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so guys quick reminder before we start the video enter to win the watch you can win this watch link is in the description click it follow the instructions and good luck to you we're in it to win it why are you here by yourself [Music] my so we're in rainy new york city it's pouring down with rain adam has actually stood in the rain and we're here to visit avianco and they're going to show us what a watch experience of which buying experience should be like i've never been here i'm excited i've heard lots of great things so uh let's go take a look what they've got and get out of the rain adam thank you so avienko it's very pretty by the way um they carry an extraordinary range of watches from the super high end to the high end and pretty much everything in between they have pieces that are very very difficult to get and uh i want to go take a look so let's go look let's continue did you ever make that shirt i did it [Music] michael i'll let him [Applause] oh wow this is nice hello hello how are you guys michael hey very nice okay nice to meet you this is adam how are you doing adam adam nice to meet you good how are you how you doing how are you adam nice to meet you diana diana my pleasure nice to meet you would you like something to drink top shelf well i didn't really drink but it's unusual to see that in a watch sales place this is this is beautiful it's really really beautiful thank you look at that i didn't like it she's trying to be real at the moment really cool what a great display yeah so over here we have some of the offshore models it's the latest and some of the most really in demand pieces we have the camera that just got released i've never seen that yet i have this guy for the white ceramic you can never wear it stunning great summer watch it is a fun summer i have a blue strap on mine yeah i've never seen that what do you think of that adam it's cool does does that have like a plastic thing on the bezel so that is a bezel protector okay case protector to be honest it's a top and bottom piece that they put on top too that's very very cool yeah and here we have very popular ladies uh paddock ap some offshore some royal oaks open work yes open work that's a very possible gold so that's that's frosted it's not diamonds yes so it's a really cool hammering technique that ap does to give this very really nice shine and glitter to the watch very extraordinary very nice yes very nice so here are some high-end jewelry pieces that we have pink diamonds actually yes we do wow various stones and sizes bracelets necklaces gorgeous and someone has to be very strong with a strong necklace this is actually an audemars piguet necklace this is an ap yes yes it is no they made them yeah it's very really a very unique piece that a client of ours uh did a trade-in for was that a custom-made piece or they actually sell jewelry no no i guess it was uh it comes with original ap papers and a box it's crazy very unique piece some more of this what a great display larger size cases for the aps we have a novelty blue edition you have more aps in ap now and uh that's the matching gents version of the ladies and that's the new version of fifteen five hundred is the new self winding also has a len the bezel protector on it right yes it does very cool here we have some really stunning paddock phillips various nautiluses and aquanauts that's the big 60th i believe 40th white anniversary this is very very hard to get very expensive watch and that fifty seven eleven that's with a diamond factory set puzzle is it right yeah it's factory it's amazing wow and here we have the very every combination right yeah we have them on australia are these used on you we have a variety we carry unworn and pre-owned timepieces wow they all look new we keep them in a fantastic condition you have these two beautiful pieces i like that dial yes what's on the dial that's uh diamond hour markers never there's some insignia in the middle of it turquoise but isn't that like a castle in the middle what am i saying or is that just a pattern it's just a pattern of what though the turquoise of the stone it's really pretty and you're looking at it upside down i am is it okay well i'm not trying to tell the time on it so let's look what's in here i hate you at times batman yes robin no robin i was joking well cool so is is abby here yes he is can you grab him yes please yeah give me a minute that would be that would be great it's lovely in here isn't it it really is look at this first little lounge here so pretty in the bar just came out just don't release that's something else i've never seen that talk very very nice who wants it how's everything so thanks for having us here pleasure thank you for coming well i'm just telling everybody that you know you're a different type of watch retailer and uh i see that looking around it's it's quite the experience it is very difficult something you've got a great selection of watches we have a lot more to show you you do yes where why don't we bring this i have to see gentlemen get comfortable let's let's bring out the special pieces let's do over here yes this is really nice great light i like this i can see yeah that's a lot of designing we had a special designer that flew out to design this whole beautiful i always wanted the experience i used to have a retail store downstairs here on the diamond district but it got to a point that i understood that people that want to buy those type of high-end watches they're not really interested in buying watches or anything on high end where other people are interfering in there watching them so this is more private very upscale when you come in you get the best experience that you ever wanted when you buy a watch or anything it feels like i'm in somebody's house yes which is really really nice welcome big welcoming warm it's not cold it's not too big uh everybody here is personalized for for whatever they do so i make sure the experience here is more than anything it's not just about selling your watch how long have you been here in this location i believe almost two years now we extended we started with uh one office about 700 square feet then we went downstairs here we took like 2000 square feet and just a few months ago we took the whole entire side of the floor which is six thousand square feet right now incredible so how do people know you're here because you're on the second floor you're not on the ladder on the street a lot of word of mouth a lot of advertising uh we very big on the internet you can see us everywhere when you're trying to get a watch you google anything we out there we have five-star uh google reviews over 250 almost 300 reviews all positive and some champagne oh wow please wow wow well i don't actually drink but i will thank you very much it's very nice say cheers for you coming thank you for your time cheers i appreciate it he feels left out honestly i'm good i'm i'm working okay it's okay it's not going to get you there we'll get you one more cheers cheers there you go it's on camera one more time michael it's actually it's actually fizzy apple juice it's not it's champagne sparkly fizzy so thanks guys uh hit the subscribe button hit the bell see ya before he gets drunk yeah right oh look at this boxes are coming inbound what do you want to see first michael i want to see everything i don't know what you've got here oh wow i'm already intrigued let me move my phone okay i'll put this somewhere up oh my word oh that's just ridiculous that's totally ridiculous this is the best of the best i feel like very insignificant i'm wearing this no you shouldn't feel like that we can go in that section we have more of them [Laughter] so here we have all the factory uh diamond rolexes what a fabulous selection i have this guy rainbow daytona you have it huh i do yeah i do how do you like it i love it you wear it i do yeah often yeah actually it's one of my favorite watches and i have this guy in white gold and that's one of your favorite watches which one's that this one oh yeah that's good same blue blue or black and white mine has black onyx like hour markers and i get diamonds right just basically the same with this this is also very special platinum daytona got discontinued mercy sure so they don't make this anymore they don't beautiful piece is that too sparkly for the lens no it looks beautiful that's really gorgeous this green light only just came out what about i like that i think it's very different it's not too much can i ask you a question yes in your opinion being a watch expert this this watch i don't know how much is it it's about 160 000 okay so is that more or less than the the retail the retail this particular one is less actually no it's right there that's the retail 155 is the retail so since it's discontinued what do you think will happen to the value do you think it'll go up yeah it does beautiful goes up the more things are discontinued there's more demand for it people are for some reason getting attracted to uh discontinued models what's your favorite piece in this sparkly box oh that's a good question if you if you had to go home with one which one would it be if you were really forcing me then i would go with this one would you really i would i thought you didn't like yellow gold well yeah but look they're basically yellow gold it looks icy yeah it does look good that is yeah that is absolutely beautiful is that dial is it black or does it have like a green to it no it's black with a green lettering oh okay that's what i'm saying yeah that is stunning what about you michael which one if you had to pick one of those well you know this one because i i have it but if i had to get a different one um i'd probably go with this yeah yeah it really does look quite special beautiful beautiful what a great selection amazing and then we move on to the patek box yes so they call the pateks or god of watches why i know they are but you said you know they are why do you why do you know they are well it's one of the oldest brands right right and um they've always been known for amazing quality another i have no idea and they they they not just keep the value they only go up in value it's it's something that you pass on to your kids and your grandkids so you're really taking it taking care of it for your future generations is that true of all pateks or just specific models all pateks but notices in general are the most wanted watches like the 57 12 57 11 59 90. this just came out the 5740 perpetual calendar i have this guy 50 89 80 r r right so 5980r is i think the hottest before you go this is my favorite so let me tell you a story about this one i had one of these and i sold it because somebody i i bought it and i didn't really wear it so i i sold it because i was made a good offer this was a while ago and from what i understand it's now worth about double what i sold it for why don't we say triple how much you saw this one 140 somewhere around there more than double really yeah oh you make me cry last one i sold was 330 000. really yes 332 how much is this one i'll give it two for 300. that makes me want to cry i sold mine for 140 uh it makes me you know what you sound like i was sitting with sylvester stallone a few years back and he has the same story about the same watch really when i told him the value he almost hit his head he's like i can't believe it why the hell did i sell it with his name on the papers everything oh that's crazy this is also beautiful the celestial this is the celestia yeah so can you can you can you tell us a little bit about this watch it's a very hard watch to get especially with the diamonds uh how much is this piece that's four hundred thousand four hundred thousand and what would the list be on this watch i'll tell you right now it should be under ten and i know this is a watch that's also going to be 396 000 oh so you're not really asking more than th no no my my whole idea and watches and staying in business and making sure it's not just selling your watch for a high price and everybody so far was buying from it's more relationship it's like you once you purchase it you become a family member when you want to sell it when you want to trade it whether you want to fix it that service comes along with it so that's that's so prices you know i can ask 450 000 for it and i'll probably get it because anywhere you go you can call 20 other deals right now and you know a lot of them and i promise you not one is going to have it in stock they're all going to tell you i can find it for you and you know what's gonna happen they call you they're gonna call me yeah and then i'm gonna tell them price and they're gonna add their commission and try to sell it to you so nobody has this makes a lot of sense right i can't charge more but i don't believe in that i believe in relationship i believe in giving the right prices because they come back you buy this you call me six months a year you say i want to sell it what do you think of that that is gorgeous absolutely gorgeous so what does it do other than tell the time so i see there's a couple of indicators in here what what there's a special moment it comes with a whole book and to be quite honest i never read the book so you need a degree really too you've got to really yes you got to really read it there's a lot of options over there uh there's something to do with where the stars are in the sky statement i just made right i apologize this is gorgeous there's something on the back as well um no it's just not happening no open back and it has plastic the buckle also comes with that gorgeous wow it's all these pieces are more investment you know i've been i've been doing watches for the last 10 years i mean i'm in this over 15 years but watches mainly over 10 years and everything i've sold so far everybody made money if you were to advise somebody that's wanting to get in to watch investments what would you advise them to buy okay investments can come in different ways investments can come i want i want to go up i want to put in the safe or investments can be i want to wear it and still make sure i'm not going to lose an arm and a leg i want to wear it and not illusion on my leg so anything you see here on this table right here so let me explain it like this i invest my money just like you if you buy a watch you put your money these are invested in the sense so the money is safe in each one of them there's nothing here that won't keep the value because i wouldn't have it otherwise right i wouldn't put my money in it i wouldn't buy it right so they're all good investments but like i said tedx has the most safest bet i believe like this watch here um honestly i don't find this to be particularly attractive it's not my type of watch but i'm sure lots of people love it me there yeah what is this and why is it in the box with all of these does i just put a little selection i have many other paddocks also i have more complicated this is you know everybody has their own taste some people want is that correct thirty three thousand yeah thirty three thousand retail and it trades for fifty thousand wow yeah so this is fifty thousand fifty thousand would you assort it no why don't you bring me the uh five zero seven four please i'll show you model that was just fifty thousand i would never have guessed that in a million years i mean it's it's gorgeous and i i'm sure it's fantastic uh and very short after it just to me it's not attractive it's not my style i mean right i understand i wouldn't i wouldn't wear it but again a lot of people wouldn't wear the things i wear so this is a discontinued model something very special that if you call investment this is an investment what is this model five five zero seven four fifty seventy four r so it's single seal that means it's still in the bag it's brand new straight from the factory of course so this i'm guessing is a minute repeater there's a slide on the side yeah uh it's 2005. so imagine how many years is it 15 years old 15 years it's in the box wow and it won't hurt the movement being in the boxes no it's a paddock so this watch was how oh wait before i ask the question there's two backs yes it comes with an open back and a closed back i've never seen that either a lot of a lot of the paddocks come like that do they really yeah two bags isn't that cool yes so how much was this when it was new how much was the retail do you recall probably the retail was about maybe 200 maybe plus minus 250. really yeah and today is that 100 000. stop seven hundred thousand seven hundred thousand so there you go that's the question with your investment seven hundred thousand that's a great investment how would you know that at the time though you just gotta believe in paddock the other question i have yes is let's say that that was a watch that somebody had worn and it wasn't in the seal it still keeps value but not as much as this because who will spend seven hundred thousand most of them would like a brand new paddock that was never worn before no complication never polished a person like that would buy this but that person that they're going to wear it or put it back in the box and put it in the safe so if it was a dealer or somebody like you that would just want to keep it as an investment you're probably not going to wear it well i would because i buy watches too well to wear so that's actually well so you would wear it you would wear it you would open it make a nice video of you opening it yeah there you go so what would a opened one be worth today probably 50 to 100 000 cheaper so you might as well get the new one if you want to spend the extra 100 000 you get a sealed one and you're sure it's brand new and unworn and i would never guess that would you absolutely not absolutely amazing and you just have that hidden away in the back yes i have a lot more other watches in the back it's in a vault my whole concept is i want to get the right models for the right clients and we do have a lot of clients and you know how you go to a store you go to ap like i travel i go to this uh 80s you walk in they have nothing and then when you want to buy a nice watch they tell you oh for you to buy a stainless steel watch you got to buy this hundred fifty thousand dollar tourbillon right but i'm trying to spend twenty thousand dollars in the world you understand it gets difficult exactly right so here you avoid all of this it's like buying a ferrari same thing want you want that one you have to buy that one that one same thing same exact thing so uh who started this whole uh low uh inventory is richard mills uh you have more richard meals than probably every a.d in the united states probably and that's not all of it you have more i have some terrible bring me bring me some turbulence ramps may i pull this out so i have this guy without the diamonds i haven't actually seen it with the 35 tool 3502 so that 3502 retails for a hundred and thirty something thousand hundred forty times without the diamonds without the diamonds right you know how much it trades for 200 about 175 180 so you bought it at the store you're already up you're making 30 40 000 on one particular watch that's crazy how much is this one that's 250. what would you give me in trade for mine again so this is pretty right it's very nice and this is the new style setting you see it's full they had before two row this just came out it's full no space in between the stones they made an incredible job this is quite special so you're selling this one for 250 yes and i'll give you 170 for yours so that means you'll be out of pocket 80 000. for a plastic watch with diamonds in it let me show you another plastic watch okay show me another i'll show you another plastic wash at the seven figures it's crazy though i mean it's it's absolutely they have the sapphires for two million three million dollars they i think richard mille is the only one company that went zero to a hundred within do you think it will stay like that you know that's that's that's the million-dollar question i know i i bought a few of these over the past few years and i don't know whether i should be proud of myself or scared you should be very proud of yourself you know why because when richard mills i was trying i was doing rolex's ap paddocks i wanted to go to the richard mills i have a good friend of mine which used to buy him and every time i would tell him look i'm trying i'm gonna start getting into richard mills buying and selling he's like stay away they will drop stay away they will drop for two years he will tell me stay away after two years i said you know what the only way to find out if you know how to swim is to jump to the water so i bought my i like that i bought it i and before you know it it went up i have so much inventory in rms right now that so so going back probably seven or eight years maybe even nine years i bought my first rm oh wow you don't see this let me tell you a story so i bought my first rm it was an rm11 um rose gold and titanium the the first model of it this one right here i have it right here this is the one yeah that's it how much you buy 52 000 and everybody said i was mad absolutely mad and then i sold it because i didn't like it nobody else had these watches for five thousand dollars yeah i remember those leads yeah and then uh i have one now that i paid i think a hundred and thirty four you still bought a cheat do you know how much this one going for 160. is it really yes that's another thirty thousand you are michael how many watches you have hello okay we've done watch three watch collection videos yeah i know it's time to do another one i think it's time to because i've added something collection you have to re-evaluate the ore you have to rewatch the one two and three to see what we've shown and then i keep doing the bank so i actually have to go to the bank bring out the box and then you know do the video you need to get a big safe inside your house i know my insurance company won't cover them if i keep them in the house so i have to keep them in the bank that's safer that way anyway yeah so this arm 22 tourbillon is only got some crazy watches here take a while guess how many of these made um ten six six i wasn't that far out only like and this is what sixty percent forty percent this is the number one actually number one out of six is the first rm22 asia edition they made i really like that and this watch is how much several hundred seven hundred but i better not drop it right will you buy it your credit is good you can drop it you can break it you can do whatever you want let's make sure the camera's working though his camera will be switched off oh yeah michael my camera is not working what do we do so if you saw somebody wearing this or do you think that's 700 000 i would not and this is the beauty of this watch by the way those people who wear those type of watches of 700 to 500 million dollars they don't want a million dollars yes almost a million dollars yes it sounds cheap now right you said plastic this is plastic this called the skull the blue skull it comes white it comes white red and blue how did they manage to demand these prices for these watches i mean realistically yeah i i know it's a very nice movement but realistically this cost a fraction to make it's called marketing it's called great marketing right for the right people's risk this is the best marketing i've ever seen they make it so demanding where people go crazy it's imagine you are this billionaire or you're this famous guy that nobody everybody knows you and you walk into a richard mille boutique and they say sorry we can't even take your money they used to take deposits it's not the only one take deposits i know you know how it makes you feel like an idiot no it makes you feel like picking up the phone calling avi and co and saying how much more do i need to pay and get it and that's where i come in and you have it and i haven't you don't have to wait you want to go the same thing i haven't sick sick collection so what else is in that box this is gorgeous i love this level yeah that's another crazy model it's going to be 100 now it's 220. what is this it's the gray bubble bubble what's this yeah it comes gray it comes white it comes black then you have them all i have a few more i have a sickness for watches so this is made of what is this this is titanium yeah and the white one's ceramic no plastic no that's crazy how about this they don't even want to sell straps oh i know i need a gray strap for this they don't want to sell it so let me tell you something i have a lot of rushed meal straps a lot i'll buy them all how'd that sound well then what would i do you call me again pay me a hundred dollars no idea so when the colored straps first started coming out i bought them and i have a very good friend that um was able to get them for me so yeah i have a bunch of them they don't want to sell how much is the strap whatever in the store they're like five hundred dollars five six hundred dollars maybe i should sell you something i would buy them all at full retail nobody will yes full retail okay there's some straps coming your way there you go send them a label please they're for real you know people sell me uh anything watches straps anything label coming your way insure it it's really everything yes you don't have to do anything that's crazy we buy we have so i'm walking out here with more money than i walked in with that's a first you know that is a first i really like this yeah i can tell you do try it on why don't you try another one no i i know what it looks like no just but just try it on that look at this just online you want to go out tonight with it then make a decision yeah just see what you think look it matches your pants as well it's almost like you came through actually imagine you are like he's my worst enemy buy this one that is rather nice though isn't it hey that's that's perfect is there a mirror you can go look at because i guarantee you don't want to look in a mirror you are spending 80 000 right now i don't want to yeah but do you though it is nice hey that's that's gorgeous i love it that is as you a watch as i think i've ever seen hey abby i'm getting commission on this right you got it thank you do i have to do this you're such a bad influence like i go to work to support my watch addiction oh that is nice it's perfect than you michael you know and you know when the watch looks good what are you doing i thought i was going to get a really nice arty shot but all i've got is just the camera we'll move the camera hold on let's do it let's do this i'm gonna do it i'm trying to no i can't see it but i can see you so it looks better okay there you go never mind no matter what i was trying to be creative but it is very nice it's lovely let me put it back in the box let me see it one more time you're horrible would you like a job right yeah you don't have some funky thing going on here do you you're getting set up michael i see that but only for good things i i've really had a a very expensive watch a couple of weeks and i just gotta control myself and hanging around with this dude here does not help i just i'm a facilitator you know he says buy it buy it buy it you buy it so far but there you go you buy you're a smart buyer everything you bought so far you you're doing okay with i believe you know that's the only reason i really do this is because i don't see it as spending money i see it as moving money into something hopefully that i get enjoyment out of and at the same time will go up in value so some one one one time somebody called me said hey this is he's my jeweler and i said i'm not your jeweler you're an investment banker and they asked me what do you do if you're not a jewel i said i sell investments well same thing that's exactly what it is these are all investments in my eyes i don't believe in investing too much in diamonds and jewelry i used to sell jewelry but well you have some lovely jewelry over here yes but you know what i call it uh hit or miss if you sold it you made the money if you don't sell it you're gonna wait a long time to sell them really yes watch as they in and out you know everybody wants some the desirable watch is the right way to go well you really have an incredible selection i mean incredible these are these are concept tourbillon i was going to say can you pull out that one top left yeah that is stunning it looks like a so i haven't self fighter i haven't actually seen this one in person before he has two of them and here's the rose gold one who's saying much yeah yeah and they come four rolls also that's crazy you don't have the four rows one no sorry come on shame on me come on how about how about this i'll get you one within 20 minutes here i believe you but don't 20 minutes that's all i need i believe not just this watch anyone we so we have so much source i have a whole buying department i don't have everything people want but you know what when they call in the request to watch we really work on the request and we get it for you within 24 hours you get a price you get condition you get the year you get what's the best price you can do it doesn't get better than that it took me a long time took us the whole company it's an entire family here it took us a long time to get to where we at it's the having the inventory it's the ability to to be able to keep buying from our clients how are you going to feel you want to watch for me for example for a hundred thousand you call me two months later i'm in the situation i want to sell it and i tell you at the moment i don't have the funds or at the moment it dropped fifty thousand you're not gonna be happy with that you'll never do business with me here that's true right but when is it when you buy a watch and you call me back and i say okay this is the price i can pay and we do the transaction you get a wire within 24 hours we're in business you're going to come back and shop again that trust that we built amongst our clients is price prices that is priceless it's all about the trust it's about the it's the service it's all about the service not even about the watch inventory anybody can get but what happens after you buy the watch the watch don't work uh screw came out something wasn't right and all this has to that does happen i've had a richard miller have a screw fall out of it and then try and get one from the richard mill it's impossible good luck this is the mclaren right yeah so i'm not a fan of the mclaren car notice the panel gaps on that are awful i i i have a problem with mclaren cars because the build quality is terrible am i right adam let's not go into this sounds like a very big problem in my life i'm british i really really want to love mclaren i really do because it's british but i just maybe with a black strap you like it better the watch is nice i'm talking about the car oh my bad this is that has no problems with that yeah give me a 600 lt over that any day actually how much is one of those it's straight around 300 000 so same price so base model 300 lt the retail is about 171 300 lt do i say 300 i think so that's the cut price of a watch like this i know i think this is what you find in a lucky bag like a mickey mouse watch right but it's very expensive isn't it try it on i don't want to try it so put it on this it's elastic right go ahead put it down oh that's ridiculous it feels like a g-shock or uh now we're talking g-shocks in my jam yeah how much did this go 200 200 a few more zeros if it's 200 bucks i'll take it now i just don't get it i i i mean i'm with you i don't get it i don't get it and every time i buy this watch i'm like oh my god what am i doing but you know what there's always a buyer for it is there a demand for this watch yes may i have a plastic watch and an elastic strap and give you two hundred thousand dollars for it that doesn't have any complications whatsoever and you can barely see the hands perfect 200 grand please avi this has been we should charge richard neal before we put that into the video because that was great that's going to really do well for their business they should probably help their business how much advertising are we doing for richard mille you don't know yeah never even called and said thank you they should just kidding abby this has been an absolute pleasure really has and my goodness me what a great place what an amazing amazing watch selection you've got and uh love your business and i know i know you know a lot of watch dealers but i would like to be the one to go to i want to earn that trust from you the first time me and you met i heard i saw a lot of videos about you and everything and i love it you're doing a great job but you also watch fanatic you love watches you you buy it i do and i want to be the guy whether you sell it buy it trade it whatever it is clean it give me a chance absolutely 100 thank you thank you thank you for everything hope you enjoyed this guys all of abby's information is going to be in the what do you call it the description the description that's what i was looking for yes yeah so you know what to do what do you do hit the subscribe button hit the subscribe button hit the bell thumbs up give it a thumbs up anything else out of them yes and we're in it to win it see ya [Music] you
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 3,165,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, hollywood, beverly hills, los angeles, watches, watch collection, watch collector, rolex, audemars piguet, AP, richard mille, jacob & co, jacob and co, patek, patek phillipe, chopard, new york, nyc, avi and co, avi & co, boutique, shopping, retail therapy, shopping spree, personal shopper, luxury, fashion, mens fashion, style, mens style, horologist
Id: vZAC2eq-zgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 2sec (2222 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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