Last Epoch - How to make Loot Filters Full Guide

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hi everyone in today's video I want to show you how to make and how to use loot filters in last Epoch this is a question that keeps coming up all day long on my streams literally thousand times a day and people always ask me what is my filter and you know how do you optimize it how do I make sure that I see enough items or not too much and it seems to be a general problem with the game now last EPO is designed in a way that you are supposed to use loot filters and if you don't well you have a problem really really soon basically starting at level five you want to use loot filters and I will show you how to make them or how to use them and how to understand how inefficient you loot filter actually works so I have an example here this is also something I've already shown in uh my other video for example my Falconer guide where I actually included this loot filter here but I will go through it step by step and show you how I would build this so just to give you a bit of an overview of how this filter works right now this is a very endgame character you see here I'm level 100 I have really like endgame gear pretty much everything exalted and like some legendaries and basically everything you could hope for I've been playing this character for like 80 90 hours now or something so this is pretty decked out so obviously I need an extremely strict filter because I'm farming like 600 more so corruption and there is you know like thousands and thousands of items dropping every single run and I don't want to pick up more than two of them so this means that I have to make a very very strict filter so this is what we have here for example so you see this here I have um several rules like going from the top to the bottom the top rules always take priority over the bottom rules so this is kind of important to remember when you like rearrange them you can just like you know drag and drop them and also I have uh know very very strict filters for for example all these item types that I'm looking for in this case for example I'm still looking for a belt upgrade uh so I have a b decent belt here but it could be better of course everything can always be better and this means I still want to find some GG Bel at some point and if you look at for example what we have here is that I have selected belts you know it should show me exalted belts with the Rarity and then we have the item type and then we also have the subtypes so the bases basically and I selected only the two GG subtypes here and it only shows me exalted you know pretorium belts or these spider stashes and then I also select a bunch of axes that I want for this build so in this case basically what you want to do is at the start you want to set up one filter that has all of the stats you could possibly want for your build in my case I want a lot of decks crit minion damage mana and then of course on the defensive side I want uh like life and resist basically and this is kind of like all the stats that we have selected here and they are part of basically every single filter almost exactly the same way and and like this I see very few belts but whenever one of them drops I know that this is going to be one that could possibly be something at least because it I know it will have at least one exalted St of the stuff that I want because for example you can also check the advanced options here in the axes and you can say okay this should be at least tier six or it should be at least tier s or it should also have you know uh you know a combination of multiple of these Axel so you can say okay I should have at least two or three of these Axel and they should all be at least tier five or you know these kind of things so like this you can actually like find un your filter for each individual item slot depending on what kind of drops you get so I do pretty much exactly the same thing for all of these item slots here for example here I want only falony hels which is like the base to have on a falcona build you know I have two different body types here I have um you know seven types of boots so actually a lot of options uh but you know ultimately it can make it stricter and stricter as you progress so in my case at this point I pretty much only want the SLE boots anyway but I do look at the boots some time to time because they could be like a really Juicy Drop and kind of similar with all the other types here so this is kind of a how I go through this and uh this is how I can actually make sure that I see the loot that I want especially once in empowered monol now of course if you use this filter and you're like level 60 or so just fresh out of the campaign well you're not going to find a lot of exalted falcony Helms that have exactly a St that you want so in that case I also have a less strict version of this filter for example here I have kind of the same thing that also shows rares not just exalted and here for example I have the same stats selected but it should be at least two of them and it should be at least here three so no exalted really required and like this you know occasionally you're going to see some of these Falcon hels pop up even though they're rare and they have a different color here can recolor them on the side here we can select the color so it's like an orange which shows me that this is not just any r rare but this is actually an item that you know I specifically filter for and I have a bit of a distinction there compared to a typical rare uh so you see here rare is like this yellow and then this is orange and it kind of has this color progression and red is like the GG stuff basically uh so earlier on for example or if I just get really unlucky with those Helms I just check this and then I will just see more of those Helms or I will see more of those bels or anything like that so you know I just did this here and then as I was progressing early on for the I was actually finding rare falcony Helms as well and well they don't always turn out that great but it's something and eventually you'll find one and then you can just check this off and you just look for the more juicy stuff later now there are some other important things to include here in such a loot filter for example in my case there is one really important unique item in this build which is the tailin of Veer which is this Falcon re bow and in that case you want to use your Runes of ascendants as much as possible on those to try to get like you know High legendary potential like this one so in that case I also have a filter here for ascendency basis so especially if you're playing a circle of Fortune you have to look at these quite a lot because you have a lot of run percent but uh even without uh for example I just made a filter here it just should show me uh you know B and I also had amulets here because I tried them on amulets for a while and I have them recolored as well to for example blue and then I know okay I see a blue item this means that it didn't actually meet any of those requirements up here for like a good item that I might want to use so instead I just pop it runy on it and boom but right now you know I'm I'm kind of done with my gear here so I'm not doing doing that anymore but this is definitely something worth including in a filter if you're looking for something then we have hide all off class items so basically just do like a class requirement condition and select everything that you're not using of course if you're playing Merchant Guild then this might be a bad idea because you could find really juicy high value items for other classes so you might have to fine tune this a bit but at least for solo play this is how you do it uh then I also have a filter where I hide all exalted items with all the stats exalted that I don't want so in that case anything that has a tier five or higher of any stat I do not actually want to use so in that case uh you know it it just kind of like filters out a lot of the exalted items that uh you know does not have anything I want or they have like kind of like a blocked AIC or like you know you can't like Cliff of chaos and ax anymore if it's tier five for example and I don't really want to like you know gamble Rune of removal on on an item that you know I could maybe get rid of a start and then craft something else most of the time it just doesn't really work out so at this point I just hide everything that has like at least a tier five start of something I don't want but this rules here still takes priority so I can still find for example like a a GG belt base with with one exalted startat that also has a tier five mod of something I don't want so that is still included up here but I kind of like Get rid of all the other like exalted trash basically down here then I also like to make a filter for experimental stats so there might be some experimental stats that you might want to use so you can actually just you know filter for item aics again and there's this uh drop down here for experimental stuff and you know there's like a few stats that could apply to my build these are like um Two Boots mods and this is I think glove and I think those two are both gloves so there I want nothing on the Belt because everything is trash for me but at least those could be useful and then you could also say Okay I want them with you know at least um you know tier three for example and then you know every time you kill an exile Mage in one of those item drops that has one of these experimental stats that you might want to use well you'll see it in this case I've already like checked this off I'm not really using that anymore and in fact I'm not even using like experimental stats pretty much at all I have one random one on the Belt here but this was just like some uh leftover basically uh so for me this is not too relevant but for some builds this is kind of important so you want to probably put that for it up yeah and then lastly if you look at this here basically any item that makes it through those filters here up or top where okay either it is one of the good bases with good stats then this will shown as red or it is um hidden because it has a bad stat so I hide the bad stat exalted first and then then I also show um the tier 7 exalted and the tier six exalted for legendary potential so in that case uh you know anything that makes it through this uh hide the bad starts thing will still show here as for example a green color so this is this one so it's kind of like the same thing where um you know I select all of the stats that I possibly want for my build so we have you know the the stuff here and we have um you know the rest the bow damage the crit whatever these kind of things that I want and this is at least tier seven and it is it doesn't have like at least a tier five of you know a bad St so I don't have to gamble R of removal on it for example but anything that makes it through this will be shown here as a tier 7 exalted which doesn't happen too often so you just pick them up and most of the time just throw them in a stash as like a potential use case for you know making a legendary for example and the same thing here T6 exal it uh at this point yeah I would probably put turn this off here or at least make this more strict but but at least early on this might be useful as well it's not just tier 7 exalters that you want to use for making legendaries most of the time because these tier 7s are just pretty rare so early on at least you will need those t6s so I have exactly the same filter just with like a different condition here for the tier basically and then yeah we have a bunch of other filters down here that I don't use anymore for example mid game exhaled items so this is basically I just select um all of the armor and weapon types that I actually use like bow quiver all the armor types doesn't matter what kind of Base it just should have any exalted stat that is at least tier six and this is something that I use for example in like the early monoliths or like early empowered monoliths when exorts really start dropping quite a lot and then occasionally yeah you find like a decent item that actually has you know bunch of good stats and again we hide the stuff at the bad stats so in that case you end up with not the right base but at least like a decent item and like this you can you know ress but in this case I'm already not showing these anymore but I do show for example double exalted so this could be still useful for example for Des potential or maybe I get like some insane double exalted Drop That Could you know outweigh one of those bases that I have chosen earlier uh yeah and then we also pretty much done with this filter so the only stuff that left are the idols so something that I recommend doing is um for Idols I would make a separate filter and actually I have two of them so you see here have ID with one good start this is something that I just used early on up to like I know level 90 maybe or something so I just go through all the idol stats and I just check everything that I would possibly want for idols on my build so there's a bunch of stuff here on the general stuff like resistances in particular and then also a bunch of like Rogue specific stuff for example and uh well at this point I have so many Idols like I actually started sorting them out and I'm only looking for the juicy two St Idols so I see here I have double Health double Health double Health etc etc etc I found so many of them at this point I don't care about the on that Idol anymore and and uh we have basically everything you want here already so in that case I just show the two start idols and I check this one off it's Lally the same filter the only difference is that I selected have at least two of those axes instead of one so this is also kind of nice uh then down here basically I think this is actually redundant uh because I have um like hide basically everything so this is kind of like the last rule that you include here uh you just uh for example select item type and then you just select everything and this means that basically everything that is not actively shown on your filter is hidden because as I mentioned there's literally thousands of item of dropping in every single map so you need to make sure that all that stuff is getting filtered and uh well you do this like relatively early so in that case I just hide everything that doesn't make it into like no show this or that kind of filter basically and lastly something that I also recommend doing at least very early in progression so let's say starting from you know somewhere late campaign up until like empow Mones maybe is to just show any Riles that have any of the stats that you want but at least three of them or something like that so this is something that I have here for example so it doesn't have any like it doesn't really take any Regard in um like what Iden tius is this filter or like what base but it does have for example you know triple like double rest and like a dexterity role or you know like morality Dexter it and one rest or dexterity and rest and health and basically everything here that I also want for my build is selected here so kind like the same stuff again there's Health there's resistances and so on at least free stats and like this you quite regularly actually find just some some decent rare items on the ground that you can use you can also make this like more strict as you go here for example I just have it okay individual item tiers individual ax tiers must be at least three but the total ax tiers must be at least 10 so this means you can find like you know 33 four or you can find 3 44 or you can find 355 or something like that of certain things that you want on your item and having a rare that has three good stats even if the last stat is just something completely useless for you is usually already decent enough early on until you find more of those exalted Loot and just more GG items of four out of four stats of with something you want so this is something that I use for like the early monolith progression basically it does show you a lot more stuff than the you know much stter filters up here but it makes sure that you actually still get items but in my case I have this not checked of course because as I mentioned it's like really high end already but it's like a very effective very simple way of actually uh just showing a lot of rares and then you can you know just throw them in a stash and then you can build a bank of you know just a bunch of items um that you can use to eventually you know fix the resistances uh you know fix your I don't know armor crit avoidance whatever these kind things and uh you know you have like a bunch of stuff to mix and match even though they not necessarily the right base early on you just can't really expect to get all the right stuff right away but it gives you some stuff to work with basically so that's how I have set up my filter and it is actually very effective now of course there might be some tweaks you have to do for like especially early campaign so you can just add more rules here as well so one other thing you can do is that you can also set level requirements for certain rules so it automatically changes it and switches it on or off the you can say this here for example character level dependency you can say that for like the super strict filters you know it should only start at level 80 and then go to 100 or something and likewise you can actually include campaign filters you know 1 to 20 you know 1 to 50 whatever um whatever you want and actually have everything in one filter and for example for the campaign um I actually can show you what I have there so I made this here for the campaign where um I did level with um Shadow daggers instead of a bow so I was showing a bunch of different items here for example Chris is a very important base to have so whenever one of them drops I show it big May boots that drop like especially early on Who wants any kind of boots with movement speed just to go faster then later on I also show for example boots that have higher tier of movement speed so you see here the Character level dependency 0 to 25 here 26 to 100 um so this is like you know a few more rules they could include in such a loot filter to show a few things and also um shattering items so so this is kind of important I have a bunch of shatter filters here as well that I show usually far at the top so for example while leveling up on this build I really wanted many physical damage and I really wanted this throwing uh Mana cost reduction and I think I also have something here for um like movement speed and stuff like that but yeah either way I was trying to like stack up a bunch of items that are shatter for shards because especially early don't really have those shs I have the same thing here on my end game filter as well which uh where currently I don't really have any need anymore but I have two shatter filters here that you can see so number one right at the top is um basically all of the class specific stuff you see here I've basically selected everything on Rog because all of this stuff is usually very rare and what happens is that very often you're going to have a Helm or a chest that can have these class specific stats and you you know randomly have one of these stats present and you cannot Craft on the item anymore so you can't use like a glyph of chaos for example to actually change this stat into potentially something better so in that case at least for a while I usually run this filter here uh and just shatter every single item that shows up as white here for example um and just build a bank of these shards even though I don't really want to craft of them but I actually have a bunch of shards so I can craft on other items and remove those stats and likewise I have a second special shatter filter here where um I just show anything that I need right now so sometimes you just pick an item and you have like you know a good item that you want to craft on but again you don't have that rare shot of the stat that it has so this has happened sometimes maybe I can find an example here if I look at some of these stats here but uh here's like one of these examples let's say I want to craft on this Helm and uh you know if I want to get rid of this dark river mod here then I have either the Rune of removal or I can do the chaos and in this case I cannot do the chaos if I don't have The Shard but like this boom I got vitality and this is kind of the sum of the crafting you want to do so this is why I have this um rare Shard filter basically and um similarly I have like a second filter for something that I need immediately to show even you know further up beyond beyond this other one where it's just like okay I have this item I want to craft on this and I'm missing this one thing so I really want to highlight it uh so s this also happens with um kind of like rare stuff let's say health and stun avoidance is like one of those stats it's like really really rare also like kind of rare is like the hybrid Health hybrid health is a really powerful St uh so this like the stuff that I also have here in the filter to just show up and I shatter it I get a bunch of shards and I have them ready for crafting later and now I can try to make a loot filter kind of in this style for you uh life so I'm going to try to do this we're going to just um create a new filter here so we just say plus um then we do um test filter and and then we can basically build exactly what I have just described in the previous part of the video so we start with well we hide everything so this is like what I mentioned this is like one of these um rules here just at the bottom we hide everything so we go boom and then we do another Rule and we do um item AIX list and now we go through the item ax list and we select everything that we could possibly want for our build now some of these stuffs may not actually even appear here on uh the items that you're actually trying to get for example there's all attributes which I believe is an stat on two-handed Mele weapons which does not apply to my build but I just check it anyway you don't actually need to know which item has this St so we can just check it you know but I want deck I want Vitality then we don't want any of the melee stuff of course we don't want any of the spell stuff but we want bow stuff so we want bow damage and um we want a crit chance and the bow attack speed and the bow physical damage and then we have damage type here I think this is where we have um like the pen stuff here you want this physical pen for example is kind of important for my Falconer build then you have General stuff we want crit and then we have health we want basically everything so flat Health percent Health hybrid Health then we have resistances so here we want all of these and then we also all resistance I think is a shield stat but again you can just check it you know when you see it why not uh endurance could be something physical resist okay then potion we don't want anything there we don't want any Dodge we don't want anything here we don't want anything here we want health and St avoidance which is a pretty powerful stat as well we want crit avoidance because you want to get 100% crit chance of um reduction basically you can also go for the reduce bonus damage taken from crits as well depends on the build there's also this armor and reduce bonus CR that can be kind of nice uh then we have nothing here here of course we want movement speed we want cool down reduction we want Mana regeneration then we want minion we don't need minion Health on this build but um yeah we can do minion melee and bow damage for example and then there's a bunch of aens so chill is kind of nice uh slow could be nice and Shred could be nice and Frailty is going to be nice and then you have a bunch of Rogue specific stats so there's a lot of things here usually in that case you just kind of like you know skim through this there's not really all that much here of stuff that I would actually want we can do increased damage while waiting a bow because that in this build transfers to our um pet we can also do the chance to shred armor for example we can do armor shred effect perhaps and uh well further down here we also going to have some these skills that we actually use so in this case uh we use the DI bomp and the falcony most importantly and there's also damage and area with dive bomb so I can show that and yeah that should be also pretty much it I guess and then you can also do the experimental stats I guess so if you want to do that in one filter you can do it but I usually like to have a second filter there yeah and this is basically all of the stats that I could ever want on this build and we say boom this is our filter here and now we can use this we can actually copy paste all these axes and then make a separate restrictions out of this so for example what I just explained we're going to start with like the um you know less strict filter for example so we say okay there should be um you know either at least two or at least three but let's say at least three of these stats and then's say they should all be at least here two and um yeah show me any of those basically and then we also add in condition and we say item type so it should be bows Quivers all the Armor All the accessories and we don't want to see all these like other weapon times basically so this is kind of what we're doing here so I don't get flooded with two-handed many weapons that I don't actually care about and we say um yeah this is this is basically it here so it shows me all the stuff and uh then you know this is like kind of the the less strict version like the least strict version of this filter here that we kind of care about um I also realized for example one mistake uh I did not actually hide I should selected show so here for like you know hide everything this this was supposed to hide so make sure you do that I see now now we're showing a lot of r items that have at least of three of those stats of the stuff that we want and now we can copy paste this here you see to see I can just click on this button and then we put this up here and now we make this more strict so now we select um only one item type so we select everything here and we say um let's say helmets and now you can also select the subtypes so when you have only one item type here you can also select the base that you want to use so in that case we check the Rogue and we say okay we want this base and we want the falcony base and you want this one have the res you might want to use the Exile head and maybe even this one here has a lot of armor and cool and Recovery speed that seems kind of nice so we're basically picking like the the best five bases here and uh now we can also do this recolor stuff so we say okay these are like some actual bases that I care about so we can do like this orange color here and uh you know again we can do like the same stuff here with you know at least uh two of these mods uh but it's the right base um or we can also say something at least two mods but it should be like at least tier three so you can kind of like fine tune it a little bit depending on what kind of items you already have but for example if you're starting out you want to make this a bit less strict and then maybe just go back in later and I you know make it three STS instead of two or make this tier four instead of tier three or something like that so depending on what you find but then I we say boom so this shows us you know the the better bases and recolors them so we know okay okay this is something kind like to look out for and now we can do the same thing again we duplicate this rule again and now we say okay we want to have at least one of these stats but it should be at least tier six so now we're looking for only the exalted stuff so we can just say okay this is going to be like you know purple because it's exalted and again you can do this with the same types here for example or you can also make this more strict and then just select um you know only the the best type that you want but we can just do this here for example uh so this is like going to be the same thing but we know it's going to be exalted with one of the good types and if you want you can copy this again and then you say okay now we only really going for like you know the top one base so this is like a falcony Helm in my case so you only want to see this one and we're going to um recolor this as well and we say Okay boom red so this is like the GG one basically so if you find an exalted falcony Helm with one of the stats that you want it will will show up as a red and like this you know as I mentioned as as you progress you know you're going to start with all of them checked for example and then at some point you find a decent Helm you check this off at some point you find a better Helm you check this off and so on and at some point you just leave this one up here basically so this is kind of how we do this and then you can do exactly the same thing with all of the other items so again we can do um you know this for example and now we say um you know we removed this ID type restriction here and now we do this with with belt for example so we do item type we do um belt and then we say again okay we want to see you know only um like you know this space those are the two best spaces here but maybe early on you know you can't really choose so we also take this one and maybe also this one so we have like you know a bit more options here basically and again we want to see at least two of the good stats with at least tier three Etc boom so now we have the same thing for the belts and now we do the same thing here we do um we take this filter remove the item type we put um this here and we say only the best two belt types for example so we only want to see the you know the spider s Sash and the petorian belt those two and they should be exalted and now they're red and there you go and like this you kind of go through one by one for all these item types so there's five different armor types there's you know my bows and quivers and you know us this the best bases and just make it make stricter versions of those filters and because you can always copy paste it's actually very simple to do and then you have like a clear colorcoded filter where you know okay red is like the best orange is the second best yellow is you know just rares basically with the good stuff and you also have like maybe something in between here with the exalted so you know any exalted Helm or something so let's say I do this for all of the other um types as I had just described earlier in the video now we also make the rules for some other items so for example we show um all uniques so you just do this here you show all uniques it's kind of fun to like hunt down like legendary potential items of course if you show all these items you don't necessarily want to pick them all but it might be interesting you might want to get some ideas for some other builds or whatever uh you can also make a condition here that you know it should be uh only Rogue specific or something or you know like you can hide stuff that you don't want or you can say Okay item types I only want to see unique bows and uh unique uh amulets because that's been the only stuff I care about however you know you can find these like super high legendary potential like three legendary potential four legendary potential items so probably not really recommended to go too strict here but you could do something like that as well but you can just show all un niques and then you do that and uh again we do like a shatter filter so I I mentioned that so this is going to be um fixes and then we say okay we shatter everything that is Rogue specific so we build a bank and we just say okay we recolor this uh to White so we don't actually find white items I just do this with white because I know okay this goes immediately into the shredder and boom we do that and then we have uh the idols so let's do the idols so again we go with ax and then you go down here you do General idols and we say okay we want Health res Health uh we want maybe this here all the resistances uh we can maybe check the Dodge and the armor for like the one slot Idol or something uh just to have something early on we want Vitality we want crit and uh what else is here there's a shared physical damage this also works on minions and then we go to roke idols and there's also a lot of really random stuff here so I kind of like sort this out a little bit and um most of the time a lot of stuff will not apply but we can take this here for example and there's also a shred on bow hit that's kind of nice armor shred Maybe and B damage and then there's a lot of like skill specific stuff here where we don't really care and that is I Shar crate multiplier as well this is the pets and that is pretty much it here so he select all of this and now this is our you know show Idols you can also rename these things by the way you can just say Okay Idol with one good start boom so we do this here uh you know doesn't really matter just made make sure it's like above the height everything thing and then you do a copy of this and you say okay should have at least two of these stats so um we also beam this of course Idol with two good stats and if you want you can also like um for example emphasize them or you can also uh you know recolor them but you can just say this here okay you know this is like a big item basically this like a bigger Idol so you want to pay attention to this but again later on you can just uncheck this and you leave the filter there and there you go and that's also pretty much it so you see that in basically like if I wasn't explaining the stuff all this time uh you know I could actually make a filter like this in like five minutes or so that actually already filters like basically 95% of the right stuff for me and then you can always like you know find unit and maybe sometimes there's like an item showing up you look at it and like why the hell do I want to see this you know like and then you just go back to the filter and you see okay maybe I missed like one rule or something or maybe you rearranged them in the wrong order so the order matters always remember that the order always matters so the top rules are always priority over the the bottom rules and um well like this you can just build your filter as well as you go and you know sometimes you realize okay maybe I want to try you know rency on a different base now so it's going to take your ascendency base filter and then say okay I'm going to try you know boots now so maybe you got the big bow and um you know say let's say we have like this ascendency filter here uh that I showed earlier so we say okay recolor this is like blue for the ascendency um or ascendence filter and uh let's say okay I don't want to try bows anymore I don't want to try amulets anymore but now I'm going to take boots and I'm going to try my luck and try to get like three LP boots or something with run of ascendence so you just do this and you just change that and then it just will show up so it's usually like you know just a matter of seconds in actually like changing a certain filter around to suit your needs and again you can always go back you can add extra rules you can always you know try to figure out you know better ways of filtering out you know certain items but if you just take a time uh after learning how the system works and I hope that I explained it pretty well um it doesn't really take more than like 5 to 10 minutes to set up a decent filter already for your character to go all the way basically to the 100 and again you can always come back and you know between run or so if you realize okay something is missing you just add an extra rule for it and there you go but yeah in a grand scheme of things this has served me pretty well the way that I structure my loot filters so I just make sure that you know I basically no never really pick up stuff and I just see the stuff that I want to see most of the time and then you can just go and you can you know build a bank of items here either for use or for you know potential crafting or for example I also have um like you know high-end crafting bases here for example I have like you know tons of these like exalted Citadel boots like the best base type with like a tier six or tier 7 stat here so something that I might want to use to actually craft a better item at some point however my boots are pretty hard to be to be fair uh so this doesn't really happen anymore but for example for my alss this could be something so I also like organize my stash a little bit like this here so I have a lot of these here have a bunch of these builds and at some point I just do like a crafting session for example I take like all of the Bells so I just do like you know I think all of these here you see how many of these exalted spider silk and petorian bels I have and then I just see okay what can I do with them and the thing is that highend wise at least um most of these crafts will just prick in the first one or two attempts of actually doing something with them because they have a certain stat I need to remove or something like that and I just remov the wrong startat so that happens very frequently so you want to collect a bunch of these at once and then like do like a crafting session with like you know 20 of these items at once or something like that and then eventually you're going to get an upgrade so that's kind of how that works later on at least but early on uh you can easily just get away with you know some T6 items that have like a good start on them craft a bunch of rest CR craft a bunch of life or something like that and you don't have to like Risk all too much and potentially break the item so you can just go with the yet and then over time you're going to like you know step by step improve your gear up to a certain point where the gamble just becomes much much uh like like more difficult to get hit basically but basically just like you know using these filters to stack up up a bunch of different options you see here I have like you know exactly these uh ancient coins relics this is exactly the best base type that I want for I build and there's like you know six different options here that I gathered and you know in case I need to get for example a different resistance on this thing uh I can use this as a crafting base and then go from there so here's one of poison rest here's one of poison and void and you know here's one where I actually have an open suffix so I can craft anything and so on so in that case I if I actually need to replace my Relic because I need to swap around some resistances I can you try to do something with these so I just throw them in there whatever shows and then maybe at some point you also want to sort out some of the old stuff so now I think I actually have done that for the most part but you see here I still have like some super outdated like some super old um you know stuff that showed my filter you see here this is just a rare with three stats that I actually checked the vitality and res and res this is like one of those examples so this no longer shows on my filter but I think if I check this thing now it would show uh maybe maybe it's also hidden at this point because um it probably has like some um like low level item there actually I think my filter has bucked right now because even if I press X it doesn't show because usually when you press X it dis abl to Lo filter but uh something is uh wrong here but this one shows interesting but yeah in any case um you know this is like one of those old items but you want to sort them out and you want to make sure that you know they don't get overloaded in their stash with like all this like super old stuff so at least whenever you have like these big progression steps I would say for example going from campaign to monoliths and then going from normal monoliths to empowered monol I would take some time to you know look at everything you have in your stash craft a whole new set of gear basically or you know improve all the stuff that is bad and then just kind of like throw out most of the really outdated stuff just to make sure you don't overload your stash with a bunch of old trash but yeah this is basically how that works so I hope this helps you and maybe you learn something for making your own filters or at least understanding filters that you download so for example I have my own filter here for my blood Falconer uh I have this my FNA guide and you know people that use this guide they might not be level 100 and might not have GG items like me of course so in that case you always have to go and you know kind of fine tune the filters at least a little bit to your own needs like if you're level 70 well you can't just show all the GG stuff only you have to show some other stuff because else you're not going to find any item ever basically so at the very least you would have to go in and you have to go you know check this stuff and you have to understand you know what this filter actually does so you know as I explained for example earlier like you know it shows all of the uh good stats that I can possibly want on a build but you know with some of those restrictions for example it needs to have two STS it needs to be at least here three STS and so on so um you know you can just check and uncheck some of these things for example in my filter but if you have other people's filters or if you make your own filter well you kind of need to understand those different like rarity levels basically so that's it for this video here I hope you enjoyed this I hope this helps you I wish you good luck with last EPO stay tuned for more stuff let me know what else you would like me to cover actually so I'm still planning to put out a bunch of more last of content and just hope everyone has a good time see you guys next [Music] time [Music]
Channel: wudijo
Views: 20,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wudijo, Last Epoch, EHG, Eleventh Hour Games, LE, Last Epoch Factions, Last Epoch Solo, Last Epoch Self Found, Last Epoch Prophecies, Last Epoch Guide, Last Epoch Build, Last Epoch Launch, Last Epoch Legendary, Last Epoch Legendaries, Last Epoch Uniques, Last Epoch Crafting, Last Epoch Beginner, Last Epoch Starters, Last Epoch Craft, Last Epoch RNG, Last Epoch Best, Last Epoch Endgame, Last Epoch Filter, Last Epoch Loot, Last Epoch Loot Filter, Last Epoch Lootfilter
Id: TOAibfmGvi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 32sec (2372 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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