The Get Home Bag

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welcome to corporals corner today we're going talk about my get home bag so stick around a few weeks back a friend of mine by the name of Larry Roberts who's a fellow youtuber a fellow instructor posted a video on his channel entitled might get home bag now that at home for me because the one thing that Larry and I shared together is that our jobs take is anywhere from 70 to 100 miles away from our homes there's always a common question of do I stay or do I go bug in bug out but before you can make that decision you have to get home to your family your loved ones etc so crunching the numbers on my current situation I'm ninety-five miles away from my house optimally I get in my vehicle and I would just drive not be there in two and a three hours but let's say that natural or man-made disaster occurred the earthquake volcano tornadoes emps bombs dropped Skynet became self-aware simian flu is released 12 monkeys occurred or worst case the dead or walking the earth I need to get home to my family so this right here is an example of what I carry in my car so I'm ready to go now what you just seen right there was a pack by the hidden woodsman it is one of my packs designed to get me home what I'll do is I'll leave a link in description box to his website however I believe this model right here is discontinued and he had something entirely different but with that in mind whatever he comes up with we well worth it I guarantee it now prior to me stepping off and leaving my job site for my journey home what I'm going to do is I'm going to change my clothes and the reason for that it's got the worth thick denim Network and for me that's the hottest thing during the summertime and it's a coldest thing you learn time and I hate hiking around in that and I'm mentioning hiking or stepping off because let's say that natural or man-made disaster took place and the roads are blocked or the power's out or the EMP happened and there's no power at all you're walking home or 30 miles down the road you may have to get out your vehicle and walk home so that's the whole point about getting me home back worst-case scenario you are walking home now mine is set up for 3 to 4 days because 80 to 100 miles 2530 miles a day 3 or 4 days and I'm actually going to factor in 1012 hours there for sleep or you know DB and around a certain course that I want to go on etc obstacles are in the way I have to deviate and go down a different Avenue you got to factor in some kind of loss there 3 to 4 days minimum to get me home now I tried to think about this as logical as possible and unless you live in the woods work in the woods you're passing through some sort of cities or towns now most restaurants and stores that have food that's going to spoil they're going to toss it out or give it away so score free food right there now hotels same thing if there's no power you not gonna let you stay there more than what you stay there for cash so why not carry some cash for me I passed through a talent in the first 25 miles I'm looking to get a restful night's sleep so I can get up and step off the next day versus sleep on the ground in the rain like you've exhausted wet pissed off start stuffing again there's other things you I think about look at where you go and what you need to do to get home so with that let's go and get started these items or some version of these items are the core of my kit they are the 10 C's of survivability plus the redundancies no matter where I go in the world the country or the state these items as mentioned or some version of them will be the core of my kit let's begin we'll go and start with our cutting tools we have a Victor Knox one headed trekker non-serrated Matassa at my pocket followed by a more gar bird it's also stainless steel inside the sheath we have a number 10 cloth or sail needle give a bahco laplander folding saw a half inch by 6 inch para cm rod followed by 3 bic lighters one of these dick letters will also be inside my pocket moving on to our containers I have two wide mouth stainless steel bottles music by Klean Kanteen they hold 40 ounces of piece and the beauty of my job is I can walk into my job trailer fill these bad boys up and I'm ready to go now going to talk about our cover this green tarp right here is a six by eight ultralight by Equinox now part of my shelter system are four plastic tent stakes and a 550 paracord for a Ridgeline you moving on we have a compass and we have pacing beans or Ranger beads now these are controversial some people will say why carry those if you know you're going right I can just walk the freeway home but say one of the bridges is out and I have to go around that bridge for me I want to walk in a straight line when I go around something it box it out and then continue on my path also if I'm 80 to 100 miles from my house how many miles did I walk that day do I want to guess or do I want to know and keep an accurate measurement of distance with these range of beads now to cloth bandanas 100% cotton headlamp extra batteries number 36 Bank line 1 inch roll of guerrilla tape and this beauty right here tincture of iodine 2% I can treat wounds and I can also disinfect water in my state there's no shortage of water however I need to disinfect it before I drink it so do I want to light fires every single time we want to drop in 5 to 10 drops of tincture of iodine 2% wait 30 minutes and I'm good to go let move onto bedding or decided to go with is being that it's still summer time and we have temperatures in the 90s during the day and the high 60s at night what I'm going to do is I'm going to go with a military poncho and poncho liner now I understand there's a lot more water proofing options out there but for me this worked in the past and it works now just a poncho alone could be a secondary shelter you it can be added to a current shelter making it an a-frame making it larger the poncho itself is large enough to be draped over myself as well as my pack keeping me dry take my poncho liner these small tassels here or tails can be fed through and tie it off to the grommets and creates an improvised sleeping bag you now over here I have three 55-gallon drum liners these can be filled full of debris making a mattress keeping me off the ground so all of this works together is extremely lightweight moving on to food we have three military-issue MREs three cans of tuna and two rat traps I'll explain all this in a minute I'll start off with the rat traps now these aren't intended for catching rats if that happens good to go but for me if I'm going to set in one hour before it gets dark I'm going to grab some of this mr eat peanut butter place it on these traps right here in the morning most likely there'll be a tree squirrel inside there for some reason the tree squirrels out here love peanut butter and they'll walk right through these traps put the nose on them and done so if I get a chance to get free food I'm going to take it the classic MRE why do I choose this it's because I enjoy the taste that I'm hell-bent on reliving the old days big fat negative the MRE itself provides several different options the meal is fully cooked and ready to go requires no water and no heating you can just tear it open and eat it and for those of you that know me personally nine point nine nine nine nine nine eight times out of ten I'm just going to open it and eat it dem re sleeve can be used for water collection either rainwater or from a lake or stream you can pour the water into that sleeve and keep it as a reservoir for later use now most of these MRE meals have a secondary meal with it meaning crackers and cheese crackers and peanut butter rice some of them have noodles mashed potatoes things like that those secondary meals can be added to the cans of tuna now you created six meals out of three next we have health and comfort items starting at the top working our way left to right we have wet wipes antibacterial they killed 99.9% of germs I can wash my face wash my hands wash my pits watch my growing can even wash my feet standard toothbrush toothpaste deodorant is optional we have two pairs of socks inside those socks as a pair of underwear now why do I want to bring socks well worst-case scenario I have to walk home I want bill to clean my feet every night put on fresh clean socks in the morning bottom left we have a porta power just in case the power is that across these cities I can still charge my phone send texts or phone calls home and say hey I'll be home in two or three days lastly I have vitamins nothing special GNC Sport vitamins I'm gonna be depleted low on energy low on food my mentality it's going to keep my immune system functioning properly I've also included two maps and the reason why I have two maps on here is because I pass through two states on my way home when I saw these maps I was actually impressed I mean they're lightweight they're fold-out they're waterproof they're full-color and they showed in detail color roads highways freeways interstates campgrounds state parks they even have a fish hatchery on here on the legend I'll show you that in a minute so for me it's important to use that in conjunction with my compass and Ranger beads I can dial this map in to north direction and I can go ahead and see where I'm at where I want to be and if I want some free food say from a fish hatchery I could just mosey on over there and get some chow things like that can either deviate from your current course a map and a compass might be a good option welcome back that was good to go the last few items are optional let's go and talk about them briefly start off with a warming layer for me it's going to be some type of pullover or zip up Hoodie I can use it at night with a lettuce cool I don't want to use it all I got to do is roll it up from the bottom towards the top kneeling towards the hood then tuck it inside that hood and you get it supervised pillow to lay your head on the next is cash for me it's gonna be a hundred dollars in small bills meaning nothing larger than 20s 20s ten spies at once and this ties into what we talked about earlier about hotel stays convenience stores restaurants they might toss out the meat products that are going to spoil but the convenience stores still going to say cash only and there's ravioli there's kind of chili you know there's the can of beans to a net cetera water so why not carry some cash because cash still going to mean something to people we're not talking about Mad Max on the road we're talking about the first two or three days people want light to return to normal so in their mind cash is still worth something now this ties in to the last thing I want talk about and that's firearms in no way am I saying carry weapons however I have concealed carry permits for the states that I passed through and we'll leave it at that you do what you think is best based on where you're at and where you need to be now this is only one inversion of get home bag that I carry the climate dictates it so if it's colder I might swap out for Pancho Pancho honor with a wool blanket or sleep system however the ten sees the core of my kit or some version of them will always be the same think of your comics view support thanks for watching the Underwood's have some fun I'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 346,131
Rating: 4.8834243 out of 5
Keywords: Corporals Corner, Dave Canterbury, Shawn Kelly, Bug Out Bag, Doomsday, Survival, Primitive Skills, Overnight Pack Out, 10 C's, Bow Drill, Bronze Skillet, MRE, Woodsman, Poncho, Hammock, Tent, Tarp, Fire, Shelter, Bottle, Axe, Mora Garberg, Map, Compass, Bush Craft, Oil Skin, Canvas, Pathfinder, Roman Concrete, Logan, Fatwood, Bowline, Rope Bridge, Cordage, Rope, Kit Mentality, Drum Liner, Hand Drill, The Road, Buck Saw, Bow Saw, Survival Lilly, Vehicle, Best Survival Kit, Urban Survival Pack
Id: tNBznojQ96g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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