Last Epoch - Farm The Best Items With Circle Of Fortune

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hi everyone I want to bring you a guide for the circle of Fortune faction in last Epoch which can be extremely powerful to gear up a character and get tons of loot as you can see here so this is my level 100 character on Hardcore that I have been leveling up in the last few days and I managed to hit uh level nine in the circle of Fortune so far and I've used this as a tool to gear up my character really really effectively so I want to walk you through it what are the most important mind stones to hit how you can use those different effects here they are extremely strong in order to progress your character and I want just give you like some valuable tips as you progress you see here I manag to hit Level 9 this is with level 100 character I barely hit the level N9 and there will be a quite a grind left to hit Level 10 but just leveling up a character at least once you get actually pretty far into the system and you can use those prophecies and those lenses to really minmax the character pretty early now as you can see here in the rank reward overview there are these different like Milestones to hit the biggest one out of all of these in my opinion is the rank eight so this is something that you unlock relatively late but it is the most valuable here where it says that items that would drop as a rare have a 25% chance to become exalted well exalted items are the name of the game you want to find those you have those you know higher TI aexes on them so this is obviously extremely powerful especially like large amounts of loot dropping in the game but there is also like other really interesting stuff in there so I want to give you some tips especially for this rank two here which uh says that you have a 45% chance for Runes of ascendence to be preserved so you basically get a refund uh when they're used on an item that requires at least circle of Fortune rank one now what item requires circle of Fortune rank one just means that it has to be an item that was either created through being in his factioned for example from a prophecy so when it says like here uh you have have this event and then it triggers and it drops seven exalted Rings well those exalted Rings they will be uh you know requirement circle of faction so those are those items or it could also be what I just said here for example where a rare item upgrades to an exulted because of this rank eight reward so those items would also be affected and then have a circle Fortune requirement but um eventually this means that you have to try to like either seek out certain prophecies in order to use but this is really powerful in order to make and find uniques I've actually done this on my rogue to make a tailor of veiler so I was actually doing this with bows and I managed to hit a Legendary Power Three Talons of veiler here and then I upgraded to a legendary and it turned out like incredible so that was my weapon here and um well I use exactly this and as you can see here it has this faction requirement as well because the original bow did have this this is especially powerful because there is also this rank six reward where it says that uniques are twice as likely to have legendary potential so in fact I actually waited until I had rank six unlocked in order to start spamming those prophecies so what he can do with those prophecies is that he can kind of like Target Farm certain items that you need so for example here in this in this Observatory you have like this weapon uh this weapon telescope and here I just selected bows and unique bows as much as possible but as I mentioned you're trying to also find for example rare or exal BS because first of all you need exal BS in order to make a legendary so I was also using some of those prophecies here to make um a good base that I can use for legendary conversion but also I needed to find those bows that have theaction requirement so I can use run of forcas another neat thing that I went for to progress my character more quickly was um the rank three reward here where it says whenever an idol drops there's a 25% chance for two more to drop at the same time so you get a lot of Idols basically around 50% extra and black this can actually get really really good Idols really early so I have uh for example here my character I have a bunch of like double Health uh Stout Idols for example uh so I have this I have this I have this so I have a bunch of these here I have um other good effects like like health and res so basically I use these Idols here with um you know a combination of two stats and I found most of these relatively early already or at very least I found like maybe slightly less well rolled um items that are now my stash and I place them over time with slightly better roles but ultimately those idols and especially Idol prophecies to Target exactly the right type of Idols that you want for a build are extremely powerful so um you have the uh I think this is an accessory prophecies uh no here in the D telescope the idol telescope uh and here you can uh Target exactly the the idols that you want to hit so you can always see this here it says what type of idol it is so here it says for example it's a huge Idol so these are I think the time four * four Idols uh or two two by two Idols sorry and um you can always see here this is large I think this are like the one by three Idols so they all have like a certain like you know size basically and they all have a certain name so you see here a dawn Idol is like also like you know one of these other types and like this can Target exactly those they want in my case I'm mostly wanted like just life and maybe it resists so I mostly use these as a filler to like you know min max my gear with the resistances and whenever I did need resistances I just went for double Health but there are certainly builds where you want to have like certain like larger Idols uh because they can have a class specific stats that are pretty impactful uh so for example one one here would be like the hammeron Smite Build or so where you want to have those 2 by two Idols that give you like those Smite triggers and these are class specific Idols But ultimately these Idols can be acquired really early so for this circle of Fortune is also really impactful and not only that but there's also some builds that run like unique Idols there's a few of them in the game and the thing is that uh unique Idols actually pop up very frequently in this um roll window here so when you re a few times eventually you're going to see that uh you're going to find unique idols and since there's only like like a handful of them or so in the game you can actually get those really easily another really important Milestone to reach in the circle forun is also the rank five reward the monolith Echo reward upgrade you have a 35% chance to get double rewards from Echo so you can actually use this to like much more effectively hunt down certain loot that you're trying to find for example you know you have sometimes like exalted Rings or something if you're trying to gear up there or for example for glyphs and runes I found it to be very helpful because you get tons of shards you get tons of you know glyphs and whatever you might need to actually craft your items and sometimes there just like you know boom 50 of them dropping on a ground or something after an echo and this also works for the TOs of experience actually so you can see this here right now uh usually get like three of those TOS but uh when when this reward procs you see here it actually drops like six of them so there's two I have two here already and there's like one and two more here or something and you can get a lot more XP like this as well which is actually pretty neat so previously at the start when you're just entering one LIF you want to try to like push up and go to empowered as fast as possible and then usually try to just like you know Max your CR as fast as possible until you get to like your comfort zone basically and well afterwards you can read the rewards basically with this m Echo upgrade so while I was I was rushing corruption a bit more early afterwards I was actually looking out for some of the better rewards to get and with this double reward you can definitely get a lot more out of it now there's obviously a few other perks in here that are also pretty impactful in particular the rank one I guess with the just 35% chance for twice as many items so this just gives you like all more loot uh then you also have other stuff like you know more likely uh to be exalted and also um twice as likely uh 47 fixs so especially here like once you like get seven and eight you can really grind out some insane Loot and I actually made my loot filter extremely stract at that point basically just showing items that have like tier s mods on them and they would actually pop up relatively regularly so at this point you can really try to get go like really crazy either go for like double exal drops or go for you know one t seven as effects of something you want and uh then you can actually get some really juicy items there in late game there's also this rank nine reward where you have like this full set drop which is kind of bad I I don't sure if like any build actually runs any sets I think sets in general just kind of seem underpowered in this game but maybe in the future that's going to be really valuable or maybe for certain builds I don't know uh for me this rank N9 reward was kind of whatever but the rank 10 reward is again pretty interesting as well so uh we have items some prophecies are duplicated so this means that every time you use a prophecy and try to hunt down a certain thing uh well you get double the amount of stuff and this actually crazy so this clip that you saw here at the start where I had like this loot explosion it just had a bunch of prophecies kind of like piled up randomly and they all like triggered on the boss kill and well there could be dly amount of stuff coming out there so that was really powerful of course but the Grind from 9 to 10 in particular is really long and now let's talk about ranking up your faction in general anyway so we have the favor here and basically the way this works is that as you play the game you acquire favor and you also slowly level up your faction uh just by default basically by defeating enemies but also you rank up your faction faster if you spend that favor so what I did is that for example every maybe one or two monolith timeline completions like you know basically every 20 30 runs or something uh I will just come back to the observatory at least when the servers are stable and uh I I would like spend my favor a little bit and like this you would actually like fast forward your progression through those ranks so you want to make sure that you actually get rid of your favor on anything really because it will progress your rank and you you're going to unlock these rank rewards much more quickly in my case uh I didn't do anything for a long time I was like level eight I think when I uh finished my character and uh I had like 300,000 favor or something stacked up because I just hadn't touched prophecies for like know level 95 to level 100 basically and I went from like the start of level eight all the way to level nine by just spending my 300,000 favor that I had gaed which well frankly is quite a lot but you can see that it actually like really pushes you towards those next ranks and now let's talk about the prophecies a little bit you can have up to 48 of these prophecies at a time and then they just trigger whenever you manage to hit the certain criteria so how do those prophecies actually work I got a bunch of questions about this so I'm going to explain this real quick so every prophecy that you can seek out always has has this triactor of an event and a condition and a reward so you can see this here right now for example here you have to defeat a fish korus which is the final boss in the soulfire Bastion dungeon so this is like the condition here it just says that and then the reward is a certain item and that's just drops together with all the other loot that the boss would otherwise drop and it also says how many times it can be fulfilled so it says here you have this prophecy and can be fulfilled two times at the top so you have to trigger this event and then the thing will be fulfilled and the stuff will just drop so everything that you do with prophecies will just like Drop and whenever the prophecy is fulfilled and uh whenever you have done your two prophecies it will just phase out and it's gone automatically and it will clear up uh those slots here in the prophecy table you can also delete them so if you look at this here I can just you know get rid of them in case you have too many uh realistically I guess this is not really a problem in my case I actually did have too many because I just spent 300K favor straight up uh you know just to like push to the next rank but in most cas cases if you regularly spend your favor you will not really run into this issue unless you just pile up a bunch of conditions that you never meet like of course you know if you go here and uh you select all these dungeon prophecies but you never run a dungeon well you're never going to complete them now one thing to note here is that those prophecies have massively varying value so the thing is that uh I think there's actually many things that are randomized here so number one the number of the rewards seems to be randomized to me so you see here for example I get four unique jewelry from doing this prophecy and then here I get like one exalted ring from this doing this prophecy and here I get like three exalted rings from doing this prophecy but um yeah it seems to like always have like a random role of uh the the number of the rewards and also the cost so you see this here and this ex this exalted ring prophecy for example is only 500 favor so I I get one ring for 500 if I do this condition and here I get three rings for 3,750 so per ring this is like 1,250 which is like 2 and a half times the cost of this one now of course order condition is um very easy on this one it's just orus so whenever you get orus you get this can be fulfilled three times and this one only once so in that case you always have to look a little bit at you know how many times can you fulfill this what is the condition and then what do you actually get out of this so this would be actually a fine on because it can be done three times but uh you always want to take a bit of a look here and see what exactly you get and when can you actually do it and then depending on which kind of loot you're actually looking for you can choose to go for those different prophecies with your favor so you have the idle prophecies the accessory there like you know rings and stuff and then you have the weapons and the armor prophecies and you can just also go to like one of the telescopes and like move around here so this is uh for example the weapons this is the armor and so on and uh like this it can actually hunt down exactly the stuff you need so in my case I explained how I for example made my bow at the start uh I just went for exol bows and unique bows as much as possible and sometimes those properties also say that for example the items will drop with you know one legendary potential I'm not sure if it can p be more than one legendary potential but at a very minimum you can just hunt down more unique bows and that will for example have a higher chance to eventually give you one that has a bit of legendary potential like one or two or three like in my case and uh well it's just really effective to kind of like hunt down piece by piece of what you're actually looking for or just like stack up a bunch of like good prophecies that you know you're going to complete you know automatically basically and you just Gear Up much faster now let's talk about the lenses a little bit so there are these different lenses here that it can use uh what you need to know is the regional lenses they can only be slotted in into the right telescope so you know there are for example uh here these um um Aros lenses so these are the the weapon lens for example they only go into the Eastern telescope because this way get the weapons and so they all have a color here as well to kind of like show you okay this is like you know that lens and you can kind of just like buy one of them and you can slot them in and there's also the greater lenses and they can go into any of those uh lenses so they are usually a bit more generic so for example up here it says uh this one have increased chance per rank to find exalted items so for example I want to hunt down exalted rings because I still have like a yellow ring here right now I could get this thing and then I could slot this into the accessory uh telescope and then I can just hunt down prophecies so what you need to know is that those lenses they don't actually like um change the loot that drops it just changes what the lenses give you so it doesn't you know doesn't mean that you find more exol items now on the ground from those this is only for the prophecies so this is kind of a disclaimer there another really powerful lens or actually two of them are these refracting lens of rhyme and the refracting lens of wealth so those are some that they unlock at level seven and level eight respectively and they are completely busted actually I would say because they allow you to get uh either double the amount of prophecies or like double the amounts you can fulfill them uh or uh double the rewards from uh the prophecies so while you have this downside that they cost more effectively just get more stuff so we have 90% more cost but you get double the rewards so there like a net benefit basically and likewise here we have 80% more cost and basically double the rewards so this kind of like Stacks up the power of your um like prophecies a lot more and this also means that you don't have to come back all too often to actually roll your prophecies because it does take a lot of time so with this more cost you actually just come back here you know once every I don't know one or two hours or something all of your prophecy and then go and you know you know instead of like five unique Rings you're going to get 10 and you're going to you know do this like eight times or something and you can like get tons and tons of the right items that you're trying to hit so as soon as you hit rank seven or rank eight you want to get those lenses and you want to throw them in there there's also some other interesting lenses for example you have stuff like 100% reduced chance for prophecies that have Arena events so for example if you know you never want to do Arena you can Slaughter Us in um but ultimately yeah you don't have that many slots so you at at a high level I think you always want to go for these uh two lenses here and then maybe you block one of those event types you don't like or just slot in for example this one here where it says you know exal chance which I believe to be just more powerful than trying to block one of the like undesired like you know Arena or campaign events or something like that so you just have to kind of deal with it that they exist and S does a reroll the rolling cost is relatively low it's only 32 favor so you can easily roll a few times and try to rather get good prophecies instead of just wasting it on stuff that you may never fulfill and here in this interface I'm going to move the cam you can actually see these lenses uh so you have up to three slots I think the first one is always unlocked and I think this one is at rank five or something and then you have the last slot I think at rank nine so it does take quite long to actually get the last slot but yeah ultimately I suggest to get something that uh gives you more of the reward actually looking for and don't necessarily uh use that like you know like block this or that event all that much unless they really hate that sort of thing and you really know how to do it and you don't care much about the actual rewards that you're getting the higher chance of getting the stuff that you want I think far out ways uh you know just blocking a certain event type so I would always go for that instead and for the late game as I mentioned these other two lenses I think they just go in there and you basically always put them in uh both slots here so you have like you know the lens of wealth and you have the lens of um what is it called now the two BL but yeah anyway the exra cost prophecies basically and uh well then you just do a few prophecies and you see here they do cost quite a lot now but it also says you know can be fulfilled you know two times can be fulfilled two times you get 18 exalted Rings here so this can get pretty crazy if you st them up a little bit the thing is also that even though you may not necessarily run a certain dungeon that often or at all uh you can just stack up a bunch of these prophecies and for example have like 10 prophecies that all trigger at the end of the dungeon run and then you know just go do it once you know it takes like a few minutes and boom you get like all the rewards so I wouldn't really just glance over all of these of course I didn't really do that for like the race to level 100 when I was loving my own character but you know just sticking up like if I have like five or 10 prophecies all triggering at the end of the lightless hour dungeon well yeah that would definitely entice me to go and do it because Sun they have relatively good value and you know you can just pick them up leave them in your prophecy tab here for a while and at some point boom you get a bunch of stuff and that's also pretty much everything that is to it for what I have to share here for this video so I hope this helps you just you know clear things up and learn more about how the factions work how you want to use it so tldr try to rank up your uh faction as fast as possible by spending your favor regularly early on because as you spend it you go through the ranks much quicker you want to try to reach certain Milestones so depending on how much you play and how far you are progress uh some of them are really valuable so especially like you know rank four I would say uh rank two together with rank six is like a huge combo and then also here the uh rank eight in particular so if you can p push to that one I think rank eight is the craziest of all of these here so try to get those uh for the lenses as I mentioned always go for um whatever you're trying to hunt down not so much blocking certain things I think they're just not be that valuable and then once you're higher rank you can get those uh there's more cost lenses and I would always slot those in so that THS up pretty much everything I can share here hope this helps and I wish you good luck with your character in last Epoch see you guys next [Music] time [Music]
Channel: wudijo
Views: 88,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wudijo, Last Epoch, EHG, Eleventh Hour Games, LE, Last Epoch Factions, Last Epoch Solo, Last Epoch Self Found, Last Epoch Prophecies, Last Epoch Guide, Last Epoch Build, Last Epoch Launch, Last Epoch Legendary, Last Epoch Legendaries, Last Epoch Uniques, Last Epoch Crafting, Last Epoch Beginner, Last Epoch Starters, Last Epoch Hardcore, Last Epoch Bow, Last Epoch Craft, Last Epoch RNG, Last Epoch Best, Last Epoch Cof, Last Epoch Circle Of Fortune, Last Epoch Prophecy
Id: bzsc2WW4mnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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