How The US Is Destroying Young People's Future | Asmongold Reacts

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my name is skot watched this guy on like it was like CNN and I really liked what he was saying and so apparently he did a uh Ted Talk and it's been linked to me a lot and I appreciate your time I have 44 slides and 720 seconds let's like this candle okay so for those of you who don't know me I'm actually a global television store true story I've had four TV series in the last three years two of them have been cancel before they were launched and two were canceled Within in 6 weeks let's recap if we want to juic S if we want to put a cattle the ask the Bloomberg the most trusted name in financial news not for long I'm going to do whatever I that guy's in shape man that's impressive for this country Jesus Christ Jes come on dude you're 0 for two are you are you he's jacked yeah uh face for podcasting so first Insight of the day I'd like to be the first person to welcome you to the last T okay by the way it's clear the what's it called what do we he for the Brave and the brilliant it's clear that Chris is a frustrated soap opera producer uh essentially what we have here is a telen Nolla where after a night of unbridled passion between Bill Gates and Malcolm Gladwell they give birth to their bastard love child Simon cic okay okay I start us with a question do we love our children sounds like an illegitimate question right well I'm going to try and convince you otherwise yeah essentially as we go down Generations we're seeing that for the last two generations people are making less money on an inflation adjusted basis in addition the 14742 that's real bad that's crazy the cost of buying a home the cost of pursuing education continues to Skyrocket so the purchasing power the prosp it is inversely correlated uh to age simply put as we get younger we're taking away opportunity and prosperity from our youngest the social contract that is now no longer in place this is why kids hate capitalism by the way it's like if you're growing up and you're like 19 and the only way that you can go and you know go to college is if you take out a [ __ ] bloodpack a fan PCT with the the debt devil for $60,000 so you can finally after four years get a job working at Starbucks yeah man like maybe communism isn't so bad I mean really if you look at it from their perspective it makes a lot of sense first time in the US's history a 30-year-old is no longer doing as well is his or her parents were at 30 this is a breakdown in the fundamental agreement we have with any society and it creates rage and shame as a result people over the age of 55 feel pretty good about America but less than one in five people under the age of 34 feel very good about America appearance us adults are extremely proud to be American well I'm part of that 18% I think America is the greatest country ever I'm very proud to be part of this country even though uh I think there's a lot of things that are wrong with it this creates an incendiary righteous movements cuts to our society end up becoming opportunistic infections because generally speaking young people have a warranted Envy they're pissed off and they're angry that they don't enjoy the same spoils and prosperity that were provided to our generation I think also with like social media it like reminds younger people all the time that they're losers it's like one thing if you're like 19 and you're barely making it but whenever every time you pull up social media there's like a bunch of other people that are like your age that are like millionaires buying like a new house or something like that uh because they are playing fortnite or it's like some only fans girl or something like that again you know let's go back to Communism you know let's let's take away women's right to vote uh let's be a [ __ ] incel uh you know like that's that's how it happens it does it happens a decent proxy for how much we value youth's labor is minimum wage and we've kept it purposely pretty low if it had just kept pace with productivity it'd be about 23 bucks a share but we've decided to purposfully keep it low Out Of Reach median home price has skyrocketed relative to median household income Jes result pre pandemic the average mortgage payment was $1,100 it's now $2,300 how it was in 1985 that's crazy I wonder what it's going to be like in 2030 I'm sure it'll be better right guys yeah it can't keep going like this forever acceleration and interest rates and the fact that the average home has gone from 290,000 to 420 by the way the most expensive homes I remember like you know what was so crazy is that in like 2017 I remember going over to Mitch's apartment Mitch and trains apartment and I remember they were paying like three grand for the apartment and I was like what the [ __ ] that is so much money and just in like less than 10 years that's become normal in the world based on this metric are number three Vancouver why because 60% of the cost of building a home goes to permits cuz guess what the incumbents and own assets have weaponized government to make it very difficult for new entrance to ever get their own assets thereby elevating their own net worth this is the transfer I'm going to be speaking about this has resulted in an enormous transfer of wealth where people over the age of 70 used to control 19% of household income versus people under the age of 40 used to control 12 their wealth has cut half holy [ __ ] that is wow Boomer's got to go man isn't by accident it's purposeful this is me at UCLA in 1987 I know your first thought man I have pictures of myself with a lot of hair too that sucks is I haven't changed a bit uhhuh yeah this is also Mia saario who is the analyst have put together these slides by the way Mia is 26 I did the math just by virtue of her being in this audience brings the average age of the entire conference down 11 days when I applied to UCL everybody here is [ __ ] old this [ __ ] like look at this like yeah there's no way this dude is not subscribed to AARP come on the admissions rate was 76% today it's 9% mhm I received a 2.23 GPA from UCLA I learn nothing but how to make bongs out of household items in every line from Planet of the Apes and the greatest public School in the world Berkeley decided to let me in with a 2.27 GPA wow and that's what 2.27 damn 2.2 I mean I had in high school I was a 2.4 highered is about highered is about taking unremarkable kids and giving them shot of being remarkable and every year it's gotten more expensive I mean he probably was the same as Me Maybe where like I got like pretty much perfect scores on my standardized tests but I just wouldn't do my work at school because I didn't care like that's what happened for me higher ed and homes and the ability not only is higher ed incredibly expensive it's not accessible because me and my colleagues are drunk on luxury and I'll come back to that we've embraced the ultimate strategy me and my colleagues in h ad wake up every morning and ask ourselves the same question when we look in oh these are the these are the things guys that people that shouldn't be spending money love to spend money on oh man like if somebody has money problems guaranteed they've got one of these yep look in the mirror how can I increase my compensation while reducing my accountability and we have found the ultimate strategy it's called an lvmh strategy where we artificially constrain Supply to create aspiration and scarcity such that we can raise tuition faster than inflation and old people and wealthy people have some done the same thing with housing all of a sudden once you own a home you become very concerned with traffic and you make sure that there's no new housing permits and here is a memo to my uh colleagues in higher ed we're public servants not [ __ ] Chanel backs he's right he's [ __ ] right is the best example they've increased their Endowment in the last 40 years and have decided to expand their enrollment their Freshman Class by 4% huh where's all that money go that's a lot of money where' the money go any University went to the football team of course Candy Crush yeah Freshman Class faster than population that has over a billion dollars in endowment should lose their taxfree status because they're no longer and higher education they are hedge fund offering classes my first recommendation Biden should take some of that 750 billion earmark to bail out the onethird of people that got to go to college on the backs of the two-thirds that didn't and give a billion dollars to our 500 Greatest public institution size adjusted in exchange for three things one they use technology and scale to reduce tuition by 2% a year expand enrollments by 6% a year and increase the number of vocational certifications in non-traditional 4year degrees by 20 well this is too good of an idea this isn't going to happen there's no way there's no way they could do this yeah there's no way per where does that get us in just 10 years in just 10 years that doubles The Freshman seats and cuts the cost in half this isn't radical this is called College in the 880s and 99s another transfer of wealth yeah I remember my mom said that like whenever she was going to classes it was like less than a hundred bucks to go to a class and this is like probably in like the 60s and like early 70s I guess cuz she was born in 50 so yeah yeah somewhere around there not anymore yeah I know I was paying 4K a class how much is each class for you guys and what school do you go to or did you go to if is is in The Last 5 Years or what year was it zero yeah there you go 20 to 30 California in Canada it's 4K a class 1K Euro 12K a year 3K or 3K per year 1K per year 3.5k per semester 2K over 2K per class man oh God that's a big number oh wow look at what's happened to wages oh they've gone up not as much as corporate profits there's a healthy tension that's crazy look at that capital and labor for the last 40 years Capital has been kicking the [ __ ] out of Labor mhm well you think well what about wages right they've gone up well if you compare them to the SNP they barely register it's been oh my God look at that used to be bro I thought I I thought he wasn't done wow invest in a stock market yeah yeah I guess so though I didn't even see it yeah I thought he wasn't like okay so where's the other one yeah I thought that was the axis exactly amazing time to own assets but your attempt to get the certification or the income such you can acquire assets it's gotten harder and harder in my class of 300 kids it's never been easier to be a billionaire it's never been Harder To Be A Millionaire by the way our job in higher ed isn't to identify a top 1% of people who are freakishly remarkable or have Rich parents turn them into a super class of billionaires is to give the bottom 90 a chance to be in the top 10 you know I think that's actually a really good point that he's making is that if you can't have hope then what's the point in trying and I think that's why a lot of young people hate society and they want to have like a revolution and they're like burn it all down I Hate Everything the reason why is because there's actually no hope and like for a long time and of course always the odds are stacked against you and of course always there are people who rise above the current challenges and they're able to make a lot of money even this year this year tons of people were able to make that American dream come true however it's a lot harder to do now in a lot of ways and it's less common and you need to be more acceptional it's not like you know for example you go and you think about a lot of like old TV shows and like I think if you go and you watch like a sitcom from like the' 70s or the'80s a lot of time like the dad in the uh in the sitcom is the only person in the sitcom that's making any money and he just works at some random [ __ ] place and they've got a whole house they're able to send the kids to college they own two cars and maybe they even have a boat you know yeah Al Bundy Homer Simpson look at that and so even in popular culture this is known to be true and nowadays what what kind of shows do we have now well we have Breaking Bad oh I don't know about that I think that says a lot yeah it's pretty problematic isn't it Peter Griffin yeah look at even that yeah it's time to start cooking guys and uh I think that's what happens with a lot of young people is that um they basically feel like they can't like there's no future I know that whenever I was let's say say 20 this is definitely the way that I felt I felt like oh there's no way that you're going to be able to uh to Rise Above This because there's so many structural things that are just so oppressive you know who doesn't need me or higher education the top 10% yeah the whole point of higher ed is to give the unremarkable I years truly who was raised by a single immigrant mother a shot of being remarkable yeah of course the transfer has been purposeful while the cohorts Corporation and I think also another reason for higher education is to have an educated public so a really good example of why an educated public matters is because of the fact that Flat Earth is becoming more popular and you can think of the most skitso stupid dumb [ __ ] thing that you can ever imagine and if you post it on Twitter they'll be like yeah uhhuh that's see I've been thinking that H yes Birds they ain't real is they no I knew they weren't yeah I you see how they move their head uhuh that's fake for real like oh we can't have wind turbines because they killing all the birds there's people that believe that [ __ ] they believe that and the reason why is because they're not educated they're [ __ ] stupid they never had the opportunity for it politicians hate an educated public yes like I I I don't know if I would if I would go this far but I think I would to say that I think that it is intentional that the voting public and the average public user or uh citizen is intentionally uneducated and I think that for example it is intentional that we don't learn statistics in high school this we're teaching Algebra 2 and not statistics because statistics will help people realize they're getting [ __ ] over a lot more easily than uh algebra will that's what I think maybe I'm crazy okay hey hey hey maybe I'm crazy but it sure seems like it' be beneficial so maybe it's happening on purpose and the ultra wealthy continue to Garner more and more of our wealth we have decided I know if they win the gold let's give them the silver and the bronze and let's lower their taxes this transfer is purposeful it's not by accident yeah and it works senior poverty is way down we should celebrate that meanwhile child poverty is flat up oh that's bad that's kind of that's kind of bad it's not awful right but I mean that's not great the third rail I'm going to talk about social security it would cost $ 11 billion to expand the child tax credit but that gets stripped out of the infrastructure bill but the additional $135 billion a year it's a social security that flies right through Congress and every year we transfer one that's because guess who votes the children Vote or the people on Social Security vote it's crazy how this [ __ ] happened huh how does this happen it's a mystery .4 trillion from a cohort that is increasingly doing less well to the cohort that is the wealthiest cohort in the history of of this planet I'm not against Social Security but the criteria should be if you need it not whether you have a catheter 80% of you 80% of you have absolutely no reason to ever take Social Security it is bankrupting our nation and we have fallen under this mythology that somehow it's this great social program no it's not it's the great transfer of wealth from young to old let's clap from that one you know I wonder why why would that why why would that possibly happen it must be it's a mystery yeah the only people clapping yeah yeah she's clapping she's probably like uh you know like 37 or something a 20 28 exactly I I I don't necessarily think that Social Security is is a is aad bad thing I don't think that we should take it away from Social Security I think that we should take it away from like I don't know like military expenditures like I'd rather I'd rather gut uh making bombs and tanks than Social Security and then after you do that then maybe we can talk about social security that's my perspective how is this happening because our representatives are in fact representative yeah start with the other one first Washington has become a cross between the Land of the Dead and the Golden Girls oh God Washington median age of US Congress become a cross between oh my God so the average a the median age in the Senate is 65 which yeah yeah I guess that's probably not a surprise I I assume that the that the average age would probably be a bit lower because there are some young people in Congress and in the house but yeah it's still pretty bad the Land of the Dead and the golden girls yeah yeah it's median not mean quite frankly this is [ __ ] ridiculous and if I sound aist if I sound aist I am and you know who else is aist biology yeah when speaker Pelosi had her she's 8 [ __ ] four isn't it crazy that her hair isn't gone gray at all she looks good yeah like I'm going to be honest like I think it's impressive that she's she's still going man like for real like it's [ __ ] impressive it's adrenic Chrome yeah I guess so first child get this two-thirds of households didn't have color televisions and Castro had just declared martial law but she's oh my God supposed to understand the challenges of a 17-year-old girl who's 59 95 PBS getting tips on dieting and extreme dieting from Facebook she's supposed to understand the challenges that a 27 Primal Wizards face by the way young and dreamy MH young and dreaming yeah 52 the Great intergenerational Theft took place under the opes of a virus I know let's use the greatest Health crisis in the Century to really speedball the transfer this is the yall should see why bro this covid [ __ ] went crazy stack from 2008 to 2012 we let the markets crash and by the way you need churn you need disruption because it seeds and recalibrates advantage and wealth from the incumbents to the entrance it's a natural part of the cycle but wait lately no a million people would dying would be bad but what would be tragic is if we let the NASDAQ go down and guys like me lost wealth so we pumped the economy which again increased the massive transfer of wealth best two years of my life now I got to say um I invested a lot of money into stocks at about right here yeah so it was a great time to invest I think it really was yep it's great doing okay then yeah I'm all right Co more time with my kids more time with Netflix and my value of my stocks absolutely exploded and who has to pay for my Prosperity not me future my dad my dad went from like basically he made so much money in this period of time that now every single month he goes positive and he doesn't he doesn't work he just [ __ ] watches TV and [ __ ] around and you know calls me on stream to call me an idiot right like that's basically about it and uh yeah he just goes up and up and up every month because how much money he's made from stocks Ians who will have to deal with an unprecedented level of debt why am I here why do I deal with an unprecedented Lev of debt [ __ ] that's crazy that's crazy why am I here and why do I get the prosperity I enjoy because in 2008 we bailed out the banks but we didn't bail out the economy we let the markets fall so as I was coming into my Prime income earning years I got to buy no joke these stocks at these prices this is where those stocks are now where does a young person find disruption when you bail out the baby boomer owner of a restaurant all you're doing is robbing opportunity from The 26-year-old Graduate of a Culinary Academy that wants her shot we need disruption we're economically attacking the young but I know let's attack their emotional and mental well-being let's take advantage of the fact of the flaws in our species with medieval institutions Paleolithic instincts and god-like Technology uh I'm just going to say I think Mark Zuckerberg has done more damage to young people in our nation while making more money than any person in his I think social media is probably an overall bad thing for a lot of people but I like social media personally I do I am a social media enjoyer I've always been even whenever I was a kid I was into it but the truth is that I also think that I am an an extreme because I see how social media affects a lot of people that I know and man they got you [ __ ] up huh man they got you all kinds of [ __ ] up like damn that's crazy like you're going to get upset about this you're going to get mad like this is bad this is a man yeah I mean like just don't get it yeah it's like I don't know bro doesn't realize it has him [ __ ] up no bro like uh back whenever I was like 14 and [ __ ] I was still a psycho like if you go and you look at I have videos of myself when I was 14 you go watch those videos I was a piece of [ __ ] nothing's changed like there's very few people that can say that but there's no no [ __ ] change I was an [ __ ] even even before social media oh but wait what would could be worse it's as if we let an adversary implant a neural Jack into our youth through a of Civ military and leaders that hate America how I think that it's not Tik tok's fault that like I I don't agree that it's Tik tok's fault that these people hate America because he just went through 10 or 20 different slides of why people hate America that the those slides and those graphs are the reason why they hate America not Tik Tok it's just that sometimes Tik Tok shows them a graph be this St just pointed it out all right this all adds up to a bunch of graphs all headed up into the right what are they what's the first one oh that's self harm rates which that's kind of bad yeah yeah that's bad oh geez exploded especially among girls since my colleague Jonathan height pointed out it's really really gone crazy since social went on mobile what's the next one teens with depression o the next one men and women not having sex right here is whenever Wrath of a lichking came out so I think this graph actually makes a lot of sense just to keep in mind and right here is about whenever League of Legends came out again makes a lot of sense biggest fear of my parents was that I was going to get into too much trouble my biggest fear honestly is that my kids aren't going to get into enough trouble by the way my advice to every young person watching this program is go out drink more and make a series of bad decisions that might pay off there it is yeah based yeah I mean I'm going to be honest like my parents said to say like they did not give a [ __ ] what I did next graph can you middle of gun deaths you're more likely to be shot in the United States if you're a toddler or an infant than a cop next graft obesity way up by the way see this is the thing man is like I'll see commercials of like um what do you call it I'll see commercials of like you know back in the day it's like fast food or like any commercial like a video of like in the 70s and everybody was skinny and then now I go and I see like a video of Walmart and it's like a it's not Wall-E world it's just Wall-E they're on the carts man they're on the carts they trying to pull things down off the carts or Golden Corral but to be fair Golden Corral was always a uh it was a feeding trough probably even back then but yeah you're right then people aren't the norm anymore yeah like look at this that's crazy and that's like fat kids too 2 to 19 now I got to say something I think that if your kid is morbidly obese that's child abuse that's just the way it is the industrial food complex wants to addict you to shitty fatty food so they can hand you over to the industrial diabetes complex we should not romanticize obesity you're not finding your [ __ ] truth you're finding diabetes yeah yeah that's a [ __ ] fact oh my God I love this yeah do is BAS as [ __ ] I know and this this is what people need to hear thank God somebody's just talking sense it's animal abuse for pets yeah so I've defied this logic I eat usually one meal a day and a few extra snacks and I try to exercise every single day to be fair whenever I ate three meals a day and I never exercised I still weighed the same amount but still death way up wait I want to see if that one fat chick in the front was clapping but apparently it didn't show that frame overdose death way up deaths of Despair when I was in high school it was drunk driving now it's kids killing themselves yeah young people don't want to have kids anymore school it was drunk driving now it's kids killing themselves yeah I feel like people still do drunk driving like I knew a lot of people whenever I was in like I'm trying to think how many people I knew that didn't drive drunk Jesus oh [ __ ] me I never did I didn't drink I don't think I've ever been in a car with Zach that was drinking and driving so like at least two people I knew that didn't drink and drive I'm drinking and driving right now young people don't want to have kids anymore two-thirds of people aged 30 to 34 able-bodied used to decide to have at least one child it's been cut in half it's now less than a third oh my God it's because of money too 27% as a result people over the age of 60 in the US pretty happy people under the age of 30 not so much some of the lowest in the Free World oo I'm not surprised that young people are unhappy I think that again like social media allows people to [ __ ] hate themselves better than almost anything else has and I think also it's especially true like oh and I I think that like really like with girls and guys it's it's different right but it's not like guys have it easier because like as a guy seeing other guys on social media like with guys it's like feast or famine where like the top 10% of guys are doing super super well and then if you're in the bottom like 50% things aren't very good whereas like for girls there's probably a lot of other like more nuanced problems you get [ __ ] on yeah yeah yeah it's the top 10% are getting everything or everyone in this circumstance and the bottom 50% are getting anime figurines what can we do nothing wrong with America that can't be fixed with what's right with it we got the hard stuff figured out there are programs to address all of these issues that cost a lot of money that's the hard part and we have figured this out in just 5 minutes post a quar of a trillion dollars the economy we've got the hard part figured out the resources yep we have the money but we decide not to do it this is per capita spending on child care in the United States relative to other nations so per out public spending on child per child care 30k 24K 9k and we're at right okay okay this is housing permits things are doable we increase minimum wage to 25 bucks an hour it goes into the economy the wonderful things about about low and middle- income households is they spend all their money we have to have a restore a progressive tax stru structure with alternative minimum tax on corporations and Wealthy individuals we need to refund the IRS we need to reform Social Security it should be based on whether you need the money not on how old you are we need a negative income tax my friend Andrew Yang screwed up a great IDE but he he did [ __ ] up that guy really [ __ ] up holy [ __ ] he [ __ ] up yeah I don't know what the hell happened like yeah it's like he said based yeah Andrew I was a big fan I I and I still am incorrectly instead of calling it Ubi he should got Republicans on board by calling it a negative income tax we need to eliminate the capital gains tax reduction why when did we decide that the money that Capital earns is more noble than the money that sweat earns shouldn't it be flicked we need to remove 230 protection for all algorithmically elevated content the 230 protect oh is he can explain it we need identity verification the reason we can yeah 230 is uh whenever they're not accountable for the content on there have identity verification we have social media websites are not accountable for the content that's posted on there because they're a publisher and not a platform sorry they are a platform and not a publisher First Amendment break up big TCH we have monopolies we need identity verification the reason we can have identity verification is because we have a First Amendment break up I think a lot of people are against identi identity verification for the internet and I'm like really kind of torn on it I feel like there's a lot of advantages and there's also a lot of negatives and I kind of air on the side of not having it personally because I don't trust the people that would have it like in a perfect world I think identity verification would be the right decision but I don't think that I could trust people to have the tools for identity verification and not use them maliciously privacy is a right yeah I think that it is it would get rid of miners on the internet yeah yeah no it would but so would good parenting so are we going to give up our privacy because people are bad parents I don't know if I want to do that yeah I don't think that's a good idea I'm not not sold on that one attch we have monopolies that are incurring greater and greater costs on every small business and parents because again see above our Representatives don't understand these Technologies we need to ageg gate social media there's absolutely no reason anyone under the age of 16 should ever be on social media anyone under the age of 18 should ever be on social media there is no business a 16-year-old girl has on Instagram because if you check her DMS guys come on come on like it let's just get rid of this like what are we doing it's obviously bad BR Z yeah if it should be it should be the age of consent like whatever the age of consent is that's what it should be we need Universal prek we need to reinstate the expanded child tax credit we need term limits see above and Yang we need I'm not a fan of term limits I think that if somebody's doing a good job I want them to keep doing a good job I think the problem is that I don't think the problem is actually term limits I think the problem is a badly educated public that doesn't hold effect elected officials accountable I don't want term limits or age limits at all I think the problem is the voters and any any solution like term limits will not solve this problem because you'll just have new idiots come in that are also corrupt as well that's my opinion income based affirmative how do you hold them accountable whenever they don't care well you stay you you vote for somebody else the reason why politicians are able to do what they do is because voters don't hold them accountable because voters are too busy getting argue like fighting with each other about like social wedge issues like abortion or like transsexual bathrooms or something like that and they don't think about any of these other bigger issues because they're harder to understand so if people were able to understand these bigger issues and they were able to process them and learn about them then it would be easier to hold the politicians accountable it's like for example a lot of people think that you're not able to run for president if you are a felon that is actually not true you can't vote but you can run for president and the reason why you can is that the founding fathers thought there's no [ __ ] way that a felon would actually run for Pres president and for it to happen there's no way how could that possibly there's no way that would happen well it might this time action any visible signs of affirmative action make no sense at all you would rather be born gay or non-white in the United States today than poor and that's a sign of our progress and our need to recalibrate who we give advantage to affirmative action of which I'm a beneficiary of uh I was I got pel grants I got unfair Advantage affirmative action is a wonderful thing and it should be based on color it should be based on green how much money you have or don't have I think that's absolutely true it's 100% true uh the main thing that's going to hold people back is because of money uh it's not like whether you're white or black or anything else like if you don't have money that's what it should be based off of uh I I also was a beneficiary of that absolutely and college enrollment of vocational programs mental health band phones and schools invest in third I don't think you band phones in schools by the way I don't think soes big brothers and sisters programs we need national service we need to tell people in the United States and Canada that they live in the greatest countries in the world and we need to remind them the reason why the reason why not is because I think that if you take privileges away from people you're treating them like children and whenever you're talking about like 14year olds 13y olds 16 year olds you need to treat them like adults and if you don't treat them like adults they are children if they're 15 they're not you know what I I I I would concede that I think that like in elementary school I don't know like I feel like there are more advantages to having phones in school than negatives especially in terms of just like real logical things like for example like being able to call your parents to have them pick you up I don't think that phones should be banned in schools but I think that also parents should be able to uh what do you calling or sorry schools should be able to like disallow kids from having them out in class them of that every day by exposing yeah they should be banned from being like maybe this is like confusing you should be banned from pulling it out in class and using your phone in class absolutely but you should be allowed to have a phone with you other great Americans where they feel connected to issue we can do all of this MH we can do all of it we have the resources the question is do we have the will this is my last slide it is an emotionally manipulative slide to try and get you to like me more but it does have a message this is the whole shooting match anybody here without kids ask someone with kids you have your world of work you have your world of friends you have your world of kids something happens here your whole world sh shrinks to this yep so I present as I wrap here which is a few questions one if you acknowledge that our kids are the most important thing in our lives that everything else we do here is Meaningful but our kids well-being and prosperity is profound if you acknowledge that they're doing more poorly than previous generations if you believe there's a chance that the illusion of complexity has done nothing to provide cloud cover for the unbelievable transfer of goodwi of well-being and of prosperity from young to old and if you believe we can actually fix these problems and we have the resources then I present to you I don't think that we can fix them right now the reason why is I don't think that the voting population that makes decisions like the adult population of America is educated enough to be able to understand what those problems are and vote against them I genuinely think that people are too stupid to understand what these problems are straight up they're not all right all right I I pause it I augur the question that I hope has more veracity than it did 17 minutes and 24 seconds ago and that's the following question do we love our children my name is Scott Gallow I teach in NYU and I appreciate your time there it is yeah I think this is a really good uh really good uh Ted Talk here actual Ted Talk uh yeah Omega based yeah I love the graphs man I think that dude these graphs are [ __ ] based holy [ __ ] where's like that the graph of all six of them I'm trying to see if I can find it here oh there we go yeah that's sad yeah he's pushing an agenda well obviously he's pushing an agenda what did you think he was doing like of course it's an agenda you put up the link yeah I'll link you guys the video I think that I I I agree with basically everything he said like there's a few like little minor things it's like I don't think it's really the way to do it but overall I think that it's pretty obvious right people think uh agenda is a buzz word these days yeah exactly and uh D been on a roll ever since it's on Bill May yeah yeah this guy's great man I I I I feel like a lot of people I think one of the reasons why people like him is because he puts things in a very blunt and uh like raw way without kind of sugar coating or anything like that and yeah he's very real with that and he doesn't really like insult the uh audience's intelligence by like trying to like talk around it you know he cuts through [ __ ] yeah he does yeah he doesn't use [ __ ] language exactly and so yeah I I feel like for a lot of kids especially like the the way that I think like the big problem that I think a lot of people have is that I don't think people are educated enough to understand what the real problems are and how to solve things like this and the reason why I think that is how easily people can be totally distracted by like celebrity drama and by just like random [ __ ] like people I I I think that the problem is education fun Al because if you have if you have a bad education system you are going to keep creating a population of people that don't know what the [ __ ] they're talking about and they're stupid I think that's the big issue that is the because like that's what every other issue stems out of because these things happen because of that yeah the idiocracy yes it actually is it's a bit of a high-minded view what uh what change have you voted for recently um I voted in 2020 uh I mean I don't remember like all the different propositions I voted for or anything but yeah I voted back then I didn't vote in 2022 but I'll be voting this time in the new presidential election I will and also I think that voting not voting on something is better than voting on something that you're not educated on I am not a fan of compelled voting I think that people should only vote on things that they know and they understand and this idea of voting for random things because they're part of your political party or people because they're part of your political party uh I I find this to be very problematic and not good at all so yeah
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,104,896
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: ufcvvMjUgYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 39sec (2799 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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