Green Beret's Layered 10 C's Kit with Gear Recommendations

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everybody this is Josh here they're great bearded Green Beret I'm here at the Ohio campus of the Pathfinder school to bring you a video I'd film for you last week but it got too dark I really see so rather than just put up something with less quality I thought I would go ahead and refilm that so that you can get the most benefit from it so the question came up in I believe my video about the folding saws the silky folding saws so I asked me a question because I had referenced a tin sees haversack kit as a not as you know kind of one of those situations scenarios where I'd be carrying this on my belt if I'm carrying a 10 C style haversack kit so that gave me the idea that you know I really haven't done it kind of a video on what's in my hammer sack kit and kind of a layered approach to having your gear so that no matter what happens you've always got some of those tendencies and the most important tendencies with you on your person some stuff in your person some stuff on your belt some stuff in your pack I'll show you how I put all of that together so all of the stuff that I'm going to show you kind of a dual-purpose video I want to show you layered survival systems layered kits plus my hammer sack kit and how that fits into the bigger picture but it's also a chance for me to kind of give you some gear recommendations on stuff that I've used most of it being from self-reliance Outfitters calm but stuff that I've used in the field pretty extensively and it has seen some heavy heavy use over the past six to eighteen months so everything that I'm telling you about in here I can honestly say that it is worth your money if you're in the market for something like that what I'm not saying is that the only place you can get this type of stuff is that self-reliance Outfitters common I'm also not saying this is the only solution for whatever that particular piece of kit is I'm telling you that this is the stuff that I've been field testing for six months to 18 months on some of this stuff and I'm comfortable recommending to you if you're in the market for it self-reliance Outfitters is where I got the majority of this so having said that the 10 C's I think most people know what those are but the first of the 10 C's is your cutting tools I'm just gonna kind of move these in out of the way in my way for cutting tool what I like to carry probably my second favorite knife on the planet and I still love it to this day is the more carbon gar burg and this is a custom leather sheath that I made as my first leather project that's not the sheath that comes with it but you can get a leather sheath with it that folds over and that's the one that I would recommend you get with this but this one is proven itself time and time again my second favorite knife because the gb2 buco that I made for myself is now my first favorite knife it's just not available on the market yet so more carbon garber if I could only have one knife and it wasn't my buco this would be it so that's for my cutting tool then of course you saw in my recent video probably on the silky saw setup so I won't go too much into the weeds on that but this is a silky gone boy with a leather sheath and a replacement blade so that I've got large and fine teeth available that's another cutting tool and of course the pocket knife that's typically always in my pocket is this Victoria Knox trekker this is the one that has proven the most useful out of any other folding blade that I've carried so that's in there that's the cutting tools for combustion devices typically I'll carry a simple bic lighter and an XO tank fire sleeve to protect it and that's that then for matches I've got a small super match but I could use if for some reason the conditions aren't good for that lighter I've got this I also carry a ferrocerium rod this particular one is an HD six from self from reliance Outfitters and you can see it's got a lot of use and this has been kind of the density that I like and the size that I like really good for gross motor skills when you're up in the cold weather in the Adirondacks so that's the HD six really good Ferro rod and then of course my Hudson Bay two back of ten is my solar ignition source if you're not familiar with these I got I've got storage in here for my flint and steel kit but I've also got a magnifying way right there on the front if you don't want to carry something like this another one that I can recommend from self-reliance Outfitters in this little tiny magnifier and tiny doesn't mean it's not good it's got high complexity so really good magnifying winds right there so I've got that as well if you don't want to go the full Hudson Bay ten route I just happen to like the Hudson Bay two in the best so those are kind of my modern ignition sources when I start getting into traditional this is actually the second multi fire tool that I bought because the other one I had loaned to someone and they got dropped in the deep snow and I never did find it in the Adirondack Mountains but I liked it so much I bought a second one but this is the Pathfinder multi fire tool so this is for flint and steel ignition so you can see that even flint and steel ignition plus it's got 90-degree edges on it so I can use it to strike a pair cerium rod and it has a bow drill divot in it and unlike other ones that I've used in the past this one actually is thick enough and has enough surface area to dissipate that heat will so as you're doing your bow drill technique really starts to get a little bit hot but this one's not so much it gets warm and if you're in there forever then yes it's gonna get hot but this one dissipates heat better than the others on the market so I prefer this one and of course that comes with a 10 that I can use for charring and for storing that chart material later so that's my traditional then I just carry this is one length of six foot of paracord this is a six foot utility cord that we're introducing into the penet finder curriculum since the gathering so this is kind of one of those things hot off the presses a lot of different uses for this Dave Canterbury just did a video on his channel about it so I've got that piece that I keep in my fire kit and my belt those are all the ignition sources then as far as actual emergency tinder I carry a piece of fat wood minimum and some mini infernos and what I like the most I think about these mini infernos is this is a really good emergency fire starter it's got an accelerant on the inside and then that's dipped in wax to kind of protect and seal that accelerant so when you rip these open and actually releases that accelerant and you can smell it and you know the vapors from that are so volatile that they'll take a spark and this whole thing of cash so this is an excellent emergency tinder burns for several minutes and it can get some of your most stubborn tinder and kindling sources going in an emergency so that's the mini infernos those are inside there as well so those are my combustion devices then onto the cover elements probably my favorite cover element you know and it's got a traditional look it's super heavy I know it's not the best thing in the world if you're concerned about weight but I'm not so concerned about weight so this is a 10 Smith's 8 by 8 oil cloth tarp that I really like to use any chance I get and of course a Pathfinder wool blanket only one because it's the summertime right now and then because I don't have a poncho to use as a rain jacket I've got my war bonnet stash jacket and this is one that's not available in SRO but this is one that I've been using for a long time is actually the second one that I have now because this one is actually has their proprietary camo pattern on it so the sash jacket from war bonnet I can highly recommend folds down really small and I can actually stuff this especially what I'm rolling a haversack kit I think it's gonna rain I can actually step that in my backpack or in my back pocket and it's not that much thicker than a wallet but a walk with a lot of money in it so anyway those are my cover elements bin for containers this has been the best setup that I found okay I've got the Pathfinder stainless steel bottle this is 32 ounces I've also gotten the nesting cup with the lid so this allows me to collect water to store water to thermally disinfect water I can also use the canteen cup or the water bottle nestings out to actually charnel material by putting those together and for me containers or if I don't want to lose that water sors I can charge in this container just like that and yes that is a miss you do not have to worry about all of these holes it will still charge just fine you just got to take it off the fire flip it over while it cools and keep it from getting into too much here and there and combustion so that's a great setup and then been using this one I think probably I've only used this one for probably three months actually so going back to what I originally said everything on here six months or more this one I've actually only used about three months but really happy with it highly recommended we just used this during the last class to actually filter probably enough water for 30 people this one filter so I think that was actually 15 people so it was about 30 liters that we had ran through this and had no issues whatsoever so carry miss allows me to quickly filter water at a water source and continue to fill this and in the Eastern woodlands the water fresh water sources are so plentiful I can do that all the time so that is probably the perfect setup as far as containers in my opinion all right so those are my containers and then the last of the five C's is the cordage another piece of six foot utility cord a six foot two pair cord that I keep in my pocket as well my 25 foot rapid Ridgeline and of course some bank line I've just got this one flat packed on a Kydex roll to sit inside of my haversack well so those are the cordage options that I'm carrying then continuing on to the second of the five Cs cotton material I've got just a cotton bandana I like to use this for a pre-filter I can also use it for bandaging but what I replace in the summertime I typically replace my shemagh with a cotton sniper bail because I kind of like this more aerated design when it comes to the summer and it's still cotton material so I can still use it just like I do everything else just I could do a regular shoe bag or large bandana is my constant material just my summertime options then of course the compass everyone I think knows by now that I recommend the Sun toe MC to global because it's not just a compass that you're compensate your protractor it's also your signal mirror and it's got a magnifying lens that will light chart material on a sunny day so that's another backup fire resource and of course I love the glow-in-the-dark bezel ring for night navigation and the fact that it has adjustable declination so I give this an advantage over the military compasses all day so that's my compass for my candling device this one I've been using a long time been really impressed with it this is the Princeton tech eos and it has three functions and then it goes to a strobe function for an active nighttime signal really like this one it does really well runs on three triple A's fairly bright at its highest setting so really been impressed with this and I'll continue to use it until it stops working because they liked it that much and I'll probably buy another one just like it if it ever does stop working so got a lot out of that of course some extra batteries for that cargo tape is highly useful for a number of different things if you've ever been to one of our basic classes you know that you can use it for a number of things but there's an old saying that if you know it moves and it shouldn't use duct tape if it doesn't move and it should wd-40 so if you can fix anything that needs to be fixed with wd-40 and some cargo tape this particular brand is gorilla brand and I like this because the adhesive in it is it seems to be a little more combustible and burned a little better than regular tape and it's a lot more steam so there's that and then last but not least on the 10 C's is a cargo alright sorry a canvas needle this is a number 14 sail needle so it's good for canvas it's good for duct tape the guerrilla tape it's good for gear repair good for leather different bark containers there's so many things you can use this for and this one I just kind of leave on a piece of tape attack take them to the back of my sheet said I always have it so gear repair plus a number of projects you can use this for excellent piece that have your kid that weighs just ounces that is the 10 C's that I'm carrying amongst my body on my belt in my hammer sack and in my backpack so to layer the survival kit what I want to do is have some things available in my pocket I want to have some things available on my belt some things in my haversack some things in my pack so to start I'm gonna put a cutting tool combustion device and cordage in my pocket so I'm gonna use my lighter my Victoria Knox trekker and a six-foot utility cord put those in my pockets so those go there then the rest of my combustion device is the rest of my fire kit I'm gonna put it inside my pouch here my fire pouch so I've got my Hudson bait in a little mini super match ferrocerium rod an additional six foot utility cord my fatwood mini infernos that I could put my multi fire tool in the Flint along with some char cloth if I had that made I put that in my tin put that right inside that fire pouch right this fire pouch for this possibles pouch I guess I should call it goes on my belt so that would go there on my belt along with my cutting tools additional cutting tools I've got my more carbon Garber and my Sookie saw set up that all goes on the belt kit there's the second layer of my system now the third layer of my system I'm gonna go into my water kit so I'm gonna place I'm gonna take this actual pouches of badges or leather saw take the lid from my nesting cup put it in the very bottom then goes the nesting cup then I'll put my water bottle inside there shut that down inside of there and I got plenty of room for this cotton bandana that I could use for a pre-filter inside that kit and that's kind of a third layer just like my haversack is that's kind of my water procurement kit and then inside my haversack which this is an oil squint an oilskin haversack that's really durable really been impressed with this I've been using this you know probably pushing a year and a half now inside my haversack I'll go ahead and place my sniper veil my map compass protractors etc if it's not a area that I'm familiar with I'll take this compass and actually put it up here in my front pocket if it's an area I'm more familiar with or I'm not doing any self mapping I'm good to put it inside my haversack I can get to it rather quickly headlamp batteries my bank line I'll go ahead and sit inside there my rapid Ridgeline I'll put inside their cargo teeth this sail needle actually goes on the back side of my knife sheath on my belt so I'll put that back on there so I don't lose it there's like that take my stash jacket stick it inside there plenty of room for that my Grail I'll typically keep inside here going up the words put my Grail inside here so that as long as I've got water sources I've got kind of an unlimited supply of water until that filter wears out that all fits inside my haversack and that is also part of kind of my third layer along with my water bottle so pockets my belt kit what's in my water bottle kit and hammer sack go on the outside of my body for my fourth layer I'm using this John pack and I really like this John pack I like the look of it it's got copper rivets it's got leather a really nice Hardware waxed canvas and it has a really slender profile when it's sitting against your back so it's not really bulky doesn't really weigh me down that much it's got just what I need it holds what I need for a good three to four days out in the wilderness it's got a built-in axe loop the other side has a sleeve that my forest tool or a larger silky saw or a folding bucks off fits in so just overall a really good package I also like that it has these additional d-rings on it so that if you've seen my ladder pack frame video I can make a ladder pack or a ladder pack frame and actually put this directly on that and give this some stability which I also like as an option on this pack with this John pack has gotten many miles on it and it's holding up really well so and just a very simple pack with a very simple pocket on the front side so with that what I like to do is take my tarp and my blanket put those in the very bottom they don't take my haversack and everything that's inside there and slide that on top of that and then I'll close it up what that allows me to do is normally i'll i'll have of course i'll have what's in my pockets on have my belt on and have that available but i've got my water bottle that i'll drape over so that i can easily get to that and get drinks of water as I'm going I'll have that and then having it layered this way allows me to get to a location I could drop my pack I can grab my hammer sack out set up my shelter because this is my blanket and my oil cloth tarp I can set up my shelter and then still having my belt on I can throw my hammer sack kit on that has my water bottle on and of course be wearing my belt and I've got everything that I need if I need to go scout for resources after I set up my camp alright guys that is it for this video appreciate taking the time to watch appreciate those views appreciate the likes comments and questions below and as I said before everything about be used in this kit - that grill has only been three months but everything else has been 6 to 18 months I can tell you without a doubt that gear is absolutely worth your money if you're in the market for that so head on over to self-reliance outdoors calm look down in the description below and there is a special gb2 coupon code that you can use there and yes that is an affiliate link now that I'm done with the testing process and that supports the channel if you purchase it using that so appreciate that as well so does the long red brain and until next time hope to see you guys in the woods
Channel: The Gray Bearded Green Beret
Views: 172,565
Rating: 4.9541812 out of 5
Keywords: Ranger, Green Beret, The Pathfinder School LLC, Survival, Bushcraft, Preparedness, Fire, Shelter, Camping, Knives, Grayl, Silky, 10 C's, Mora
Id: CdSW5cEg3FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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