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my sin was green love was greater now what can separate us now what a powerful name it is what a powerful name it is the name of Jesus Christ our King what wait no no no no no no no this is Hillsong Bethel elevation should should Christians be listening to this hymn affair welcome back to another episode of the beat my name is Alan Parr thank you so much for tuning in if this is your first time here it's a pleasure if you want a free ebook click the link in the description box below if you enjoy this video consider subscribing hit that little Bell notification so you won't miss a beat okay so this is a very controversial question it's exit question that I get asked on a very frequent basis hey brother Alan should I as a believer listen to music that is published by Hillsong elevation or Bethel and this is a very very practical question right because worship music has the ability to edify us in ways that nothing else on the earth can and the last thing that you want to be worried about when you're worshipping is hey should I be listening to this is this somehow demonic or sinful so many claims have been made against these three churches Bethel Hillsong and elevation and as a result of this many Christians have set forth a rule that says under no circumstances should a Christian or a church promote or listen to music that is produced by these three churches so in this video I'm going to give you 10 statements or 10 considerations that I think you really want to think about as you make the decision as to whether you think it is right or wrong for you as a Christian to listen to this music and then a little bit later on I'm going to share with you how I personally feel about this particular question or topic now keep in mind this is I personally feel about it today I may change my mind tomorrow but this is where I stand today and I respect those who may see things differently than I do okay statement number one every video blog post or article on this topic including the one you're watching right now is subjective in other words no matter how convincing the video or article or blog post that you read or watch on this topic at the end of the day it is someone's opinion because there is no clear scripture in the Bible that says you should or should not listen to this particular type of music are there principles that we can use yes but there is nothing clean and clear that says thou shalt or thou shalt not okay statement number two and this is a huge one to consider that these churches are promoting heresy or false teaching now let's start with Bethel because out of the three I think they are the most dangerous and one of the things that they promote by their founder Bill Johnson is an incorrect view and version of Jesus Christ as a matter of fact Bill Johnson writes this Jesus performed miracles wonders and signs as a man in right relationship to God not as God if he performed miracles because he was God then they would be unattainable for us but if he did them as a man I am responsible to pursue his lifestyle so do you see first and foremost how absolutely heretical that is he's basically saying that when Jesus did miracles he did them as a man but not as God so that he could show you and I what a man that's in a right relationship with God is able to do and so if Bill Johnson can pigeonhole Jesus into just being a man that did miracles under the power of God then he can say hey then that means that if I'm as a man in the right relationship with God that I should be able to do all the same miracles that Jesus did because I'm a man he was a man and if he did it I should be able to do it my friend that is absolutely wrong theology and it heresy to try to suggest that Jesus Christ was not fully God at every moment of his life so you need to know that when you listen to Bethel music this is what they promote now along these lines Hillsong and Bethel and elevation also are promoting the prosperity theology we don't need to go into details about that but it's this idea that is God's will for you to be healthy and wealthy at all times and we know that is just a false teaching so whenever you listen to this music you need to know that this is the spirit behind what they are promoting now there are plenty of more severe and when I'm talking about severe I mean straight-up severe false teachings that are associated with these three churches but the point of this video is not to go through the laundry list of all the false teachings but rather to help give you a framework as to whether or not you should listen to and support their music so with that I'm going to move on to statement number three not only are some of their teachings unbiblical but many of their practices are unbiblical as well my professor at Seminary always told us bad interpretation will always lead to bad application in other words if you understand the scriptures in the wrong way it's going to result in you applying them in the wrong way as well and this is what's happening largely at churches like Hillsong and Bethel and elevation once again going back to Bethel they have this practice called grave soaking or grave sucking and this is the idea that if you are a believer you should go to the graves of prominent Bible leaders or Bible teachers who are anointed and literally physically lay on that dead person's grave and by doing so you will be able to suck up or soak up the anointing of that bed Christian leader and get some of that transferred to you my friends that is absolutely insane and bizarre for any Christian to think that you can suck anointing up from a dead person by laying on their grave these are some of the crazy bizarre practices that are happening at Bethel Church not that they have a Bethel school of supernatural ministry where they basically teach you how to do miracles and how to do all the supernatural things of that nature one of which is prophecy undemanding this is the idea that people can set appointments with you and whenever they want to get a word of prophecy spoken over their life all they have to do is set an appointment and never whatever they come with you come to you rather then you have the power as a prophet who's gone through this school of supernatural ministry to basically on-demand at any time speak a word of prophecy over this person's life my friends this is absolutely unbelievable Testament had this ability they were all given the prophecy by God God was the one that was initiating the prophecy first and foremost not the actual prophet and even in that most of the prophecies of the Old Testament prophets were not positive and and warm and fuzzy prophecies they were negative in terms of judgment and condemnation so this idea of prophecy on demand is simply unbiblical but not only prophecy on demand but healings on demand as well they believe that if you are sick all they have to do is pray over you and you can get healed right in that very moment or if somebody is dead they rush to the crime scene before even asking for help and trying to get medical attention and all of that and they will pray for that dead person's life to be restored because they believe that if Jesus did it as a man in a relate right relationship with God then they too have the power to do it my friend these are all unbiblical practices that are being practiced primarily by Bethel Church staple number four and this is a huge one we need to be teaching people how to think theologically rather than trying to be the Holy Spirit in their life let me give you an example what you see right here is a dollar bill now I could spend tons of time trying to teach you how to discern what a counterfeit dollar bill is I could say okay if you see this if you see now you see this you see that these are all kind of dollar bills or I could spend my time and say you know what if you see these things on that dollar bill you will know that that dollar bill is a bonafide genuine dollar bill which means if you do not see these things then that means by default it's a counterfeit dollar bill and so now instead of focusing on the false and the counterfeit I've given you the discernment to be able to discern what is truth so that anything that doesn't match up with that dollar bill needs to be rejected as counterfeit and in the same way I personally choose to dedicate my time to not just going around and saying this is wrong that is wrong this is wrong that's wrong I want to focus on teaching you how to think theologically so that if you are listening to this music you'll be able to say okay wait a second this doesn't line up with Scripture because I know that this is the truth and what they're saying over here is not the truth if you notice in many of my videos when I talk about a review of Joel Osteen Joyce Meyer or whatever I don't say that these people are false teachers and therefore never listen to anything that they have to say but rather what I'm doing is highlighting certain false teachings so that whenever you listen to them you will be aware of what they are talking about because for me to tell you that you should never listen to someone would be potentially stealing a blessing from your life because 70 percent of the things that they may talk about very well could be a blessing for you but the other 30% is just false and heretical and so if I can teach you how to discern between the 70% of truth and the 30% of false teaching then you will be able to benefit from the truth while being able to shun that which is false statement number five a younger less experienced Christian could be drawn into their ministry through their music now this is sad and certainly possible and happens every single day what these ministries do is they use their music as a gateway drug to lure younger inexperienced Christians not only into their music but into their ministries as well thus brain washing these younger and experienced Christians with false teaching false theology which then also leads to false practices so if you're a younger and experienced Christian you need to be aware of that as you're listening to this music because you very well could be sucked into something that is unbiblical statement number six their statements of faith are consistent for the most part with the core beliefs of Christianity when I went to their websites Hillsong Bethel elevation I didn't see anything in their statement of beliefs that was inconsistent with the non-negotiable aspects or tenets of the Christian faith where there are things on their statements of faith that I disagree with absolutely particularly there is reviews on the spiritual gifts and all those things but those are secondary issues those are not non-negotiable issues the main core beliefs of Christian faith I believe that what they presented on their website are consistent with what I believe now will you hear certain things in their sermons that may seem to deviate from that possibly yes but what they say they promote is consistent with Christian beliefs statement number seven the individual writers of these songs very well may love Jesus just as much as you and I do even though their churches are promoting false teachers I say this because at one point in my life I was a part of a false teaching Church and I wouldn't want anybody to say that at that moment if I did anything of service to God that it should be shunned and it should be ignored because I don't love Jesus because my church was a part of a false teaching I think we need to be very careful about slapping the label of a heretic on someone who may be a part of a church that is promoting false teaching because you and I don't know the condition of that individual person's heart statement number eight by purchasing downloading or streaming their music you could very well be financially supporting their ministry now this is a true statement however if we were really serious about using this as a reason for not listening to their music I think that we need to go deeper and evaluate everything that we do everything that we purchase every place that we go eat every single platform on line that we review music or TV whether it's Hulu whether it's Netflix whether it's Amazon Prime or whatever and we need to go behind the scenes and figure out ok what is this actually supporting where is my money going who is the founder and the president and CEO of these things and what do they believe and is my money or somehow if I stream this show from Netflix is it somehow or another supporting some sort of demonic industry or whatnot so while we need to be careful about what we support I'm not sure if this reason alone is enough to say ok you should never ever support or listen to or stream or download or purchase music from these churches Bethel Hillsong or elevation statement number nine elevate every song for its theological accuracy not the writer of that song I would suspect that if we started evaluating not just every single song that we listen to but the theology the beliefs and the practices of the writers of every single song we my friend may not have that many songs left to sing you may not know this but there are sacred hymns that we sing every week in our church that if you were to go back and evaluate and research some of the beliefs of the writers of some of these sacred hymns then you would see that in their beliefs they are also promoting false teaching as well but yet we still sing these hymns in our churches every single week and statement number 10 if your conscience convicts you about listening to music from Hillsong Bethel or elevation than my friend by all means don't listen to their music listen this is a decision that you have to come to because I refuse as you all know me by now to be the Holy Spirit in your life and anybody that tries to make the decision for you is now putting themselves in the position of God trying to play the Holy Spirit for you because at the end of the day this is an issue of conscience I want to encourage you two let God's Spirit within you guide you on this decision okay so where do I personally stand on this issue okay I'll share that in a moment but let me give you some tips first and foremost if you are a inexperienced younger Christian that does not have the ability and you know you don't to be able to discern truth from error then I would personally encourage you to steer totally completely clear of their teachings and even maybe some of their music as well because what you don't want to happen is you're getting all wrapped up into music and then you go and check out some of their teachings and you don't have the ability yet as a younger less seasoned Christian to discern between what is truth and what is air and then you get sucked into something that you should not be involved in now if you still want to enjoy listening and worshipping to their music then that's fine but just find someone else who maybe a little bit more theologically astute than you are and get them to assess the music that you're listening to so that you can be sure that you're not putting any false teachings or false doctrines in your spirit through the music that you're worshipping - the second thing I would suggest is be discerning as to who you share your music with because you may be strong enough to listen to this music but you may share your playlist with somebody else who's not and as a result you may cause them to be sucked into some false teaching by the things that Bill Johnson and in some of these other people Houston Brian Houston and you could be responsible for leading them astray think of it like wine right so if you can drink wine like I can without getting drunk then go ahead and drink it but it would be unwise of me to give wine to a younger Christian who just came out of the club knowing that by me doing that it could cause them to go back into a state of drunkenness okay so where do I stand on this issue well I do personally listen to music that is published by these three churches and let me give you the reasons why number one I am personally edified by music that is passionate and is theologically accurate in terms of my lower ship be I have the ability to discern between what is truth and what is air I am able to enjoy the purity and the theologically accurate the theological accurateness and the passion that comes along with the music that I'm listening to that is promoted by these three churches reason number two is that at the end of the day people are still being saved as a result of attending these churches they are preaching Jesus and so just like Paul said in Philippians chapter one when he was in jail he says hey I know that some people are preaching Christ out of selfish ambition and vain and whatever and so even though I have issues with these people Paul said I am still going to celebrate that the gospel of Jesus Christ is going forth because people are being saved so at the end of the day if people are being saved at Hillsong Church then I'm going to celebrate that regard even if I do not agree with some of their practices and some of their theology and once again the third reason as I mentioned before is that I able to discern truth from air even in the music as well as if I listened to some of their preaching I'm able to say okay that was a good point yeah I like that man I need that that was good I needed that that edify me that blessed me today but man this over here is not consistent with the bottle so let me eat the meat and spit out the fat so once again my friend this is a controversial question it is a personal question it is something that is very subjective and I want to encourage you not to let anyone try to convince you that this is a law that is set forth in the scriptures but I would love to hear from you what are your thoughts do you think Christians should listen to music that knowingly supports ministries that are promoting false teaching I would love to hear from you leave it in the comment section below and let's talk about it if you found this video helpful in any way feel free to share with a friend also if you haven't done so already I would love it if you would subscribe check out some of the other videos on this channel thank you so much for watching I'll see you next time on the beat
Channel: THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Views: 1,167,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bethel worship, bethel church, is bethel music biblical, is hillsong music biblical, elevation church live, bethel worship 2020, is it okay to listen to hillsong, is it okay to listen to bethel, bethel church live, bethel church live stream, elevation music do it again, elevation church live streaming today, is hillsong a word of faith church, is hillsong worship biblical, is bethel worship biblical, worship music for kids, allen parr the beat
Id: wi4RADE4zL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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