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His channel does nothing for me and I don't like him as a presenter.

Also, I'm tired of these YouTubers that start off kinda small, maybe get a nicer newer car later on, then start buying an absolute fuckton of stuff and you realize they lied about their beginnings and are a trustfund baby.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/PorkRollAndEggs 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2019 đź—«︎ replies

I don't watch a lot of Jay Leno's stuff apart from the old video if the YT algorithm decides to give me one with a car I like, but at least he actually drives his cars. I can't stand people who buy lovely cars but just never drive them, I guess to the insanely rich they're more status symbols/investments but it just seems like such a waste. Hearing him say he's put around 8k miles on his P1 is pretty cool.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/samsaBEAR 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2019 đź—«︎ replies

I often wonder whether guys like Shmee150 only have 5% of organic viewership and don’t even make much money out of YouTube

Like there’s definitely a market of viewers that enjoy his stuff but it’s not really something I see being mainstream

Also don’t esclude that shmee’s managers (he has them) secretly buy views and likes for his channel and he doesn’t even know

Shmee is family rich, really rich and when you have that much money the satisfaction stems from feeling important because buying things is not fun anymore

Older people don’t watch YouTube, he doesn’t have much appeal to the younger generations, and there’s also not much love for snobby obviously family rich in market target age he probably is meant for

Then again, he’s not a bad guy. Just obnoxious and annoying for the most of us. He shouldn’t be put down all the time

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2019 đź—«︎ replies
hi guys I'm Shmi hello and welcome back to the channel where today you joined me to visit one of the most special car collections in the entire world this is the famous Jay Leno's Garage today I'm lucky enough to be catching up with Jay to go for a tour around to take in some of these epic cars now you will notice I've even brought my Ford GT here which is a little bit surreal to be sat alongside the likes of the Lamborghini mirrors we have the McLaren's behind including the f1 and of course the p1 but we're gonna go and take in then some of the highlights of this unbelievable location this amazing car collection Jay Leno's Garage given we are here then who better to show us around than Jay how are you good welcome welcome I've watched your videos for years so it's fun to finally meet you well thank you very much it is amazing for me to be here I appreciate this and all thank you thank you thank you sure what do you want to start by where do we start well you know we just sort of walk I know you like the modern stuff yeah normally this is Tesla here and of course the p1 which is just a one of you draw one of these early on as I remember I've been lucky enough to drive a few P ones I mean it's a pioneer of technology right you know it's a wonderful car and I have but Colin octane this month about I've had it now just about five years and I like it because it's one of those cars I will never master I am NOT a racecar driver yeah I'm not good enough to do what it's capable of so I always reach new limits every time I take it out and it's kind of fun but could like for example I hit the wall here you can see well you know we took it back to the shop he took some 600 grade sandpaper yes and clear coated it and I fixed it like I would a Ford or Chevy you know it was fun because somebody the supercar scoop oh my god no you can't touch it all you gotta see yeah and it's fun to use it as no I fully agrees to use it as a this has got about 8,000 miles on Wow really and I love it it's it's got its second set of tires and it's great it's great fun that's the mp4-12c that was the first this is one that I think it was the first if not the first McLaren in the United States one of the very goodness and I went to England that when it was in pre-production and you know it's funny it they took so much grief people thought it wasn't exciting enough looking in all kinds I think it looks great I like that sort of English understated I'm not a great one for giant wings and that flying insect look and all that other kind of stuff no it's a center then you know to me the Senate is so track-focused that I don't feel II could really enjoy it on this tree every bump is bang to compromised yeah yeah it's just too much to me the perfect yeah Road car is this yeah plan which I would just states at this moment in time is well my favorite car I think in the world yeah yeah I've had this one in 20 years when I got it it was just an automobile and I used it everyday you know went to McDonald's drives to me and then they got to the point where it just got a little ridiculous mm-hm so it goes out now maybe once or twice a month usually on a Sunday on a clear day you know it's a car you don't want to take when you have to be somewhere when you want to take it just this like champagne you have it a couple of times a month and that's fine you know and and to me it still looks contemporary when I tell people this car is 25 years old they go really yeah like a Countach looks like the 80s yeah this is just pure design it's pretty clean and pretty timeless you know it's kind of like a Firebird that went to college you know kind of that kind of it because it has that sort of element to it a little bit but this is probably most misunderstood car huh it is a great GT car yeah this car has well it doesn't have more miles than some of them but about 10,000 miles on it because you've got proper ground clearance and it's like a Mercedes you can use it as you would ever say you could drive it anywhere go anywhere you know I have a friend of mine who has like one of these businesses where he takes people out to the desert to take them 200 miles an hour yeah I don't want to go 200 miles an hour you pay a fee if a car doesn't hit 200 you get your money back and he's got what he's got always got one of these but he's also got a Lamborghini a DAB if Diablo on a Ferrari the only one that consistently because if the other cars will not hit 200 he takes them back he takes him out on this and the sauce goes 206 207 okay all the time it really is I mean I always loved the look of it that hugely long front bonnet I mean if you like oddball there's I happen to like aero engine cars that was quite an age back in Oh even right after the first world war this first car here is a car that ran at Brooklands in 21 it was called rabbit one it's a 1910 mercedes chassis with a 1914 benz aero engine it of about not quite 19 litres a junaid and it's great fun to drive I mean if you like unique driving experiences nothing we've got the two chains on the side which is and it sounds like Marley's ghost going down the road chains pounding and you know with six cylinders every impulsive like gun firing so you know if soda shoots fire and everything exposed and it's a drip oil system so oil drips down here so it's literally throwing oil all over the place okay this one here is a car we just finished I Oh God almost 30 years it just took a long time to get it done it's a 1934 thank you yeah 34 rolls p2 chassis mm-hmm with a custom-built body of our own design we built the body here oh wow and it's got a 27 litre Merlin full craf engine we used our 3d printer to make our own intake manifold so we've got 48 web doors on there six of them and it's mounted propeller end into the transmission so it's it makes about a thousand horsepower I would never have looked at this and thought it was more powerful than a p1 overpower the car it doesn't look like sentence you think you know captures and Christ the airflow that's a hispano-suiza behave in that one and what I like is you have some of these and then you have a new Acura NSX that's the very first accurate oh is it number Warner yeah okay number three actually third car built right first to production number one I think went to Japan number two went to some charity okay you know it's a great car it's a fantastic car not as exciting is you know what the funny thing is it's the super car you can drive every day yeah but nobody drives a super car every day you know when you get like you have a Ford GT when you get in that thing well you feel yeah you know it feels like you're on your way to LA mall yeah just one car yeah and it has that urgency that's a cross the tank car mm-hmm whenever schwarzenegger comes here this is his favorite car Jamie's fantastic really because you know he goes nuts for this card because it does look like the front of the pier so you're Jin you have to tell me that guy I want that guy fantastic there's the world's fastest barstool right there okay how quick does it go well it's quick it's chasing it's so stupid you know I mean we use it mostly as the tow vehicle but okay do wheel stands with my stuff but I mean it's a little dangerous actually it's kind of you know and this is Malu mercedes Bentley Jaguar another one of my favorites in the Porsche Carrera GT that's a great car you know I love that thing it's gotten a bad rap with sadly these in the Paul Walker situation but it's a great car it's the last true analog modern Porsche you know down the sense that it was the last car that had a manual transmission designed for it originally you know and then after that I have anyone to dual-clutch and whatnot but it's the best sounding car and we took it to third to Talladega and we did a 100 laps at 190 miles an hour Wow it was it was it was great it was a lot of fun that's a Porsche Carrera twin cam this is one of my favorites I've had this car a long time we built this a chassis and it has an eight-litre WLAN genetic Bentley ran the company from 1919 to 1931 the only thing not Bentley you put twin turbos on it okay so it's it's modern car fast yeah I mean it's fast like a c5 Corvette would be fast okay it's probably 350 horse maybe a little more the whole bottom of the car is lined with radiators radio it's that Weinmann deal you know where it's a contra Jesse when you unbolt the body one guy can lift it off get it off to the side you don't want to get hit by a semi in there but yeah that car you can figure out what it is you know your Jags right some of them what do you think that it the red one yeah that's an interesting question slightly different nose to it well they're both 63s mm-hmm this one has had the wheelbase shortened okay series two front end yeah with a series one mirror they did not make a Jag v12 yeah so this has got a v12 taking a 5.7 liter it's got the six Weber's got a five-speed transmission got Wilwood disc brakes I like to call it my Jaguar Daytona it's like a Ferrari did okay okay it's a big front engine v12 car short wheelbase it's quite fast but it dries wonderfully we had the special you fabricate this windshield he's got a bit more of an excessive curve on that's a wonderful wonderful traffic cock it's really really cool and absolutely looks the part I think one of the best-looking cars ever that's a totally stock you know I never buy cars over the phone but this lady called me should I got a 63 ske I bought it no I once had it to 80 miles an hour she talked and I said what do you want for her and she said 50 grand I said and you know there's some about targets are on the phone she went on and on about where she took it and how she took care of it and I said you know I'll buy it I just wrote her a check the car showed up and it's perfect yeah its original paint I mean it still got the two bladed fan on it it doesn't overheat it was just nicely taken care of nicely broken in it's all original with the moss not syncro first gear gearbox and all and it's got teeny little dings but nothing it was all as a California car and she got it when she was probably 30 and sold to me when she was like 88 or you know okay well you know so it had a nice history - yeah yeah for sure these are other Jags here and probably the most misunderstood English power of all time in the dark we couldn't call a dart in America because Dodge had the Dodge Dart your hand were these I know I I don't know the kind of cool thing this was voted the ugliest car to New York car show it's like an English interpretation of what America is like I got that crown but like you know that got fins working love fins but the great thing is Edward Turner who designed the the Triumph motorcycle designed this this is a 2.5 litre Hemi engine mm-hmm this was the Sunbeam tiger before the Sunbeam tiger right you need to about 160 horsepower out of the box when you realize that most triumphs and mgs in the period were you know 70 whatever yeah they were quite fast and what happened was Jaguar bought Daimler and they didn't want a car to compete with the XKE because probably gas there yep so they took they stopped filming sports car took the engine out and put it in the damage sedan okay and they're sobs and other things here 26 are oh just a little bit of everything if you're focusing on English stuff today you would like Jenson cv8 the car of always some lusted after to me it was sort of a poor man's Aston Martin even though they cost the same when they were here in fact Sean Connery bought one of these instead of an Aston Martin okay there's James Bond money so right okay do you got familiar with them I know Jensen of course but has a 383 Chrysler okay so you got all kinds of grunt it's a bit like a roadrunner they went to Oxford you know I speak man you got disc brakes tube chassis fiberglass body English interior wire wheels an American horsepower American transformation I mean opposite is your lineup do some bugs yeah these are I love Duesenbergs very quick very fast the fastest American car is the most powerful up until just about the late 50s mmm-hmm there's a bunch more stuff in there what I also like is all the images you have all around well these are all hand-painted they're not posters okay we hadn't paying each one of them Wow some of them are magazine ads of the period most we're not really ever seen before that's what's kind of cool huh huh oh yes and also spotting a little three-wheeler do you have such an eclectic mix it doesn't make anything new generation three-wheeler I used to I used to have one of these if you like I had so much fun in it yeah more than I think just about any other car why did you get rid of it space space in the garage at the time I'm working on it and working on it and then we get to a lineup of course I'm a big fan of towards the Fords right right suppose we should start at the left technically these two are exactly 50 years apart mm-hmm that's the first generation still the best-looking to me it's a stunning thing yeah and then this is a 350 or a wonderful car I mean this this motor with the flat plane crank on it it's just fantastic it really I feel sorry for anybody what the last generation of Mustang because this was the one that really got it right with the proper engine across 240p both of the same serial number number 12 oh okay oh here's something you've never seen huh never see you're familiar with our before eight-track right and CD players and cassette players yeah something different not trying to lure you into my car become yeah this is the highway - oh wow play your records as you're going but that was that was a factory option yeah you had to buy your records from Chrysler here's a set of records dear Wow see it's it turns at 16 and 2/3 most in England I imagine was 33 and a third right and 78 and the same speed where this was very slow the idea was you want to keep the needle from skipping yeah as soon as you hit the brake it wouldn't work so they say you're a gas station attendant put gas in this car find the filler cap go open up the trunk is it under a like yeah this is where I would start to feel a little bit awkward looking around the car wondering what I'm doing all right I give up yeah I don't know oh really okay I mean you know it's so look at how much effort goes in instead of just having a door and you make this you have to make this you have to make the hinge you have to make this chrome piece have to make this here and then it's just funny innit yeah but that's kind of yeah that is kind of fun wouldn't be so complex nowadays but yeah because I think when you took delivery of your new Ford GT right of course I had already received the allocation for buying but it was a long time before I was yet to receive it I've had my car now for about nine months oh okay so great here I'll show you something to keep mm-hmm technically it's not a car it's a motorcycle but what engine do you think this has is it a motorcycle with a car engine of some description not quite well maybe if I start it you're gonna hit that's the C 18 Allison oh the girl reads your helicopter no big attack helicopters Wow I've had that 20 years I've got 12,000 miles on its run I mean it eats fuels eight gallons an hour but hey but it's quite fast it's a lot of fun to drive it starts to make the Ford GT look efficient which is one thing then a huge collection of motorcycles are motorcycles motorcycles memorabilia Flags Ford Racing flags up above us right right and then we have the shot though the story puts that when we're finished and then so some of my favorite cars are the Lamborghini mirrors you know the mirrors are great you know the yellow one is how long I've had it I got it for free ready Dean Martin you know the singer okay Dean Martin bought it new his kid blew it up a buddy of mine is a school teacher bought it with a blown engine thinking he can fix it but back in the late 70s and early 80s there was no internet were you gonna get Lamborghini parts yeah just to call Italy the old system you know it cost you $100 at first five minutes yeah so consequently it's sat and sat and finally they said you want it and I said okay and they gave it to me and we rebuilt the motor and of course I know it's a gazillion dollar car but this is a very early car and that's a little later it's a 67 that's a 69 I mean I got into Lambos because they were cheaper they were very inexpensive in terms of compared to well I looked at a 330 GT C Ferrari that was twenty eight thousand and the his father was 24th house yeah and they both had v12 and the spot actually had more horsepower so at the time and now it would have been smarter to get the Ferrari in terms of having fun enjoying the car no I love my father they're great fun Wow so we've basically come full circle I love your complete variety from the p1 to the f1 to the Duesenberg to like your car room No thank you very much it's a it's have you got any tickets in America no I've managed to avoid I've been pulled over a few times though people checking on the UK license tags right I'm causing police officers confusion right but you know I think one thing that surprised me I expected more people to know what the car was out here people you know ask what what is it is it a Ferrari that kind of surprise filing is it doesn't look like a Ford do most people know it's not what you think but you know that's why I love that fact I love the fact that they didn't come up with some phony upscale brand name I mean you know they sell extremely inexpensive cars yeah and then they sell this for half a million bucks and they're both floors and I I give them credit everybody else has to invent a brand Infiniti Lexus you know they come up with names that are sound high-end where is this look we built it we put our name on it you know so well I mean they're so rare even here in America I don't think is any more than probably 300 of them yeah there and most are in collections I mean I give you credit for driving in and getting it that's got about 4,000 miles on it oh great great any problems when all right nothing significant yeah I think what not creaking well they all do that well no but you can fix that I did have it it's been fixed you out right okay so happens I think I just assumed that was part of the character yeah and then they said no no we can fix that they have some kind of glue in the early cars that were yes so now it's fine yeah but they're wonderful cars you know the other Ford GT the earlier version is a road car that looks like a race car this one is an actual race car that's been detuned for the road exactly and that's what I like I mean it's just a wonderful wonderful car well this has been absolutely my I enjoy your videos i watch them all so well it's thank you very much I just know you you too likewise well thank you kahlan's I thought you were brilliant thank you very much these holes are almost endless and there are even some areas we haven't yet been to explore but a huge thanks to Jay for the opportunity to visit and be shown around and to bring you guys along as well to see this a seriously impressive collection but I tell you what's even more impressive is Jays knowledge about each and every car in here I think we could probably talk for hours if not a full 24 hours about all of the different cars and coming through towards one of the studio rooms where we can see plenty more cars including some of the Bugattis the type 35 s for example over towards the other side type 57 stunning stunning cars even and this is the mix right you have a side car next to an Abarth next to all of the different types of cars of and if we come through lights are off back here at the moment for some filming we've got the previous generation I think that's the zero one the first zr1 plenty more cars lurking in the shadows you can just see how this goes on and on and on just all different types of cars sitting side by side we've got some Vipers back here what honestly it's a breathtaking place to explore there is just so much so many different types of cars all sitting side by side in these different rooms and what other things I love are the artworks on the walls the different bits of memorabilia as well and in fact let's sit back through its go and check out some more of those too I think the sheer variety of this collection is summed up by having an aircraft engine right here followed by the museum dedicated to brough motorcycles the whole of this Hall just the Bruff collection as you can see all around then you come outside and you have the different types of cars the Morgan 3 wheelers alongside a line of Dodgers sitting opposite the Ford's that we have just around here and of course I love the story so for me something like having these two side-by-side is a big part of it separated by 50 years GT 350 from the 60s the GT 350 the more modern variation then around them you've got t-shirts hanging model cars on the wall there are even engines back there to the two Ford GTS again the cars are celebrated for its 100th anniversary and the red with the white stripes and then Jays new GT which as he said was one of the first to be delivered black paintwork the orange stripes the orange leather that you can see on the interior as well and also with the carbon fiber wheels very very nice but you can see when these two are side-by-side the similarities in the design the shapes the headlights the curvature around the front and that's one of the reasons I love the new car quite so much and why I'm enjoying mine so much is that it has that sense of design its iconic for GT but it's also a fantastic modern car to drive and you continue through you've got newspaper cuttings you've got artworks you've got pictures you've got paintings you've got all of the different cars you've got things hanging on the pillars and down from the roof if we come around here behind the Buicks there is actually something I've quite a lot of interest to me that I think is really cool that Jays got tucked back here which is this bench there what's special about this gta4 gta3 the colors to match his car I would love something like that in my future dream car collection that's the kind of thing that's unique and individual surround it again buy more model cars more pictures more kind of scooters and bikes and just random things everywhere you look welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada Chicago some of the signs down there too then you come through here it's like being in a workshop look at all of this look at all the bikes as well at the back and in fact over the other side there is the workshop where they do all of the mechanical work that's actually required to keep all of these cars in good shape and to keep them out on the roads because of course everything is running everything is usable everything is drivable but just to have you know an Ariel Atom next to an SLR alone both you know modern cars I think we could say compared to many of them in here but completely different to one another and then the McLaren f1 and we touched on it at the beginning of the video but the McLaren f1 the most iconic car of my lifetime I think the car came out when I was still in single digits but this was really the car I think even to this day for so many people it absolutely is only just over 100 of them built in complete total 64 road cars 106 in total and of course the success of the f1 had going to L'Amour back in 1995 and coming away with first place this being one of the road cars though as Jay said a car that he uses a car that he drives a car that he's done many things with over the years and the p1 the hybrid next to the tesla model s p90d fully electric so there's a complete variety he also has steam cars jet cars and just everything in here just absolutely everything coming back towards the front with the lamborghini mirrors so this has been an unbelievable opportunity to visit what a special place a huge thanks to Jay for taking me on the tour for bringing us along to have a little look around this garage this collection one of the most famous in the world is one of the most incredibly impressive in the world I'm sure you'll agree it's sheer diversity variety of cars - memorabilia that's been accumulated all of it coming together this is it's a complete dream and what an incredible place to actually be able to look around and explore I feel like I need to kind of rewind take it all back in again myself but this Jay Leno's Garage what a place to come and visit myself I've always wanted to be able to see this place and now here we are having been shown around by Jay so big big thanks to him of course do go follow the Jay Leno's Garage YouTube channel if you don't already or you can see more of his test drives and videos here in more detail with some of the cars as well but for today Wow thank you very much for watching as always guys that's it for this time and I'll see you again very soon Cheers you
Channel: Shmee150
Views: 2,430,521
Rating: 4.8251581 out of 5
Keywords: Jay Leno's Garage, Jay Leno, Garage, Collection, Cars, Tour, Walkaround, Private, Guided, Highlights, Complete, Full, Overview, Best, Supercars, McLaren F1, Ford GT, Visit, Visiting, Explore, Discover, Classics, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Miura, Porsche, Carrera GT, Favourite, McLaren P1, Leno, Los Angeles, Burbank, California, Shmee, Shmee150
Id: uV2EM7zanyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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