like to see more letters uh so we did have like the max leaderboard for for example the raise to level 100 that was kind of cool but I would like to see that actually in the game similar I think Conquest type leader boards like neblo 3 could be really cool to have it's also something I would like to see in other games um it doesn't really exist anywhere outside of the3 but for example you know um the first 1,000 people to clear tier 4 this dungeon or tier 4 that dungeon or you know some other objective you know in the end game or you know there's going to be like the pinle bosses in patch 1.1 so we need a ladder for that you know the first persons uh to to clear like the new Pinnacle bosses like that stuff is really hype this stuff makes a new season start exciting and uh people try to rush for that and there's like you know a race to watch and you have like official leaderboards I think that's is amazing so I think that could be a really good addition here to the game then we have H set items so right now I don't think I've ever seen anyone use a set item I've never heard of anyone use a set item I've never considered using a set item so while all of the items are actually really cool the uniques exorts the legendaries you can do and all that set items are just completely pointless I have a feeling maybe there is some stuff that exists that some people use but I have not seen anything whatsoever so uh I might I might be underestimating them but in a grand schen of things I believe what set it do really lack is an upgrade part similar to Legendary potential I don't think that adding just legendary potential to set items is the way necessarily because it would make them maybe too similar to uniques but something you know something something you know maybe they can do something there so I think that is um that would be nice then we have uh blessings so this is definitely a big frustrating point I think um blessings is something that you farm from like the end game timelines we try to get like you know really good roles of um these like especially St blast things and I think that it's fine how you have to grind them out I think that's actually kind of fun uh so even though I got very unlucky and I had to do this timeline like literally 30 times to get this 1% more Critical Strike avoidance that I needed I think it's cool to farm out his blessings and then go to different timelines you have like you know different monsters different Maps different boss and so on that's kind of nice but whenever I find another item and I want to switch all those blessings I have to go back and find that blessing again and I think that feels really terrible so there's already this interface here for the blessings and I think it would be amazing if you could kind of like Bank up those blessings or like you know we can maybe you know save them for later use like you know okay I already have this perfect blessing here and I would just like to maybe get the other blessings of the same timeline and then ready to go whenever I want to switch this for example on this timeline there's like one gives you lot of poison rest I think so um if I find an item has insane amount of crit avoidance but then I have to replace some poison rest and then I can you know just go and switch my blessing without actually going and farming this time and again like 10 times to get that blessing that would be amazing so I think there could be some system introduced here where maybe you can save them up or you can you know you unlock them and then you just switch between them whenever you want or you know maybe unlock them and then you defeat the boss one time and it gives you just the choice of you know the five new blessings that you found and you can choose any of your previously if best roll blessings or something like that yeah then more loot filter options so why the loot filter is already really powerful I think some stuff is missing for example I cannot filter by um you know the exact ranges I cannot filter by the faction requirement which is relatively important for Circle Fortune players with the Rune of ascendance so there are some things like that uh there's also like a few bucks with the loot filter so um I think for example um I'm going to show this right now so if you make a copy of this one and for example if we select uh only certain bows here so I have like you know only the top two bow types selected for example examp but if I change this to let's say Spears um it will still show two selected here and it was just like you know s some random Spears and sometimes it also bugs out and actually shows that some things are selected that uh you know even though you have nothing checked so some minor things like that but yeah there's definitely small improvements they can make on loot filter but loot filters are so crucial to the experience and the the gameplay Loop of the game that yeah making this as polished as possible is definitely a huge objective I think and lastly um for the future as well there's a bunch of minor bugs of skills you know some skill notes not working some skills giving you too much or too little or what they say um these kind of things and also monsters um some of them seem kind of buggy with like for example how they have like the hit boxes or some of the attack animations they don't really seem to match up with what the example they're doing uh so there is some stuff like that nothing really major I would say but it does exist and especially for hardcore enjoyers this is Rel important and that stuff works properly so I just put this up here as the last point on the list and that also sums up my entire review here that U I have gaed just all the points that I came up with for now I will keep playing some last EPO it's very fun so I'm having a pretty good time even though I talked all about you know some of the bad points here I think that the game definitely has a pretty bright future it has it had a really good start like the the launch went incredibly well for them so I'm quite glad to see that we have know more options more RPGs to play and um I'm just excited to see like where this will go from here on so I think the last ook hit just right for a lot of people with like you know being somewhere in the middle as like you know a game between Po and Diablo 3 or Diablo 4 in terms of complexity in terms of you know difficulty and all that so they've done a really good job there and I guess with more tweaks with more updates it will definitely continue to be a very good game to play and I can definitely see myself coming back to this you know in the future Cycles as well we have to see exactly you know how I fit it in between the4 and P2 there's OB obviously a lot of work to be done uh for a blaster but yeah in a grand scheme of things nzb is definitely up there for me as well so that's it hope you enjoyed this review of mine and let me know what you think maybe there are some points that are completely missed maybe you completely disagree with some points or you agree with some things so I'll be quite curious to read it in the comments and otherwise stay tuned for more last content and I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: wudijo
Views: 90,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wudijo, Last Epoch, EHG, Eleventh Hour Games, LE, Last Epoch Trade, Last Epoch Factions, Last Epoch Solo, Last Epoch Group, Last Epoch Self Found, Last Epoch Item Trade, Last Epoch Prophecies, Last Epoch Trade System, Last Epoch Guide, Last Epoch Build, Last Epoch Launch, Last Epoch Legendary, Last Epoch Legendaries, Last Epoch Uniques, Last Epoch Crafting, Last Epoch Beginner, Last Epoch Review, Last Epoch Speedrun, Last Epoch Falconer, Last Epoch Good, Last Epoch Bad
Id: XSrPlJBywiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 41sec (2381 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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