Hermitcraft 8: Episode 10 - I'M SCARED

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i'm on the hermitcraft server now that may not sound like a big deal for someone who regularly is on the hermitcraft server but it's a big deal for me this week you see this project this project has been scaring me a little bit i'm really happy with how much we managed to do in the previous hermitcraft episode i mean we made a ton of progress we made this much progress which i think we can all agree is rather impressive and now i'm left with this rather large stone blob of an armchair which i'm very happy with you know i'm extremely happy with how we've done it it's meant to look like this but that's not how it's going to finish up looking the next stage in the process is to turn this stone blob of an armchair into a green blob of an armchair making use of shrubberies and all sorts of different bushes and greenery and to be frank noticed i've been really scared to do it i've been so scared to do it that i haven't been able to log onto the hermitcraft server for the past four days every morning i've woken up with every intention to start work on my hermitcraft episode and every morning i've just sat there doing nothing absolutely nothing i couldn't tell you what i've done for this whole week it's terrible it really is and and i don't normally go through that but that's because this as i say this project is out of my comfort zone by like three miles and and uh i haven't been able to process that very well so i've just sat so today we're going to be starting off small instead of being incredibly daunted at the idea of doing the entirety of the greenery on this thing i think i should tackle a section and really work out how i'm actually going to create this effect what i'm going to do to make this thing look as good as it possibly can look the first i want to check up on how rich we've become while i've been away okay not that rich not that rich this is not good that's good that's good that's good that's very good oh my goodness we are rolling in diamonds i've actually got i've actually gone and got a successful business we're out of stock there i need to restock that we've got some diamonds there this is good man i'll be honest i think this might be more diamonds than i've earned in all of the previous hermitcraft seasons combined i'm not joking one full stack and 12 bamboo i wonder who that could be my most valuable of items deserves his own chest let's get this cash cow restocked all of the resources have been gathered and the final bits need to be dropped off but i've just noticed something a pressure plate has been added to the harmless harvest store and this has not been added by me there was never a pressure plate here somebody has installed a pressure plate into my store which i feel like might be one of the most passive aggressive things you could do anyway everything is now fully restocked everything is filled up but so people can make their purchases once again i'm not used to having to restock my stores because they never usually run out of stock so this is a new experience for me normally i just build the store stock it once nobody buys anything and then the season's over and everything ends depressing stories aside let's get to work on some greenery so my inventory is filled with all of the various different green blocks i'm actually going to need for this thing and my only goal for today instead of stressing about getting the entire thing fully covered up which was causing me to have my minor breakdown i'm just going to focus on getting this area done i just want to get this area looking really good put a lot of time into the details really work out what sort of look i want to go for and then we can expand that throughout the rest of the build eventually and as far as the back is concerned well the back i'm not sure when the back's ever going to get done to be honest with you i'm going to leave it and not think about it like a true hermitcraft member anyway here goes first things first moss i think is going to be my friend in this build so maybe should i just cover the whole top section in moss is that a good start i mean the crazy thing about moss is that i don't even really need to place it what i need to do is just right click and then it kind of spreads through all of the stone this stuff is wild let's have a look how is this how is this working okay that is it's not it's not a terrible start i mean it's definitely that is a strong foundation as far as foundations go now the fact that i can just right click and that creates a fairly interesting environment it's pretty cool the one thing that i totally hadn't thought of is of course lighting things up that always tends to be the case with my builds but i think utilizing the technique of placing these moss carpets on top of the torches does a pretty good job at just creating a fairly uniform light level without any obvious area where the light is coming from it's as if we have radioactive moss blocks i mean sure i got my moss blocks from chernobyl but they were half price and as it's not a problem is it the radioactive things actually glow like that could be one of those myths i feel like that might actually entirely come from the simpsons now i'm thinking about it anyway as i say we've got a pretty solid start here but now it's time to start adding some variety into the mix because right now it's looking very very samey indeed and this is where things can go real south real fast i'm now i'm now having to be creative here it's no longer the bone mill that's doing all the work i'm actually having to place blocks and yeah already these carpets are being annoying i have absolutely no idea what i'm doing i have straight up no clue absolutely no idea what's going on right now i'm confused i'm lost i'm utterly bamboozled but i think i need to go decently big on the leaf edge i don't think there should be little strands dotted around here and there these need to be like big overgrowths and now that this overgrowth has used up all my leaves i guess it's time for us to observe the absolute mess that i've made honestly i'm not excited for this but that's actually not bad that is not bad that is not bad that is a good balance that feels quite good yeah that's a good balance between the moss blocks and the leaf blocks and this feels rooted in reality am i getting better at minecraft like am i actually getting okay at something just imagine i'm actually i'm starting to improve at the game that i've been playing for the past 10 years finally i thought the day would never come so we have the beginnings of a top section taking shape now it's time to start getting the feeling of this overgrowth then running down the front and down the sides of this mountain and that that is by far the most challenging part okay the this bit's the easy bit so i guess the thing that makes the most logical sense to me is to start building up from the bottom and just try my best to flow with the mountain and do this as organically as possible and those are all words that i'm absolutely terrified of and i'm starting to realize that maybe i haven't actually gotten better at minecraft maybe minecraft has just gone easier with the introduction of the most block i mean look this is like terraforming on easy mode i feel like this could be less humane than i think it is my statistics are still clear though so it doesn't matter anyway back to the most blocks making minecraft easier thing all i've done here is right click on moss blocks with bonemeal and it's done a pretty decent job agreenifying this cliff like this this already is such a solid start my anxiety about this project is quickly dwindling i actually feel like we could be able to create something very cool and it is purely because of new developments in minecraft and absolutely not because of any talent increase on my part if anything i've gotten stupider i've been doing some serious bushing lately and i think i'm getting somewhere i think i'm starting to understand how this works and that looks pretty cool doesn't it that looks cool forget that grass block there that's a piece of scaffolding please ignore it play with you yeah i'm happy with this i am happy with this this this structure actually works really nicely this this this foundation that's the word the word is foundation i struggled so much to think of that word in the last episode this foundation is actually really good it's really good to work with i did well come on what's this episode going to be called mumbo pats himself on the back for 20 minutes you know mumbo mumbo bigs himself up for half an hour what is this i want the old self-deprecating mumbo hates himself guy back yeah he was he was way more fun than this arrogant bush placer this big headed spud eater which actually reminds me in england if someone is full of themselves they think they're really great you can refer to them as charlie big potato and well i guess that's me literally a potato and a big one we are at the five hour mark in terms of progress and i've reached the edge of where i want to go on this side the reason i'm not planning on going any further is because green's mountain that he's constructing here is actually going to connect up into my base as well so we're going to connect these two things together using tariff warming and we're essentially going to have a base that is connected a dual base a double bass now this is incredibly exciting for a number of reasons and i can't wait to see what it looks like once it's all fully constructed however i think we all know that if he decides to make his mountain taller than mine then you best believe i'm going to go back and add some more onto the top your best belief i'm not going to be the smaller mountain in this crew this right here is my last leaf block that is the last one that i had i've raided harmless harvests that's now fully sold out of leaf blocks as well i've used up all the ones in my storage system they're all completely gone and this part is well it's mainly covered if we just spin around and take a look you can see that it looks it looks mega i'm really really pleased that i i cannot tell you how pleased i am now there is going to be more leafage going down here i just ran out before i had a chance to do it but still i am so so pleased with what we've managed to do here it's taken me about seven hours to get to this point which is actually around about in line with what i was expecting so if we imagine another seven hours to do this 14 hours here and then maybe another 14 hours up there it's a it's a big project doing the foliaging and once again i'm not even going to think about the back as far as i'm concerned the back currently doesn't exist actually i guess that is a factual statement the back literally doesn't exist but considering i spent the entire week pretty much running up to this recording session just so scared of placing any blocks and not wanting to log on to the hermitcraft server because i'm so terrified of getting started i know it's staffed but that genuinely is the case the huge weight that has now been lifted off my shoulders knowing that i've made a start on this project and i actually know what i'm doing and we are actually heading in the right direction it's massive i'm getting kind of emotional it's weird to bits absolutely chuffed to bits with this one really really happy cannot wait to now get this thing fully completed in the next hermitcraft episode but for now potatoes hello look you know you know i have to go and fetch my headphones from whatever drawer they've been placed in so that you don't complain at me the entire time you know how this works dude you know i'm prepared for this sort of thing i uh i'm thinking yeah i'm just out of a thinking walk so you're just out thinking i am just out thinking yes right you know sometimes you just gotta you just gotta go for a walk and think again you've decide and you've just you've just placed a sign that is you thinking you've written your thinking noises yeah yeah i think it's completely normal to be fair uh by the way did you place this pressure plate who placed this pressure plate no i did not but i did complain about it when i visited this house because i was like i it was in the middle of the night i was chased by some birds yeah and and they kept walking in because it's the thing it wasn't me i'm trying to work this out i thought maybe you you were the you were the maybe the culprit of it and i don't know why i thought this but then no no it wasn't you know what you need to do though [Music] maybe you need to have a thinking walk about who did this join me join me now i'm trying i'm trying to think about what on earth this even is hmm that's something to think about so what that's very that's like the opposite so what so i should just be thinking about the fact that i'm having to think about the fact that i'm having to this is a this is a loop i don't i don't think we need to judge what we think about okay what we need to do is uh [Music] yes do you see who can do it the longest okay this is the least entertaining video content i could possibly think of another another one all right okay all right three two one [Music] [Music] i only lost because i was laughing wait let me say that yeah that's that's good though that's so annoying i'm normally so good at that sort of thing as well i can normally oh man i have iron lungs literally i can't believe i lost it's only because i started laughing unbelievable oh no it's a good reason to lose something yeah it's a good reason to lose okay well yeah you have to um i know how to replant that we haven't spoken much this season how's your um yeah it's going well no killing yeah no i still haven't killed anything i'm doing well there uh i know i i but i do have ways of getting around it like i i just do i just do this and then i mean i personally if you if you just hold if you just drop down here then we can destroy it and you won't actually get hurt so we're all good there because it's just oh really oh yeah yeah i'm pretty good at these things wait wait see your thinking walk has has generated some information that you didn't actually know about so i guess yeah i guess that's you call me a loser holder that's that seems that seems like an insult i don't know why it seems like an insult but if someone called me a loop maybe you can think about it maybe you should think about it i i mean maybe i i give you some presents for this you have you have cleared my mind i know what to do now that's good all right buddy always nice to see your friend goodbye see you later nice to see you too well that was frankly incredibly baffling anyway as i was saying potatoes at this current point in time this is how i get my xp i go over to the pass and gas the pass the pass and gas is the the passing guards this name doesn't quite work so well for english people i should really lean into my outfit a little bit more and call it the pace and guess engage well whatever it's called all i do is i chuck a diamond into here and then this happens and things get mended up and it's incredibly satisfying but it is also quite expensive because i have to come here often often so it's time to activate my spuds having been on a long thinking walk i've come up with a good plan of a way to generate xp making use of potatoes this farm generates far too many potatoes for any sane person to eat i mean i'm literally a potato i'm made entirely of potato and this is still too much potato for me so i'm going to convert these ridiculous potato supplies into a peaceful xp farm and the first stage of this seems a little bit of a shame but it is entirely necessary and that is to clear out the potato storage that is a lot of potatoes to be burned that is that is so many potatoes and it's only going to increase i mean this is how many potatoes am i burning at this point in time it's definitely it's in the many thousands 77 000 potatoes are currently being wiped off the face of the planet i'm not entirely sure why i'm sure it's unrelated but the server does seem to be struggling a tiny bit at this point in time probably scheduled maintenance or something maybe the whole internet has slowed down a little bit just in general unrelated to this these loving plants so with all of those drowns mysteriously self-emulating now the hallway is cleared for us to actually get this thing in place and to be honest it is actually a ridiculously simple system placing the barrels however is clearly not so simple to get people up to speed for people who are potentially confused when you take items out of a furnace then you get xp and the more items that have flown through that furnace the more xp that you receive so our potatoes will run up this item elevator make their way around here and then end up in these furnaces they will smelt up in the furnaces and eventually fill up these barrels down at the bottom and once this barrel and the hopper behind it is filled they will then start to back up through the furnace and they won't drop through which means i can grab them out of this slot and when i do this i should be inundated with tons and tons of xp orbs however there is one thing that i haven't thought of this is gonna use a lot of fuel isn't it how have i not thought of that i mean i even i put in the barrels and i put in the hoppers and things for the fuel but i didn't think about how many bits of coal or how many blaze rods it would take to smelt a full barrel of potatoes and then to do that 15 times over that's that's a lot now there is one potential option and that is to make use of lava buckets but that is going to use a lot of iron and i'll have to go to the nether every time i want to refuel it but then again i could potentially make a new lava farm making use of drip stone i could do that that would be good but that that requires loads of cauldrons and also loads of buckets so i'm definitely going to need an iron farm and potentially a drip stone farm because i need to get the drip stone spiky things to then make the la i need to i need to make an iron farm so i can get the cauldrons and a drip stone farm so i can get the drip stone and then i could make my lava farm so that i can fuel my xp farm what this is the most long-winded way of getting xp i've ever heard of but it's all in the name of humanity i don't want to cause damage to those poor defenseless and very noisy endermen over at the enderman farm to get xp so this is the only way that we can possibly do it all right let's get this thing filled in then so i mean how many am i going to need i guess just one full barrel of lava buckets each time i guess before i spend a bunch of time and a bunch of iron getting all of the buckets ready for this entire system i should probably do a proof of concept with the original first furnace that would actually be smart like that would be an intelligent thing to do a rare intelligent thought from me i don't know what you're thinking how on earth could a contraption so incredibly simple break well there is one little thing say for example this first furnace fills up a little bit too quick for one single furnace but doesn't fill up fast enough for consistent double furnace it's going to absolutely eat through the lava buckets because you see as soon as one potato goes in here this lava bucket is then lit is is used up and even if no more potatoes come through that entire lava bucket is going to get used so we could end up with a super inefficient fuel source now the solution to this problem would be to make it so that well first off we'd have to reduce the number of modules that we'd have we'd probably have to have a gap between each one of them and then we'd make it so that unless this barrel was filled or the bottom barrel in any of the modules was filled then the next one wouldn't be able to fill up so as soon as this barrel gets fully filled up with potatoes there's no more room for any more then the next module will be able to start filling but unless that is the case then none of them would be able to fill up past that point so i've identified a potential future problem that hasn't happened just yet but i can foresee it and i've also thought of the solution i mean i really am my brain is on fire today my two brain spuds are really doing the work and now impulse is here and he's probably going to blow this spud to bits do you mind if i just make my way over to harmless harvests quickly there i've been i've just stocked the end crystals oh you did oh cool because yeah they've been out for a long time and i ran out a long time ago right but i just was walking around with obsidian in my inventory for no reason okay okay okay honestly i don't know [Laughter] yeah yeah a little awkward i mean i i was hoping to um i was just checking on you because you weren't moving in a while and i was worried about you in there right now i see i see i see okay so some of those ones but just know that my end crystals are primed so if you're ever in the area just just be aware that okay i mean i'm not very good at threatening things to be honest you keep them on you at all times oh yeah yeah yeah i've got at least half a stack at all times pretty armed and deadly okay let's do this let's do this mobile i got an idea okay you know you you you have you have your your whole standoff thing what if we do it a little differently right okay okay is it what anything around here that we care about blowing up i mean let's go near green's face that's yeah that's probably good yeah yeah yeah yeah okay here's what we'll do here's what we'll do okay okay now oh no you just surprised i didn't die then that was quite impressive okay here's here's what i'm thinking right ten paces away right one two three four five six seven eight nine okay i gotta i need another block here okay and ten okay can you back up ten or is it too close tomorrow yeah you've placed this in the worst possible spot so okay okay ten maybe we go less maybe we you got it okay i think so now now the key is we re race to the obsidian this is guaranteed this is it no we'll be okay whoever places it what and whoever places it and blows it up wins uh okay race okay but they're not okay but then i'll be really close to it like if i if i'm racing to place it and then okay well whatever uh you know what you know what i i'm down to give this a go i'm okay a little spin on the game here you ready okay i'm gonna count us off three two one go wait wait you wait i didn't even try yeah because you almost got there i did try but then i saw that you were way faster than me so then obviously i'm gonna stand back so that i don't get blown up by it oh okay okay see i i i've learned now that actually being close is the way to go oh is it yeah yeah go ahead go ahead see i took loads of damage there i like almost died i feel like i feel like your tips aren't very good i mean that would have been quite comical if it got us wouldn't it because oh yeah it'll be it'll definitely be fine just walk right up to it i mean the real tip is oh wait wait why did i almost die again what's going on well just keep trying i'm sure nothing could go wrong okay well i mean how close to death are you uh closer i was hoping that zombie would actually finish you off oh my goodness that would have been so embarrassing all right the real series the real tip is is if you're below here then you're fine so it's like if you just oh yeah are you taking nothing nothing absolutely okay okay yeah that did that one actually hurt a little bit i've got loads more where these come from by the way and i mean it works well for me if we're in these fights because you're having to buy them from me exactly i was going to say this is part of your marketing strategy isn't it initiate this war but with the items you're selling excellent yeah very smart very smart perfect it is perfect all right well just know i've got eyes in the back of my head all right if i if i if i hear end crystals be in place you best believe i'm switching around and i'm gonna be placing them as well okay all right i know i'm the fastest slinger in the west i know so i gotta be careful yeah so we managed to survive another end crystal fight again so that right there is the concept of rxp grinder this right here is a rather gigantic terraforming project that i've made solid progress on today i cannot overstate how important getting this done was for my own mental sanity and we've also done some goofing around with impulse and some goofing around with this gal this has been a very fun episode on the hermitcraft server i really do hope that you've enjoyed it it's been a blast and i will catch you in the next one see ya i just want to round up this episode by saying i really do hope that you don't mind me sharing the intricacies of why going through creating a hermitcraft episode i don't want to bring the mood down at all but sometimes you know i am i am human and it can be really difficult to open up minecraft and actually start recording a video especially if i'm stressed about what i'm creating so yeah
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,520,159
Rating: 4.9812374 out of 5
Keywords: Hermitcraft 8: Episode 10 - I'M SCARED, Hermitcraft, Hermitcraft 8, Hermitcraft 8: Episode 10, Hermitcraft Season 8, Season 8, ermitcraft 8 Mumbo Mega Base, Mumbo Mega Base, Mumbo Mountain, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Minecraft Peaceful XP Grinder, Minecraft Peaceful, Minecraft Peaceful XP, Peaceful XP Grinder, Iskall85, end crystal PvP, ImpulseSV, Harmless Harvests, end crystal PvP with ImpulseSV, Minecraft end crystal PvP, I'M SCARED
Id: Ylx77t0MLeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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