Vault-Tec Revealed: The Stories of Vaults 31, 32, 33 and the Vault Boy

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in over 25 years of Fallout lore we haven't learned very much about vault tech we've learned enough to know that they're awful we've explored their vaults enough to see their Insidious experiments and we've seen what these experiments have done to human lives how they've destroyed families and entire societies but there's one thing that we've never known why why experiment on people after after the bombs drop who's following the experiments after the bombs drop what benefit would vault tech get from these experiments after the bombs drop the Fallout show has given us answers where the games have not and that's why this video is chocked full of spoilers including end of series spoilers so if you want to avoid spoilers turn back now one of the first new things we learn about vault tech is the origin of the Vault boy Cooper Howard was a famous actor before the bomb dropped he primarily played in westerns and while his friends and co-stars all around him were being fired by the studio for being too communist Bob's been fired CP what see it turns out Bob's a bit of a communist communist he embraced capitalism he embraced a sponsor well this is America everybody has a sponsor and uh I'm not ashamed to earn a living but you my friend you know which way the wind is blowing and it's that a world run by people who wear pocket protectors to a pool party partly because he believed in capitalism he believed in America that's about all the horeshit I can take I have my principles Miss Williams that's all he was in the military he fought in operation Anchorage against the Reds I wore the T45 when we almost lost the great state of Alaska to the Reds I've even got your friend Charlie White knife are you kidding me Charlie I serve with that guy but also because he wanted to avoid losing his job and primarily because his wife who worked at vault tech wanted him to he agreed to be the face of vtech's vaults as a favor to his wife on behalf of the whole voltech family we wanted to say how delighted we are that barb could use her connections to get to you you know I've never done an advertisement before in my life but then again my wife has never asked me to the things I'm willing to do for you never cease to amaze me Cooper Howard puts on a suit that his wife gives him it's in his favorite colors the colors of his Sheriff outfit from a movie that he was working on blue and gold a bit of a costume change for you Mr Howard they made it in your color he goes to the shoot where everyone recognizes him they love that he's there and then he has an idea hey I I I have an idea what if uh what if I were to do like a thumbs up go for it co Cooper Howard was the origin of the Vault boys thumb up it was just an idea he had on one day during a photo shoot that vault tech rolled with and it became sort of an icon of the vault tech Corporation Coupe went on to star in many more commercials for vault tech notably exploring Vault 4 and telling the American public exactly what to expect in a vault tech Vault now that right there is Vault 4's 3ft thick Le casing strong enough to keep out the RADS and the Reds he became so synonymous with voltech that many co-stars and actor friends who despised voltech began to distance themselves from him I think our Hollywood actor friends they want to be seen celebrating with the pitch man for the end of the world he managed to avoid being a victim to the Red Scare for a while but he became a parah amongst the people who hated what voltech was and then the reverse of the Red Scare happened to him instead of losing work because he was too communist he began to lose work because he was too capitalist his co-stars refused to go on set if he was present you I lost a movie over these ads actors wouldn't come out of their trailers bnny Lewis said it was on moral grounds Vex the devil man my wife works there at some point coup's star falls and we can infer from the end of the show that after Coupe learns what voltech is planning he objected to being the face of vault tech which is why we see Billboards that had old vault tech advertisements with Cooper Howard's face plastered over with new VTech advertisements now with the cartoonish Vault boy but still using Cooper Howard's signature thumbs up it's possible that after he learned what he learned he objected to what voltech was doing and was branded a communist Pinko he still took my money and he and his wife divorced why the hell is Cooper Howard working kids birthday parties what else Alam money but he would do anything to provide for his family he wasn't too proud to perform as entertainment for children's parties if it meant he could give his daughter a good day but at this point in his life he wouldn't do his famous signature thumbs up c c c do your thumbs up yeah you know given the state of everything I prefer not to if that's all right why not that's what you're famous for why wouldn't you do it the thumbs up has grown up stuff because now it had very personal meaning for him so that's the origin of the Vault boy a mascot that vault tech used to put a friendly face on their un UNS scrupulous company we finally learned their motivations their true objectives towards the end of the series we meet Bud asins who oversees the Southern California operations of vault tech but Askin I have receiv of Southern California operations he calls a meeting with some of the heads of the major organizations in the Fallout Universe robco Industries Repcon westtech and big mountain and we at last learned why all of Vault Tech's vaults had such Insidious experiments we're here to offer you an opportunity we'd like to collaborate on some of our vaults because it was the spirit of competition that made our companies great we have over a 100 vaults spread across America enough for each of you to claim several play out your own ideas for how to create the perfect conditions for Humanity whatever you want to do no one needs to know and may the best idea win the purpose of these experiments was so that these companies could create the perfect conditions for Humanity vault tech felt vault tech believed that the world we have of politics and violence is what happens when the world is allowed to rule itself to organize itself into a sometimes conflicting societies and cultures this is our chance to make war obsolete in our current societal configuration which took shape without intentional guidance we have friction and we have war and War well war never changes but voltech believed that they could eliminate famine and war and violence if they created a society with intentional guidance a society that didn't grow on its own that didn't come about from Barter and trade and handshakes and agreements and profit and loss a society that was ordered with a vision in mind their vision and they have their own idea Bud here has an idea for three interconnected vaults Bud asins was running his own experiment using three interconnected vaults but they recognize that they may not have the best idea and in this Spirit of competition in order to find the best way to direct the organization of human society they brought in their compet ition they offered some of their vaults to their competition and gave them free reign to run any kind of experiment they wanted that's why the vaults had such awful experiments it was for the sake of humanity they thought they were doing the world of favor they thought they could get rid of War If Only They had the right environment and the right experiment and the right overseer the right direction we don't know the specifics about the experiments that the companies represented at this table ultimately undertook in the vaults aside from the vaults that we've explored from the games but the show does give us the details of Vault Tech's experiment their experiment to connect three vaults vaults 31 32 and 33 vaults 32 and vaults 33 were filled with normal people there wasn't any horrible experiment going on in those two vaults what was the experiment in 33 well there is no experiment at least not on the surface but Vault 31 wasn't open to the public you couldn't buy a spot in Vault 31 Bud had different plans for it Bud believed that people couldn't solve their problems for themselves these problems needed to be solved by good management the future of all Humanity comes down to one word you what's that management and in his world view VTech has the best management the only problem is that good managers die they're mortal they're not robots they're not machines they eventually die and then all of that training turning them into the perfect manager goes away and you have to start all over what a bummer the basic idea is that the biggest obstacle to achievement has been the brevity of the human lifespan it's prevented us from working on projects that require centuries maybe even Millenia to see through all those resources vault tech invests in their management lost when someone dies or retires that's worse than any loss they could get from competition but if you could remove the time factor maybe use it to your advantage then it's no longer an enemy to productivity it's now your greatest weapon if you can leverage time and your competition can't then you can outlive your competition most people people think scale means increase in global market share that's thinking in three dimensions and I'm talking about four because what is the Ultimate Weapon to destroy your competition it's not out selling them it's not outsmarting them it's time time is the Ultimate Weapon so what's the best way to preserve Humanity preserve good management and I don't have kids myself but I do have a training program for up and coming Executives and that's basically the same thing well I call it butts buds so ideally buds buds will keep my project on track centuries into the Future these are buds buds my buds a well-trained staff of Highly supervised Junior Executives for my own assistant training program because the future of humanity comes down to one word management Vault 31 was filled with buds buds cryogenically frozen before the bombs dropped each and every one of these cryopods was filled with a vault tech executive America outsourced the survival of this country to the private sector but it would have been insane to keep a failed nation alive so we kept vault tech alive instead we eventually see a list of names of the executives that were cryogenically frozen in Fall 31 they include Betty who was Bud's assistant before the war everything all right Mr Howard uh fine I'm I'm I'm I'm fine Betty and Betty was unfrozen to become an overseer of Vault 33 I just feel that in times of Crisis you need someone with experience Betty's already been overseer once this list includes Henry or Hank the show doesn't explain exactly why Henry was sent to Vault 33 when Betty was already there presumably it's because it was time for somebody to get married and vault tech couldn't control that all they could control is that when someone was ready to get married when the vaults were ready to swap populations they could sweep in and put in an executive from Vault 31 perhaps that's what they did taking advantage of an opportunity which gave Vault 33 not one not two but three members from Vault 31 three of buds buds because Steph was from Vault 31 to Steph M how's Vault 31 different from here why did your dad tell you not much actually that's why I'm asking gee I don't know maybe the mashed potatoes were a little better that is what my dad used to say must be true then it must be true we see her name on the list she was released after Hank but asins had Vault 33 filled with voltech Executives just in case what's interesting is the names we don't see on this list we don't see mold dav's name on this list or Williams as she was known Before the War which of course makes sense because she wasn't a vault tech executive despite the fact that her companies had been taken over by vault tech infinite energy that's what I was on the verge of achieving when vault tech swept in and bought up every company I'd ever worked for her name's not on the list which means that she must have been cryogenically frozen some other way but she dies before the show can explain to us exactly how she's here 200 years after we see her before the bombs drop also notably Cooper Howard's wife and child are not on this list Barb Howard was his wife Janie Howard was his daughter and their names aren't on this list that was the entire reason Barb was working at vault tech to begin with to make sure her family got into this Vault I need this job Coupe it guarantees us a spot in the vault we've got money we can buy a spot in the vault one of the good vaults I have worked hard to make sure we go into a SP special Vault for management where we will oversee all of the other vaults but they're not here and we don't know why it's possible that they were never here to begin with because she said that she was trying to get their family into a vault that oversaw all of the other vaults but Vault 31 only oversaw Vault 32 and Vault 33 as part of the buds BUDs program maybe she was referring to a different Vault entirely now it is possible that they could be here just under a different name and if that's true I suppose the same could be said for moldaver we also know that this list is incomplete when Norm was snooping in the overseer terminal he saw a list of names of people from Vault 31 who had been elected overseer of Vault 33 in the past we even get the dates of when they served as overseer of Vault 33 but none of those names with the exception of Hank and Betty appear on this list perhaps this means that people who have been reactivated and have since died from old age they've served their purpose are removed from this list perhaps the reactivated list on the left are only people who have been reactivated and are still alive and if that's the case then it's possible that we don't see Barb Janie or Williams on this list because they were reactivated and as far as Vault 31 is concerned they're dead so the list brings up a few questions but nothing that can't be answered in a second season the residents of Vault 32 and Vault 33 were breeding stock they're our breeding pool genetically selected to breed with my Budz to create a class of super managers people with positivity people who make lemonade people who will inherit the earth over time vault tech would unthaw an executive from Vault 31 that executive would then integrate into the societies of Vault 32 and 33 and then when there was an election for overseer some strings were pulled to ensure that someone from Vault 31 always won the election you don't think it's weird that we always elect an overseer from Vault 31 they did the same exact thing in Vault 32 honestly no you know they got that phrase when things look glum vote 31 when things look glum vote for somebody from Vault 31 now the show doesn't explain to us exactly how this happened we can presume that the votes were tampered with by none other than the overseer of Vault 31 bud asins bud asins didn't cryogenically freeze himself instead he put his brain in a jar to manage Vault 31 forever but when we find him 200 years later he's stuck nope just maybe I have to thank you Betty he's gibbering to himself he seems a little crazy in a great game of the right which hearkens back to what we learned during the Old World Blues DLC for Fallout New Vegas in that DLC we meet oldw world scientists scientists from the Big Mountain research facility who existed before the bombs dropped they prolong their lives by placing their brains in jars but the fluid that they encased their brains with deteriorates their minds over time which is why 200 years after the apocalypse those brains and jars spoke gibberish this labotte is the repository of the brain we sent the signal to the skin velope once containing it just look at it the way it blinks it's like a big hairless teddy bear I know what it is dollar I want to know why it's down here here with its its limbs all over everything and are those penises I see wriggling on its feet disgusting I believe those are toes Dr Klein which is why 200 years after the apocalypse Bud Askins speaks gibberish this one's it I'll get it this time but he wasn't quite insane in a similar way that the scientists at Big Mountain were still coherent enough enough to perform awful surgeries on people but asins was still coherent enough to pull the strings when it was Voting time in vaults 32 and 33 to make sure that someone from Vault 31 one of buds buds always became an Overseer in this way the populations that survive the nuclear apocalypse are governed by good management and when an overseer dies he's replaced by another person from Vault 31 another one of buds buds ensuring that over the centuries this exceptional management produces exceptional people and the perfect Human Society but it didn't work out the way that bud and vault tech had planned in Vault 32 somehow the people of Vault 32 figured out what was going on they realized that their only purpose was to be breeding stock for the executives in Vault 31 which is why we see the Carnage that we do in Vault 32 these people all committed suicide but not before they murdered their overseer most of the bodies we find in Vault 32 are clearly examples of suicide they hung themselves up they put Forks in toaster and when some people weren't willing to commit suicide they were murdered the overseer of Vault 32 who is an executive from Vault 31 was murdered in his overseer chair a cord wrapped around his neck they wrote Death to management on the walls in his blood and then the rest of the Vault destroyed itself they would rather die than let Vault 31 continue to experiment on them I'm a little surprised that bud didn't find out what happened to Vault 32 2 years had gone by before the people from Vault 33 discovered what happened in Vault 32 the last bio signal detected was 2 years ago you'd think that bud would begin to wonder when he never hears from the Overseer in Vault 32 but perhaps he never conceived that something like this could happen after all these people were governed by good management but what then so what if voltech is able to produce the perfect Society in one of their vaults so what if West Tech is able to produce the perfect Society with one of their experiments what good is that Society underground none which is why we learn in the biggest bombshell of the series that the best way to ensure an orderly Society without war is by dropping the bomb ourselves harrowingly no one in that room objected none of those CEOs and powerful people of the current world seemed to have a problem with Vault teac proposing the destruction of the world if they did they didn't show it to us during the series we get the impression from Fallout New Vegas after talking with Mr house that he didn't really know when the bombs would drop he didn't know the exact date which is why he got caught with his pants down when the bombs dropped and he didn't yet have the Platinum chip that's where the chip was printed on October 22nd 2017 77 it was to have been hand delivered to me here at the Lucky 38 the next day but the bombs fell first and yet here he was in this meeting maybe he objected to the end of the world by vault tech maybe he didn't that's something I hope the showrunners explain in a second season additionally we don't really know if vault tech did what they proposed here after all they were simply positing in this meeting that they destroy the world with nuclear bombs in order to do their experiments Bud tells us that the executives in 31 are to be reactivated once they've wiped the surface clean people who will inherit the earth after we've wiped the surface clean we WIP the surface clean but he's just telling us their purpose he's not directly claiming to have wiped the surface clean and the series doesn't give us any concrete evidence that they did we don't see anybody pushing the button we don't hear anyone from voltech say that they dropped the bombs on October 23rd 2077 we're inferring that from this conversation and from what moldaver tells us about vault tech and yet we do know that vault tech Dropped a Bomb on Shady Sands which we'll talk about in a little bit so if they had the ability to drop bombs on Shady Sands 200 years after the apocalypse they clearly had the ability to do it in 2077 so for the duration of this video we'll presume that they actually did drop the bombs that ended the world but their motives are clear a nuclear event would be a tragedy but also an opportunity perhaps the greatest opportunity in history because when we are the only ones left there will be no one to fight a true Monopoly they wanted to destroy the world to get a monopoly on Humanity in their minds only by destroying the world could they put an end to war only by destroying the world could they make it a better place a good bad guy doesn't see themselves as a bad guy their solution to war was to Begin Again a solution that isn't unique to them after all it was ulyses solution to problems in the Mojave since the legion wasn't perfect and since the NCR wasn't perfect his solution was to bomb them both and let's de Society begin again I'll start with the West Let Them Burn then if the East falters after I'll bring the Divide there as well burn away the flags Begin Again of course the problem to that solution is that there's no way for Ulisses to guarantee that whatever grows From the Ashes of the Legion or the NCR would be better than those two societies that he destroyed he has no control over what comes after voltech tried to have control over what would come after by controlling the populations of the people who survived the apocalypse but what they didn't count on was that people who didn't get into a vault would not only survive but Thrive what if people are still alive on the surface that is an issue our vaults have the resources to survive for centuries meanwhile our competitors you know every other human who isn't us we'll be dead on the surface that was the Great Horror that Hank mlan discovered when he tracked his wife down to Shady Sands here he found a society the new California Republic it wasn't ruled by vault tech and yet it's thriving what he didn't know is that shady Sands itself was founded by survivors from Vault 15 what he didn't know is that survivors from Vault 8 had already used their Garden of Eden creation kit to create Vault City a thriving Society by the events of Fallout 2 and a still existing Society by the events of Fallout New Vegas we don't know its canonical ending but one of them is that it was absorbed by the NCR so it's possible that at this time Vault city was part of NCR which if true would mean that by destroying Shady Sands Hank from vault tech was definitely destroying the descendants of people from Vault 15 and possibly destroying the descendants of people from Vault 8 that's how vault tech deals with competition just like they did 200 years ago but of course how could he know that he's been in a vault for 200 years most of which he spent cryogenically frozen and I think more to the point those vaults weren't part of Bud askin's experiment they weren't managed vaults perhaps vault tech had this experiment with Managers from Vault 31 overseeing Vault 33 and Vault 32 and also they equipped some vaults with the gek the Garden of Eden creation kit but maybe Hank didn't know that and due to his ignorance he destroyed one of vtech's experiments that worked but then again maybe From voltech perspective it didn't work because after all the NCR was at war or had been at War recently had won and lost multiple Wars if the entire point was to eliminate War then even even though these societies thrived they could still be considered failed experiments which is why Hank and Betty destroyed Shady Sands Betty when my mother died what happened to her pit boy it was buried with her how are you so sure because I buried her myself me and your father it's terrifying to think that even 200 years after the apocalypse vault tech or the Survivor of vault tech the people from Vault 31 and but Askins in this jar still have their fingers on the red button still have control over America's nuclear stockpile how did they get their hands on America's nuclear bombs the show doesn't rightly explain to us we do know that voltech was incredibly powerful before the bombs dropped the show tries to give us the impression that it was even more powerful than the US government right is a trillion dollar company that owns half of everything and after 10 years of war the US government is Broker Than a joke the cattle ranchers are in charge Coupe it's not out of the question that they could have access to America's nuclear stockpile perhaps they simply hacked into America's defenses or perhaps America had a contract with vault tech and stored some of their nukes in silos owned and managed by vault tech we don't know it's not explained but it's not outside of the realm of possibility that that vault tech had access to America's nukes that vault tech still controls these nukes in the final scenes of the show we see Hank mlan walking to the ruins of New Vegas we know that that's where Mr house is Assuming he's still alive after the events of 2281 in a pan out of New Vegas we see that it's in ruin we see a ruined NCR Verte bir and ruined house securitrons in the streets of New Vegas something awful went down there but Mr house was a participant in the great game we saw him at that Roundtable in VA Tech headquarters why is Hank mlan going to NAS does he want to speak with Mr house if so why does he want to speak with vaultex competition these are the questions that the series leaves us with that I hope they'll answer during season 2 and so that is the canonical story of Vault and the Great War vault tech dropped the bombs of 2077 on one hand it's an intriguing plot but it's similar to the treatment of a proposed Fallout movie that was never green lit this treatment was written by Brent fredman for interplay after Fallout 1 was released and before Fallout 2 was released it was never turned into a movie script and of course the movie was never made but in this treatment we learn that the guy in charge of vault tech dropped the first bomb which triggered a chain reaction causing China and America to launch their nukes destroying the world I had kind of hoped that they would have kept vault tech focused on the experiments in the vaults rather than turning them into an organization that cares about ending war and saving Humanity even if they do so in truly awful vaac ways and yet I can't argue that it's a compelling story and it closes the book on many of the questions this F base has had for years I'm currently producing more videos about the Fallout show if you don't want to miss my next one be sure to subscribe and to click that Bell notification button if you have already but you feel like you're missing out on YouTube notifications consider following me on Twitter at oxhorn I update Twitter manually with every new piece of content that I publish I have a plush for sale but I've got limited quantities and I'm almost sold out when they're gone they're gone and if you don't want to miss out snag one today I've also got a merch shop with completely Unique Designs that you can't find anywhere else my designs come on shirts in a variety of men's Women's and Children's sizes and in a wide array of colors they come on other products as well like smartphone cases pillows posters mugs stickers prints Etc so if interested you can find a link to my shop in the description below or you can click here if you like what I do and you want to support me in another way consider becoming a patron on patreon or a member here on YouTube YouTube members get little badges that appear next to their names in the comment sections of my videos and access to Ox emojis that they can use in my video comments and in the live chats of my live streams but more than anything I'm just so glad you're here watching this video with me today thank you so much for watching and I'll see you soon with even more Fallout videos ways cash is tied so I'm going to take part in hopefully my last thesis project in the Sim Vault this kid seems fine and his experiment is about food so I get to eat well at least
Channel: Oxhorn
Views: 681,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxhorn
Id: FYZ3zzEoIzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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