Interview with A Former Witch Doctor

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>> Pastor: I had been a witch doctor for 14 years. >> Rev. Angley: For over 14 years? Tell the people about how you became a witch doctor, how you got into witchcraft. >> Pastor: Yes, during my time, my lifetime, there was a strange thing happening in my life in which these spirits used to come upon me, and I used to have a severe attack of headache. And this headache went on for a very long time, almost to drive me mad. In which I went to the physicians and they couldn't get me a drug to cool it down. So, a friend of mine told me that these were evil spirits which needs to be- be charmed or be brought to possess my life. >> Rev. Angley: Um-hmm. But these evil spirits should be charmed and would take you over and possess you? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: Go right ahead. What happened then? >> Pastor: Now during this time I was taken to a small hut, in which I had to stay in there for 9 days. And there were about 9 witch doctors around me. And this- the witch doctors used to shake their calabashes until the spirits come upon me and I be totally possessed and come out of my senses. And at that time the spirits could make me do anything they wanted them to do. >> Rev. Angley: Those devils could make you do anything? >> Pastor: Yes, at that time. >> Rev. Angley: Um-hmm. >> Pastor: At one time they came so mighty upon me, I just found myself rushing out of that hut and being chased, followed by these nine witch doctors, and I was slain to the ground, I don't know how. And then a goat was brought and slaughtered there, and that blood was given to me to drink. >> Rev. Angley: And you drank that blood? Of that goat? >> Pastor: Yes, I drank that blood of that goat mingled with herbs. >> Rev. Angley: And how often, how many times did they give you that the nine days you were there? >> Pastor: They gave me goat's blood for two days. >> Rev. Angley: For two days. >> Pastor: For two days. >> Rev. Angley: And that was three- how many times a day? Once a day? >> Pastor: Once a day, yes. >> Rev. Angley: Once a day? >> Pastor: Once a day. >> Rev. Angley: Um-hmm. >> Pastor: And the other days, they used to slaughter chickens. And I was not allowed to take any meat. The goat's meat, I was not allowed to eat that. They used to bring the goatskin and put it over me. >> Rev. Angley: They put the goatskin over you? >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: What about the chickens? >> Pastor: The chickens, they just slaughtered it and smeared it around, around my body. >> Rev. Angley: Around your body? >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: Um-hmm. >> Pastor: This was done frequently. >> Rev. Angley: And they'd take that blood and put it all over your body? >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: And this was done frequently? >> Pastor: Frequently >> Rev. Angley: During those nine days? >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: And what did they tell you would happen? Did they tell you anything that would happen to you in the future? Did they tell you anything about what was going to take place? Or of what understanding did you have? >> Pastor: yes, they did tell me that when I have gone through this processes, I'll be possessed with a greater power. In order I would be doing, be doing some miracles in the demonic, with the demonic spirits. >> Rev. Angley: with the demonic spirits, that you would be able to perform miracles? >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: And you really believed that, didn't you? >> Pastor: Yes, I did really believe. And I was strong believer in them. >> Rev. Angley: And how did you feel? Did you feel different sensations as more devils took you over? >> Pastor: When the devil took me over, yes, I did feel a difference in my life. But it was not all the time there. It used to be certain periods the devil comes upon me and then I had to drink some drugs in order to ease the tension of the spirits upon me. >> Rev. Angley: To keep them from manifesting themselves through you >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: And how long was it before the devils came upon you that you could foretell through the devil? People to tell things that were going to- >> Pastor: That is a special occasion when it is needful; then I have to go in the house, then start charming the spirit until they overtake me, then I'm transformed and then I would start telling the people what is happening in their lives, or what is going to happen. >> Rev. Angley: And the devil would tell you things about people? You realize that now. >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: Did you realize it was coming from the devil? >> Pastor: Yes, I did. >> Rev. Angley: At the time? >> Pastor: Yes, and I was really proud of it. >> Rev. Angley: You were proud of it? >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: You loved the devil? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: You loved his work? >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: You loved what he was doing to you? >> Pastor: Exactly. >> Rev. Angley: And you wanted all of his power? That you could get? >> Pastor: That's right. That was my aim, to get all of his power, so I could do even greater things than that. >> Rev. Angley: And he would tell you if you would do certain things, he would give you more power? >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: And you would do anything they told you to do? >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: The devil was really your master. >> Pastor: That's right, because I remember one time an evangelist came to me and told me about Jesus. I told him I could do more- I could do the same thing as what God can do. >> Rev. Angley: You told him that you could do the same things that God could do? >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: And those devils made you really believe that? >> Pastor: That's right. I remember I was being wanted by the military for certain reasons. And they came down to take me, but I was disguised by those spirit and I walked through them, and I could... >> Rev. Angley: The devils changed your facial >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: Uh- looks so much, until they didn't recognize you? >> Pastor: They didn't recognize me. >> Rev. Angley: The devil did that? >> Pastor: The devil did that, yes. That was after sacrificing my daughter. >> Rev. Angley: After sacrificing your daughter? >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: And you were able for the devil to take your face over? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: And make it look so different? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: That- did you feel any drawings, any drawing in your face or what? >> Pastor: I didn't feel anything. >> Rev. Angley: You didn't feel anything? >> Pastor: Un-unn. >> Rev. Angley: And you just walked- they didn't >> Pastor: I just walked in between them. >> Rev. Angley: But they knew- they were supposed to have known you, though? >> Pastor: Yeah, they were supposed to have known me. >> Rev. Angley: They were supposed to have known you? >> Pastor: Yeah. >> Rev. Angley: And they could have identified you? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: But the devil gave you power? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: To walk right through them? >> Pastor: That's right. I was transformed. >> Rev. Angley: You were transformed? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: By his power? >> Pastor: Um-hmm. >> Rev. Angley: That you were able to walk right through them? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: And they didn't even recognize you? >> Pastor: No, they didn't. >> Rev. Angley: And that the way you escaped? >> Pastor: Yes, that's how I escaped. During that time, my wife got saved. >> Rev. Angley: And she stayed with you? >> Pastor: No, she didn't stay with me. She said she couldn't stay with a witch doctor. She went back to her mother and stayed there. >> Rev. Angley: And she left you? >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: Alright, continue now with your story. You're a witch doctor. Tell us some of the things that you did as a witch doctor. >> Pastor: Okay. During my time of witch doctor um- people used to come for the help that some people came that they needed their wives ran away, I mean they- they left their husbands and they used to come to me that they need their wife to come back. And I used to charm the spirits and used to go and get the wife back to the husband. >> Rev. Angley: How did you work that? >> Pastor: I used to charm the spirits with this calabash. >> Rev. Angley: And the devils would take the wife over? >> Pastor: Yes, that's right. >> Rev. Angley: And give her a desire to come back? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: And through the power of the devil you would bring them back? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: And they would come to you for other things. >> Pastor: Yes, for other things such as they need a job and they need to kill someone. They need to bewitch some people to get in a better position in work. >> Rev. Angley: And you could, and you would kill, kill others? Give them or tell them how to do it? Or how did you work it when they wanted, came to you to >> Pastor: I would give them, I would give them some herb-ical medicines and tell them to sacrifice a chicken, a black chicken. And to take that blood and sprinkle it over a calabash, which I used to give them, and they can speak what they want and these spirits [indescipherible] >> Rev. Angley: Now, what is that that you gave them? >> Pastor: The calabash, a calabash. >> Rev. Angley: what's it like? >> Pastor: It is something like a gourd. >> Rev. Angley: Oh, I see. >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: Yeah, and they >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: Yes. And why, why did it have to be a black chicken? >> Pastor: Because the black chicken represents evil. >> Rev. Angley: And you were work- you knew you were working with evil? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: And you didn't- you, did you, you knew you were working against God? Or did you believe >> Pastor: At that time, at that time I didn't believe that there is a God because >> Rev. Angley: You didn't believe >> Pastor: What I could do is enough to to prove that there is no God. >> Rev. Angley: Oh, that's the way you felt. >> Pastor: Yeah. >> Rev. Angley: You didn't believe there was a God, that, that you had power yourself? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: And you were getting it from the devil? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: And you used that power? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: Would the people actually be killed? >> Pastor: Yes, they would. They would and then those who came for me to do that... >> Rev. Angley: How do you think that happened? That... >> Pastor: They would come back and let me know. >> Rev. Angley: I mean though, how did the killings take place? Any, were they all different? >> Pastor: Difference >> Rev. Angley: Somebody kill them? or did the >> Pastor: No, no. >> Rev. Angley: Devils take them over? Or how did they die? >> Pastor: Some of them in car accidents, some of them commit suicide by throwing themselves over in the river and some of them were taking this poison and killing themselves. >> Rev. Angley: That was because the devils took them over? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: But you know, a child of God, Blood-washed, you wouldn't have been able to have done that. >> Pastor: [chuckling] >> Rev. Angley: And that's the reason that I say that you don't have to be afraid. >> Pastor: Yeah, that is, let me tell you one thing >> Rev. Angley: If you're a child of God >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: And, go ahead. >> Pastor: I want to tell you one thing, during that time, when I'm a witch doctor, I used to take very much care not meeting with anybody who is born-again, who is washed with the Blood of Jesus. >> Rev. Angley: Un-hnn. That's- >> Pastor: Because whenever, when they used- I used to meet with them, it used to confuse the spirits. >> Rev. Angley: Well, I guess it did. >> Pastor: [chuckling] So I decided not to going anywhere near there was a born-again >> Rev. Angley: What about cards, did you use- what did you use to bring about >> Pastor: No, I just >> Rev. Angley: Anything else? >> Pastor: No, I just use that >> Rev. Angley: That's all you used? >> Pastor: That gourd, with the charming [chuckling] until I'm possessed. >> Rev. Angley: But you didn't want to be, want to meet anybody Blood-washed? >> Pastor: No. No. >> Rev. Angley: You didn't, you feared the Blood, didn't you? >> Pastor: [chuckling] >> Rev. Angley: There was a fear there? >> Pastor: Yeah, there was a fear there. >> Rev. Angley: There was a fear there. >> Pastor: Yeah. >> Rev. Angley: Because anybody that's covered with the Blood, they are protected. They don't have to be afraid. And the only way you could get in to do anything to them is through fear, or anybody that's using the devil's power, that I know. >> Pastor: Um-hmm. >> Rev. Angley: Because I've dealt with this, with demonic spirits so much myself and to deliver people from devil possession. Now, go ahead and tell us what happened to you. About, how did you find the Lord? >> Pastor: Well it became in a process of time. I, I decided that I should commit suicide, you know that would get rid of everything. I thought that be committing suicide was the end of everything. So, during that time, while I was deciding to commit suicide, I tried to look for a suitable place to do it privately, without anybody knowing. But the time was too late, so I decided to do it the next morning. And by that time, I really had the boldness of doing it. There was no fear of committing suicide by hanging myself. >> Rev. Angley: No fear? >> Pastor: No fear. >> Rev. Angley: The devil knew that you was gonna get saved. >> Pastor: I don't know. [laughter] >> Pastor: I didn't know by then. >> Rev. Angley: He knew God was moving for you. Okay, and what happened? Tell us the rest of the story. >> Pastor: Now, during the night, it was a restless night. All what I could think that "I must commit suicide." Now, the early hour of the morning, about around 6 am, then I heard a voice, a strange voice. And when I heard that voice, I realized that it was the Lord. I don't know how it came to be but I realized that time it was the voice, and He said to me, "my son, don't commit thyself suicide. I am your savior; I'm here." And I fell down and weeped bitterly for about 2 hours. And then I heard the Lord speak again. He said unto me, that I have to take a fast of 3 days, not getting off my bed. And which I walk and went on my bed. I stayed there for 3 days. Well the neighbors did not worry about this; they thought it was the demons are dealing with me, so they didn't interfere in anything. Now after 3 days, then the Lord spoke to me, it was around 7 in the morning, said, "Rise and go to my servant, and he will tell you what to do." I've been in bed 3 days, fasting, and then early hour of the morning around 7 am, the Lord told me that I should "arise and go to my faithful servant," to His faithful servant and he will tell me what to do. And which I did; I walked about 3 miles, I mean, 1 mile, and I found myself in a pastor's home. And that pastor pointed out to me and said, that "the Lord had told me 3 days ago that you'll be coming here." >> Rev. Angley: Praise the Lord! >> Pastor: [chuckling] >> Rev. Angley: That's wonderful. >> Pastor: That's how I received the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior. >> Rev. Angley: Right then and there? >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: This pastor prayed with you? >> Pastor: He prayed with me and he led me >> Rev. Angley: And he let you know the Blood of Jesus would wash away all your sins? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: And those devils would leave you? >> Pastor: Would leave me and they did leave me >> Rev. Angley: All the devils left you >> Pastor: Because while I was there in the pastor's house, after he prayed for me, I felt the zeal and the power of God, that I told the pastor, "now let us go home and get all this rubbish and burn them." >> Rev. Angley: All the devil's rubbish. >> Pastor: All the devil rubbish ... skin, goat skins, bones and many rubbishes. >> Rev. Angley: All of that stuff you'd used? >> Pastor: About 3 basket full of it. >> Rev. Angley: 3 basket full and you burned up all the devil's wares? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: Got rid of it? >> Pastor: Everything. >> Rev. Angley: And then, later, God called you into the ministry. >> Pastor: That's right. The Lord called me to the ministry because when I went back home, that very night, again, the Lord told me that I should for another 6 days. >> Rev. Angley: For how many? >> Pastor: 6 days. >> Rev. Angley: For 6 days? >> Pastor: For 6 days, yeah. >> Rev. Angley: And you fasted 6 days? >> Pastor: I fasted 6 days. And I went to a church. And when I got into the church, the pastor told me that "the Lord has chosen you to be His servant." >> Rev. Angley: And you just started in preaching? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: And the Lord just gifted you? >> Pastor: Gifted me, that's right. >> Rev. Angley: With preaching the Word of God? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: I want to know something though, how did you recognize the voice of God to be different from the voice of the devil? >> Pastor: It was very strange, I don't know how it did but that moment, I think God gave me the understanding. >> Rev. Angley: He- I'm sure He did. I want to hear you say it. The Lord gave you understanding, a revelation of Himself, didn't He? >> Pastor: That's, exactly. >> Rev. Angley: Gave you knowledge of Him. >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: Opened your eyes? >> Pastor: That's right. [chuckling] >> Rev. Angley: And let you there's a God up there; >> Pastor: that's right. >> Rev. Angley: and down here too. >> Pastor: Yeah. >> Rev. Angley: And that He had all power, even over that devil that you'd been serving. >> Pastor: That's right. Because after, after one week, I went to the witch doctor- to those witch doctors who were dealing, where we were charming the spirits together, and I preached them the gospel. >> Rev. Angley: You went back to those >> Pastor: Yeah. >> Rev. Angley: And preached them the gospel? >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: How did they react? [laughter] >> Rev. Angley: Were they ready to murder you? >> Pastor: They were very surprised, and they wanted to chase me out of their house. >> Rev. Angley: I imagine. I imagaine. But you felt led of the Lord to go to them? >> Pastor: Yes, I felt the power of God was upon me. >> Rev. Angley: Yes. >> Pastor: And I told them the Word of God and I told them that "I'm not more witch doctor, I've burnt up all of their wares." >> Rev. Angley: God wanted you to witness to them, to give them a chance. >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: And they turned it- and they turned God down? >> Pastor: They turned God down. >> Rev. Angley: That's unfortunate, isn't it? >> Pastor: It is unfortunate. >> Rev. Angley: And did any of them ever come back to you, after that? >> Pastor: Yes, they- what you would call the chief witch doctor of that area came back to me and said that "we are very sorry. We tried to send the spirits to kill you because you have revealed our secrets to the people. We didn't want you to be alive anymore, but we couldn't do it. Everytime the spirits came, they came back to us, and those spirits told us that they would kill, that they would kill them rather than kill me because I have a strange power which they cannot penetrate through." >> Rev. Angley: Praise God! That's what I've contended and tried to tell the people. And there it is. And I contend that a Blood-washed child of God is safe, that no curse can be put on a Blood-washed child of God. >> Pastor: It is really true. >> Rev. Angley: And I've told the people, I said, "all the witch doctors, all the devils at one time possessing them could come after me, but they couldn't do me any harm because I'm under the Blood; I'm covered with the Blood of Jesus." >> Pastor: Exactly; that's how it was. >> Rev. Angley: And that's how it worked. >> Pastor: Yeah. >> Rev. Angley: Praise God; that's wonderful! And now you live through the Blood of Jesus. >> Pastor: Yes. And I have peace. >> Rev. Angley: And you have peace and joy? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: Did you get to- I want to know something, did you get your wife back? >> Pastor: Yes, when she knew that I was saved, just within a few weeks, she came. >> Rev. Angley: Within a few weeks? >> Pastor: Yes. >> Rev. Angley: The Lord brought her back? >> Pastor: Yes, and she said that she was praying for me always. >> Rev. Angley: Oh, my dear brother, I'm so glad that you're a pastor in a church, and God is blessing you. And that you understand about demonic powers and that you know that Jesus saves and heals. >> Pastor: Exactly. And the book which you, which you gave me, once, I think it was last year, "The Deceit of Lucifer," >> Rev. Angley: Yes. >> Pastor: When I read that, I could understand it very well because I was in those, those things so it helped me, and God has been using me on that line. >> Rev. Angley: I want you to tell the people how the people would be slain through that power of the devil. And there's a difference in that power of the devil and the power of God slaying people. >> Pastor: Yes, there is a great difference. There is a great difference in that because through the power of God, it is not something you have to exercise or be like someone who is doing something, but God does it through the Word and the name of Jesus. I just used to charm, and dance around smeared with mud and what and they started- >> Rev. Angley: They'd start falling out. >> Pastor: Yeah. >> Rev. Angley: And you went down, the devil told you to go down to the market? >> Pastor: That's right. That's right. >> Rev. Angley: And dance around half naked >> Pastor: So, that the devil can demonstrate the power. >> Rev. Angley: Could demonstrate his power? >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: And you would do that? >> Pastor: And I would do that. >> Rev. Angley: But you're able now to really separate the power of God and the power of the devil, right? >> Pastor: Exactly. >> Rev. Angley: You know the difference. >> Pastor: I know the difference. >> Rev. Angley: And there's a drastic difference, isn't there? >> Pastor: there is. >> Rev. Angley: When you know, when you have the knowledge >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: from God. >> Pastor: I do know. >> Rev. Angley: And God gave you that knowledge. >> Pastor: He did. >> Rev. Angley: Are you happy today? >> Pastor: Very happy. I'm rejoicing. >> Rev. Angley: Is it really different in serving God and using His power? >> Pastor: Yes, there is a great difference, great difference. >> Rev. Angley: You can sleep at night. >> Pastor: Oh, very well. >> Rev. Angley: And when you're awake, you're happy. >> Pastor: I'm happy. >> Rev. Angley: But that other was false, wasn't it? It was a false happiness? >> Pastor: The demonic ..., well no, >> Rev. Angley: It wasn't for real? >> Pastor: There was no happiness there. >> Rev. Angley: No happiness there. >> Pastor: No, no, there was no happiness. I always was very serious, sad in my face, very cruel. >> Rev. Angley: Oh, you didn't have any happiness? >> Pastor: No, no I didn't. >> Rev. Angley: Oh, I >> Pastor: I thought you were >> Rev. Angley: That's what I wanted to know. >> Pastor: I thought you were saying during my salvation journey. >> Rev. Angley: No, no, no, I mean when you were a witch doctor. You didn't have any happiness? >> Pastor: No, there was no happiness. >> Rev. Angley: No happiness. >> Pastor: No happiness, there was cruelty in my life. >> Rev. Angley: And it was >> Pastor: There was no peace at all. >> Rev. Angley: No peace, just hatred >> Pastor: bitterness and >> Rev. Angley: bitterness. Well, all those devils living in you and through you. >> Pastor: Yeah. >> Rev. Angley: They had taken you over. >> Pastor: That's right. >> Rev. Angley: And there was no peace and no joy. >> Pastor: No joy, no peace. >> Rev. Angley: But through the Blood of Jesus >> Pastor: Yes, it brought me joy, peace and happiness. >> Rev. Angley: Neighbor, if the Lord can deliver this man who was, it's hard to tell how many devils had him. It makes me think about Legion when Jesus met him. He was among the tombs, out of his mind and the Lord delivered him; and the Lord delivered this man, in our day. He's Jesus Christ, is still the same. And if you're bound in anyway, if you're in witchcraft, you can be delivered. You've heard this man tell you what it is, and then he's telling you how to be delivered. And he's telling you that the Blood of Jesus delivered him, and he is free and happy at last, serving God and helping others to find Jesus through His shed Blood. God bless.
Channel: Ernest Angley Ministries
Views: 19,549
Rating: 4.8670359 out of 5
Keywords: Ernest Angley, Christianity (Religion), Gospel Music, Miracles, healings, healing prayer, gospel music, gospel singing, salvation, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, witch doctor, curses, generational curses, shauman, traditional healers, demon possession, chris machamer, steve millar, witchdoctor, great interviews, ex witch, ex witch turns to christ, witchcraft testimony, curse breaking prayer, black magic
Id: S8nR3A0n-CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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