New Age, Charismatic, Prosperity "Gospel" and Word of Faith Movement with Melissa Dougherty

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hey everybody alan parr here so excited today to join with my friend and my guest some of you may know her uh some of you may even be subscribed to her channel her name is melissa doherty she's a special guest and i don't do a whole lot of videos here on the beat but we're going to do more this year and she is our first guest so in the comments welcome melissa and i trust that after you watch this interview you're going to want to go over and subscribe to her channel i'll tell you a little bit more about later how you can actually go to her channel and find out about her start watching her videos but melissa welcome to the beat thank you so much for being here super excited that you are here yeah ellen it's an honor to be on your channel thank you for asking me to do this with you today yeah this is going to be great guys so listen um melissa and i share a lot of similar views as it relates to uh new age new thought the prosperity gospel or lack thereof or word of faith movement right so i know these are topics that i've talked about on my channel before i know there's topics that melissa has talked about extensively on her channel but we want to come together and have a dialogue about this because so many christians in the body of christ are being deceived by these three and they don't even realize that they're they're getting sucked into some of these false doctrines some of these false teachings a matter of fact this prosperity idea and this word of faith movement is literally one of the fastest growing denominations within christianity today it swoops up and takes new christians and just gets them sensationalized by promising all these things that god is going to do for them but it's all empty and so we're going to kind of expose that today so melissa she has a background in new age and she or knew it new thought new age and so i want to just start by just asking you melissa if you could just kind of share with our audience a little bit about how you came to christianity and how you kind of came out of what you consider new age or new thought and maybe you could tell us what's the difference between new age and new thought yeah well i'm actually really glad that you differentiated between the two i just got done making filming i should say a video about the difference between the two and i break it down a lot more in the video um but i'll start from the beginning i was 16 when i got saved and my background i always had like you know this understanding of god i always believed in god to some extent but the god that i was exposed to so to speak was more of a word of faith new age type jesus which when you're a kid and you're told things like you you are powerful that you can make things happen with your mind you can manifest your reality that's an incredible thing to somebody growing up with those kinds of beliefs you you really believe that your thoughts can become things and so it's a lot of pressure to think positive that jesus was put here on this earth to literally show us what we could be so if he walked on water so could we if he healed so could we and i was told things like if you had enough faith you could walk through walls and be invisible and um so there was a sense of power that i had when i thought about these beliefs and that's what i associated god with and uh i was a teenager and there's a whole long story behind my my actual conversion story uh but it was actually incredible i i was suicidal i don't think i had maybe 48 hours left on on this earth and i just happened to go to this party just happened and my friend was there and he had just gotten saved and he was on fire and just telling everybody about jesus and i just happened to be there and i remember saying something negative i remember having a bottle of strawberry boone's wine and i said something negative about you know that god doesn't love me or something like that and he looked right at me and i'll never forget this it was like a spear through my heart he said that there's nothing that i've ever done that god won't forgive and then he said more things after that but that was really what grabbed my attention and uh that simple conversation he had with me about jesus completely changed my life the trajectory of my life i woke up the next day and i felt like i was different like i had never known anything about born again or new creation or anything like that i hadn't read a page of the bible but i literally felt like the person i was yesterday was not who woke up in my bed that morning i i the sun was brighter i could hear birds chirping and the biggest thing i remember was the hunger i had to to know the bible i was i really wanted to know more about this jesus and this is in 2003 and this is kind of where my new age story starts because i think i was an apologist at the beginning because i had lots and lots and lots of questions and people hated that i had hard questions i i didn't really encounter anybody that wanted to answer my questions and uh the i don't even think youtube was around at this time so it's not like you could have just gone to my youtube channel and you know binged watch all my questions yeah i mean i didn't know who uh even apologists that have been around for a while didn't know who lee strobel was i didn't know josh mcdowell i didn't know anything about these wonderful apologists that have been around for a while i just didn't realize i i didn't have access to them and the church that i went to it was an independent baptist church it was very strict king james only just questions were kind of looked down upon so i struggled but what did have answers were the new age new thought books on my shelf that did mention things like jesus the holy spirit quoted scripture and that's how it happened was that i was looking for answers and even though it didn't answer all my questions over time i mixed these two together and it was so easy to because they talked about jesus alan they talked about scripture they quoted scripture they talked about the holy spirit and it was just this it was jesus plus all of this and uh it got bad it got really uh it evolved over time i got into things like the law of attraction manifesting you know things with your minds the i am which i do want you to talk about that a little bit absolutely because i think that's i think that's super super relevant and i think that so many of our viewers are wrapped up in that don't even realize it but go ahead yeah yes yes you're absolutely right and i don't think they realize it's hard to differentiate the two because if you're if you don't have a firm grounding on scripture which i didn't have that can easily happen and what happened was is that there's there's this umbrella so to speak of these beliefs and there was beliefs i didn't realize would be considered new age until after i got out of the new age but uh you can use these two terms interchangeably by the way because they both at their core teach the same thing that you're divine that you have this divinity within you which is why you can do these things you're powerful and uh new thought is more uh associated with things like metaphysical things like phineas quimby in the 1800s he was he's pretty much known for the new thought uh more like christian science unity church things like that and it's more about your thoughts becoming things the power of your mind the new age is more associated with the occult maybe tarot cards uh channeling spirits but at any time these two can overlap and it's the same thing they just they're at the core the same uh so i i kind of messed with both of these i i thought crystals had power i i believed that uh certain things had certain vibrations colors for example and a lot of it goes back to my mother as well my mother had a lot of spiritual experiences growing up and i wanted that i wanted spiritual experiences uh that was probably my biggest uh motivation to enter into these things is that even if it was a negative experience which i had a lot of those i it gave me a rush it was a weird adrenaline rush where it it it opened my eyes it let me see past that spiritual veil so i embraced these things no matter what they look like positive or negative and uh funny how i came out of this didn't expect this i i had my first child in 2010 around 2011 uh i started wanting to know more of these questions that i had that i've always had because i knew she had asked someday i knew that my child is going to ask these questions someday and two nice jehovah's witnesses showed up at my door and um i thought i was basically a universalist so to speak i believed everybody basically believed in the same god just in different ways and i thought the same thing about jehovah's witnesses that most of what they believed was uh basically misunderstood it was a rumor they didn't actually believe in those things and around the third visit some i knew something was off and uh i there was this urgency i felt after they left after the third or fourth visit something was in me just go research and the internet was very well alive around this time and that's the first thing that i felt led to do is research this religion and that's really where it started that's my snowball effect i started researching uh jehovah's witnesses in mormons and it was within that research i realized oh man if this is true about these religions than what i believe is completely an error and i realized it was the serpent's lie like the first lie told to mankind that i'm godlike that i could be you know like the supreme and i got involved in counter-cult ministry it actually took me a little while to get involved in talking about my new age past but uh it's it's been amazing it was a very good training i want to say so to speak during those years on learning how to speak with jehovah's witnesses and mormons you humanize them you learn how to pray for them you learn how to effectively witness to somebody and you learn how to feel that out it was it was wonderful and a lot of people really helped me out during that time yeah yeah no that's awesome thank you so much for sharing that because i think a lot of them a lot of our guests probably have a similar background similar past where they're just kind of um you know in one of your videos you talk about synchronous syncretism and as you and i know that's like a seminary word but that's basically when we just kind of sync is the root word you're kind of sinking mixing together a lot of different beliefs you know you take a little bit from new age a little bit from prosperity theology a little bit from here a little bit from there and you kind of make up your own religion that works for you right you might this may not work for you but it works for me so to speak and so we'll talk about that a little bit but okay so let's dig into some of these things now let's dig into some of the core we don't have to go through all of them because melissa has a video on her page that's about 20 minutes long where she talks about the top five new age beliefs in the church and we're not going to go through all of them because we want to talk about new age prosperity theology and also word of faith but just giving maybe a couple of them i know one of the ones you talk about is this whole idea of the law of attraction or manifesting things tell me a little bit about like why is that a dangerous thing and why is that something that as believers we should stay away from this whole idea of law of attraction and how do we get sucked up in that i mean how do christians get sucked into that well first uh for people that don't know what the law of attraction is whether you realize you may not know that term you you know the teachings i would i would bet that most people understand what this is and uh it was made popular by the book the secret by rhonda byrne many years ago it was a huge success sold millions of copies but the law of attraction the teaching that she teaches in that book is not new at all it's been around since forever for a long time and basically in essence what it teaches is your thoughts become things based on your thoughts your feelings and you can manifest your reality and many people on some sort of spectrum understand that because there are people that think if they say or do certain things that it will jinx them or oh don't think that don't think that yeah cause it'll then you might bring that upon yourself uh that's very similar to the law of attraction and when you're in these beliefs you believe it to be a universal law you believe that what you're thinking is going to be mirrored in the universe people will even tell you like don't speak it don't speak that don't yeah yes exactly and alan you and i have talked about this before too where this is why i have such a bone to pick with the word of faith movement and prosperity preachers because they in essence they quote the same scriptures you'll have new thought and new age teachers quoting the same exact scriptures as prosperity preachers and using them in the same way you're worried if i can guess one yes the power the power of life and death is in the what the tongue the tongue oh yeah because you can speak it yeah the power of life you can speak life or speak death anyway let me catch you up no yeah i know i know that you're passionate about this too um matthew 7 is is looked at as like a formula for uh the law of attraction as well and it's ask receive ask believe then receive so if you ask for it and you believe it you don't doubt it all you believe you want that house you want that job you want a spouse whatever it is you cannot doubt now imagine what that can do to your psyche by the way where you're not allowed to have those kinds of negative thoughts in there because you're thinking that if you think that then you're going to ruin your chance of receiving whatever it is that you're trying to believe for whether it's a healing or anything and uh that's basically in essence in a nutshell what the law of attraction is and it is one of the things that i see creeping into the church because i've heard christians even at my own church will say things like this you know like i can't speak that i i will not allow that to come into my existence and i'm like hold the phone where did it where do you think you have the power to do that you don't yeah it rips away god's sovereignty in in many ways you know and i've even heard um of people's going as far as like for instance uh juanita bynum prophetess we need to buy them so she refers to herself or whatever but like eve at one of her this is bad i'm not i'm not talking about her but like at one of her weddings i think she's been married a few times but at one of her weddings she refused in her marriage vows to say all the negative things like most people say in sickness and in health right um richer or for poorer she refused in her marriage vials to say like in sickness because it was like that was that was claiming or yes i guess accepting that we are going to take this on if i don't speak it then we're never gonna have to deal with any sickness i'm not gonna speak in sickness and health i'm just gonna speak health and i'm not gonna even speak for poorer i'm gonna speak for richer because what i speak has the power to come about or come to pass and that's just such a dangerous thing so yeah law of attraction you hit the nail on the head yeah yeah yeah this this idea guys that you that you can attract things to yourself by what you say um you know that's that's not something that is a biblical concept uh because that now puts us in the place of god what if god doesn't want you to have the things that you think that you're claiming and there's some key words that we'll throw around in the body of christ when we get to some of the other things we're going to talk about but some of the main ones that you want to really pay attention to is when people say i declare and decree oh man when people say i declare this i decree i decree in the name of the lord i declare this in the name of the lord you know more than likely what you're hearing not not exclusively but more than likely what you're hearing is probably some form of word of faith new age prosperity something along those lines so okay so law of attraction we understand what that is what would you say would be the second most common new age thought or new age idea that a lot of christians embrace but they don't even realize that it's new age whether it's mysticism or or oneness or unity or whatever what other ones that one more that you'd say is like a really popular one i would say it's it's it's a tie between you know things like universalism and mysticism and i always have to be i always have to define this term because uh people you know think of chris christian mystics it wasn't always seen as a negative thing um a lot of people if you weave back the definition of this term a lot of us would be considered christian mystics because we believe in the supernatural when i say mysticism i mean this in a new age sense where you you you yearn for and chase after spiritual encounters for the purpose of trying to invoke something from god like you're you're trying to invoke that encounter from god and i don't know how comfortable you are with me naming churches that do this uh but bethel is you know you know you can call them all out on my channel i don't care um i'm very i'm lovingly outspoken i want to be very uh open about that i'm lovingly outspoken because there's a verse in ii timothy that talks about just basically picking and choosing your battles and whenever you you this is something to battle over i mean you want to correct lovingly but you don't want to do it in a quarrelsome hateful way uh sure yeah man i i i say this with love but but bethel definitely has embraced new age mysticism to the max this is probably something i haven't even seen on the new age side you're talking about them talk going into like glory realms of heaven there's like seven glory realms and invoking angels spirit guides all this stuff that they think belongs they think it belongs to the church they say that this this actually no this is god's and we're gonna take it back and we're going to christianize it and i'm over here like okay well why did i leave the new age to begin with then if i can just christianize this um so yeah i do have a pickle with that i bone to pick and i i'm i'm open very open about that i think mysticism is probably definitely up there because we're as human beings we crave being with god we want that intimacy with him and i think that it's okay to want to have some sort of interest in the supernatural god is supernatural um where i think it gets out of hand is whenever that's when we think that we're actually close with god what if you never had one supernatural experience at all what if you never got that healing would you still love god like would you still love him with all your being or do you need that is that right are you idolate like making an idol out of the supernatural that that's mysticism definitely 100 let me ask you this question because what are there's certain key words that are always thrown around we talk about prosperity theology we talk about word of faith we talk about new age and they're separate but what are i one of the some of the key words that i hear thrown around with new age or people that i know personally is this idea of like universe vibes energy like i'm sending you good vibes um you know putting out good things good putting out putting out good things into the universe the universe is you know um coming back what are some of those words that like yeah what do people even mean when they say i'm sending you good vibes every time somebody says that to me i always ask them what do you mean by that like how do you send somebody good vibes like how do you do that like what does that even mean how do you physically do that this is what i used to pray for you yeah right and any they would even say prayer too what i would think of that to define those terms it's universe with a capital u and it's god to them and it's source a source is also another word that's used a lot in these circles with a capital s and the universe think of it like a pantheistic type of universe but it's where because we're vibrational this is the this is the way that they would think of it all right not what i believe but this is how they would see it because you're a vibrational being i'm a vibrational being everything that we're seeing and perceiving as reality is actually a vibrational thing hence why they believe that your mind as a vibrational um basically power that's why you can make things happen it depends on what vibration you're on and there's a spectrum of these by the way so love is the highest fear is the lowest and there's all this stuff in between like joy um happiness things like that and then you have negative ones that would go further down the thing and whatever what vibe you're on is uh whether you're positive or negative so sending somebody positive vibes means that you're trying to send them literally these these positive vibrations through the universal mind a capital m because we're all a part of that so they think of it as an act of love but really in reality you don't have that power and so whenever they whenever they say those things uh positive vibes it's it's like an it it's a cultural embracement basically of what we've now accepted in lieu of praying for somebody because not everybody thinks that prayers are good anymore because some unfortunately there's been like a negative connotation between you know the god of the bible and praying for somebody um i think they they prefer thinking that they can actually send vibrations vibes through their mind through their feelings and thoughts so what i can send you is better than what god can send you yes that's basically but you are god yeah you have access to that god mind that's how they would see that yeah yeah okay good so i want to touch on one last thing and then we'll talk about some other things um the this whole idea of you can't judge me relative truth like you don't you know what works for you works for you what works for me works for me i think that's another real key sign of this whole new age is like this tolerance like if i believe something different then there's no absolute truth basically um what are your thoughts on it would you say that is definitely a sign of the new age yes i think that's post-modernism relativism you you we now live in a culture where i think of frank turek because he he battles this a lot but it's if if there's no truth is that true like it defeats itself you know like it you know kind of commits suicide on itself so to speak and yeah you can't the whole not judging thing is ironic i actually made a video about this too because that was one of the top ten commandments in the new age is uh love everybody don't judge tolerate everybody's beliefs except theirs if they you know what i mean like except the christians you know they're they're too they're too serious about that but that's a judgment so it's impossible not to judge so to to live by that standard they're asking somebody not to judge them but they can't live by that own standard that they're putting on somebody else and ironically that's matthew 7. the matthew 7 1 through 1-7 i believe it's talking about you shall not judge and then they forget the rest of it but it's saying by what standard you judge somebody else will be judged back to you they don't realize what that means is you're setting that standard that you can't even me me like you're being a hypocrite so i don't think they realize that and whenever you you talk and ask questions and ellen i you you asked this too it's like whenever you are in conversation with somebody that says you can't judge or don't judge me you know you're being too harsh don't judge me it's like well you're basically judging me by telling me not to judge and it's just it's an impossible thing that i it's an impossible standard that they set on others and themselves that i don't think they realize that they do yeah all right melissa so now i want to transition we've talked a lot about new age so let's move into another topic that i think we're both really really passionate about that's probably a little bit more applicable to a lot of our viewers because most of our viewers probably know okay new age is just like not christian at all right but there's a lot of people who are viewing this that are christians they love the lord jesus with all their heart they believe that jesus died on the cross and was buried and you know for their sins and all of that and you know they don't believe it multiple gods they don't believe that there's more than one way like they're sold out on the concept of christianity but now within that umbrella they're caught up in prosperity gospel and word of faith so let's talk a little bit about prosperity gospel and the dangers of that now obviously you know they believe in health and wealth so what are some of the dangers and you and i could talk about this all day but what are some of the dangers of believing that god has promised us divine health and wealth i think that one of the things that it does is that it completely dismantles the attributes of god and the identity of god because if you believe that god always wills for you to be healthy and wealthy and that is his will for you to have and that should be for all all believers all christians that that's something that you're entitled to that's your inheritance they'll say it's your birthright then why don't you have it and that's the thing is that it puts the fault on the christian not having enough faith or through some other means that puts a lot of responsibility but also guilt on the christian and number one and number two it's completely antithetical to the entire like story of the bible of scripture if i mean look at the apostles look at paul and i i remember oh man there's so many word of faith preachers out there that and prosperity preachers that will twist things in scripture i remember uh listening i can't remember who it was but they were saying how jesus was rich and that judas was the yeah that they had he had all this money and he had all these riches and um like that's why they fought over his clothes and stuff like that like yeah like they fought over his clothes he had to be rich like what no yes and i'm like where are you how does this happen and i think a lot of it happens is first they listen to these preachers and they believe that they're anointed they believe that god has anointed these men and women to uh preach god's word and that's the thing that i think is the problem is that the the that scripture is not looked at as the ultimate authority because if you can prophesy things yeah if you can prophesy things and and god speaks to you directly then why are you gonna go to that dusty book on the shelf like that's boring no go to prophet so and so they know what's going on and they're going to prophesy something over your life and pass that mantle on to you and they're going to put that blessing on you and i i say it's another form of idolatry and it just comes down to a complete misunderstanding and distortion of scripture yeah yeah you talk to you hit on something that really bothers me tremendously and it's this idea of guilt because you have a lot of people that um they're believing god for something they're trusting god for something and when they don't get what they're asking god for then they are made to feel like well it's not god's fault because god clearly wanted to do this for you because god has promised this to you yes so if you don't have this it's obviously not god's fault it's because you mr and mrs christian didn't have enough faith to trust god because if your faith was strong enough then you would be able to experience your healing yes you'd be able to experience you know wealth and one of my biggest criticisms with this whole prosperity theology is that and nobody has been able to answer this question yet from my prosperity friends i say well if this is indeed a promise from god why doesn't it work in all parts of the world we could all in america claim that we're rich because even the poorest people in america have more than the richest i'm not gonna say more than richard but more than most people in third world countries right so if people in third world countries love the lord jesus just as much as we do why is it that they have to walk three miles to get water why is it that they don't have enough food for their kids why is it that they are dirt poor and only live off of two or three dollars a day to feed their family like that's not rich but does that mean they don't have enough faith or that doesn't mean they don't does that mean they don't love the lord because they happen to be in a third world country like this whole concept of prosperity doesn't work outside of pretty much a western western culture yes you're exactly right this is american christianity um and one of my favorite documentaries is uh why am i not thinking about uh american gospel american gospel yes yeah i haven't yet to watch that but i want to watch it it's on my list i would recommend to people i actually have it on my bookshelf um god greed and the prosperity gospel aha it's right here kosty henn's book um he's benny hen's nephew and he talks about this that he they would go to these these these impoverished places asking for money like you will be blessed if you if you bless god's anointed and these people would get ever they would give everything they had and they'd they'd get out of dodge you know and there was uh issues there and what i find fascinating is how how do people that are involved in these ministries why do they stay you know like why are they wrapped up in this and i think a lot of it has to do with pride i think a lot of it has to do with uh group think they don't want to leave i think that it's difficult and the people that have basically given all to these ministries i think that it's it's difficult to kind of take a step back and think okay what's really going on here because then you might lose your anointing you might lose your blessing so they kind of use that as as like a bait to keep them on and uh what you said just now um whenever you asked people that alan what did they say out of curiosity what is their response to that i've not really gotten a positive response um you know or an affirmative response uh in in that way you know people i don't think there really is an answer for it because there's no it's proof that the majority of the world is in third world countries is poor yeah but can you now say the reason why they are all poor is because none of them have any faith like the whole country doesn't have faith like every person there is faithless yeah and they don't trust god and they don't love the lord like so clearly there's something else going on and i think it's very dangerous um you know for us to subscribe to this idea i've seen so many of my christians my friends they've had loved ones that are sick and they have asked everybody in the world that they know to pray for these people lay hands on them which we should i believe in all that's biblical amen you should lay hands you want to put oil on them do all that because the bible says it but at the end of the day we have to be willing to submit to whatever the will of god is but even when i say that there's some people that will see that as a lack of faith like whenever we pray for something but then at the end of our prayer say but lord whatever your will is even when you say that some people see there you go you don't believe it you don't believe it you don't need to say whatever that's that's you acknowledging that god may not want to do this and therefore that's why god doesn't want to but even jesus when he prayed he said look father this is what i want nevertheless not my will but let your will be done amen he said if there's any other way that we could do this other than be going to the cross please do it but lord let your will be done so i don't think there's anything wrong with saying lord i really want you to heal this person i want you to save their life but lord i'm acknowledging your sovereignty and i think that's one of the biggest problems yes with this whole prosperity theology is that you're switching roles right we we think that we can manipulate god by saying well we're getting into word of faith now but like okay i can say this and god exists to serve me and if i pull the right strings and say the right words then god is supposed to be my genie in a bottle and he's supposed to respond and do whatever i tell him to do because i've manifested i've decreed it i've declared it i've claimed it versus wait i'm supposed to be serving god and do what he tells me to do god's not supposed to be doing what i tell him to do so it's a huge problem but um no you're exactly right and and prosperity preaching kind of overlaps completely with word of faith i i can't really think of a prosperity preacher that's not word of faith and in in my research do you know the cultish podcast on apologia um me my friend stephen bancars he's another uh well-known ex-new ager we went on the podcast and we talked about this we talked about the word of faith movement and i learned a lot doing all that research but one of the things that they teach a an encompassing point of word of faith and prosperity preaching is why you can get this anointing as why why can you do that and it goes back to the inner divinity um there's been many prosperity preachers and word of faith preachers well they're both the same in essence that have been quoted by saying that we're we're little gods little gods we're made after yes we're made in god's image where he created his own kind and if god created god you know what i mean like that's how they get away with the word yeah god used his word to say let there be yes and there was and so if we were created in his image we are also little gods and therefore have creative power like god yes through our words nail on the head absolutely that's what they believe and again it goes back to that's why it's linked so in intrinsically with the new age and new thought the devil he's not very creative i mean it's the same stuff it just has a different name to it and that's why i have to be um i can't not say something because this is my background i i see this in church and these these people they like what you said they claim to believe in jesus but which jesus is this a prosperity jesus is this a word of faith jesus how well grounded are you in scripture to know the jesus your savior you know is he your lord i mean your sovereign god is there any holiness to this god so i think that it really goes down to that is um i i put a lot of emphasis on the leaders and not necessarily the followers i think that there's a lot of people that might be set apart from what say somebody like kenneth copeland teaches uh i i think that they need to be held responsible and these leaders do and held accountable for these kinds of teachings because uh they are way more close to new thought and new age than they are when they are with scripture by far yeah yeah no and i totally agree you know and i think it's just very dangerous because i have some friends that you know are like i love them but like they're caught up in this word of faith and so many of them it's like they they're placing their faith in something that's gonna let them down like it's it's like they're um they have their hopes up that certain things are going to happen yes when in actuality you know they well put this way they may happen but it's not a promise from god like i think that's the biggest thing that i have issues is is you can trust god for whatever you want to but you just saying and you have these people will say i'm trusting god for okay that's fine that's fine trust god for whatever you want to trust him for but just know the difference between what you want and what god has promised you so i could go on and say when i was single i could say i'm trusting god for a spouse no problem you should do that but don't go that step further and say well i'm claiming or god has promised or this and that because god hasn't promised any of that in his word now you can trust him and that just i mean even that trusting him for that just means lord i'm going to hold on and continue to believe yeah until this happens which is fine but i just think we have to be careful between that and um believing that god is promised because you have a lot of people and i'ma tell you let's get into this while we're here this is kind of off the topic but it's not really what are your thoughts on like a lot of christians now i mean not just nowadays but it's just driving me crazy like the whole god said to me god told me like you know well god speaking to me i mean like everybody wants to be a prophet now everybody wants to hear from god everybody wants to be a super spiritual i was in the shower the other day and i was uh you know god spoke to me or i was i was taking a walk in the woods and i was in deep prayer and there's this youtuber that i really want to call out by name oh my goodness you probably know him you probably know but i oh i don't know if i should there's like a few that come to my mind oh wait yeah does this name start with an m yes and this last name starts with an r yes i know exactly who you are i know exactly who you're talking about yes okay so okay so i'll leave it at that for those of us who are listening his his first name starts with an m and his last name starts with an r and every one of his videos is always about man you know i was i was spending time with god and you know i was i was in the park and i was i was walking and god showed me an angel in the sky and and then i didn't quite know so i said lord you know tell me what that means and as i began to go in prayer and deeply uh deeper in prayer god showed me that you know there was a picture of a unicorn back there and i said lord i don't understand that can you really can you can you break that down and and then the lord told me that you know this president was going to get reelected or this president was like yeah like and people watch his videos he gets hundreds of thousands of views and that's what scares me yeah is that these thousands of christians hundreds of thousands are buying into this garbage of somebody who claims to be a prophet who is just not yeah and but so many people are buying into that which is so scary which makes you ask the question that you said why do people stay into this thing i you know what it's just i when when he wanted to hear from god in the old testament you usually went to a prophet and usually whenever you would hear things from that prophet or if god was bringing judgment you would hear from a prophet it's just there's these lines that he drew in when it came to prophets and the god told me thing is so overused because and it hurts my heart like as a as somebody who loves jesus because then you you think you hear from god and this is a cycle i see okay it's like you you you have a problem and you want god to answer you okay then you think you hear from god about that said problem so you follow through with what you think you heard from god and it was a huge mistake you end up realizing oh i didn't hear from god in the first place hence you still have the problem it's this cycle and i see this with people who think god told me i should marry this person god told me i everything alan like god told me i should take this job god god told me to tell you yes this is your spouse or you're talking about life-changing things god said yes this or whatever it is and now we have our nation in a situation right now where you have multiple prophets prophesying certain things that didn't happen yes and it's it's it's stirring up this oh but god said this and they're not making it happen so now they're the enemy and whenever god never spoke to begin with it was like that's that's the problem if we're really going to get down to it why is this a problem so what they think they're hearing from god and they're not this is a big problem because you have millions of people that are listening to these people who have made these people believe and they believe to some extent that they're hearing from god when it's it could be one of three things a they actually hear from god b it's another spirit see it's themselves and if it isn't from god it's one of the other two and i dare say that there's probably not really been a time where they've actually legitimately heard from god it's it's not like a game of darts it's not prophecy darts where if you just okay throwing a prophecy out there hoping one hits and it was close though so i'm a true prophet or but if it's not if it doesn't happen there's like weird uh like fail-safe things that are set in place i've noticed yes yes yes to still secure the fact that i'm still a prophet it's just this particular prophecy that i maybe i heard wrong or maybe it didn't or it's gonna it's supposed to happen five years from now it's still true like like yeah yeah when i i know you know what i'm talking about because any time i hear a kova just passed well 2020 i should say i mean the whole covet thing in 2020 i should say just passed and i remember people prophesying in this in this camp in this group that less than people people would that would die of this would be less than the flu it would be done i prophesy in the name of the lord i see it this is going to be done by passover this year exactly really and nobody's holding them accountable so this is a big problem and i think there's an enablement there from the followers that this something needs to be done and said like quit supporting these ministries but i think people want to hear from god they do yeah they they do and and here's the interesting part so once again i'm not going to mention names but i heard the other day i was watching this video and this one was not by mr this was by somebody else his initials were i think cy asian guy and he he was prophes now let me just say this because when i start talking about politics people want to try to pitch i for the record i am the least political political person like i am not democrat i am not republican i do not hate trump i do not love biden so i always have to say that because every time i talk about politics maybe it's because i'm black people just assume like i'm a democrat or something like i am not i'm not a liberal y'all know that i do i believe in pro-life i believe in um sanctity of the family okay i have plenty of videos where i am clearly conservative so hear that okay alan parr conservative all right so now that i've gotten that out of the way this guy was on this page and this was like after the riots at the capitol and he came out with a video last i checked it was two three hundred thousand views and this guy's the title of the video was um something like god showed me that trump is gonna serve a second term and so he was begging people it's like look god showed me that donald trump is going to get reelected and this was after the riots last wednesday and he said look whatever you do just don't pass judgment until january 20th until inauguration day because i promise you god showed me that something major is gonna happen that is going to um shift this country and i promise you i know some of y'all looking at me weird and you think i'm crazy but just don't pass judge on me until january 20. and i'm like okay you know what if he hears from god and something happens and this'll to where donald trump gets reelected or not reelected but like something comes out and it shows that there was voter fraud and donald trump is present then praise god because that means that it was god's intent for this to happen and i will support that and i will be on board with that but i'm gonna tell you right now if january 20th comes and joe biden is the president this brother has led so many people astray and because he's heard from god that something major is going to come out and happen i'm wondering how he's going to come back after the 20th if it doesn't happen and cover that how do you cover a false prophecy that was so strong and blatantly i said but blatant like clear like i'm saying this this is going to happen and your boy mr said the same thing he's got a video that i saw recently he said god showed me that trump's going to serve a second term and he's in the same spot and like i said guys i don't hate donald trump i don't love joe biden but i'm looking at the facts and right now it doesn't appear that anything major is going to happen i could be wrong we have what a week left we have about operation day yeah yeah we'll see anyway yeah but but you know it's this whole god told me thing but the biggest to kind of bring this thing back home i would say that the biggest problem that is in the body of christ with new age prosperity word of faith god spoke to me prophecy all that is biblical illiteracy yes oh man biblical yes and literally that brings me all home because that was me yep yes yes that was me i'm telling you whenever i um bef when i was in college i got involved in a charismatic prosperity theology type of church i didn't know any better it sounded good it feels good when people are laying hands on you and prophesying and you're pushing you down and trying to get you to speak in tongues and prophesying good things over your life and it's oh okay that sounds good it all feels good but a lot of it is just not consistent with the scriptures and many of you watching this i'm just not being mean but that's where you are if you would open up the bible and read it for yourself you would see like i did and like melissa did inconsistencies between what your church is teaching and practicing and what the scriptures say anyway i'll pass the ball over to you because that biblical literacy in my mind is the is the biggest problem with this whole number one yes and every single video i make about this i always end it or somehow intertwine it with the remedy for this is biblical like knowing your scripture knowing the bible that's what did it for me i was like if the bible's true then what i believe is absolutely false and it was genesis 3 that got me i did not realize that everything i was believing was tied into basically the first lie i ever told the mankind that you could be like god that you could be divine and yeah i think that uh all of that everything you just said it intertwines itself together and it's encompassing that big problem that we want to be our own sovereign we want to be we want to have a say in this and we don't want god to have full control because then that takes away control from what we can do and it really is that letting go and surrender that i think a lot of people have a hard time doing you know but yeah yeah it was good stuff yeah yeah no i think yeah i think if we all just had more spiritual discernment we would be able to listen to sermons and be able to say i like that yep that's good that's off that ain't that that ain't true that ain't scripture yeah yeah like like like like okay like something is off or we could listen to youtube videos and be like okay i like what this brother said oh wait no how's that consistent with the scriptures but so many people don't know what the bible says and therefore they just open themselves up to whatever they hear that sounds good that sounds good so anyway i know we could talk about this all day all day but we're gonna all day we're gonna talk about this all day so we're gonna wrap this up guys um melissa how can people find you how can they find your youtube channel yours is pretty easy but tell them how they can find you so they can go subscribe and uh and you know take in some of your content and also tell them a little bit about what other types of videos they can expect to see on your channel absolutely well um i have a youtube channel under my own name i'm on instagram and i'm on i have a page on facebook uh and as far as content i'm into many things that besides a new age i i do focus a lot on the new age infiltrating the church i do some theology i do apologetics i'm also an artist so sometimes you'll see something associated with art on my page but uh it's kind of a mixed bag but those are basically the four things that i focus on the most on my channel um i uh it's like an honor to serve you know it's through the avenue of youtube especially i think that um it's it's good to have people that are open and willing to learn uh about these things so whatever god leads me to do to make a video on i usually you know just go with that can't go wrong with that all right everybody well thank you so much for joining us i'm going to put a link to melissa's youtube channel so that you can uh follow her and uh i encourage you to go over and subscribe and check out her content i'll see you all the next video bye for now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Views: 155,468
Rating: 4.9122558 out of 5
Keywords: allen parr, prosperity gospel, prosperity theology, charismatic church, charismatic church deception, charismatic church exposed, word of faith movement, word of faith church, new age beliefs, new age beliefs in the church, new age, manifesting money, manifesting love, word of faith, paul washer, kenneth copeland, false teachers in the church
Id: 9lF_3a1pgaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 30sec (3150 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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