Last Epoch Best Frost Claw NOVA Mage 40k+ Ward AOE slays!

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and I'm going to go over this Frost claw bill I'll start uh with the skills here Frost claw what we're doing is we're really concentrating on parking our Nova we just don't have enough points to come and get um barrage here though it's very good and I it took me a long time actually all season to come around to where I'm at now so this is really a product of a lot of testing um the the main point to make here is that all these extra casts like a second cast behind the target a third cast return cast back to you these all give you Mana back so you got this chance 36% to gain Mana that's on every cast so you're doing like seven casts of this so while it makes it cost more you also you know get the re the refund from these two nodes here so I'm just going to let you take a picture or you know pause it and do what you need to do I'm not going to go over give any kind of Link or anything but right here you know this is how you proc your Nova 42% and it's just all the time um you want all the damage here here's a lot of damage like right here if they're uh shocked ignited Frozen chilled that's all 30% that that actually comes out to be a lot um I don't know how deep I'm getting to get into showing that but definitely you're going to want to ignite them and that all comes from the passives like even here there's a node right here see lightning Nova shock chance 40% I don't think this works I tested it and I I left a bug thing but they never did anything about it so I don't know it just doesn't it doesn't work and then um you're reducing your mana on this so it'll be zero and actually you can actually have this go higher like you could put more points in here I'll show you because we got ways of reducing the Mana kit cost and we're definitely going to take advantage of that so I'm I'm going to leave these points out for now we'll we we'll test some points in here a little bit later and see something but you'd also go with this crit multi and this armor shred and crit chance this also you know does gives it bonus to all three of these so you're really getting a lot of bonus like penetration 70% that's a big one too so you fire nodes these are the damage um again like it says I got you're get to the items but I had to put one point in here for whatever reason to enable lightning Nova even though it should be ignited because of this Helm here the crest of unity has a right all these stats but this is plus 10 in total you definitely want to get the plus4 I mean the armor I like armor a lot you're going to see that I I go for armor cuz um it just helps survivability so much although that was my last option my least favorite mod at the time I'm kind of happy now that I got armor on here but this sounds a lot better than people think um obviously you know six to Nova 40% increased area that's kind of a meane but it helps like definitely helps but not as much you think another thing is uh there's a 250 I'll get back to it real quick this 250% I've tried this out and it's kind of cool you can really reach a lot further like off screen because the the frost claw B and they go further way off screen and then the wider Nova even gets you know further so but it takes five to get here you got to put four and this ignite chance and i' just rather have the D the damage but it's something you could check out and for yourself um teleport this isn't even really necessary um I did it for survivability Arena Arena runs like uh these mirror images help me a lot then I some people get this Ward I would never get it it's just such a small amount there's really nothing here other than these Mir images that are just like me Shields and then the stat the the um stat Buffs are cool 250 armor and more coal resists see uh my res everything's not perfect here but like if I if I do this every eight seconds you know I'm going to be way over and I got to I got them all like just right even better than this you know physical is maxed and these don't go over the cap just with different items but you can see like 862 Ward retention there's different things you could do to get that higher like up to 1,000 and also I have a sorceress which or sorcerer which is even better at Arena than the ruin Master because has Arcane intellect as you know instead of like teleport and you just get massive damage and I'm going to show that actually later maybe in a separate video because it'd be really long but it's really interesting these are two different boots here this one not many people know are aware of especially for this build but every stack of mountain endurance is uh minus two Mana cost so you just sit there for a few seconds you got minus 6 Mana this is making your Frost Nova cheaper and cheaper and then you get Mana back so it's like a net positive Mana I mean I I've played around where I've gotten a meteor in here I mean I can almost constantly just cast meteors because just watch like I'm going to cast this Frost claw and see how my Mana is staying high like I got no way to even like get it down to like show you how how fast it could come up right now but I mean it's refilling so fast and this is kind of like the Crux of the bill is you're just proing so much you're going for fast cast speed and um you're going to see I have a lot of that and there's a lot of things that can add to it like here this is if you have lightning ages it's uh 18% I I think it goes up to 18% um 19% so I got all 18s here and then would would even be better is cold resistance just right now what I have is the the ward right here the ward retention these are kind of expensive too like 3 four 5 million in the market for word retention and cold resistance the cold resistance because of frostbite shackles uh these are probably the best gloves in the game probably almost any character should think about using them because you stack this cold res and every 1% of the cold res you get you get a ward retention so and on top of it you got the freeze rate uh w on freeze it everything about these makes this build so so strong and we we'll go over here to um this uh Frost claw again right here you get W gain 12 on cast you're building this could get up to 40 almost 50,000 W if you have like even better items than me like I get 40,000 and it's not even that like I mean it just comes from casting these spells uh but here's the main one right hereward per 40% freeze multiply so for every you know 400 you get 10 Ward a cast so that's already like 22 Ward but you're going to get way more than that like right now here I got, 1650 so 400 you know that's 4 * 4 that's like 40 Ward 40 Ward just from that node and having all this freeze rate and I mean freeze rate is just good because it's it's locking all the mods and mobs in place you know they can't even get to you can imagine Arena uh I don't think I'm going to go that far with this video but I mean you just go like this and stand in the middle I've tried everything like in the corner and sometimes you get trapped down there and they get piled up and it's just it's just too overwhelming when you're here you just kind of take care of smaller groups and the only bad thing is you see all this stuff like around my feet like around my body here like if there's an AOE or like poison on the ground and so hard to see so you really got to see how I got 35,000 Ward built up here and like it gets more cuz I get Ward on kill Ward on crit I wasn't really even hitting these I'll get up to 40,000 on these I got other things you know that can buff my ward up to like all these so yeah 40,000 W is like no problem um and you would think you're not doing that much damage but you are like if you look here it says 24,000 it'll get a lot higher than that um we'll put it on pre here all right all right 32 somehow it gets a lot higher but 327 it just melts mobs I'll go to 600 corruption or 500 wherever I'm at I could go a lot further we're going to go over these items a little bit more I just wanted to give you the idea you seen the skills basically I I can show you I'm using on this The Shield this uh uh what is it cold fire cold where was I at here we'll put that back yeah that's back for fire right now this you could do this any way you want I was just testing things don't take this for don't don't use this this could be good but it's actually not you'd have to have um you'd have to have a real um Mana build for this to be worth all these points but I wasn't prepared to show this but I got to get this back into this cold node so I can proc my 40% damage reduction Shield that's the invocation I use on Raven Shield or something like that so we'll get that back when I go leveling here to show you um what else these items so yeah this crest of unity everything about it is good like this the last point right here 16% less damage taken from shocked or ignited or killed enemies goes up to 18 so that's obviously really good less damage taken um it's cheap right now cuz a lot of people aren't really taking the the Nova build seriously like like I said they're going for barrage they're going for stronger Flame claw I got this is the these are the boots right here the foot in the mountain nice gives all attributes up to uh 12 I got the top here but you know I could get two or even yeah 2 LP I mean not that expensive three or four million in the market on these for 2lp um I would go for armor like I got 68 which is really good uh there's 72 at the teleport but it definitely helps um in Arena like when you're just uh leveling or farming items it's not so important and it's so hard to die with this build it's already a tank but this is one of the armors I have I have tons of I have like 10 tabs of items for just this one kind of character so this is again like towards the armor I went for armor Mana spent gain as well War that's another thing is people Overlook that but look at how much Mana I'm actually really spending like this only says nine because of these boots actually these These Boots I use for arena okay these are for running around and getting items they're a lot faster snow drift they add a ton of damage but I got movement speed and physical again was the last mod of all them that I really wanted but physical is also one of the harder ones to get physical necrotic I use this amulet up here um freeze rate uh huge Boost from like tier five to tier 7 on the freeze rate so I got a high freeze rate spell damage and my resistance is mostly but yeah this is a pretty good one it's hard to seal I've been trying to seal you know a fifth mod on a lot of these items so many times I've had a great item and I I missed it's like my worst ones like this one I got my poison damage covered on this one and you know I nailed it on this but it was only a tier six freeze weight I've had much better here's another little cool little trick most people don't know about is this uh know the third eye is uh you you get a lot less damage actually cuz of minus 30 crit multi You Know You're Building extra on the Nova but the 30% chance to gain Ward on crit is quite a bit cuz I mean you're critting almost 100% of the time you can see here all those yellows are crits and that could definitely get higher obviously with better items or tweaks um we'll look at the passives here I know I'm just skipping all around but I think it kind of flows the way I'm doing this I mean as it comes my M setup um the Mage all this is pretty much a give in like this 50% World retention you could remove it if you want I mean I like it um you put it here for more crit Chance The Source um see I'm using a twisted heart which is everyone uses it and it's really good but there's a there's actually a better option and I'll get to that on a low life build because of the experimental excuse me experimental mods where you know you lose your life and then you get a certain amount back like it's like 8 9 10% for tier five and then you can even know get tier 7 it's like 13 15% that would be really nice so I'll explain how you could replace that but so you see this is I mean pretty much every Source specs like this anyways or every ruin master and R Master is pretty similar to what most most people are doing cast speed helps a lot I put you only really need you know five in here but I put that extra one every cast speed is worth like 3.5 damage so I mean this is three three cast speed here so this is like just 10% and plus you're pring you know you're proing Nova so cast speed has so much more benefits that's just you know not shown on the raw raw damage you know you proc more novas by more cast speed so uh W cast onir direct what's yeah that's maxed skip this one yeah W per second that's that's not worth it uh intelligence intelligence is really good of course um with the Catalyst and that damage reduction from crits which uh we'll look at the items a little bit more and see how I get that to just about 100 um increased area Ward per area skill yeah Frost cor claw and area skill Nova's an area skill so you're getting tons of Ward there W retention and uh CR multi with the wand and I'll show you how I use that scepter sometimes too so this is uh where we're getting our um shock and ignite from 50% Five Points in here isn't isn't bad I would rather have it you know I could try and get down like an amulet you get like you know 40% of both of them as a suffex but I think just five points in here is way better than two things on an ambulet and especially if those nodes in the the tree started working where you get you know the bonus even bit better but then the less damage taken from ignited shocker chill well we're taking less damage Yep this one increased crit yep you could have five in here if you wanted if you figured it out I I mean I looked at them all you know I move points from here and put them in here so I just kind of settle on this it might not be the best for everyone it depends you know what your exact stats are over here in intelligence is really good I would say one intelligence is probably at worth at least you know 10% um damage so this is you know at least 7% I think the intelligence is better because we get the intelligence um this the faster cast from intelligence from uh the one that we're using we're going to look at that in a second and then over here the ward gting on C this is kind of the whole reason I came to look at this tree was it's similar to the wand like every crit you're doing you get five Wards so this is this is another source of huge word and this is a you know worth one point here you always have the ruin word Avalanche up you know you got a 20% chance but it's always going to be up for you right there so you got the rver Avalanche you got the cataclysm uh reactive Ward momentum and then you'd be casting actually Ray winds shield for instead of those uh Frost swirls whatever they are so I mean what we want look at here yeah the max Nova you reduced your cost the most and if I had a plus yeah we're going to get to this right here this Twisted heart see it work it's a it gives you ward based on how much health you have so you need to stay at high health and sometimes when I'm like casting you know I'm not always at full health here like it like you know there might not be a lot of mobs or whatever and my health will go down you know uh it's just you you could get a better Relic than this something with like you know even just plus three Frost clock cuz plus4 is so hard to get and so expensive but uh the Mage Relic and what you would do is you would try and get two LP on the frostbite shackles you defitely want the cast speed and try and get cast speed and you know the ward for missing life and then you would get rid of all that leech that I have in that tree that leech You wouldn't want any leech cuz you want want to sit up low life what you would have is you'd probably have like 10 you know 10% Ward here and you'd always be at War low life and you could really get a better Relic now this is decent I mean ignore the 29% cast speed but you could probably do better if without much without you know much difficulty really something I want to point out is sometimes like there's a unique is going to be better like right here a unique would be better if if I could get it I'll show you my stash right now I mean it's we're not going to look at the items but I'm I'm actually looking for something specific uh one of these one of these relics or or unique yeah the unique Relic and just show how like if you had a a decent 3 LP one I have no idea where it is but we might find it um like if you put 3 LP you can make anything great like I don't I'm going to find it even okay here it is right here so like even a 2lp of this and I know this doesn't go with here but like and this is even even a great Catalyst I've been trying to find one the prices have gone up lately you want the 6% spell crit because that um you know I just whiffed you know like trying to put in uh I go through so many of these right here the uh despare the glyphs of Despair so you know I got 29 extra foraging potential if I would have been able to seal that spell damage this would have been an awesome awesome Catalyst you know with the five mods but anyways what I'm getting out the point here is like you know you get this with 2 LP on it and then you know you you bang like cat speed and you know spell damage or freeze multiplier into this and all of a sudden you know this catalyst is a lot better than just having you know even a five thing of these cuz these mods are real good you got the 6% crit chance which you're going to want that and it comes with different ones so it's you're going to have to get real lucky to find one with 6% and but you know the two the eight intelligence that's like one mod right there you know the 177% Casp that's like one mod right there soan it's just a lot of gravy when you get two or three op and you can put into that and yeah I'm going to just stop talking about this Twisted her it's kind of complicated but I think you can understand what I'm saying is instead of getting your W from here you would get it from gloves but that would require 2 LP frostbite shackles with you know a good slam and that's going to be hard to get and then you could get on your belt as well here's you know this is a nice Ward belt you know um Ward retention um Ward gain on kill you know we can't see that that's how that's how I say you get up to 50,000 you put stuff on like this you know Ward and then you go killing in Arena I just got 40K hitting those dummies so you know you get W on kill on here you get on the amulet um gets up to like 30 something on the amulet with tier 7 is pretty nice so so yeah but anyways I I'm using this belt this isn't actually as good as it looks like it's not uh the the 51 Warrior tension I mean the cold the cold thing the cold resistance can cancel that the Mana spent gain and Ward that's good like I said your it just it's it gives a lot more Ward but the things about this belt here is like I said 45 or 48% crit reduction you know I got 23 here so that's I know 50 60 about 70% which is that so I'm outed about 100% crit reduction almost probably right on with these two items here and I could go for like a tier six armor thing on the armor and then I wouldn't need it on the Belt but there's really not that much really good mods to put on a belt um you don't have well am so I you know I picked I got this for the armor like I said I'm the armor other other than that there's that set there's a sash which I've got a ton of them in the in here that give uh cold resistance and poison resistance too and those are like just two two um resistances that you often need so cold is you know obviously forward retention and then poison you know that's hard to get I just got this armor I had one made it you know for better better armor 63% here and I'd like to get it higher I'd like to get it to you know 70 without the teleport um this is just a rink that I made real quick it turned out pretty well to cover for my poison resistance see um I got another one of these I tried it doesn't give as much word as you think like everything doesn't give as much word it just adds up but like I got this nice guy right here with 14 intelligence and cold resistance and you know get 30% chance for 16 Ward on crit so you know basically it's five Ward every crit when you do the math just the same as the skill in the passive so five w a crit here five W of crit here but I didn't like both Rings like I just didn't get enough benefit and you know I needed the poison resist and the freeze rate multiplier also gives me more reward on top of being good in itself so here's the wand um it's funny you know Matt Alchemist later everybody uses it and there you could use a lot of ones um you know the Frozen IR IR thing would be good too you definitely need the cast speed that's why you know went for tier s cast speed and then I got spell damage freeze rate multiplier you know I used a decent item well really good item to get get it this far my other the other suff effect I had was stun so even if I had had the stun had have been fine with that I just really wanted to dis spell damage in the cast speed so I got both those on it and I think this was like a 10 million wand but you could get a 3 LP Matt alchemus Leo for three four or five million you don't have to spend 10 million I I I did it because um they had the decent mods here you know the shred armor the frailty the slow those are real good ones the poison Electrify don't really matter so so it had High Rolls on those and everything else was good about it so I just got that one and I had that much at the time I don't have much right now and then F my shackles I got on like the third or fourth day and first try I got cast speed on it so and the same thing with my boots I had a third or fourth day in my first try I you know I got the movement speed and all physical resistance isn't my first choice so I going to try again you know I got the movement speed um with this other one right here see this is the reason why you would use a scepter is you get um minus is five Mana costs instead of just three and every little bit you save especially on the on the source which I have a I have one level 99 it's actually the top top of the ladder as far as sources go ruin Masters aren top of it this one could get on the top of the Arena ladder too I'm just I'm just old guy I can't do it as well as some people but if you you were real patient and you kept trying you could definitely get a record with this like I just died as stupid stuff I I'm slaying all the way through 300 they're just dying instantly I barely even see the mobs like the way you know the way I'm casting it like way out there like I'm not I'm not even seeing them it's just some stupid thing kills me usually so but yeah this uh you know this makes the damage we'll look check these damages real quick we'll try and see like you know the difference between these because here's on the tool tab like we'll look at the boots real quick see 17.8 and then this this makes the Mana cost go down see see 8.5 these boots right here right here the snow drifts with the 10 cold damage to spells and cast they add a ton like let's look at the the elemental Nova 19.8 okay with those and then these should be a lot more you know 31.3 so it's just amazing how much you know 10 cold damage with spells and attacks on these boots are doing so that's the downfall of using these like you know um you see 17 spell cast which is fine like I can still cast for free but these this will bring it down and down 14 12 9 see so when I'm on my source I use these and I just stand there with Arcane intellect and I go I get up to 400 cast speed and like 1,000% increased spell damage like it's just like three times more damage this build on a source if you can just stand there and spin around and that's what I've been working on but for this we'll we'll do these and um what are we looking at oh yeah this like how how fast your Mana goes down like okay we got we got um the boot I mean we're fine like even even with every even with this Ladle even with you know we don't even need this minus5 thing I I was using that earlier for some other things it's it's when you can make changes you can make little changes here like let's look at um right here like this is good for farming I would probably get this for farming your second cast is aimed so like you know instead of the Nova going in a straight line like they're just going a straight line that middle one will will jut out or actually move forward or back to actually hit you know near by mob which is you know going to help you kill faster so that's a good thing to spec while while you're farming we're just going to go farm a little bit right now I think I've said enough about this you know you could get a lot more cast speed if you expect a lightning any agis you wouldn't you don't necessarily need the teleport you don't even necessarily need um this uh what flame W right here um you there's a lot of room I mean there's a lot of room to play around you just got to remember right here is get these because those extra casts give you the extra mana and it's really surprising I know people go down here and get flame barrage but the and you know this projectile at the Target you know this is really good thing too it makes your Mana cost go higher if I had plus four you know Relic I would probably manage a away to get down here and go for this and see what I could do you know cuz it makes frostclaw a lot strong stronger especially on bosses it's really weak on bosses right now but you know I have no problem killing like 600 um what am I at five or 600 shade but it doesn't really matter we'll go over here and just show you how fast it can it can clear and I've had four person group and just leeching like in an arena and it was no problem um so it could definitely go past whatever I'm at uh yeah 550 D it's a piece of cake watch me die but no I won't die um usually I like to buff up before I run especially if it's a Spire one those are those could be tricky but like just build some Ward and I don't have my the right invocation lined up here actually for what I'm doing you know I'd want the shield and in order to do that I have to trade flame uh change flame W to a CO to a cold spell but I I thought about kinds of things like lowering the teleport like you use a potion right and you you save like 2 seconds on teleport cool down that would be that would be really great cuz I could just hit the space bar and go for a lot of potions and this kills like in front and behind you see so really the best way to do it would be just a just a plop it in the middle of things but it kills really fast I mean this is 550 and I mean there's no chance of dying I'm not even like really pushing hard at all uh no chance of dying I you know it could if I built up more Ro I would be holding 30,000 right now it's just I'm just kind of like I mean I'm just erasing him it's like so easy I wish I wish um I guess for another video just you know subscribe all that but here's a mage the single Target's not the best cuz the frost Claw is a little bit man but again you know this is 600 corruption and he he doesn't have a chance none of the bosses have a chance I'm going to stay at high W all the time what do we got here one LP zero LP which I actually picked up but we're not going to waste all your time we're going to almost die and what am I looking for oh this is the boss this is a 10 level here I'm like just waiting let him hit me like that all right so yeah that's it you can imagine this thing can clear clear a lot High a lot lot higher than 550 um I'll let you go with that and there's a lot more you know to tell you I guess you probably have questions but went over everything got the idea general idea it just Arena really where it shines in the sorcerer especially like I said arcanic ascendants and you you can play around uh I thought of um where where flame Rush here actually using that because the cool down is even lower you know lower than teleport to where I could turn arcan and sentence on and you can still flame rush so you just like keep Arcane and sentence on with the with these boots right here cuz you still you're you got to remain in place for the skill and you're remain in place for these boots you're just locked in place and you just you just scoot around on the map with that with that right there with that flame rush and on the sorcerer it' be pretty fun and uh they got those belts you know with the cool down with the extra potion so you just hit the potions and you go over the potions and you keep your cool down I bet you could scoot across the map pretty good on that so definitely this is uh this is the strongest thing going these are really really really powerful in Arena got the you know top Sorcerer And this could go in the top too The Room Master just does a little bit less damage it actually has a little bit more Ward so that's it I'll see you later
Channel: D4Paintball
Views: 1,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SwkCnWSp6po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 47sec (1907 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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