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well hey everyone as you can tell by the title i'm a little bit late in terms of um this paula white uh prayer that she offered i want to say it was about a day after election day here in the states election day here was november 3rd if you're not familiar we are in the midst of an election time and uh paula white happens to be the advisor the spiritual adviser to our current president donald trump and so during this 90-minute prayer service part of the prayer was dedicated to praying for the results of the election amongst some other things and so what i'm going to do in this video is i just want to react to a certain portion of this prayer service now some of you may be i can tell right now some of you are probably thinking brother allen why do you keep doing these videos where you're calling out certain people by name get back to bible teaching right here is the reason why i'm doing this matter of fact let me just start with a scripture all right hebrews chapter 5 it says we have much to say about this but it is hard to make it clear to you because you no longer try to understand in fact though by this time you ought to be teachers you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of god's word all over again let's just stop right there the author of hebrews is saying hey based on the amount of time that you have been saved you should be teaching other people but instead he says to my shock you need people to teach you the basics about christianity and he said that's not the way it should be and then he goes on to say this you need milk not solid food anyone who lives on milk being still an infant is not acquainted with the teaching of excuse me about righteousness but solid food is for the mature now here it is who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil what are we talking about here it's about discernment right the reason why i keep doing these videos is because i want to train every single one of you to think biblically to be able to discern truth from error good from evil sound biblical doctrine from things that are not sound biblically so that way whenever you hear a sermon or you hear something like paula white or bishop jakes or whoever alan parr tony evans doesn't matter if you hear something something in your mind should go off and say wait a second something is off here and the reason why i keep doing these videos and i'm gonna get to my reaction just a moment is because paula white and millions and matter of fact excuse me paula white and several other people like her are influencing millions of people worldwide and we need more channels like this we need more people who will be bold enough to stand up and say okay this is not biblically accurate so i'm going to go ahead and uh share my screen with you and i'm going to react in live so i can show you how i listen to things and the discernment that i have so that hopefully you will have that same experience okay so here we go all right let's go ahead and play it do not only strike three times but take the arrow okay well first problem i have right away is that paula white is a female pastor she's a senior pastor right now this is not the video for me to go back and forth and debate on that i have a whole another video that talks about should women be senior pastors but let me just clarify my position very quick and i'll put the link in the description and the card above here but let me just give you my position very very quickly i do believe that women are able to speak in church and use a variety of spiritual gifts to edify the body of christ i believe that the office or of seeing your pastor that one particular office is reserved for men now if you want to know why you can go watch the video okay let's keep going close and strike and strike and strike and strike and strike and strike and strike and strike and strike and strike until you have victory for every enemy that is aligned against you let there be that we would strike the ground for you will give us victory god i hear a sound of abundance of rain okay let's just stop right there okay the next thing that i see whenever i hear somebody praying like this the scripture that comes to mind is what jesus said and he taught us how to pray right he says and when you pray do not keep on babbling like pagans for they think they will be heard because of their many words do not be like them for your father knows what you need before you ask him listen whenever you pray you don't need to keep saying the same things over and over and over over and over and over i hear the sound of victory i hear this like god is not deaf you don't have to do you're not going to get a god's attention more by just shouting and saying the same thing over and over again all right so that's the first thing that i'm noticing here is that there's a lot of just repetitious prayers and jesus warns us against that type of prayer all right let's keep going i hear a sound of victory i hear a shoe let there be that we would strike the ground for you will give us victory god i hear a sound of abundance of rain i hear a sound of victory i hear a sound of shouting and singing i hear a sound of victory i hear a sound of an abundance of rain i hear okay what exactly is she praying right what does it mean i hear the sound of the abundance of rain can somebody help me understand that is that some sort of reference to prosperity and the old testament maybe because rains came down and rain you know caused their crops to grow and therefore resulted in prosperity but once again where is she hearing this from who is telling her this she's hearing abundance of rain what is that referring to in what context see here's the problem we get into these type of church services and we get so emotionally caught up the music is gone the praise team is singing the person is praying with passion and fire and emotion and all of these different things and we get caught up in all of that that's the problem you have too many christians in the body of christ they get caught up in all of this emotionalism stuff and they don't take the moment to discern what in the world is she saying she's praying for the abundance of rain i hear the buns of rain what exactly is she referring to abundance of rain okay let's keep going a sound of victory i hear a sound of an abundance of rain i hear a sound of victory the lord says it is done the lord says it is done the lord says it is done for i okay the lord said it is done okay who told you the lord said is done what is it that it's done okay the lord said it is done what is done and how do you know the lord told you something was done right once again just because she's saying that how does she who's telling her something is done right so we need to look at that your victory victory victory victory in the quarters of heaven in the quarters of heaven victory victory victory victory victory victory victory for angels are being released right now angels are being dispatched right now amanda akarata baka sanda ata ambo osaka rita okay all right all right so speaking in tongues with no interpretation in the prayer time right a whole bunch of tongue speaking no interpretation all right first corinthians chapter 14 all right first corinthians chapter 14 it says this it says let me see if i can find it right here uh here we go verse 23 so if the whole church comes together and everyone speaks in tongues and inquirers or unbelievers come in will they not say that you are out of your mind but if an unbeliever or an inquirer comes in while everyone is prophesying they are convicted of sin and are brought under judgment by all all right and earlier in this passage it talks about um there must be actually later it says in verse 28 if there is no interpreter the speaker should keep silent in the church and speak to himself and to god it doesn't get any clearer than that folks i'm i don't there's no possible way to misread that right so if somebody is a bible teacher a pastor a senior pastor i know for a fact that they have read first corinthians 14. if you if you speak in tongues you are familiar with all the passages in the scripture that have to do with tongues so you see this you read it and you know what it says and yet you rattle off speaking in tongues no interpreter knowing that if an unbeliever comes into your church they have absolutely no idea what you are saying and they are not able to be edified or built up because they have no idea what you're saying okay so that's another major thing that i see here is a problem even dispatch from africa right now africa right now africa right now from africa right now they're coming here they're coming here in the name of jesus from south america they're coming here they're coming here they're coming here they're coming here from africa from south america angelic forces angelic reinforcement angelic reinforcement angelic reinforcement pikahatan okay so angels are coming from africa angels are coming from africa angels are being dispatched right now okay so who told you that angels are being dispatched right how do you know that god is dispatching angels and if he is angels reside in heaven right angels aren't in africa or south america that's not where they live that's not where they reside they reside in heaven according to the scriptures right so once again she's saying okay angels are going to be dispatched uh angelic forces we don't have the power to dispatch angels we don't have the power to command angels and tell them and call them up and summon any angels we don't have that type of power the scriptures do not give us that type of authority only god can give charge or direction if you will or command for the angels so that's another major thing that i see is a problem here for i hear the sound of victory i hear the sound of victory i hear the sound of victory i hear the sound of victory i hear the sound of victory i hear the sound of victory i hear the sound of victory i hear the sound of victory i hear the sound of victory the lord says sleep not nor slumber sleep not nor slumber for even okay so once again random texts being taken out of context sleep not nor nor slumber what's the context for that just throwing random scriptures out in prayer what's the point of that just a few moments even in a funeral i got to go back dream i hear the sound of victory the lord says sleep not nor slumber sleep not nor slumber for even in just a few moments even in a few moments you will see great victory says the lord in a few moments you will see great victory okay so in a few moments you're going to see great victory says the lord once again we need to be very careful speaking on behalf of god and let me just say this a lot of you may be watching this video and and there's no offense i'm just saying that you may be saying like well the lord told me this the lord said that or the lord spoke to me here the lord said that i just want to caution you to be very very careful speaking on behalf of god because god takes it very very seriously whenever we speak on his behalf you can look at scriptures in jeremiah in verse or chapter 23 you can look at deuteronomy chapter 18 in terms of the punishments for people who said they were prophets and spoke on behalf of god and were found and discovered that they weren't really speaking on behalf of god just be careful with that because now she's saying hey for everybody that's here you know in a few moments you're going to see a great victory so you're able to declare that in a few moments i'm going to see a great victory okay what victory am i going to see how do you know i'm going to see a great victory and what does that look like and who told you that right but what authority do you have to say that so um you know there's more but the reason why i did this video y'all is because i really really want to make sure that every single thing that you hear or read or see that you test it that you make sure that it is biblically sound theologically sound and biblically accurate and hopefully your discernment will go off so that you'll be able to test everything that that your that you take in and be able to tell okay yeah i i received that or no something doesn't line up here okay so um once again i don't have anything personally against paula white i don't know her personally so i don't have anything personally against her as a person however um you know i do have some issues because she is one of the main proponents of the prosperity theology prosperity gospel which is the false gospel and the word of faith movement so i want to caution you to stay clear of those things so i want to cut this video off it's probably already too long as it is already but i would love to hear your thoughts let me know in the comment section below what do you think about this what do you think about um you know what i've shared with you today in terms of discernment how to listen to uh sermons and um this whole issue of prayer and prophecy let me know in the comment section below if you found this video helpful in any way feel free to share it with a friend also if you haven't done so already i would love it if you would subscribe check out some of the other videos on this channel thank you so much for watching i'll see you next time on the beat
Channel: THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Views: 477,352
Rating: 4.8202505 out of 5
Keywords: allen parr, paula white, spiritual adviser, paula white prayer for trump, paula white remix, paula white angels remix, paula white angels in africa remix, paula white angels dispatched, paula white prayer, 2020 election, current events, trump news, paula white sermons, paula white rap, paula white victory, current events today, paula white and benny hinn
Id: yNmLjdh99Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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