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okay so tell me if you've ever had this experience you're sitting in church and it is time to give the offering and the pastor stands up and reads this passage of Scripture and after he reads it you are all of a sudden just struck with fear because you're trying to figure out what you should give and whether or not you should tithe it says here in Malachi chapter 3 will a man Rob God yet you have robbed me but you say in what ways have we robbed you in tithes and offerings you are cursed with a curse for you have robbed me even this whole nation bring all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be food in my house and try me in this says the Lord of Hosts if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it and I will rebuke the Devourer for your sakes so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in this field says the Lord of hosts and all nations will call you blessed for you will be a delightful land says the Lord of hosts and after they read that you're thinking we'll wait a second I don't want to be guilty of robbing God number two I don't want to be cursed with a curse but then again on the more positive side man I would love it if God would just open up a window from heaven and pour out so much blessing on my life that I just don't have enough room to receive it and sadly many church leaders are using this passage of Scripture to invoke fear and to create guilt in people who are listening to somehow coerce them into giving a little bit more than maybe they are comfortable with giving so in this video I want to look at this whole concept of whether tithing should or should not be practiced in the new testament era and whether this passage of Scripture is something that we should look at in terms of our giving so I want to do this video a little bit differently and do it in Q&A style and answer five very commonly asked questions about tithing or giving question one will I be cursed if I do not tithe the answer to that is no you would not be cursed if you do not tithe now the verse and Malachi says you will be cursed with the curse but the question is what context was this written in this was written in the context of the Old Testament law what does the New Testament say about our relationship to the Old Testament law it says here in Galatians 3 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law having become a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree elsewhere it says in Ephesians chapter 1 blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ so my friend if you are a believer in Christ it is not possible for you to be cursed and at the same time be blessed God is not angry with you when you do not give God is not going to curse you if you do not give a certain amount so the answer to this first question is no the second question two people tend to ask is isn't tithing taught also in the New Testament as well well you may be interested to know that the word tithe only shows up a couple of times in the New Testament and in neither situation is it set forth as some sort of mandatory command as it was in the Old Testament of fact in both scenarios it is set forth in somewhat of a negative context and so here is the reality there are no set percentages for what we should give found anywhere in the New Testament let me repeat that there are no set percentages found anywhere throughout the New Testament in terms of how much we should give now what is taught in the New Testament is that our relationship to God should far surpass whatever our relationship to the Old Testament law was so let me give you some examples jesus said in the Old Testament it says that you should not murder but he says hey I'm going to take you far beyond that and say not only should you not but you shouldn't even be angry with someone because if you're angry with someone in your heart then you've also committed murder jesus also said hey in the Old Testament law you were just simply commanded do not commit adultery but Jesus said I'm gonna take that command a little bit further and I'm gonna look at what's going on in your heart and if you're a harboring lust in your heart that is equivalent to adultery in the Old Testament law and left it open for a man to divorce his wife for any reason but Jesus comes along and says no no I'm tightening it now and you can only divorce your wife if there is physical adultery so we see this pattern in the New Testament where everything that were required to do now is a step above and goes far beyond what was set forth for us in the Old Testament law which would indicate that if they were only to give a certain percent whether it's 10 some say it's 23 when you add up all the different tithes it wasn't exactly 10 percent whatever that number was should we not go far above and beyond that and our giving to God okay so the third question is when I've been wanting to answer for a long time and that is this if tithing was established before Moses gave the command to tithe in the law then shouldn't we as New Testament Christians also tithe and so there are some people who promote tithing today and what they will say is okay I'll give you the fact that we are no longer under the law and that tithing was given as a command for those who were living under the law but they will say yeah but tithing was practiced and established before the law of Moses was given and so that means that if it was practiced before the law it should also be practiced after the law okay it's time for us to do a lesson in proper biblical interpretation so what they are referring to is there were a couple of incidents in the Old Testament the primary one that they point to is when a guy by the name of Abraham gave a tenth of his possessions to the king of Salem a guy named Melchizedek but there are several things to observe here number one Abraham was under no obligation or no man to give that amount to that king there was no command that was set forth that told him to give 10% number two this was completely involuntary act of his will to choose to give this to this king number three we don't see anywhere where Abraham was teaching others primarily his son his family or others around that they should also follow that same practice and then number four we never see Abraham practicing this concept of giving 10% ever again in his life this is a one time isolated incident in his life where he voluntarily chose to give 10% no command no practice of anything repeating and so should we take this one isolated command and there's Jacob and a couple of others but should we take this this isolated experience rather not command and take it out of context and say okay because Abraham did this one time then therefore all Christians who live in the New Testament should also time my friend that is not a proper hermeneutic or proper understanding in terms of how to interpret the scripture the fourth question is well won't I be blessed if I tied I mean this scripture in Malachi says that if I tied God is going to open up the floodgates of heaven and pour out a blessing that's so large that I won't even be able to receive it and so I think the better question that we need to ask an answer is how does God respond to our giving and to find the answer to this we need to go to the New Testament and look at what Paul taught in terms of this idea of giving now Paul said but I say this he who sews sparingly will also reap sparingly and he whose souls bountifully will also reap bountifully now we've got to be very very careful in terms of how we interpret this text because many people primarily the health and wealth preachers will say okay basically what this means is if you give $10 to my ministry you give $10 today that next week it's going to come back on you tenfold or a hundredfold and you're gonna get $100 back or $1,000 back listen nowhere in this passage of Scripture does Godse that he's going to bless you back in proportion to what you give he doesn't say that he's gonna give you give it back to you monetarily it could be that God gives you favor on an interview it could be that God keeps you from getting the coronavirus it could be that God allows your children to be safe and protected or gets you a job or whatever it is I don't know but that's God's business in terms of how God responds to your giving but one thing that God does make very clear here is that the more you and I so the more we will reap so the question is if we know that to be true then why would we limit ourselves to a 10 percent blessing when God says I will bless you far beyond that the choice is yours if you sow more you're going to reap more if you sow less you're going to reap less but I'm not angry with you if you cannot give exactly 10 percent and the fifth and final questions I want to ask an answer today is should I give in fear that if I don't give something bad is going to happen to me you see this verse and malachi talks about god keeping the pests from devouring your fields and all these different things if you tie them so many times once again preachers or pastors or church leaders will read Malachi chapter three and invoke fear and people causing them to say well you know what I really don't want to give to God I wasn't really planning on it but I certainly don't want anything bad to happen to me so out of guilt or fear I'm gonna go ahead and give this money my friend you should never give out of guilt or fear or being manipulated or being coerced into giving because I've got news for you God doesn't need your money God owns everything right we should only give for one motivation that we are thankful that God loves us enough that he has just given us a portion given us something to manage and we should be thankful that God doesn't require everything that he's given us to give back to him the fact that he's given us anything we should give back to him with a cheerful and grateful heart in proportion to how he's given it to us so should Christians tithe today well my friend if you decide in your heart that you want to give 10% that fine that's between you and God there's nothing wrong with giving 10% but I don't want you to feel cursed or condemned if you give nine point nine nine percent or nine percent or eight percent nor do I want you to feel like you have to limit yourself to giving 10 percent and say okay well I've reached the epitome of being eight either and so therefore I never have to grow ever again in my giving I'm gonna give ten percent for the rest of my life when it acts reality you may actually be able to give more and God says if you sow more the more you will reap so what are your thoughts do you think that tithing is something that we should be required to do today something that we should practice I would love to hear your thoughts leave it in the comment section below and let's talk about it if you found this video helpful in any way feel free to share it with a friend also if you haven't done so already I would love it if you would subscribe check out some of the other videos on this channel thank you so much for watching I'll see you next time on the beat
Channel: THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Views: 239,892
Rating: 4.8811283 out of 5
Keywords: what the bible says about tithes and offering, tithing, tithe, should we pay tithes today, what should i give to my church, how much should i tithe, what does tithing mean, tithing debate, tithing deception, tithing in the new testament, tithing sermon, what is grace giving, tithe bible, reap what you sow, what does you reap what you sow mean, giving to my church, will a man rob god verse, will a man rob god meaning, allen parr the beat, allen parr
Id: XCspqJU8i4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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