Avoid These 5 Crafting Mistakes in Last Epoch! (Tips & Tricks Guide)

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hello you guys what is going on there's a ton of information around crafting and spending over a 100 hours in the game so far I've came up with a list of five major mistakes you could be making when you're crafting in last Epoch if you want to know how to make the best gear in last Epoch and master crafting if you watch this video to the end you will know basically everything there is to know and how to make gear like this or this and some of the best gear in the entire game that being said let's get right into it there are time stamps in the video but I do want to go over all the basics very quickly since this is a comprehensive guide now the first big thing for crafting in last depac is you have to have forging potential if you have zero you can't Craft on the item if you have any forging potential left each upgrading of an AIX costs forging potential once it hits zero crafting on that weapon is done essentially an exalted weapon means that it has a tier six or tier 7 aex on it now the first big mistake when it comes to crafting in last Epoch is not understanding the differences between your prefixes and your suffixes when crafting there is a very specific pool of affixes for prefixes and one also for suffixes and when I say that that means for instance things like chance to shock on hit since it's a suffix cannot go on an item as a prefix so it's good to keep in mind especially the main priority affixes you're going to be going for on your build which ones are suffixes and which are prefixes this means that in order to replace it with something else if you do want to have the chance of replacing it for something better you need to make sure you check your crafting materials and then you can sort that by prefixes as you can see right here you can then scroll through these prefixes to get an idea which ones could actually go on this weapon so you can get an idea of whether or not you do want to swap out your current AIX or modifier for a specific one because again prefixes and suffixes are completely separate by upgrading either of them you can only get one of these effects that's in that same pool you can also do the same for suffixes you can see a list of suffixes here that are going to be different than those prefixes now the second mistake I've seen is not using your glyphs properly and that being primarily three glyphs in particular so if we use this the scepter for instance let's say we have an AIX on the scepter that you're specifically hunting because it's a rare AIX or you just need the shards to save them for later let's say we want the 31% increased damage a effect that would be this physical damage a effect right here now in order to save this you could use your Rune of shattering obviously and it's going to give you shards essentially for all of these on the weapon now a lot of people continue to use these even on rare a rare fix as an example would be one that you normally can't find or it's a lot harder to find find on gear a good example of these would be double stat affixes like the plus five Dominion melee damage and bow damage there are stats like this that exist for a lot of different builds and Stat lines in the game you can see we currently only have three shards for that so if we use our Rune of shattering we would get a random amount of shards for every single thing here since it's a tier two the max amount of shards we could get is two and the least amount of shards we could get is zero by using the Run of shattering because it's random you get a random amount from zero to the level tier it is which would be two and here where some of the tricks come in that you may not have used yet so instead if we were to swap this out with Rune of removal what that would do is give us the maximum amount of shards for each one of these aexes based on the highest tier it is so for here we would get two shards we would get six shards for melee attack speed Etc but it chooses one random one at a time and this does require forging potential so make sure when you find rare AIX you're using your Rune of removal and not the Rune of shattering because otherwise you'll end up a lot of times getting a lot less shards for those rare affixes next is paying attention to your max roles so ideally there is a roll range on certain affixes or stats for an example this gives us 31% increased physical damage there's a roll range between let's say 30 and 40% just give or take for this actual AIX and what it rolls so what happens is when you upgrade this AIX it will actually roll within the new tier range which in this case if we upgraded it would roll in the tier three tier range now what the glyph of order lets you do is when you have a high roll on an item or an AIX that you're looking to upgrade let's say it's the max roll possible let's say this 31% was 40% it was the maximum possible roll you could use the glyph of order here when actually upgrading it so we're going to remove this Rune and then once we go to upgrade this thing it shows us it's going to upgrade us to 46% and it allows you to keep that actual roll range at the maximum moral range that you have on the AIX already next is upgrading your gear and paying attention to your roll ranges so you get the most powerful gear possible and now you're going to ask like in Diablo I if you could change a setting to see your roll ranges that would be easy right one thing a lot of people I see aren't using are using your ALT key your ALT key gives you the ability to see the roll range on each AIX individually and if you don't use this right now or didn't know this drop a like on the video because I'm telling you right now a lot of you I know aren't doing this and you can again see that roll range right there before you decide to upgrade it so you can see whether you got a good roll or not so like I said here for tier three if we got that range of 53% which would be the maximum roll we could use our Glyph of order to keep that High Roll So currently we're at 46 kind of right in the middle you can see if we upgrade this to 62% it then again stays right in the middle right where that roll range exactly was but if we actually take this away and just use our Glyph of Hope here to upgrade this and we upgrade it you can see now we're at 87 we're still right in the middle but if you don't use a glyph of order again your roll is going to be random and it's just going to depend it's not going to show you what the percent's going to go to it's just going to roll it in the new Range so that's something to keep in mind especially if you're upgrading a very important AIX on your piece of gear now another mistake and big tip I can give for you is using your glyphs of Despair now at the beginning even when I had a high level character I wasn't using these but I'm telling you you can use these to craft really powerful gear if you do it right now I have five stats here specifically I all want for my build if you notice this weapon is an exalted weapon but I do have five stats on it one being my high tier exalted ax and the way I actually did this was using again a glyph of Despair so how the glyph of Despair works is you can use this on an AIX that is below tier level five and there are two things that happens when you use one of these the AIX will get upgraded one tier for example from tier three to tier four and there's a chance that you can seal that AIX on your piece of gear meaning if you're successful and it does seal it like you can see down here it goes on the weapon permanently and opens up another slot for you to add any AIX that you want and you can pick any when you want onto the actual piece Itself by doing this you can go from having four affixes on your gear to having five axes on your gear all that you actually want making even more powerful weapons another trick is you can actually use the GPH of Despair to put these specific aics you want on a piece of gear that's right you don't actually have to randomly roll this dodge rating ax to hope to get some sort of suffix that you want you can actually use this glyph to put the exact thing you want on the weapon let's say these three affixes right here are the ones we want Wanted let's say this tier three Dodge rating AIX we don't want it all so normally what some people would do would come in here Glyph of chaos and they would roll this dodge rating AIX to a random AIX and just pray that they got the one that they wanted now what you should be doing especially if all of these other affixes are pretty much upgraded is you can use a glyph of Despair now again this works the same way keep in mind tier one axes have a much higher chance to seal tier 2 affixes have a lesser chance to seal Etc the higher tier the AIX is the harder it is to seal but ideally if we can seal this that would open up a spot for us to actually pick exactly what AIX we want so you don't have to use the glyph of chaos here you can use the glyph of Despair to seal it to put the exact thing you want on your piece of gear just as an example whether or not this fails we'll try it we're going to upgrade that AIX and you can see we sealed it right here so again we only used one GPH of a spare a little bit of forging potential and now we can select exactly what aex we want and we can pick through this entire list and if you're wondering this Glyph of inside right here works with an experimental AIX it's garbage I don't think you're ever going to need to use it enough said now another thing people really don't pay attention to when they're rolling their gear or trying to upgrade it is using other runes that actually affect some of the affixes or implicits on the gear so you can see for instance this belt the implicit effects are the effects at the top that's going to be that plus 28 mana and that plus three potion slots now you can see here there is a roll range for those implicits just like there are affixes now each piece of gear generally has certain implicits that it has on it but the roll ranges can actually be affected so let's say this was our best belt but it had 16 Mana instead of the maximum 32 or 28 like it currently has what we can do is actually use a rune of shaping and we can roll those implicits so that way we can try and get the max roll even though that would kind of be dumb to do right now we're going to roll it and it's going to go from 28 Mana from Once We shape it to now having 23 Mana so obviously we went down in that case but but if you have a lower roll on any of these specific stats or even a weapon like my staff where there's a bunch of individual stats on it you can reroll these implicits until you get good ones now your Rune of Discovery not necessarily super great but if you want to build out the perfect weapon this is kind of a waste a time and then Rune of refinement again like the implicits you can use this to reroll the values of all a fixes on an item within their tiers so if we have this belt and all of our rolls are basically trash we can use the Rune of refinement to roll the value of all of those affixes within their tiers in case you want to reroll them because they're all absolute garbage and again the big thing to keep in mind here is this tier six aex for increased chance to find potions is 78% the roll range for that is 75 to 99% and this is our exalted AIX which is our big one that we really need the most and there's nothing you can do to that because it's past a tier five right so in this case that's actually wrong the Rune of refinement works on all of these regardless of their tiers meaning our high tier aex we can use this on to actually fix it if it's a trash roll this is one you don't need to use that often but when you do need to use it it can save a weapon or piece of armor very easily and now your Rune of ascendance your Rune of ascendance obviously turns any piece of gear if it's let's say a belt any Rarity belt into a unique item of that same type so using this would turn this belt into a unique belt we ascended this we would now get the ward Trail belt one of the last things to keep in mind for runes is one you probably may have not seen yet and that is going to be this one right here that I have zero in and that is the Rune of creation Now what that does is once you have an item fully specked out exactly the way you want it like you have an item like let's say this ring and it happens to still have forging potential but you've upgraded everything on it or it's just a good ring in general what that Rune actually does is duplicates this item but but both items now have zero forging potential meaning you can't Craft on them anymore whatsoever ideally this doesn't matter that much for pieces of gear unless you just want to dup a piece of gear with because there's forging potential left and it's good so you can give it to a friend or whatever but what this is really good for is Rings specifically let's say I had this ring and it still had forging potential and this was the best ring that I had by far perfect rolls and everything but I have another ring that's different that's kind of okay you can use that Rune of creation to pull that ring in as long as it still has forging potential duplicate it and now you have two rings the exact same thing you have two God roll rings and now your character is about to just be extremely op so keep that in mind and lastly because the game's so new for a lot of people I still see a lot of people misunderstanding how to properly use the eternity cache so the eternity cach is located at the end of a couple of different dungeons now what the eternity cache lets you do is put in a legendary item and an exalted item with exactly four affixes what happens is once you come back and it gets crafted the legendary gear will take a certain amount of affixes from the exalted piece of gear depending on how much legendary potential it has for for example this two-handed axe has one legendary potential so you have to put it in there with an exalted two-handed axe with four AIX as on it since this has one legendary potential what that means is it will consume the new two-handed exalted Axe and pick one random AIX off of it and put it on this Unique Piece of gear and that will then create this new legendary piece of gear with the added one AIX now if you find a unique with two legendary potential and you can do this for up to four four legendary potential on a piece of gear is still very rare but if you happen to find one with four as an example and you craft it with the exalted weapon and The Eternity cache it will now get all four affixes from that exalted piece of gear that you have so keep that in mind if you find an item with higher legendary potential make sure to save it because it's very valuable and very rare if you enjoyed like the video subscribe if you're new and make sure to check out either of these two last Epoch videos and I will see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: CreativeGaming
Views: 67,408
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Keywords: last epoch, last epoch crafting, last epoch crafting guide, last epoch crafting guide 1.0, last epoch mistakes, last epoch crafting mistakes, last epoch full crafting guide, last epoch crafting explained, crafting last epoch, crafting guide last epoch, crafting explained last epoch, mistakes last epoch, crafting mistakes last epoch, avoid these 5 crafting mistakes last epoch, last epoch tips and tricks, last epoch crafting tips, crafting tips last epoch
Id: RMyKfEDgc5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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