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in this video i'm going to talk about five very common verses that many charismatic and pentecostal preachers are taking out of context and leading so many people astray and it sounds so good whenever they preach them and when they use them and if you're not careful you will find yourself believing in some of the false teachings that these groups are promoting so in this video i'm going to show you the proper context i'm going to debunk these five verses so that you can see what god wants you to believe coming up hey my friend welcome to the beat my name is alan parr thank you so much for tuning in if this is your first time here it's a pleasure if you want a free ebook you know what to do click the link in the description box below if you enjoy this video consider subscribing hit that little bell notification so you won't miss a beat okay i'm not going to waste your time here are the five most common verses that many charismatics and pentecostals are on a continual basis taking out of context and as a result leading many christians astray the first one is romans chapter 4 verse 17. and i want to get this one out of the way early just in case you don't watch the rest of this video now this verse says as it is written i have made you a father of many nations in the presence of him whom he believed god who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did now i want you to pay attention to this last phrase and cause those things which do not exist as though they did so you have a lot of charismatics and pentecostals who will just take that one snippet of a verse and build an entire false theology around this idea that you and i have the creative power just as god did to speak words and if we speak these words things will come into existence oh my friend my friend let's look at the context of uh romans chapter four first and foremost romans chapter four is a chapter that is talking about the process and the way of salvation and it is a chapter that is about one man a man named abraham and basically god is trying to teach the roman church how to become saved which is always through faith and he basically goes back to abraham's example and says hey just in case you think faith is a new testament thing the way of salvation has always been believing in god and exercising faith in god so he uses abraham as a prototype and says hey even abraham when he believed in god it was credited to him as righteousness what did abraham have to believe he had to believe that god was able to give life to a dead situation this was a man who was 100 years old and his wife was close to 90 years old and her womb was dead their ability to give children was dead she was barren and that was a dead situation and yet god was the one who called a dead situation and caused life to come out of it giving them abra excuse me uh isaac as his child so this verse is not about you and i speaking things into existence that's not the context for it and furthermore who is the one in this verse that is even doing the calling and the speaking anyway it is god who is able to call things into existence and call something that is not as if it were nothing in this verse says that we have the ability to speak anything into existence hopefully i got that across because so many christians so many of you watching this you're throwing that phrase around oh i speak this into don't speak it into existence that is not biblical and that's not what the scriptures teach okay so the next one is isaiah 53 verse 5 which says and by his stripes we are healed now this is a real common one i've talked about this one before but many charismatics and pentecostals who believe in divine healing will use this scripture to suggest that somehow within the salvation work of christ on the cross that included in that entire package of salvation is the very fact that every single believer is healed physically because of the death of jesus christ once again look at the context of isaiah chapter 53 and even look at the entire book of isaiah and you will see that that word healed in the book of isaiah refers to a spiritual healing of god's people and has nothing to do with a physical healing as a matter of fact if you look at the rest of the context of this verse and the verses around it everything in this context is talking about god's ability to save us from our sins in terms of a spiritual healing notice it says here but he was wounded for our what transgressions that's a term that's talking about sin he was bruised for our iniquities another term that talks about sin the chastisement for our peace was upon him speaking of salvation and by his stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way that's talking about our sinful disobedience and the lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all iniquity is another term for sin so once again you may hear somebody preaching with power i declare right now over you that by his stripes we are healed you are healed in the name of jesus listen i believe that god can heal us at any time because god is the same yesterday and today and forever but that does not this is not the verse that you want to use to suggest that god must heal every single believer it's taken out of context and we need to stop using it in the incorrect way okay the third one is deuteronomy 8 18 which says and you shall remember the lord your god for it is he who gives you power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant that he swore to your fathers as it is this day now i love this one because many charismatics and pentecostals will just take that little phrase god has given you the power to get wealth to suggest that every single believer should be wealthy and god has given you the power to do that my friends let's go once again and look at the context deuteronomy chapter 8 is a chapter where moses is giving the children of israel instructions for how to basically act and how to conduct themselves once they get into the promised land and basically moses is telling them hey whenever you get in there you're going to have houses that you did not build there's going to be wells that you did not dig there's going to be all these blessings because this is the promised land and god is going to bless you so much so whenever you get in there don't get the big head don't get cocky don't forget god remain humble and understand that this is a test that god has taken you through in the wilderness so that he could bless you with these things and so he's telling them how to conduct themselves whenever god blesses them with this wealth so that they will remember that it was god that gave them the ability to obtain all of these things my friend this chapter wasn't even written to you and i it was written to the nation of israel from moses so we can't just take one little snippet of a verse that wasn't even written to you and i and build an entire theology around it that would be like me getting a love letter that was written to somebody else reading it and saying oh i'm so glad that this person feels this way about me no it wasn't even written to me it was written to my friend that is what we do whenever we take something out of context and try to apply it to our own life okay the fourth one is acts chapter 19 verse 6 which says and when paul had laid hands on them the holy spirit came upon them and they spoke with tongues and prophesied now many charismatics and pentecostals have this completely wrong they have it completely wrong because they will use this verse along with a couple of others to suggest that speaking in tongues is the evidence of the holy spirit notice i said the evidence meaning if you don't speak in tongues you don't have evidence that you have the holy spirit inside of you my friend once again that is a false teaching that's a false doctrine because the bible talks about many different evidences plural of a believer possessing the holy spirit first and foremost if you have the conviction of sin in your life that is an example of the presence of the holy spirit number two if you have the experience of god illuminating the word of god to you so that you understand the word of god in a way that you didn't before that is also the holy spirit working in your life number three if you have the ability to resist temptation that means that the holy spirit is empowering you to do that number four if you are able to use your spiritual gifts in a way that you know you're not able to do internally by yourself but god is enabling you to experience and do something and accomplish something that's far beyond what you're able to do in your own strength that is another evidence of the holy spirit but most importantly the fruit of the spirit in your life are you loving are you joyful are you peaceful are you patient are you kind are you gentle are you self-controlled all of these are evidences of the holy spirit in a believer's life so do not let a charismatic and do not let a pentecostal suggest to you or even try to persuade you into thinking that if you don't speak in tongues then you do not have the holy spirit my friend that is a scripture that's taken completely out of context and it is not truthful and biblical in terms of consistent with biblical truth now i was going to stop there but i got some more to say about that listen another huge mistake that they make with this is that they take this isolated event that happened in acts chapter 19 to a small group of people and then they say because it happened to that small group of people therefore this must be the normative experience for every single christian throughout all time my friend that is another huge mistake in bible interpretation is to see an isolated incident in the word of god take it out of context and say okay because this happened to this person or this small group of people then therefore that must be the experience universally for every christian that is not proper biblical interpretation and it'll get you in trouble every single time and number five matthew 18 18 which says assuredly i say to you whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven now a lot of times during a real emotionally driven and powerful prayer service you might hear a charismatic or a pentecostal lay hands on somebody and say i bind you satan in the name of jesus you have no part here i bind you satan i'm dying the devil from this place my friend listen this context is not talking about that if you go back and look at the context of matthew chapter 18 it's talking about church discipline it's talking about how god is giving the apostles the ability to exercise church discipline when one brother dis uh sins against another brother and basically what god is saying is hey i'm passing on the authority to you all so that however you whatever you bind on earth i will support and bind in heaven and whatever you loose on earth i will uh loosen heaven and that's why he goes on later in this chapter and says hey if two or three of you are gathered together in agreement then there i will be in the midst of you saying hey if this is how you all agree as apostles in authority then i will be in the midst of that now what does the bible say about the devil well number one it says that the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour that verse does not suggest that you and i have the ability to bind him up or to lock him up in some way not only that the bible says that the only time the devil is going to be bound is that the second coming of christ where uh christ binds him in uh the lake of fire for a thousand years during the millennial kingdom doesn't talk about us binding him up not only that in jude chapter one verse nine even the archangel michael when he was uh fighting with the devil about the body of moses did not even uh try to rebuke the devil but said jesus you need to rebuke him so if angels can't rebuke the devil and bind the devil then my friend you and i aren't able to do that either the bible also says that the devil is the prince of this world meaning he is going to be largely influencing what goes on in this world until christ returns so my friends listen if you didn't get anything else out of this understand that it is dangerous my friends it is dangerous to follow much of what you see on tv and what you see in some of these powerful sessions or or crusades if you will that sound so passionate my friend and i know they do they sound so good when you hear somebody who is quote unquote anointed and they're throwing scriptures out left and right and they're praying and people are falling out and people are claiming to be delivered and all these different things i just want to encourage you whenever you see hear a scripture being used just go back and look at the context and really see if what this person is saying and what they're teaching and what they're promoting is consistent with scripture and it's used in the proper context my friend if you don't do that you are going to be severely led astray so i would love to hear your thoughts what are some other scriptures and teaching that you have found that have been out of context let me know in the comment section below and let's talk about it if you found this video helpful in any way feel free to share it with a friend also if you haven't done so already i would love it if you would subscribe check out some of the other videos on this channel thank you so much for watching i'll see you next time you
Channel: THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Views: 171,298
Rating: 4.8036938 out of 5
Keywords: allen parr, take out of context, charismatic church, speaking in tongues, bible verses, false teaching in the church today, charismatic chaos, health and wealth, word of faith, word of faith movement, speak those things, speaking things into existence, power to get wealth, can we bind and loose, by his stripes we are healed, does god promise us divine healing, divine healing, word of faith church, pentecostal church, pentecostal church holy ghost
Id: ebRbkYSeKBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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