My Mom Died And My Girlfriend Dumped Me - BitLife

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lassies out there welcome back to little bit a bit length we're back into Patti Fitzpatrick's life we are his parents were growing him like a small potato stuck in the ground all the way up soon-ja Caballito whatever it's fine we're gonna grow up our little lad he's at age fourteen years old last time the last episode her parents divorced because we were two Oakley our teacher didn't like us cuz we were two Oakley but we did kiss takara tomy after saying we wasn't Ana tasted like hot dogs so I see this is an absolute win we're going along nicely right now was the last thing we did I'm Michael Jordan rookie card has come into my possession alright I was the Ariel my golf and I logged into the game oh hi I don't know what that means alright we got a job we have a newspaper delivery job we're going to go around with the Shannon Times or something that's not a real newspaper no one cares about that but in some extra effort oh yeah I'll put in some extra effort work work work work work he needs to make some effort for the Shannon times it's all gonna pay off you see that bank balance in the top right see where it says zero euro that's going to turn into a hundred million euro at the end of this oh you guys will be very impressed how's my relationships doing favori half sister Jackson my dog do we not have a girlfriend yet what's going on with her what's going on with Eva can you talk to him again what's going on with her totally two years equities go out whatever yet Eva is she not here I'm in a completely different school now I went on in the secondary school la me primary school friends are all gone Eva told my first girlfriend is come on hot dog mouth herself she's not here anymore probably because I assaulted her so who are we gonna go with this time Aaron Eva Carrie Charlie ella fa ray we're just gonna go with Eva Thompson we're gonna try air we're gonna chance around with Eva she's gonna like it though what's this oh no clamp the monitor you told her transmit Eva that she's more of it I told her that she was class I told her as she was deadly she calls you sparkling me ferny you're damn right Eva putty sparklin he's like a brand-new potato that just found out and old wild secondary school you were a certain secretary school school Emily Robert secondary school type Oleg okay whatever okay I have 4,000 euro holy SH I owe your half sister started primary school fair plenty of Fame good luck to you know um cool okay ever learn and stress what's going on with me schedule I don't know quests more hours should I ask for more hours I don't know I'm all stressed out that's four hours yet you know what I might as well work myself into an early grave I might be dead but at least I'll be rich your requests for more hours has been rejected well [ __ ] it anyway it's fine my Luck's have gone up I'm at 21% of a face that's how good I look right now Oh things are about to go off all right Aoife what's going on if I were to flirt with you are you sure you want to flirt with Eve there's a pop sheight in the woods shoot my shirt you wink come for the answer classmate Aoife you're awake you're an old flash for the baby blues well the teacher was discussing dream halls I don't know what a dream hole is as I could though that I do well I think I did I could do some freelance gigs now there I want to be a tutor a lawnmower the dog walker a babysitter I'm great with kids I've never looked at for a kid in how to die on me yet quick cash a crossdresser named Callum hired you as a babysitter for 29 hours good rank Allah please him loaded they cite where the money all right Eva's gonna be fierce impressed by me you drove my man pincher Jackson is trying to hump your leg what will you do know I'm kind of into it reward him you're rewarded your Doberman Jackson with a couple of large meaty breasts haha you got a couple of large meaty breasts for a hump and uh me lang if that's not the dream I don't know what is um what else can we do class all right Eva's EFA's going good have an owner should a compliment Aoife again hell yeah you called your classmate Eva and eager-beaver I I wanted to call her an angry beaver god I mean look we're down to 20% what am i doing day today is it my hair should I do something different with it should I style it differently going to school looking like a badgers arse alright whatever what else can we do in school I'll show you tryna click brainy kids break his bone kids Oh gamer gamers Kmart oh hell yeah I'm gonna be a gamer interact with some gamers are you secular schools day you must be obsessed with gaming and gamer culture to join this clique literally recording a game right now let's leave my job to play video games it's actually really cool as for mission to join them start hanging out with them compliment their leader I'm gonna ask for permission to join you asked leader of the gamers intro secular school information during their take she rejected you don't have games if I don't have games what do I have I'm just an agent in a room with each other lads this is not horn can't just go back and try again let's last time again she rejected you okay I'm just gonna keep asking until you let me in she reject you for the love of God I'm a gamer I swear I'm video game tattoos okay start hanging out with them they ignored you what does it take all right am I supposed to get wings and fourth night first am I supposed to beat the ender dragon or something soon okay I'll be a gamer soon wait happiness is that 0% because I kept getting rejected let this be a lesson alright you're ignoring of people you're you're rejecting of people you're ill acceptance of human beings makes them unhappy if you don't let a gamer into your life a gamers not gonna have a happy life at least I have almost 9 grand haha what can i buy what a bison stuff oh my god I posted something on social media and they love it your first post got four likes that's more than real life when I posted my first thing my first tweet was like just brushing up on my drumming and no one liked it but even my mother liked it she didn't even know what Twitter was she thought I had a disease trade again everyone posted hundred twenty one followers your post you boss on social media deal over they go three lakes Jesus lads I'm going into social media Saloni have a hundred twenty-one followers but as grant find someone to love should I go after myself the only person worth loving right now at this age is myself if I learn to love myself it's easier to love everyone else after that that's way to date anyway Eve Popkin you're not my type now Cara Jones no Nev Morgan well no grocery shopping your medical name Nev that's not bad now leaves a grand old girl she's 16 years old she's secretary school student she's decent looks much better to me I look like someone threw a pie in Katz's against the wall and then tried to paint it onto my face she's pretty smart she's got some money and she's gonna she's got a little bit of craziness in her ask her in the date you are now going out with Nev Morgan hell yeah take that Eva Thompson you rejected me take that gamers maybe that's why I wasn't allowed in gamers aren't supposed to have girlfriends can they do stuff with Nev ask for money who me do you be like baby i love you can have a $400 I'm in debt compliment or break up with her birth control mate love I'm 16 sure why not ah not like that haha you and your girlfriend Eve made love your enjoyment her enjoyment oh my was good and bad is like looking at mirror he made love for the first time geez is the best game ever should ask her for money now that would just make me a prostitute proposed to her at age 16 sure why not your girlfriend needs rejected your marriage proposal oh that's gonna sting I mean that was the right call you don't want to get married that young has sex one time wants to get married immediately my face way all right we're gonna have to talk about birth control I shouldn't be asking her to go on it he should just ask this is have a conversation about it see we're close if we're sexually active we have to be careful your girlfriend Eva greed to go on birth control uh-huh girl leave fair play to you my happiness is going up me looks or not the whole let's see what happens after years your girlfriend need wants to break up with you what will you do leave baby please don't go you know I know we had sex at a young age and I proposed to you immediately afterwards and then told you to go on birth control but I promise I can change beg her to say battle her weight is everything in my life go wrong you attacked your girlfriend because she touched you oh my god what is this game holy [ __ ] see maybe this is why my parents divorced when I was three years old and I was ugly as sin I look like a bag of turf moe Jesus Christ all right let's take the driver's test what does this road sign say no peeing in the pool no Parkin you pass her driving nice haha morning was that easy in real life I go do it right now Jesus grace may Doc's have gone down probably cuz they tried to beat the shite out of my girlfriend and missed I must say penny Fitzpatrick not doing well he's not doing the best with people mainly because they keep telling them to pick the worst options imaginable but that's what makes it fun all right let's find love again oh god I can talk to my ex oh no what should i do should I send her a text I said yeah I'm not gonna call her at 8:17 I wasn't calling anybody send her a text booty call no T xxx texture are we gonna sext my ex I can't even get a text back you message your ex-girlfriend Eve with a pic of your freshly waxed testicles of course not no one's gonna write back tonight a pic of your freshly waxed testicles this is so good oh my god this is the best game I've ever played my happiness is on 16% my happiness and my looks are just right there together aren't they oh man could I can I get a new girlfriend said her pictures of my testicles here we go Keira Hughes while working through the cemetery you meet a girl named Kira Hughes a girl that digs up buddies which is a girl doesn't say what you for a while ask her on a date you are now going out with Keira Hughes thank you immediately make now we're going to take it nice and slow this time propose let's spend some time with her you took your girlfriend Kira to a coloring book to color a book color color color a coloring book should have taken her to English lessons for myself all right great my happiness is that 36% we're back up again I feel like my character has a few crippling emotional issues and he's afraid to deal with Hutton's old probably because his parents divorced at a young age and his fashion was off war and they stepped that doesn't like him he's a half sister and I drove him in he keeps hoping his leg he proposed to regard sixteen years old after making love to her once and he got rejected he's not even allowed being part of the games you know what we're gonna turn his life around you tried to have a conversation with your classmate Adam about which animal you would like to be he called you a [ __ ] this is not doing good for my self-esteem my happiness is down to six percent this is awful lots oh my god I can sell my heirloom if I sell my heirloom I can get fifty five grand yeah you managed to get fifty seven thousand euro I'm 17 years old and I have 70 grand in the bank what is happening why is my happiness at six percent this is a good analogy for life money does not buy happiness it does somebody could look leader Hurley go to work on self-improvement I'm I sit down I'm gonna meditate I'm gonna get the happiness back you know kam the body get the anxiety in the nerves out here there you go peaceful meditation you practice meditation you achieved a deeper awareness of yourself how my happiness went up to 26 percent I just keep doing that just keep meditating no it doesn't work all right it all starts now we'll go with the Shannon fitness and we're gonna get swole we're going to get massive if I can't change this I'm gonna change the rest of it you worked out in the gym jacked my looks right 23 percent this is it I'm one of the big leagues my mother just died your mother passed away at the age of 44 she died in a terrorist bomb explosion where was my one record that she was around terrorists we're getting a terrorist attack Ireland well of course I'm going to go to the funeral oh god now I'm just left with my stepdad no butter you graduated from secondary school this is so sad it's so much money in the bank I had a girlfriend life finally seemed like it was going right I worked on myself I meditated I went to the gym to get swole then my mother died right before I graduated now I have to go to college without her man life really comes at your hair doesn't it I'm going to go to university for dance I'm gonna let out my emotions through the act of interpretive dance maybe people will finally see me as a handsome young buck oh and not a Quasimodo and this in the military if we go off and fight my dad it's a play to university great except to the girl at sixteen two years later finally decided to turn my life around mother died got rejected from school where do I go from here Community College I'm gonna get a job instead porn cameraman I feel like that's where my life is going right now that's it lads I'm becoming a farmer I'm going to go out onto the fields everyday mainly because I want to grow plants and give them the life and love that they deserve the life and love that I didn't have growing up and gonna give that to the sports well being interviewed for the farmer position at Denali Valley Akers you're asked the following question which of these cookies do you like best ha ha how are yours my wafers peanut butter cookies I'm not a big fan of sweets I can't choose just one Oh shine papers peanut butter cookies are good but I'm trying to figure out what a farmer would like fern would like a no wafer bring it on the back and welcome to Denali Valley aircrews that's all it takes to become a farmer in life in Ireland if you go up and get the wrong question if you go up with their lake which do you prefer do you like berries tea or lions go up lend now you better be ready to say at the right hand sir which of course is 3 2 1 Lions gold blend yes thank you all of you berries tea feckers get her you're not going to become farmers today you're not gonna look after the tubers in the sports this is great my happiness is up to 12% but you know what I'm a bring my girlfriend out on a date we're gonna you know what we have made love yet either oh yeah you and your girlfriend Keira made of and look at that perfectly symmetrical that's how you know it's a good time something happened to the bedroom at the same time together and that's when pure ecstasy and fireworks go off when the little potato inside of you beats harder than ever that's good that's good you know what back to the gym we go Kyra enlisted in the Navy wait does everybody I love either die reject me or go off to the army I don't like this Cammie and Kyra still make love yeah we can she didn't like that as much anymore mainly because we had to have it across four continents all right it's time to give up in the paratime job throw nita anymore we have more time now for our fireman Jackson died at the age of eleven why me you'll never leave me though will you no no never you'll never leave me you're here forever you'll never leave me either I hate oh no don't go no no it's not the end of the video no please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now I'm sad and ugly [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,587,155
Rating: 4.9724026 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, bitlife, playing bitlife, jacksepticeye bitlife, bitlife gameplay, bit life, life simulator, bitlife life simulator, life simulation, bitlife challenge, bitlife life simulator gameplay, lets play, let's play, funny, school update, school, bitlife school update, life simulator game, comedy, gameplay, video game, game play, iphone game, iphone app, funny moments, simulator, simulation, challenge, bitlife challenges, life, irish, irish accent
Id: bveqVt_95yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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