Understand the Book of Revelation in 60 Minutes! | LIVESTREAM

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[Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] hey hey hey hey hey happy friday everybody alan parr here super excited oh my goodness you guys have no idea how pumped up i am super excited to attempt to try to cover this amazing most fascinating book in the bible in my opinion the book of revelation in around 60 minutes or so don't hold me to it but um guys i'm excited okay so do me a favor and let me know if the audio and video is okay and uh we're not going to waste time because we have so much stuff to cover and i want to honor those who showed up on time today but just give me a thumbs up and just uh write in the chat audio and video is good not everybody but just a few of you just let me know that way i'll know if i need to adjust my levels or whatnot and then we're gonna pray and we're gonna jump in because i don't wanna waste any time because this book is so good that it it's just i'm just ready to just get into it and dig into it okay so uh everybody says thumbs up audio is good rock with the holy spirit all good audio is good hi alan people from canada from all over the place awesome thank you all so much okay so once again i'm not gonna waste your time guys we're gonna jump right in to what we're here for all right um do me a favor though before before i pray let me know in the comments what your comfort level is with the book of revelation are you someone do you feel like you're an advanced student have you never read the book before are you kind of intermediate you're familiar with the kind of basic timeline but you really want to go deeper let me know in the comment section kind of where you are in your journey as it relates to the book of revelation and that'll help me on my journey today so uh people say from nigeria awesome my wife is from nigeria all good everybody says okay awesome awesome all right so while you all are typing that in i'm gonna pray okay people say intermediate advanced student here advanced basic never read it before awesome i am advanced never even touch on it okay awesome awesome intermediate not comfortable revelation familiar intermediate intermediate never read it beginner middle yes intermediate awesome you are all in the right place we are going to dig in no matter what level you're at there is a value for you being here so let's jump in and pray and we'll get on our way heavenly father we thank you so much for this day we give you praise honor and glory and lord i pray that you fill me with your spirit but i pray most importantly that you would prepare the hearts of those who are here today to understand the book of revelation and your plan that you have for our lives it's in jesus name we pray and give thanks amen all right everybody we're jumping in you came on time i'm going to reward you on time we're not going to do a whole bunch of talking beforehand we're going to jump into this book okay so today april 16 2021 we are going to try to go through the book of revelation in around 60 minutes or so okay so that's what we are here for now let me set some ground rules before we get started today ground rule number one is i want to encourage you to read along with me so if you don't have your bibles out or your smart phone or your tablet or something like that you need to get that out because i'm going to be reading from the text and i want you to read along with me in your bible all right now second thing i want to talk about is i really want to encourage you this is so important to use your imagination today i'm going to be trying to tell the story of revelation in a very visual imaginative way so i need you to to broaden your your mind and allow your imagination to run free as you imagine what john saw in the visions and the imagery and all that stuff i want to encourage you to use your imagination today number three and this is an important one be respectful guys listen i understand that there is a uh multiplicity of a variety if you will of interpretations of this book i have my personal interpretation you may have a different interpretation that's okay we're not here to argue about different uh interpretations of the book of revelation because at the end of the day the overall message is the same no matter what and also i am gonna be skipping through some parts of the book okay i'm gonna try to be as comprehensive as possible but because of time we're going to be skipping through so if i miss something don't say oh brother alan he didn't cover this cover that i'm aware i can't cover everything in the time that we have all right and then the last thing is i want to encourage you to commit to reading this book on your own i hope and pray that after this live stream that it will whet your appetite and excite you to want to study this book by yourself okay with all of that being said let's jump in now if you're watching this on the replay later on at some point the timestamps to this video are in the description that way you can navigate to different portions of the video however to get the full context i encourage you to watch it all the way through all right here we go guys we're going to start off with the outline of the book of revelation and what's so beautiful about revelation is that you don't have to guess what the outline of the book is because john gives you his outline in revelation chapter 1 verse 19. let's read it all right it says here jesus says to john write therefore the things that you have seen past tense those that are present tense and those that are to take place after this future tense so that's the outline of the book right there okay that is the outline to the book basically the book outlines and breaks down exactly like revelation chapter 1 verse 19. so in verses 1 1 through 120 john writes what he has seen right uh things that have already taken place and then in chapters two and three he writes towards things that are happening in his day at that time i.e seven churches that are in the book of uh uh that are in asia minor at that time and he's addressing specific things but the majority of the book is about what will take place later and that is revelation chapter 4 all the way through the end of the book okay so this is the basic breakdown and outline of the book of revelation john gives it to us very early on in the book now a couple of background deets all right uh just to get this out of the way the author has historically been attributed to the apostle john although there are some that may say it may be a different john but we'll for the sake of our argument we'll say it's the apostle john he identifies himself as the author uh four times in the book the date is approximately 95 a.d and then the place of writing is on the isle of patmos and he tells us about that in the book first chapter verse 9. so once again if you've got your bibles we're going to be reading a lot of scripture in the book of revelation today john says i john your brother and partner in the tribulation and the kingdom and the patient endurance that are in jesus was on the island called patmos on account of the word of god and the testimony of jesus so john tells us why he has been banished to this island of patmos it's because he was preaching the word of god and he was giving the testimony of jesus people didn't like to hear that and so therefore they banished john to this island and while he was on this island god gave him this absolutely amazing fascinating vision called the book of revelation not revelations revelation singular which we're going to dive into right now so that's the place of writing now who are the original recipients well the original recipients were seven churches located in asia minor which we're going to talk about briefly in revelation chapter 2 and in revelation chapter 3. that's the original audience however there's a broader audience that this book was written to and that is believers throughout all history it is written to you it is written to me all right and so those are the background details now let's look at the purpose of the book which we see in the very first verse it says the revelation of jesus christ which god gave him to show his servants the things that must soon take place he made it known by sending his angel to his servant john now understand that essentially the word revelation is the greek word acopolypsis which basically means an unveiling or a revealing or a covering uncovering rather okay so this is god pulling back the curtain and unveiling and uncovering certain things what things three things that we need to look at the purpose of revelation number one is to reveal the person of jesus christ listen this book is all about jesus it's about jesus so in this book we see a clear picture of who jesus is but not only is the purpose of this book to reveal the person of jesus christ but the power of jesus christ see when jesus came the first time as a lamb to be slaughtered to give his life for our sins we didn't see we saw his power through his miracles but now we see the power of jesus as he as he administers the justice of god so we see the person of christ we see the power of christ but more specifically than anywhere in scripture we see the program or the plan of jesus christ god is going to outline and lay out for us in vivid detail the program and plan of jesus christ so that my friends is the purpose of the book of revelation here we go so who is it written to once again it's written to show his servants the things that must soon take place so this is key guys because listen people sometimes are scared of studying the book of revelation but this verse tells us that he wrote this book to us as a gift to show us the things that are going to take place because when we read this book and we see that at the end that jesus is going to triumph over all evil that gives us comfort to know that at the end no matter what you're going through your troubles your trials your temptations your tribulations your struggles we win at the end because we're on team jesus right that's why this book you should read it that's why this book was given to us because god wants to comfort us to know that no matter what you're going through you and i are safe and we're going to win now uh notice this book that many christians avoid and ignore there is a special blessing that god says i'm going to bestow upon you if you read it right so if there's no other incentive to read it it's this it says blessed is the one who reads allow the words of this prophecy and blessed are those who hear and who keep what is written in it for the time is near so if you want a blessing you need to read the book of revelation let's keep it moving okay so we're going to start with part one so i want you to think of this as a three-act play all right act number one is the things you have seen is going to be a very very quick lesson here we go now in order to keep you kind of moving forward in this journey towards the book through the book of revelation i've created this timeline of end times once again you may see things differently that's okay we're not here to argue about that but right now in the book of revelation we're in what's called the church age right the church age right so we're gonna talk about that as we move forward now here's the beautiful thing y'all there is this beautiful picture of jesus christ in the first chapter of revelation it is the most vivid and beautiful picture of the post-resurrected christ that we see in all of scripture come on let's read it john says then i turn to see the voice that was speaking to me was jesus and on turning i saw seven golden lampstands and in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man now you have to understand that seven is a common theme throughout the entire book of revelation because the book of seven dating back to the uh the seven day uh um creation right that god created the earth in seven days and that was complete right or created uh all creation was complete so seven represents perfection or completion so everything that god wanted to accomplish is going to be completed and that is the significance of the sevens now these lamp stands are symbolic of the seven churches in asia minor which are supposed to emit light right where to be salt and light so it's all symbolic here we go and in the midst of this he sees one like a son of man clothed with a long robe and a golden sash around his chest can you visualize it can you visualize what john saw right he sees this image of jesus and it says the hairs of his head were white like white wool like snow his eyes were like a flame of fire his feet were like burnished bronze refined in a furnace and his voice was like the roar of many waters in his right hand he held seven stars from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword and his face was like the sun shining in full strength see what we have here is a beautiful vivid picture of the resurrected christ that is not found really anywhere else in scripture now i told you we're going to be moving fast for these first two sections that's part one okay so we're not gonna spend much time there now we're moving into part two the things that are now and so in revelation chapters two and three john has a specific message from christ to seven different unique churches spread out throughout asia minor now once again we are still in the present church age at this time okay so let's keep going now we are not going to have time to go through these seven churches and you probably can't see this chart on the screen very well but basically guys we're gonna fly over it very quickly there are seven churches some of which you may be familiar with others you may not be one that you may be familiar with is the church at ephesus right book of ephesians and that's the church that lost its love for the lord he says hey you know what at one point you were in love with me but you have forsaken your first love and so for each of these churches there is something that he praises him for there is something that he rebukes them for there's something that he commands them to do there's some sort of punishment that if they don't do it they're going to be punished and there's some sort of reward that if they do it they're going to be rewarded and then there is some sort of meaning behind it and so on and so forth okay now another one of these churches that you may be somewhat familiar with is the church of laodicea and that is the church that was lukewarm and jesus says hey i wish that you were either cold or hot but you're neither and so therefore i will spit you out of my mouth now a lot of christians will think well may cold cold is bad and hot is good no not necessarily right you have to understand that uh hot water was was useful for some things and cold water was useful for some things so what jesus was saying was i wish you were one of the other but you're neither so lukewarm isn't good for anything so i'm going to spit you out in my mouth so here is these seven churches which could be seen as a representation of different churches throughout church history or churches today okay so once again we're not going to spend a lot of time there because i want to get to what you came here for which is this third section right here and that is the things which shall take place now here we go the rest of the book is about the future let's keep going now notice here that in revelation chapter 4 the scene now switches from what's happening on earth to what's happening in heaven this is so beautiful watch this now john gets taken up to heaven and he sees this amazing beautiful vision in heaven let's read about it after this i looked and behold a door was st a door standing open in heaven and the first voice which i had heard speaking to me like a trumpet said come up here come up here are you using your imagination are you visualizing john having a vision and and there's this there's this angel or this voice that says to john that sounds like a trumpet john come up here come up here right and so uh it says here and i will show you what must take place after this part three of the book at once i was in the spirit and behold a throne stood in heaven with one seated on the throne can you visualize it john is now literally in the presence of god he's in the presence of the almighty and he sees what's happening surrounding the very holy throne of god and it says here and he who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian this is god the father and around the throne was a rainbow that had the appearance of an emerald around the throne were 24 thrones and seated on the thrones were 24 elders now many scholars believe that this represents the old testament 12 sons of israel and the new testament 12 disciples of jesus so that you have this conglomerate of 24 elders sitting on the throne okay let's keep going clothed in white garments with golden crowns on their heads from the throne came flashes of lightning and rumblings and peels of thunder and before the throne were burning seven torches of fire which are the seven spirits of god so can you visualize john is in heaven and he's trying to communicate to you and i as best he can what he is seeing and he's using the best words he can come up with to try to communicate to you and i this beautiful vision of heaven and the heavenly throne and he goes up there and he says then i saw a scroll in the right hand of the one who was sitting on the throne there's this scroll that's in the hand of god and there was writing on the inside and the outside of the scroll all right i know see some of y'all saying y'all excited i'm telling you this this is absolutely amazing all right so watch this now and it was sealed with seven seals so visualize this in god's hand there's a scroll around the scroll there are seven seals and i saw a strong angel who shouted with a loud voice who is worthy to break the seals on this scroll and open it up so the angels he's calling out in heaven and he's saying hey i want to know what's in this this scroll who is worthy to even open it up and so uh continuing on but no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll and read it then i began to weep bitterly because no one was found worthy to open the scroll and read it can you imagine john's disappointment here's here he gets excited he sees the scroll with seven seals in the hand of god he's so curious to know what's inside of the scroll and he wants to understand it but unfortunately nobody is there to to open up the scroll and john begins to weep but now let's keep going all right if you continue to read it if you continue to read it verse 6 says then i saw a lamb looking as if it had been slain standing at the center of the stone that's important keep that in mind for later as to why we see jesus as pictured as a slain animal as opposed to this lion of the tribe of judah and he's standing at the center of the throne encircled by the four living creatures and the elders and the lamb has all of these seals excuse me seven eyes seven spirits and so on and verse 7 he went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne and they began to sing a song in verse 9. if you're tracking with me in your own bible which i hope you are you jesus are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals because you were slain and with your blood you purchased for god persons from every tribe and language and people and nation so now john is celebrating because he's like okay great jesus is worthy to open up this scroll now let's see what's inside of the scroll now in chapters 6 through 19 the word church is not mentioned one time which leads many theologians myself included to believe in what's called a pre-tribulation rapture you may not believe in that that's okay we're not here to disagree but i'm trying to tell you that this is one of the reasons why people believe that at this point the church will have been raptured from the earth because we don't hear of the church at all until we get to the end or the end of the book okay so if you're following along with the timeline here we are we are in the rapture of the church let's keep it moving all right now in revelation 6 is where the tribulation period begins what is the tribulation period the tribulation period is a seven year period whereby god administers his wrath and his justice and his judgment upon those who have not believed in him who are left behind on the earth during this time there'll be all sorts of crazy things that happen which we're going to go over in just a moment here we go so this is where we are right now jesus describes the first three and a half years as just the beginning of sorrows so if you think the first three and a half years are bad this is just the beginning of sorrows and then the last three and a half years or what's called the great tribulation and this is when things are going to get even worse so you have the tribulation or the beginning of sarah's first three and a half years then there's something that's going to happen in the middle which we'll talk about in a second and then you have the great tribulation after that three and a half year period here we go now i want you to notice now that the scene now switches from what's happening in heaven back to now what's happening down here on earth okay so you have this stuff going on here let's keep going let's break down these seven seals very quickly seal number one is the entrance of the antichrist he is one of the key figures in the book of revelation i have a video on him so i'm not going to go into detail but essentially the antichrist is the uh basically is the second member of the unholy trinity you have the dragon at satan you have the antichrist who tries to mimic jesus christ and then you have the false prophet who tries to mimic the holy spirit so you have this unholy trinity trying to mimic that holy trinity and then it says as i watched the lamb broke the first of the seven seals on the scroll then i heard one of the four living beings say with a loud with a voice like thunder come okay so let's keep going i looked up and saw a white horse standing there now you may think white horse that's good that's pure that represents peace no no no this represents false peace because i don't have time to go into it but one of the things that the antichrist is going to do he is going to try to promise that there is going to be peace on the earth and that the jews will be protected and he's going to confirm a treaty a peace treaty or a covenant with god's chosen people to try to get them to be to have allegiance towards him but as we're going to see in a little bit in the middle of this seven year period he's going to break it and he's not going to allow them to offer any more sacrifices at the temple and so on and so forth and it's going to get bad okay but just know that this white horse here in revelation 6 is the antichrist all right how do you know it says he rode out to win many battles and gain the victory then now once again the antichrist mimics christ because if you look later on in the book which we're going to get to in a second revelation chapter 19 describes jesus also on a white horse and it says then i saw heaven open and a white horse was standing there on this white horse it's jesus on the white horse in revelation 6 it's the antichrist it's rider was named faithful and true see that's jesus for he judges fairly and wages a righteous war here we go let's keep going back now seven seals remember on this book this scroll that was in the hand of god with each seal that is peeled another judgment goes forth judgment number one the antichrist number two war notice what it says here then another horse appeared a red one red symbolizing bloodshed its rider was given a mighty sword and the authority to take peace from the earth and there was war and slaughter everywhere so you imagine this now a land with no order with with total chaos and total anarchy people slaughtering one another just as they want to let's keep going the third seal is famine famine it says here when the lamb broke the third seal i heard the third living being saying come i looked up and saw a black horse and its rider was holding a pa a pair of scales in his hand and i heard a voice from among the four living beings say a loaf of wheat bread or three loaves of barley will cost a day's pay and don't waste the olive oil and wine so do you see there's there's a shortage of food now so much so that people are willing to pay an entire day's wage for a loaf of wheat bread or if they can't afford the wheat bread they get the cheap stuff which is barley but whatever it is they're so desperate to eat that they're willing to trade a lot of money for a little bit of food and they don't want to waste anything else so you see that there's this famine going on all right there then seal number four is death all right so here we go i looked up and saw a horse whose color was pale green all these colors are symbolic its rider was named death and his companion was the grave these two were given authority over one-fourth of the earth to kill with the sword and famine and disease and wild animals so there's going to be four different ways that people are going to die during this time by the sword by famine disease and then wild animals can you imagine all the wild animals in this world being loosed to run free and eat people alive this is how some people during the tribulation period are going to die seal number five is an important one the martyrs are reassured what's a martyr a martyr is somebody who has died as a result of their faith in christ they have paid the ultimate sacrifice the ultimate they've made the ultimate sacrifice because they have lost their lives because of christ this is a special group in the book of revelation and notice it says here when the lamb broke the fifth seal john sees under the altar the souls of all who had been martyred for the word of god and for being faithful in their testimony now notice what they say they shouted to the lord and said o sovereign lord holy and true how long before you judge the people who belong to this world and avenge our blood for what they've done to you to us can you can you understand it can you see it these martyrs they have been they have been waiting for justice for so long they have lost their lives because of their faith in christ to even evil wicked people and they're crying out to god how much longer do we have to wait before you avenge our blood before you punish the evil right and they're crying out but now they are reassured then a white robe was given to each of them and they were told to rest a little longer until the full number of their brothers and sisters their fellow servants of jesus who were to be martyred had joined them see they're told i got this god said i got this i'm i'm working it out it's coming it's on the way just be patient i got some more people i want to save i got some more people i want to bring into the kingdom it's coming be patient i'm i'm working on it so he reassures them and then in seal number six you have all sorts of cosmic disturbances going on i watched as the lamb broke the sixth seal and there was a great earthquake the sun became as dark as black cloth and the moon became as red as blood can you visualize this right the sun becomes dark and the moon becomes red as blood and there's all different types of cosmic disturbances going on in the world now you would think that at this point that people who have not placed their faith in christ would see what's going on and they would say man i don't want any more part of this i am going to give up and place my faith in the god who's making all this craziness happen but this shows the the hardness and the stubbornness of of people's hearts right notice it says in the midst of all of this instead of saying lord please save us and forgive us it says they cry to the mountains and the rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who sits on the throne see they acknowledge god they acknowledge that he is he is he is exists they acknowledge that he's the one that's responsible and yet they still won't repent and they say from the from the wrath of the lamb for the great day of their wrath has come and who is able to survive see things are happening so much around them they're like can can we just seek protection from the from the mountains and the rocks can can we hide under these rocks or in this mountain so that nothing evil will happen to us instead of repenting and then they ask the question who's going to be able to survive this craziness john gives us the answer see this book isn't that hard to understand john gives us the answer now throughout the book of revelation there are several interludes i'm not going to go over all of them but i'm going to highlight a couple of them an interlude is basically when john presses pause on the chronological action and in this case he presses pause on the chronological action to answer their question people are wondering who's going to be able to survive the craziness right who's going to be able to survive this john says i'm going to tell you who's going to be able to survive it two groups group number one there's going to be a group of 144 000 jewish men that are sealed or protected right notice what it says here wait don't harm the land or the sea or the trees see there was an angel that was getting ready to unleash a judgment and there's another angel says no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait don't don't put that judgment out there i gotta protect a group of people first so that they will not be injured or or hurt so he says wait don't harm the land or the sea or the trees until we have placed the seal of god on the foreheads of his servants now later on we're going to see that the antichrist who tries to mimic christ is also going to try to put a mark all right and we'll get to that later that's the mark of the beast and i heard how many were marked with the seal of god 144 000 were sealed from all the tribes of israel okay so that's the first group that john says they will be able to survive they will be able to stand but there's another group here and this is you and i this is the group that i'm excited about because here there's an innumerable number of saved gentiles that john sees check it out after this i saw a vast crowd too great to count from every nation and tribe and people and language that lets you know that the people in heaven is not going to be black people or white people or asian people right or or hispanic right it's going to be people from every nation and every tribe and every language standing in front of the throne and before the lamb they were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands right so so john sees this this innumerable number of people that are going to be able to survive this let's keep going so now we're going to move on to the trumpet judgments now this is where we're going to pick up some time we're going to move quickly through these with the seal judgments i wanted you to kind of visualize what was happening for the trumpet judgments i'm just going to mention what's happening we're not going to read any scripture that's how we're going to save time okay now you have to understand how these judgments work there's seven seal judgments there are seven trumpet judgments and then there are seven bold judgments but each of these judgments is nested within the previous judgments so for instance the seventh seal judgment when that seventh seal is pulled off of that scroll that seventh sealed judgment is or ushers in the next set of seven judgments which is the trumpet judgments and with each set of judgments things get more and more intense okay here we go let's keep going so once again we are still in the first three and a half years of this tribulation period which jesus says this is just the beginning of sorrows this is where we are let's keep going now in revelation chapter 8 verse 1 and 2 we have the trumpet judgments notice what it says when the lamb broke the seventh seal on the scroll there was silence throughout heaven for about a half an hour okay i just this absolutely blows my mind right here it is john is in heaven he's visualizing he's seeing this and he says when that seventh seal broke out er nobody in heaven said a word everything was quiet and then he saw seven angels who stand before god and they were given seven trumpets can you visualize it now god sends forth seven angels each angel has a trumpet when each angel blows their trumpet a different judgment proceeds from heaven down to the inhabitants of the earth let's keep going okay now i want you to notice something about these trumpet judgments the first four judgments affect the earth indirectly or assuming they affect the earth and indirectly affect mankind they don't actually strike mankind but they they affect the earth and as a result indirectly have an effect on mankind but the trumpet judgment five and six affect mankind directly okay now once again this is where we're going to save some time here and move forward the trumpet judgment is the middle column here we're just going to read them we're not going to go into any scriptural depth here because i got to pick up some time middle column the trumpet judgments trumpet judgment number one hail fire and blood so one third of the vegetation is burned can you imagine how that's going to affect the economy the world people's ability to eat if one third of the vegetation is all burned up trumpet judgment number two there's going to be some great mountain thrown into the sea now remember you got to understand that john is trying his best to describe what he sees so it may or may not be a real mountain it could be a meteorite it could be something else but he sees something large thrown into the sea so now one third of the sea becomes blood trumpet judgment number three some sort of star falls into fresh water streams so basically the second judgment affects all the sea creatures and the fish the third judgment uh trumpet judgment affects this drinking water right so now there's one third of the drinking water that's poisoned can you imagine what craziness is going to happen on this earth if you can't drink if there's a shortage of water okay now number four the sun and moon and stars are dimmed okay and then number five is the first one that's actually going to impact us or not us but excuse me i'm not gonna be there but uh people on the earth and there's gonna be this demonic invasion that's unloosed you can read about that all right it's in uh revelation chapter uh we see here uh chapter nine essentially there's locusts so so uh how do i go into all the depth but basically imagine demons that have been locked up for centuries and now they are going to be given permission to inflict pain on those who are on the earth through be uh taken on the form of a locust so uh let me just see if i can read it here uh it says here that they had tails like stingers like this is verse 9 in chapter verse 10 all right um verse 10 let's just read a couple of them here verse 10 chapter 9 verse 6 during those days people will seek death but will not find it they will long to die but death will elude them their people are going to be so angry in so much pain they're going to want to die but god's not going to let them off the hook that easily right and so therefore um it says here in verse 10 they had tails with stingers like scorpions and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months can you imagine five months of stingers all over your body all over your head locust just stinging you and causing torment and all sorts of craziness that's gonna be the fifth trumpet and then the sixth one is one third of mankind is killed in war so now god does allow people to to be to be killed and then in number seven trumpet the temple in heaven is opened there's a great earthquake hail storm can you imagine hail the size of a bowling ball dropping on your head dropping on your hand jumping on your feet right this this is how god is going to release his his punishment on those who are on the earth let's keep him moving now you would think that people would be wanting to repent at this point but this once again shows the hardness of people's hearts it says in chapter 9 verse 20 but the people who did not die in these plagues still refused to repent of their evil deeds and turn to god they continued to worship demons and idols made of gold silver bronze stone and wood idols that can neither see nor hear nor walk and they did not repent of their murders or their witchcraft or their sexual immorality or their thefts okay so can you imagine this that there is this craziness that's going on in the earth and you have people that are still not repenting they're refusing to turn to god in the midst of the craziness okay let's keep going during this time in the midst of the craziness god is going to anoint and empower two very special witnesses we don't know who they are we don't know their names but there's going to be two people that god is going to give special power to and special protection to to further evangelize those who are on the earth let's read about them in just a second we're in revelation 11 now we're making our way through don't worry and i will give power to my two witnesses and they will be clothed in burlap and will prophesy during those 1260 days 1260 days is equivalent to 42 months which is also equivalent to three and a half years right so these two special witnesses are going to be key figures in the second half of the tribulation which is called the great tribulation here we go how are they going to be having power if anyone tries to harm them fire flashes from their mouths and consumes their enemies this is how anyone who tries to harm them must die god is going to super empower or certainly uh protect them so that they will be able to evangelize okay let's keep going now now we're moving into an another interlude in this book what's this interlude all about in this long interlude chapter through 15 we are introduced to the main characters who will play a major role in the tribulation think of this as the background information on the cast of characters so the the in um press pause on the chronological events of the end times and much of what we're going to see here is just literally background information about who these people are so here we're going to move fast past this quite a bit quickly as well now here's the cast in chapter 12 verses 1 and 2 israel who is a key figure in the end times is pictured as the woman once again i don't have time to get into why or how we come to that conclusion all right but there's verses in here where talks about the woman is giving birth to a male child will we know that jesus was the male child that was birthed through the nation of israel so there's all sorts of reasons so the first caste that we see here remember the cast is the nation of israel let's keep going now the second main key figure is the dragon or excuse me satan which is pictured as who's pictured as the dragon once again i've got the scriptures on the screen you can go back and read this later if you want to watch the replay the third major character in the tribulation period is the antichrist who is pictured as the beast and then the fourth major character in the uh in the tribulation is the false prophet who is pictured as the second beast or another beast that john saw all right here we go so now that we have all of this now we're moving into some interesting portions of the book of revelation the mark of the beast notice this and with all of the miracles he was allowed to perform on behalf of the first beast let's just stop there who's talk who's to perform the miracles the false prophet who is the third member of the unholy trinity derives his power and his authority ultimately from satan the dragon but via the antichrist and so he is performing miracles on behalf of the antichrist in the same way that the holy spirit performs miracles on behalf of christ all right he deceived all the people who belong to this world he ordered the people and watched this he ordered the people to make a great statue of the first beast see the the the antichrist the false prophet is going to order people to make a statue and he's going to try to force people to worship the statue of the antichrist who was fatally wounded and then came back to life so he tried to fake his own little resurrections he tries to mimic christ see just like christ was died and came back to life the the antichrist is going to try to do the same thing right fatally wounded and came back to life he was then permitted to give life to this statue so that it could speak now hopefully you're sticking with me now all right then the statue of this beast commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die so anyone who refuses to worship the statue which was erected or created to look like the antichrist if you don't worship that statue you die and he required everyone small and great rich and poor free and slave to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead do you remember how the 144 000 were marked marked on their forehead now if you want to eat or buy or sell you have to pledge and sell your soul to the antichrist by taking a mark on your right hand or your forehead and no one could buy or sell anything without that mark which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name we're not here to talk about what that is okay we're moving forward let's keep going now there's something super key that is going to happen at this point in the tribulation period and that is what's called the abomination of desolation what is that glad you asked let's read about it jesus referred to it in this way the day is coming when you will see what daniel the prophet spoke about that's daniel 9 27 by the way also 11 31 daniel 11 31 if you're writing scriptures down daniel 9 27 daniel 11 31 the two ones you want to look at the sacrilegious object that causes desecration standing in the holy place and notice what matthew puts in parentheses reader pay attention let me break it down let me break it down i know that's overhead okay it's craziness but watch matthew understands that there will be people on the earth at this time who will be reading his gospel and so matthew says hey when you see the antichrist totally abominate and desecrate the temple of god pay attention because it's at this point that things are going to get worse you need to flee for your life you need to run away because things are going to get so bad because this marks the middle of the tribulation period and now we're entering into the great tribulation period okay we're entering into the great tribulation period so notice is that how scripture confirms scripture daniel talks about this act that's going to happen in the middle of the 1000 excuse me the seven year tribulation period jesus also talks about it paul also says this in second thessalonians he speaking of the antichrist will exalt himself and defy everything that people call god and every object of worship he will even here it is sit in the temple of god claiming that he himself is god the antichrist essentially is going to set himself up in the very same temple that he allowed the jews to offer sacrifices in because earlier he tried to trick him and make him think he was on their side he's now going to cut that out he's going to turn on them and he's going to set himself up to be worshipped in the temple in god's holy temple right and so uh essentially what happens now is this is the midpoint of the tribulation period and from this point forward we're moving into the great tribulation let's keep going all right now now we're moving into the final bold judgments and the great tribulation here we go once again this is where we are now we're in the last three and a half years of the tribulation period called the great tribulation period let's keep going now once again just like we did with the trumpet judgments we don't have time to go through them we're just going to read them now imagine this each angel is given a bowl and visualize that these angels are standing above earth and each time they they they pour a bowl out a different judgment proceeds from heaven down to earth inflicting the inhabitants of the earth what's the first bold judgment malignant sores can you imagine having sores all over your body number two the sea not just one-third it's all gone now the sea has turned into blood there's no more seed no more fish creatures no more water creatures it's all gone fresh water's turned to blood there is no one-third two-thirds it's all gone right all the fresh waters turn to blood there is no more drinking water anymore you can't drink anything right the sun flares up scorching men can you imagine the sun turning up the temperature of the sun to where it's you think it's hot here in in texas or in phoenix or in uh florida it's going to get so hot that people are going to curse god darkness invasion of armies into the holy land and then a great earthquake cities fall so on and so forth let's keep going all right now we're moving on to revelation 17. i told you we're going to move and moving fast now in revelation 17 and 18 we have another one of those interludes here where john is giving us a picture of satan's kingdom do you remember that paul said that satan is the ruler of this world he is the prince and the power of the air god has allowed satan to rule this world for a time that's why our world is so bad right he's given him that freedom so here we have satan's kingdom in verse in chapter 17 described satan's kingdom described and here's how satan's kingdom is described idolatry now if you read through chapter 17 you'll see all these we just don't have time to read them this is how this is how satan's kingdom is described a kingdom of idolatry people who who idolize everything else but god number two false religion you see that's what satan is all about false religion idolatry immorality people just having sex with whoever they want to have sex with we see a lot of this happening right now which is why i believe that we're living in the end times and then materialism see whenever you read chapter 17 you'll see that this beast was covered with scarlet and all these expensive things which is symbolic of the materialistic nature of satan's kingdom that people worship things and money and possessions more than they worship god but not only that uh murder all sorts of murder going on so in chapter 17 we see satan's kingdom that is described but now in chapter 18 it's about to get good i'm about to shout i'm about to get excited in chapter 18 we see satan's kingdom destroyed you see in 17 we see satan's kingdom described in chapter 18 we see satan's kingdom destroyed right which is what we've all been waiting for so let's check it out as people on earth start to see satan's kingdom destroyed you see certain groups of people that start to express earthly sorrow kings people who are selling things merchants and shipmasters why because they're making money off of this right kings are in power and they start seeing things going down so they are expressing sorrow you can read about all this okay merchants think about it if you are making a ton of money because there's a shortage of everything and everybody's coming to you to buy stuff and now you start to see your entire kingdom coming down you're gonna express sorrow ship masters people depend on you to get their goods no more and so these groups of people are expressing uh uh sorrow let's keep going but there's another group of people people up in heaven and they are expressing celebration because we see that the kingdom of darkness is about to come down the kingdom of satan is about to be destroyed and there is this invitation to celebrate what god is about to do here we go if you read 18 20 there is this invitation for those in heaven to celebrate that satan's kingdom is about to come down it says rejoice over her fate o heaven and people of god and apostles and prophets for at last god has judged her for your sakes are you seeing this see we are encouraged now to celebrate and shout because satan is coming down here we go now we're moving into the second coming of christ chapter 19. so as a timeline this is where we are we're right here the second coming of christ the return of christ we're almost there we're winding on in we're riding on home okay here we go so remember in chapter 18 verse 20 we were invited to celebrate that satan's kingdom is coming down in chapter 19 verses 1 through 3 we see the reaction of the people in heaven responding and accepting the invitation to now celebrate the destruction of satan's kingdom notice what it says john says after this i heard what sounded like a vast crowd in heaven shouting praise the lord salvation and glory and power belong to our god his judgments are true and just he has punished the great prostitute more about that in a second who has corrupted the earth with her immorality he has avenged the murder of his servants and again their voices rang out praise the lord the smoke from that city of sins forever and ever can you imagine the praise party that's going on can you imagine the celebration can you imagine the excitement all of the evil and wickedness that satan has unleashed on this earth throughout history is about to be destroyed once and for all eternity let's keep going now i want you to notice something very subtle here that satan's kingdom is pictured as a harlot or a prostitute and contrasting that with jesus kingdom who is pictured as the bride did you catch that right satan's kingdom is the harlot the prostitute right and jesus kingdom i.e you and i the church is pictured or visualized as the bride here we go speaking of the bride there is going to be this beautiful marriage ceremony where jesus the groom unites throughout uh for all eternity with us the church the bride of christ okay notice what it says here this is the second coming of christ let us be glad and rejoice and let us give honor to him for the time has come for the wedding feast of the lamb and his bride has prepared herself can you imagine this beautiful time when you and i will be in white robes and we will be forever united with our bride or our groom rather jesus christ this is the wedding ceremony of the lamb but now satan still thinks he has some time to kind of even the scales here so notice what happens here john says then i saw the beast and the kings of the world and their armies gathered together to fight against the one sitting on the horse and his army now what's happening here if you go back to revelation 16 16 you will see that satan gathers together all of the evil kings and rulers and leaders of the world and gathers them to a place called armageddon how does he do that well the euphrates river is dried up and so if the euphrates river is dried up it makes a way for all the kings from different directions to come and gather their forces together to somehow muster up their forces to to to fight up against jesus but as we're gonna see it ain't gonna be no fight excuse my my my broken english ain't gonna be no fight right because satan is going down once and for all notice what it says here the beast was captured and with him the false prophet who did mighty miracles on behalf of the beast miracles that deceived all who had accepted the mark of the beast and who worshipped his statue both the beast and the false prophet were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur do you see that two-thirds of the trinity is now completely destroyed and done away with the antichrist he's gone bye bye never going to see you again you're in the lake of fire the false prophet bye bye never going to see you again you're going to be in the lake of fire oh but there's one member of the unholy trinity satan who for whatever reason i just did a video on this god does not send into the lake of fire just yet okay so watch this let's keep going so the battle of armageddon happens in chapter 19 verse 21 their entire army speaking of the army of satan was killed by the sharp sword that came from the mouth of the one riding the white horse who is that that's jesus jesus riding on the white horse with a sword coming out of his mouth and he killed all of the uh he destroyed all of the the evil army and the vultures all gorge themselves on the dead bodies so revelation 19 21 we see that all these dead bodies if you could imagine are on the earth and i didn't read it but basically one of the angels says to all the birds hey come and dine if you want to eat up on some flesh now is the time to feast on all of this flesh and all the vultures and the birds come and eat up the flesh okay here we go i told you we're going to keep this thing moving okay we're i think we're getting to uh yeah i think we're almost we're about about 60 minutes okay so we did it the millennial reign of christ now we're here in this timeline the millennial reign of christ now what is that millennial reign of christ millie a thousand this is going to be a thousand year period and these are the things that are going to happen during the millennium number one satan is going to be bound for 1 000 years why didn't god just put him in a lake of fire i did a video on that check that one out during the time that satan is bound because he is going to be bound and the antichrist is in the lake of fire and the false prophet is in the lake of fire right saints are going to reign and rule with christ for 1 000 years the earth is going to be characterized by righteousness peace and joy at the end of the thousand years satan will be released to deceive the nations i don't have time to go into that but i did go into that in my video all right and then after that satan is finally destroyed he is finally destroyed now let's keep going after this there's one group that has not been judged and those are all of the unbelievers throughout history that have never placed their faith in the lord jesus christ thank you for the super chat uh angel and thank you for all those who have uh provided super chats today thank you all so much god bless you all uh so much uh so appreciated all right so this is where we are right now in the timeline we're in the final judgment these are the final judgments now there's some other judgments i don't have time to go into the sheep and goats and all that but the point is this is going to be the great white throne judgment now you need to understand something that you and i will not be at this judgment you and i will not be at this judgment the judgment that you and i will be at is what's called the judgment seat of christ where we will receive only rewards and no punishment for our the things that we have done unbelievers and unbelievers only will be at the great white throne judgment and they will have to give an account for all the evil and then they will be transferred into the lake of fire where they will spend eternity okay now this we're rounding into home base now we're rounding it home this is the beautiful symmetry of the bible you see in the bible there are really only four perfect chapters in the bible genesis 1 and 2 and revelation 21 and 22 everything else in the bible in between genesis 1 and 2 and revelation 21 and 22 is filled with imperfection but the first two chapters and the last two chapters are uh are are are uh perfect perfect environment so what we see here through the through the the uh uh the the sovereignty and the the amazing mind of a divine god is the beautiful symmetry of the bible see in genesis one through three these are two things that happen in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth but in revelation 21 john says i saw a new heaven and a new earth in genesis 1 the darkness he called night but in 21 in revelation there shall be no night there and then in genesis 1 god made two great lights sun and moon in revelation 21 the city had no need of the sun nor the moon and then in genesis in that day you shall eat it and shall surely die in 21 4 there shall be no more death and then in chapter 3 satan appears as the deceiver of mankind and then in chapter 20 satan disappears forever and then in chapter 3 we were shown a garden into which defilement was entered but then in 2127 we were shown a city into which defilement will never enter in chapter three of genesis the walk of god with man was interrupted by sin but then in 21 3 the walk of god with man was resumed in chapter 3 of genesis the initial triumph of the serpent in chapter 20 of revelation the ultimate triumph of the lamb in chapter 3 i will greatly multiply your sorrows in chapter 21 of revelation there will be no more death or sorrow or crying and there will be no more pain in chapter 3 of genesis cursed is the ground for your sake and then in 22 3 there shall be no more curse and then in genesis 3 man's dominion is broken in the fall of the first man adam but then in chapter 22 man's dominion is restored in the rule of the new man christ and then in chapter 3 the first paradise was closed in genesis excuse me in revelation chapter 21 a new paradise is open and then in genesis chapter 3 access to the tree of life is disinherited in adam but then in chapter 22 verse 14 access to the tree of life is reinstated in christ and then finally in genesis chapter 3 they were driven from god's presence but then in genesis chapter two assuming revelation chapter 22 verse 4 it says they shall see his face you see everything that was contaminated by sin is now going to be is going to be corrected by jesus and his power and god's plan so what we see here as we bring this to a close and i almost got 60 minutes maybe a little bit over the eternal state is the last two chapters of revelation and this is where we are right here okay oh man i'm i'm about to shout y'all i'm about to shout because here it is guys this is what the lord has in store for you and i see this eternal state which is in heaven by the way it's heaven is an intermediate state but heaven and earth are going to be destroyed and there's going to be a new heaven and new earth and so the bible says that whatever this eternity looks like five things are going to describe it number one it's going to be a prepared place it's not just a place we're going to show up and just oh okay what this what does this look like no god has prepared has been preparing this place for us john chapter 14 for i go and prepare a place for you all right then i saw a new heaven and new earth for the old heaven and old earth that disappeared and the sea was also gone and i saw the holy city a new jerusalem coming down from god out of heaven like a bride beautifully dressed for her husband thank you so much you all for the super chat appreciate that immensely so there's going to be number one a prepared place but number two it's going to be a personal place it's going to be a place where we get to have a personal relationship with god and others i heard a loud shout from the throne saying look god's home is now among his people he will live with them and they will be his people god himself will be with them so not only is it going to be a prepared place it's going to be a personal place where we have personal fellowship with god and other believers but number three is going to be a painless place you see because the bible says he will wipe away every tear from our eyes and there will be no more death or cancer or covid or any sort of sorrow or any crying or pain all these things are gone forever so that's going to be a prepared place it's going to be a personal place it's going to be a painless place but it's also going to be a pure place you see because cowards and unbelievers the corrupt the murderers the immoral and those who practice witchcraft idol worshipers and all liars their fate is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur thank you so much for the super chat this is the second death there's not gonna be any more sin no more temptation no more struggling with sin none of that no more guilt no more sorrow no more shame all those are gone but y'all it's not only going to be a prepared place a personal place a painless place a pure place oh my it's going to be a prosperous place it's going to be a place of prosperity when you read revelation chapter 21 and 22 and you see streets of gold and a sea that looks like glass and you see that on the walls of the city was built on foundation stones inlaid with 12 precious stones jasper sapphire egg emerald so on and so forth my friend this is going to be an absolute beautiful place and my friend that is the book of revelation in around 60 minutes man god is good you all listen you don't have to be afraid of this book anymore because this book is a comfort to you and i so that we can know that in the end this is what god has prepared for us and this is what he wants to accomplish throughout history amen okay now i know i'm an hour and 20 but we didn't start until about 115 so i think i got it in about 60 minutes or so maybe five six seven minutes off but i hope and pray that you enjoyed that overview of the book of revelation as much as i enjoyed presenting it to you guys and listen if you want me to do a daniel an overview of daniel or something like that let me know and i'll try to maybe do that in a few weeks okay brother man gotta rest up a little bit but um i've been going a little too hard lately actually but amen everybody uh hey i want to take some questions because uh we are done okay we don't have any more to do and i would love to take some time to answer any questions that you may have uh cameron alexander thank you so much for the super chat i appreciate that um could have taken all day good job thank you so much you all oh man what a blessing this book is i i guys i know i just kind of stayed on one level every public speaker will tell me that that's not good because you're supposed to vary your your intonation and your your voice inflection i kind of stayed on one level i understand that right but i get excited and sometimes it's hard for me to to to pull back my excitement as it relates to the things of god okay so um hopefully you all got something out of that you may have to re-watch it again and again to really get this down go back and and look at the slides write down the scriptures study this book for yourself so that you'll know exactly what god has for you so let's take some questions for about 10 or 15 minutes or so and let's just see if there's any questions that you may have let me see if i can find some questions here thank you all so much for the super chats guys it really does help go towards making the channel uh continuing to uh help the channel and the ministry as well salius a says will you make a video on a man who is exalted as messiah this easter in jerusalem israel i have to look into that salis i'm not sure if i'm too familiar with that but i'll try to do my best to look into that as well okay thank you so much uh tino how's things things are going great all right thank you so much for asking all right all right let's see here other questions that uh what about dead horses um tv can you expound on that a little bit more i'm not sure what you may mean by that um uh okay how can someone not repent during the tribulation that is a good question i am not sure i mean if i saw all the things that were going on in the world and i knew that god was responsible for it i wouldn't want to know what's going to happen on the other side of death right so but that just shows you the hardness of people's hearts how desperately wicked people are in the in our hearts jeremiah 17 9 okay all right somebody say yes please do daniel uh okay diane says i appreciate you for breaking it down i appreciate you all for being here uh clarence clayton burns thank you so much for the super chat you are a blessing uh okay uh what did you mean by the middle of the bible as imperfect um not oh yes i'm sorry yes what i meant is um okay okay let me make sure i understand so the first two chapters of the bible there's a perfect environment i didn't mean that the bible was imperfect i meant that the contents of the bible between genesis 3 and revelation 20 contain man's imperfection or the story of man's imperfection not that the bible itself was imperfect right the bible is perfect from genesis 1 all the way through revelation 22 but the environment on the earth was perfect only for four chapters genesis 1 and 2 there was no sin there was no shame perfect environment in genesis 21 and 22 no sin no shame new heaven new earth but everything in between represents sin and shame and wickedness and man's imperfection so that's what i meant by that thank you so much for asking that okay let's just see here michael says you should do all bibles okay uh okay i think you mean just teach the whole bible hopefully that makes sense um maria confused if one can't die during the tribulation how will they be judged if they can't if they don't take the mark of the beast since they will still have a chance to be saved let me see if i can understand that uh people will die during the tribulation okay but there's going to be certain times where they're going to seek death and they won't be able to die but very clear that remember some people will die by the sword by disease by famine and by wild animals as well as a plethora of other things war um you know just a variety of different ways that people will die and so people will die during the tribulation period and those who die without placing their faith in christ are going to have to give an account on the at the great white throne judgment where they're going to be um so where they're going to be uh you know judged for that okay so that is the idea there all right um let me go ahead and turn these off here okay so so that's the idea they're gonna be judged at the great white throne judgment and yes they will still have a chance to be saved right that's that just goes to show you the mercy of god that god loves his his creation so much that he says you know what i don't want to i don't want you to perish what is that second peter 3 9 that says it's god's will that none should perish but all should come to saving faith right god's like i'm trying to give you every chance possible and every sign possible to turn to me and still people's hearts won't turn and they can't say that they didn't have a chance to repent because god gives them a chance to repent good question maria uh okay okay then okay we're not gonna talk about the mark of the beast being the chip there's no there's no proof of that okay there's no proof of the mark of the beast uh being any sort of chip or anything like that uh okay nancy says no worries glad you're here there is no obligation just hit the like button to show support yeah guys please do me a favor if you liked this video please um there's 1900 people on here right now can you do me a favor and just press that like button please because that does essentially send signals to youtube that people do like the video and when youtube sees more likes it pushes the video out to more people so if you think this is a video that you would want more christians to see do me a favor and send it to somebody share it with somebody because all those things really help this youtube channel really expand and uh and just to give you guys an idea and this isn't me begging for views or anything but just to give you an idea guys whenever i upload a video a new video it really helps if you guys watch it sooner versus later because the more people that watch a video early on the more youtube's realizes it's a video that people are interested in and therefore to push it out to more people so yeah i would appreciate if you would like this video so that um hopefully youtube will send it out to more people okay so deborah says do an overview of daniel after you rest up okay that's next you guys call for because notice guys what i didn't do today to really understand the book of revelation you have to pair it with daniel but i i just wanted to study the book of revelation today not eschatology as a whole eschatology is a fancy word for the study of end time things so yes i could have gone into daniel 7 and 8 and 9. i could have gone into that daniel 12 and all that but you know that's a separate study where you start mixing in daniel and thessalonians and matthew 24 and revelation and and to get the full picture of god's end time events you really do have to piece together zechariah daniel uh ezekiel um first second thessalonians and revelation in several parts of the bible to really get it so daniel will be coming up next guys if you enjoyed this type of live stream daniel will be coming up next pearl says thank you so much great word and teaching on the on revelation please do daniel as well okay here we go hand me the hamster are the non-believers going to be in the millennial kingdom or will they be in hell okay that's a great question now i want to encourage you to watch my video that i did on why god uh um doesn't destroy satan and why why satan is bound up right basically not to go into too much detail but at the end of the tribulation period there are going to be believers who have placed their faith in christ who have not received a resurrected perfect glorified imperishable incorruptible body they will still be in regular bodies so for a thousand years during the millennial reign they will procreate with other believers and they will have children now some of their children will place their faith in christ others will not hence the reason why the lord is going to allow satan to be released to possibly deceive those who haven't placed their faith in christ why is this important because just as you and i had to uh had to place our faith in christ nobody gets a free ticket into heaven well actually it is free for us right but the point is that satan is going to be allowed to deceive some of the unbelievers during the millennial reign i don't go into too much detail on that so unbelievers who died before or during the tribulation period okay they will not be present during the millennium it's only unbelievers who are born from the offspring of two believers during the millennium that will be uh could potentially be going to hell okay i don't want to go into too much detail okay where can i get the notes joan wheeler says i don't have uh i'm not able to make the notes this video available but hopefully you can take a lot of notes during watching this over and over again because i did put a lot of scripture on the screen and really to get this you really got to watch it again and again so that you can um get the the bigger picture lacey says you did great thank you so much lacey you are a blessing thank you so very much uh joseph how do you know if you're saved 100 sometimes i get scared thinking i'm not joseph great question i have a video on my channel called how to know if you're saved guaranteed i encourage you to check that video out and um and and i think it will help you assess your salvation okay so good question there uh okay let's keep going okay couple more questions here and uh gene thank you so much for your super chat bri uh disciple shane says yes to daniel breon taylor says yes to daniel okay uh lee says wow i will have to go back and replay yes it's hard to get it all lisa g says thank you paul says god bless you my brother uh sh let's see here god okay so charisse could you please talk about the judgment of sheep and goats ah okay now this one is one i don't necessarily want to get to right now but basically there are going to be several different judgments that we really haven't talked about today of course there's the judgment seat of christ christians only then there's going to be the great white throne judgment uh for unbelievers only and then there's going to be a couple of other judgments that are going to happen that the bible talks about one of which being the judgment of the sheep and the goats and i believe that's in matthew 25 i believe uh and so uh that's basically where god is going to separate believers from unbelievers and there's going to be a judgment i don't have time to go into that right now but i will try to do a video on that okay i don't think i've done a video on that all right uh when does the bema judgment seat take place ah that's a tough one many scholars have this taking place shortly after the rapture or perhaps sometime during the tribulation but i'll be honest with you i'm not gonna press that too hard because i mean the bible doesn't really say with absolute concreteness and clarity that the judgments of christ is going to happen at this time right there's some there's some confusion and some uncertainty about this that makes it a little bit unknown okay so i'm not going to press it where the bible doesn't speak i'm not going to press it and be uh guilty of speaking where god has not spoken okay marcos great job alan blesses on your family thank you so much okay thank you so much alan this gave me so much knowledge about the bible thank you all so much a question from gracie some people are not sure whether they will be a part of the rapture any assurance for them yes so i believe in the rapture and if you are a christian then that means that you are going to be a part of the rapture okay so uh that means that when the lord comes back for his church you can learn about that in first thessalonians 4 as well as first corinthians 15 that um in john 14 as well that we will be raptured okay so let's just see here danielle so in the seven churches most of them and in jesus those whom overcome but first john says that we are already overcomers so is this position positional overcoming or situation hope that makes sense um hmm good question i'm gonna have to think about that one and i don't want to give an answer where i don't know uh but i but the word overcome can be used in a variety of different senses right um we are in general overcomers yes right but um what might be happening in uh to me um revelation two and three the seven churches is basically saying that if you do these things you will you will endure or you will overcome or you will be rewarded right for obeying the commandments of the lord okay so uh i don't wanna i need to go and and get that again uh uh so i don't wanna speak too too much on that so forgive me for not um giving you that uh giving you perfect answer there okay marilyn merlin says please can you repeat the timeline again yes so basically here's the timeline right now we're living in the church age the church age the next event on god's eschatological timeline or end time events i believe is the tribute is the uh the rapture of the church where all believers will be caught up together to meet the lord in this in the clouds and to be with him after the rapture the seven year tribulation occurs in that seven years it's broken up into the tribulation and the great tribulation the last three and a half years of that seven is the great tribulation now after the seven year tribulation period is the second coming of christ see the rapture and the second coming are two different events you have the second coming of christ after the tribulation period after the second coming of christ that's going to usher in the 1 000 year millennial reign of christ where satan will be locked up after the seven after the thousand-year millennial reign then that will usher in some judgments as well as uh the eternal state for believers which is the new heaven and new earth and the eternal state for unbelievers which is the lake of fire so that's the continuum or the timeline of the end time events good question good question okay let's see oh such a great question jamar alvarado three cues i know that's right alan what is our role as believers and the disciples of christ approaching the end times well uh first of all the bible says we need to be alert uh we need to be alert because the devil prowls around warring like a lion seeking to devour whom he may so we need to be alert right but the second thing is we need to be working we need to be working right we need to be sharing our faith we need to be using our gifts so we need to be doing all these things and then we need to be ready like the virgins in was it matthew i don't remember matthew 22 maybe i can't remember maybe somewhere around there where the virgins had uh uh their their lamps and they had to have oil in their lamps and the ones who had oil the lamps were ready and the ones that weren't got left behind so we need to be ready we need to be working we need to be alert and we'd be sharing our faith great question okay hiram says yes please do one on daniel please do daniel okay we're dan just coming up all right uh carrie says will the holy spirit be in heaven well the holy spirit is a spirit and so we aren't able to see the third member of the trinity so i'm not sure exactly how that's going to happen but um you know certainly he is part of the the trinity which i believe is biblical and so therefore there will be i'm assuming some sort of experience with the holy spirit what that experience is i'm not exactly sure and once again what you guys will always get from me is somebody who's not going to speak where the bible hasn't spoken all right and so therefore uh okay uh right so jtnw 62. so christians won't participate in the trials or tribulations so jt that's my view and that is the prevailing view among notable theologians however there are some other notable theologians who believe in what's called a post-tribulation rapture and this is the idea that christians who are alive now will go through the seven year tribulation period and they will have to endure all of the craziness that i just mentioned i don't subscribe to that view i subscribe to a pre-tribulation rapture for reasons that i've stated previously on my videos but there's others that subscribe to a post-tribulation rapture and they have their biblical reasons for why they have theirs and i i along with the most of scot most of the notable scholars have our reasons for why we believe in a pre-tribulation rapture so i don't believe we're going to be all right uh okay wendy coop says i am excited to restart my channel teaching about yes wendy wendy's in my uh group that i have we're teaching people how to start your own christian youtube channel and wendy's gonna crush it for christ super proud of you wendy uh thank you so much okay we're going to take one more question all right and we're going to go from there all right let's see here uh let's see here oh yes heather why do you think satan gets released again yes so i do have a video on my channel look back about two months ago or and above and you'll see a video where i talk about why does god release satan during the millennium check that out and that will hopefully give you some insight all right so and uh so jason hawkins says is this being saved absolutely every live stream that i do will always be available 365 days a year 24 7 free of charge obviously this is this is just hopefully um gonna you know people will share it with others and they'll get something from it okay james says he's going to rewatch so on and so forth okay so guys we are going to sign off now and hopefully you got a lot out of that i'm scrolling through there's so many questions for all of you who are supporting the ministry thank you all so very much for that um if you would like to pledge your support for this ministry please do so by going to alanparr.com forward slash support and your gifts are uh will be used for the furtherance of the kingdom and for this ministry so just know that we want to hire staff we want to we want to expand our team we want to get studio space so we can shoot and make the videos even more professional so just know that if you support this ministry it is going towards furthering the kingdom of god so we appreciate that also um if you want to get one of these t-shirts like the got truth t-shirt or any of our other merchandise there's a link below this video where you can go and check that out finally if you want to learn how to study the bible just like this and you really want to learn how to go deep in your bible study guys check this out we have a course it's not free right but we have a 30-day money-back guarantee if you get into that course and you don't like it you can get your money back but so far praise god in three years we've count on one hand how many times people have gotten into the bible study program and have said i want a refund because once people get in it they realize how much their understanding of the word of god is totally revolutionized so if you are really wanting to take your study the word of god up a notch we have a whole program called the bible study toolkit where you also get access to some some uh courses to help you learn logos bible software which is the number one bible study software tool in the world so i encourage you to check those out so uh with all that being said guys thank you so much i love each and every one of you uh and so i will see you next tuesday and next week we got some exciting videos coming out one of which is should christians take selfies all right and then we got another one about how to warn your friends who are going down a bad path how do you warn them or correct them when you can see that the path they're going down is not a path they should go down that's what's on tap for next week tuesday and friday and then maybe next week after that we'll come back and do some daniel god bless you all love you all so much bye
Channel: THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Views: 171,460
Rating: 4.9585986 out of 5
Keywords: allen parr, the book of revelation, the book of revelation bible study, the book of revelation explained, the book of revelation explained verse by verse, understanding the book of revelation, what you need to know about the book of revelation
Id: zutk92_yL9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 46sec (6226 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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