Minecraft Is Easy

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Someone pls edit some big tiddies below the β€œlarge chest”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/teresacl3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Big_Type4928 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
good night gamers you thought i was done with minecraft no never done with minecraft i have so much to show you guys it's even more pathetic than before where do i start i beat the game and i thought i would be done they just sparked a whole new uh spark in me isn't that right sparky funky first of all i have the soul walker now so now i go fast wait we're not even started yet watch while i get the enchantment there it is let's go if i want to go anywhere look at this [ __ ] monkey look how [ __ ] fast i am uh that's cool that's cool i didn't know you could do that so i had it around the base too and oh my god i am easily entertained shut up it's cool oh i want to go to this part of the base no problem kill a spider i know i'm supposed to wait for the sword i was just meaning but yeah it's the bomb okay first of all we're gonna do a raid today just so you know i just want to show off my base really quick so i made it like this it's pretty smart i i think it's pretty smart because you can't automate in other words you can yes you can your character still has to be active it's not like the melon form that is completely independent right so what i did is i did it like this i use my own pick to get the stuff right and as you can see they go through the floor at least they're supposed to oh god where's bro it's working is it full are they full they might be full actually yeah they go through they go through it's just a little slow they basically they go directly back into the system there's nothing more to it i i thought it was pretty smart because i still catch some of them and then i can just plant them from here pretty easily and it's just the same on the other side obviously it's not perfect but i was quite happy with it so they're collecting underneath it goes back can we see actually yeah see it goes up which is pretty neat it's pretty neat my base is insanely laggy now [Laughter] uh what else is new oh shulker boxes these things are amazing so what they do is that you can fill the shulker bugs up then pick it up and bam it's a portable uh chest basically which is so freaking good so that made it so i can start farming materials way easier like the soul sand and the coolest part about it is that okay let's say i had a big uh i gathered a bunch of cobblestone or some [ __ ] right all right look look how much cobblestone i have in my shulker box oh it's gonna be so no actually let's do it like this we have a bunch of mixed stuff right uh yeah some arrows they will go in the system torches will go in the system uh fire go in the system too okay oh that's so annoying now i have to like go to all the spots to pick it out no no no not if you have an automated minecraft system so i just placed them here let's say they were all full i placed them all there i hit the switch they tick in and then they tick out through the system baby get sorted my dudes yes why are the melons disappearing there no they're not they're still going okay good but the sand is going in the sand is going in it's all going in it makes my computer lag oh god they spawn on top get off my wall don't look at me while i murdered you there you go moving come on i'm gonna get you oh yeah we can just leave them there to do the job it's pretty cool i love shulker boxes now i had a problem where uh if i remove the shulker boxes the shulker box itself would go in the hopper and then get sorted so i have i have a way to just turn it off if i want to but we don't have to worry about that right now shulker boxes are amazing they're so good i can't believe i never used them cool part about it too they go on walls and stuff like that i don't know if that's cool but like i didn't feel like putting it back and i know i'm gonna need it later so i just kept it there uh anyway let's do the raid okay i'm gonna warn you guys before you judge me i've been playing a lot like a lot lot like i'm more than i've ever played but if we head over here we have my self-designed farm i mean it's not really i mean i used the basic template from mr cat's raid farm but basically here is my self-made i'll call it that i don't care hillary farm wait what's happening i thought i was going to die didn't you what's hitting him they're fine why aren't they spawning there they go they were all in the system already look at them go i love it so much yes yes yes let's go i love it so much it's so funny uh so yeah they dropped down here and then i can just kill them get the bad omen so we can start a raid damn it's really effective i'm i'm pretty damn pleased is this too much for my computer playing minecraft and recording my face cam at the same time like damn uh took a lot to cover up but it did make it more effective so they all spawn inside you can see them in the shadow [Music] here they come i love this [ __ ] it's so cool it's not great for xp uh but it is pretty good for just getting the omen and a little bit xp and money i would say it's mainly just fun to watch them i get a lot of joy out of this i think this is one of my favorite now obviously i gotta have a self-sorting system underneath that is working really well as you can tell it's exactly how i want it uh let me show you how it works oh my god stop spawning it is a bit dangerous i've died from my own traps before but we should be all right so basically they go down here and then on this floor they go down here i mean i don't think about it i probably don't need the floor in between and then they get sucked in there which then goes to the elevator this feels a bit dangerous i'm actually gonna get out of here how do i do this without dying oh god i'm gonna die why did i go down here oh actually it's all right i can go through the system now i think about it it should be fine this is a little dangerous but hey as long as i don't fall off the edge at the top i should be all right this will be the dumbest death of all time if i die here yeah i'm okay i'm okay am i okay i don't know am i okay i don't hold up am i dying this is it it's not even worth it's not even i make it out here there we go [Music] i'm fine i'm fine guys [Music] i'm fine i'm completely fine how the [ __ ] have i made it this far i'm fine [Music] i have the lighter on me oh god i can't go back to base i have the omen so here's my raid farm this is from mr cat yeah another great tutorial oh i also want to give a shout out to waddles i saw you comment on my video and then i realized he's the channel i forgot because i got the iron form from him uh yeah just chat he was watching the series i appreciate you but yeah the raid the raid stars they always spawn over there i i'm scared of covering up too much because uh i'm scaring i'm just gonna block all the spawns but it basically works the exact same way there's a villager uh inside the walls that they are trying to go to but they get sucked into the system and here is my raid farm which is super cool it feels like this is illegal or something i mean a lot of people told me i should make a raid farm but uh yeah it feels a bit like you're cheesing it but it's amazing for getting totems of undying i like to spy on them a little there you go idiots you're all going to die dumbasses [Music] going go go in the system just go in the system bro get systemized [ __ ] just go into my automatic system [ __ ] you're all going to my automatic system [Applause] i actually almost died while using this because they do spawn the evokers i think they're called which is the one that spawned a little flying fairies and they do a [ __ ] ton of damage um and they can they can clip through the wall so you gotta be a little bit careful and those horse things die from the lava that's basically how they work anyway i ain't got time fellas see you in the system you can actually see them spawn too which is kind of cool did they just spawn on no they didn't oh look they're just going in idiots they're like where did he go dumb asses i got your knees boy get all their knees you might be wondering hey felix why did you spend all this time setting this up you already beat the game what's the point well what's the point of anything really is it not to have fun isn't that the point of video games because i'm having fun doing it i think it's awesome [Music] they look so dumb oh they heard me i wish there was a way i could connect this sorting system with my the base at home that'd be so [ __ ] cool but the chunks need to be loaded and they're too far away my dream i want to expand the base as much as humanly possible man i think there's one more wave and then we'll do a proper wave we'll see them spawn now i think there they are they come out of nothing because they can't spawn on the mountain i made sure that [ __ ] oh god [Music] is it lagging less now a little bit all right i think the line we're waiting for the last one hello ah geez don't tell me you get stuck somewhere we saw them all spawn right oh it's oh god that's not good that's actually really bad [Music] oh sometimes my shader makes him invisible no he's still missing where the [ __ ] is he i'm scared of looking down because i could actually fall in and die no oh that's so annoying i don't get the award i don't know how to fix that i mean maybe he's spawned in a cave or something that's a bit anticlimactic anyway we do get the tournament of undying only one apparently all right let's head back to the not you maybe there's too many entities at night and that messes it up [Music] why is literally nothing spawning is my render distance too long there we go yeah look they spawn in they turn around they go right in the system hell yeah hell yeah it looks so cool too i wish i was using black stone cobblestone's so ugly but what are you gonna do oh they're already here pardon me didn't see you walk in all right so we got the bad omen right away nice so what happens if i go back to the raid farm then there's still one remaining where where are thou i don't see where they could possibly have gone is this a common thing found them got them are they in the water i don't ah where are they what's going on could they be in this hole i hear him i found you [ __ ] he fell in the hole oh god it started i started another rain [ __ ] oh god [ __ ] this i don't think so i don't think so guys i'm just gonna go in the hole i'll see you down there see this is why you need to remember to take up the electric god damn oh yes last one oh there's one more way or did i i started another i started another did i i can't tell ah geez they are dangerous [ __ ] your legs [ __ ] see it their thing the bar is going down because their um horse looking thing is going in the lava [Music] we're missing two oh we're missing one oh all right there we go and that's how you raid hard mode hardcore style oh let me get that money oh nice oh okay here's where the [ __ ] tones were jesus christ that's not from one that's not from one i've done a lot of these i actually have way more at home i'll show you guys i think i have them here oh yep we're uh we're getting a bit full on the babies if i ever die by not having a totem of undying then i will die in real life because that's the dumbest [ __ ] ever i have so many oh man i missed one all right for the last time let's wait for them to come in man i don't deserve to live all right so let's get the bad omen again there we go we got the bad omen and let's go back you like the arrows i made because i kept getting lost flying with the election let's do a raid at our own house i'm a little nervous i just think it would be cool i i it just feels lame to do a normal rain we gotta defend our fire nation industrial revolution minecraft temple we gotta defend the bonkey and watercat i hear them coming in from the east there they are i don't know what's a good way to do this oh they saw me they're trying you're all going into my automatic sorting system you understand me easy peasy uh the last two i assume they're down by the villagers yeah hello [Music] thank you stay away from my farmers don't worry i protect you i protect you by almost shooting at you oh it's getting dark now dark and dramatic monkey i ride with bonky this will be glorious we ride to battle this is just like lord of the rings don't shoot monkey idiot you hit bonky you die bucky bunky pewdiepie do it too strong let's go this is so badass hey don't hit bonkey don't hit funky we had a deal you can kill me but don't kill my donkey okay i hear them of the trash okay when the ravanger or whatever they call come i think that's when i want to be a little careful where the hell are they oh it's always concerning when you don't see them i have pushback on my bow so i should be okay knockback whatever [Music] yeah let's go too easy all right we're missing one but where ah found him wait why that was not it oh god don't you dare go near my villagers [ __ ] don't be scared i will protect you you may be locked in there forever and want to die but don't worry i'll keep you alive that's a pewdiepie promise [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa don't want to mess with these guys oh there's a witch as well i don't think so oh god she poisoned me why do i have a healing bug did she give me that oh i just realized i can change the beacons of course oh they spawn on top of it what maybe that buy me some time hold up i forgot i can change the beacons obviously i want to make them uh there's a comet one right oh my god the poison is so annoying get down from there stop oh i gotta break the glass then that's a little that way i don't know of course uh all right so strength right oh that's sick strength two no okay now we do way more damage oh my god hey get up my property ah keep thinking he's gonna move oh my gosh just stop oh my god got him all right let's say hi to our friends i have sharpness right i should be okay oh am i interrupting something he's ckc boys do i one shot them he had it oh god oh god that's an invoker all right we got him this is [ __ ] weird i'm walking so fast [Music] god i hate i hate these got him got him oh another one gotta defend my base at all costs you know where the hell did they oh my gosh guys you're terrible at this dude i'm on point he's trying to infiltrate the meatball stop him another album cover shot coming up ha ha i can't fight you can't fight and you can't hide and run either okay damn this is fun why did i build a raid farm this is way cooler just fighting them right right bunkie monkey album cover in three two one boom that looks sick nice okay actually i need to oh dramatic drama are they attacking you stop him where's my sword whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa let's cool it let's cool it okay why oh buggy i'm sorry where's my sword there we go don't think so just they're shooting them no i'm sorry i was supposed to protect you i knew there was a chance for that i was i was ready to face the consequences this is so [ __ ] anime dude i'm living in anime right now let's go last wave oh they're all stuck nice oh god i'm out of arrows i was hoping that wouldn't happen that poison is hurting dude oh god they're all there it's better to snipe them before they summon their those first this is bad i'm really low jesus christ i think i might have to just do that bro it's intense dude i love it give me the baby all right but we're lucky with the sponsor these guys no no no [Music] [Applause] [Music] we did it that's it it's not to kill these whoa there's fireworks where oh they're shooting fireworks oh they're so happy hey they love me i knew they loved me i didn't know that that's so cool i'm almost dying all right so maybe doing it in your base isn't the best idea but it is fun i'll tell you that god damn more babies so now we get the hero the village buff and i'm sure as you all know we get better trading now unfortunately we lost one of our villagers and the second one i didn't like him anyway so it's okay i do like you no i wanted you to die [ __ ] all right i've been meaning to kill him for so long it's so useless uh the prices are better by quite a lot actually damn yeah more money all right let's look at the damage not bad not bad at all yes dude i i want to get a whole box filled with emerald blocks we're getting there i mean it's still a way to go but that would be [ __ ] sick dude then i would feel like i'm truly rich but yeah minecraft veteran saying thank you for watching this series i'll probably do updates every once in a while i still love playing the game but obviously uh whatever i do from here will just be random stuff to improve the base so don't expect them too often at least but i do i will keep it up if i feel like it uh so yeah thanks for watching guys leave a like subscribe every subscriber i get another subscriber see you tomorrow with whatever i upload bye bye
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 5,037,331
Rating: 4.9647789 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: v6gIYk6sRqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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