My Testimony | Buddha to Jesus (Yahushua)

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hi welcome to rock or pillow and my name is will and today I'm gonna share my testimony with you and talking about my testimony I have a really long testimony now I would kindly remind you that if you really want to stick to the to the end of my testimony please prepare some popcorn work you know chips anything can you know keep you awake because this is gonna be a long testimony so only anyway so without further ado i'ma get into my testimony so well to start my testimony I think in a we should always go back to the beginning for me the beginning will be in China and when I was born so now people think you well will you're Chinese and in the God of Israel has some anything to do with you when we were born and the answer is yes and let me tell you why so well when I was born for some of you probably don't know there was a policy or law call one child policy and what that law does is the law only allowed one family to hope to have one boy and that's it if you have a second boy the second boy gonna be like in abandon or the family girl decided whether they should have they wanna pay for the second boy and in my case I was a second boy and when I was born or to be honest we you know my parents didn't want me to be a boy but they really want me to be a girl but I end up being a boy so there was no choice for my parents and now they are facing with the dynamic or whether to keep me or abandon me so to be honest with you growing up my parents always like Tom like in a joke manner and will you are adopted and I was like what do you mean I'm adopted so and they would tell me like okay then you just adopt it so I keep asking why why you know I'm talk today so finally my mom shared the story with me so according to her you know what happened was when I was born you know I'm the second boy so the government telling them okay you got your either abandon the boy or you gotta pay for a lot of money so my parents are at the beginning decide to you know like just because that's not the money that's like 1/4 of our family saving and at that time my family was not better off and to be honest with you so it was really a you know a hot cold I go to the heart to decide but so my parents like okay we're gonna let this boy go but for some reason things changed and then according to my mom she said you know what at some point her heart and the spirit change at the end and she start feeling a compassionate and the sympathetic for me so then she started talking to my dad like you know about keeping me so in the end my dad was convinced and then they pay for the money pay the money for me so that's why you know I survived and I'm alive Anna and I'm really really grateful and honestly you know before I thought well I should be really grateful for my mom because that was my mom you know decided to change his or changing her mind to keep me and talked to my there and then now I realized wait a minute you know the the the one that I should really be thankful maybe not not my mom but the God of Israel so anyway so that's my story at the beginning and then ever since that point I grow up right as like no typical Chinese boy you know and go to school you know study math but America's you know physics all those subjects like science scientific science related subjects and that was really good at it you know to be honest with you and and doing between between my birth and like you know high school high school all the way to college and I was like you know a religious Buddhist Buddhist guy and my whole family they know what they still keep you know worshipping Buddha and bottom to Buddha every year and I remember you know one growing up every year at the beginning of the year we will get up early and go to Temple and bow down to tak to Buddha's in the tempo and start praying to to to Buddha and I remember you know my parents will pray for my family's well-being like you know I pray for the more money right more safety in my house and but for me I would be like you know how could I pray or a Buddha please you know give me like four four or five inches taller you know because I was pretty sure right and also I'll be praying for my you know my my good grades in examination for this year and basically in a nutshell what I'm trying to say is you know even though I was following like in my parents religion and and and my my parents were not even you know really believing what they believe you know they they were just like being a traditional Buddhist so so what my my brother and I so we were just like you know tag along and do whatever they told us to do and we don't know we don't even know what Buddhism really is who Buddha really is so so in a nutshell we we worship Buddha but we don't even have a relationship with it within Buddha so so long story short that's pretty much you know of what was going on in my childhood and then all the way to the high school you know I was I was very good students you know sometimes give very good great and then I was really strong at mathematics like I told you with mathematics physics chemistry you know maybe depends and then I was never into like subjects like Chinese English and those stuff just really like you know a boring to me but you know what something happened and and there was a turning point in my high school and mind you that there are many turning point in my life and this was the first turning point and all those turning points that lead me to become Who I am today and leave me to become what a follower of God of Israel so the first turning poem was like in high school now I was like I said I was really into math right and then until like the senior in high school and for some reason my passion and interest from math all the shift or switched to the English I was like no I didn't remember what happened but for some reason I just have such a hunger and and craziness for for learning English and I and I remember it so there was funny story that I always tell people in high school when was in this car in math class I would literally just gonna pull out a Oxford Dictionary in English English dictionary and start reciting memorizing the vocabularies from A to Z and my classmates like you're sitting right next to me he looked at me we'll were you doing like this masters and what is that and I showed him like it's the English dictionary he was really amazing I shocked so I just telling you this to show you how crazy I was like I would even sacrifice a math class for two for learning English and and probably you you don't see why that's so important but learning English is it paving the way for me for my future future life in America because without passing the English test I will not be able to come to America so so you can see that you know God even in my high school he has changed my heart to pursue English so that I could be able to accept it by the school here in u.s. so so that's my basing into my high school life and now after that my life would just keep going on nothing special happened all the way to the college years freshman you know sophomore just you know going through some crazy lifestyle you on campus you know that right and then until the second turning point you know and that took place in my junior year in college and it was 2008 and what happened was one day my friends asked me to go swimming so I I didn't know how to swim at that time and so I was like okay cool I'm going with you so long story short we went to the swimming pool and then they they were teaching me all the you know all the things about skills about swimming and I got it you know but I couldn't just flow so so we were hanging out at a shadow party the beginning and later on my friends like a board and they they they decide to move to the D part which is like you know like 2 meters tall swimming pool so I wasn't really want to go but and but my friends like her we'll just with us so I went with them and stay at the deep part and long story short we were we were staying together and they they told me that we will protect you will stay with you don't worry you'll be fine and then but let it run you know they they just be no swim away I was left alone at the corner of the swimming pool so when I might do a swimming pool I had a corner right so because nobody with me and I couldn't swim so to entertain myself I decided to like you know practice in my holding breath so what I did it was like you know I close my eyes and just gently let go of my hands and then the go into the water and mind you that I didn't have my my goggle and in the nose plug so so I couldn't see anything so I was in the water and then for about 30 seconds I couldn't you know I couldn't hold it any longer then I decided to you know to reach to the shore right and then oh so I was like just imagine that I was in the water and I closed my eyes and I first scratch on my right hand didn't feel nothing that didn't touch anything and then I reached on my left hand again the same thing then after that I was like my heart start beating like rapidly crazy like rapid fast and I was like where am i where am i I was like oh man you know III I thought I was right next to the shore so so you know I was a struggling couple times you know petting my my arms but no nothing happened no no I couldn't touch anything so then I I like gonna talk to myself in maimana in water right okay we'll calm down calm down what can you do to you know get up get above the water at least save your time go get some gameworld brats and go into the water and then wait for other people to save you right okay so so that's why I did it I I just like go first I try like it'll use my hair like propel the water like upward so that my body can go down a constant according to the physics I thought that was was right but as I was doing it and I also stretched my legs and my legs couldn't touch anything so and I was trying to reach the bottom and then go upright but my feet couldn't touch anything so I was like okay forget about this and then uh uh how about just stay still so I try to stay still like you know holding my body like this and thinking that my body will go down naturally and sink down to the bottle bottle and then step up right but that didn't help me either I was like stuck in the middle I couldn't go up or down then I mean I mean that was like at least one minute passed and I was like really panicking and it was like it's so scary at the moment and but you know and and that moment in the water you know there's nothing's going on in my mind because I thought myself okay I couldn't hold my breath anymore and my face like it swollen I could like this big and I couldn't open it because I was afraid and I couldn't I didn't want to open my eyes ice because you know I was afraid of opening my eyes and the water all coming because I I didn't know how to swim right so I couldn't do either those things but uh but you know all I can do was struggling so as I was rubbing my my breast was was was you know become last less less I couldn't hold it any longer and then at the moment to tell you to choose you know what have you ever let taste the taste of death you know probably most people don't in their lifetime but I actually have tasted the the taste the deaths and the moment because it was so close to death and at a moment instant in my mind there are so many things going on I instantly I think about my parents and then I think about my parents are not you know I already picture in my mind that okay my parents in the funeral that's my funeral and they were crying and my brother was also also there and they were crying over in my dad's and my whole family was falling apart so thinking about that and my heart's like feeling so sour and a moment in the water and I was like oh man I why I'm here today you know I was I blame myself self know why I'm him today I'm gonna die I'm only like 23 but I'm gonna die for nothing so it was like it was really really bitter but so but anyway I thought at the moment I'm gonna die for sure and guess what happened next so right before I I you know I passed my my breath but I was still struggling in the world right and then right before that my left hand land on something felt like someone's time and then you know because the momentum I just grab at the find a boom pole pull myself up and reach the shore and I was like you know and instantly I just wipe wipe away the water from my eyes and then start open my eyes and see who is that guy that saved me because like I was really thankful because because I can breathe I can feel the ear so I was like who is that guy that saved me right and guess what happened to surprise you uh and and shocked me at the moment I didn't see anybody and I was like so how was that ever sure it was like nobody okay so who whose time was it so and then I okay to tell you the truth they don't mind you with that I'm a very large person because I'm an engineer so instantly at the moment I tried to reason like what happened so I look at this sure see if there was anybody walk up upon the shore because I I thought that that person was too fast and go up climb up the stairs and already I'm ashore but within two meters I didn't see anybody then I like okay then I thought okay maybe maybe I pull too hard and the guys just po dragging into the water by myself and then he's the works right so so I looked into the water and nobody so then then I get really puzzle and but anyways I couldn't figure out what happened so so my friends are coming back and I didn't tell them the story because III I'm afraid they would be like in a will you're making this up you know you you you you just like you know trying to you know blame ups right so anyway so I didn't tell anybody about that story and even my parents and there has become my mystery in my life but later on I found out what happened so but anyway um I won't come to move on with my stories so after two thousand a that even mystical events in a swimming pool there another turning point happened in 2009 that's next year so in 2009 I met American friend whose name is Nick and he's from Ohio Ohio United States and then he he's the Maseratis in in jujitsu preserving jujitsu and I'm really into mushroom so martial arts so I start you know practicing martial arts with him for for about like four months right so and during that four months we did with develop very close relationship and then get to know each other very well so and and to be honest with you I really respect Nick as a person because he's very responsible and very discipline in person and a man with principle so and one day when we are training and then he took off his shirt and then and I saw on his back there was like a tattoo on his back and when I look at it I there's two figures like fighting against each other so I asked it like a Nick so what what is the tattoo you have on the back and he told me like well yeah this is two angels like fighting against each other okay I was like so what were they doing they saying okay there's a good angel fighting against the evil angel so I I didn't really know what he was talking about I thought that's intriguing and pretty curious but anyway long story short you know well after four months unfortunately no Nick he decided to return to us and there before he's returned to yours he called me up like a will let's get together and hang out at the club did I work in no he he was a security guard at a club so he called me up and and and we hang out at his club and I he told me that oh well I'm leaving back to us so I was like a will Nick you know why why are you coming back you know Shanghai Shanghai is such a good City right because oh okay I grew up in the city cause Shanghai so Nick was in Shanghai and then that's why I said ask that question and then I I didn't understand why in what work to come back to us so so ed and Nick the response Nick gave me was like will I don't know I miss my home I miss American life and I think you know Shanghai is the same folk city so when I heard this the worst thing for sinful right and I couldn't understand but I pretend like you know I know it like okay I said okay okay Nick I get it I get it you know but I actually I don't really get it so by anyway so next day we hang out all night long and next day Nick took me to a Starbucks nearby and then then we say that I have a conversation and then he starts sharing his life with me and so I said you know what Nick you know I really I really respect you you know you you have you a man of character you know you're a very disciplined and I think you your past life is also you know very very you know what good right you know that that's that's become who you are right and and Nick responds you know will you know what I was not like like Who I am today and I was really a bad dude on on the street and I was like are you kidding me Nick you know you're such a responsible person and a man of principle you know so so what happened you know what happened what happened then make you become who you are today and Nick said well it is it is the guy and I was like okay Nick so god which guy you talked about and Nick respond he said you know we'll probably you won't understand you know but but the guy that I believe is you know the god of Bible that was an okay Bible and he asked me have you ever heard of heard about Bible that was like yeah I heard about bio by I never read it right I don't understand what if I was talking about so so basically you know Nick's were telling me yeah you know it is God of Bible there there has changed his life laughs around to transform him from against her to a person who he is today so you know after he departure back to us you know and that's stuck with me I know I was right because my respect out of my respect for him I was curious about the guy he believed him so I start like a searching now for what Bible is and guess what you know like probably you know it maybe you'll laugh at me now you know what you trying to learn something right you you you wouldn't like reason you probably was seeking for some audio or mp3 stuff to listen to so that's how I learn everything so so as I was searching for the information about Bible I was I was searching for what kids would pick up from any book and that is to listening to a story so I find the audio audio book online which is mp3 and listen to the Bible story and to me was like the Bible stories like us all the fairy tales are you know that nothing really real to me but I just finished the you know the story listen to it I felt like a very intriguing so but nothing really you know after that happened right so then it was 2009 and then 2010 and I was fortunate you know accepted by a school in Detroit Michigan in United States right and then so when I first landed and the people from the Church of the Chinese Church here they date invited us to the church and that was my first time you know experiencing church and to be honest with you I love the people in church and they were very nice and they were very loving very very very kind they're helping me a lot but when it comes to the Bible study I literally like I was like dozing off in the Bible study I felt so embarrassed and probably some people already like see me those enough but I'm telling you this because I want to show you that that no little interest that I have in Bible at a time because it was so boring to me but long story short I I keep going to the church for social purpose by meeting people and not for really you know no for the knowledge of Bible that that was going on for a year but fortunately in that year I met you know a few Christian friends in school and one friends his name is Brett McCarthy so that guy you know it just came to me and start making friends with me and not even not even talking about viable and then long story short you know as we become friends as we hang out more and more he starts sharing like a biblical information with me right I didn't get it but I was like okay I'm open to anything you would say to me Brett you know so so lay it wrong Brad asked me so we'll you know I see you like to know Hanna with the American students and because you you you you you such a social person so hey I have a you know activities Monday night and my dawn would you like to come and I was like yeah sure Brad you're here you know yeah okay so I went to Keys activities and I didn't know that was Bible study right so I just you know so I kind of Mingo into the the group and start to hang out with him and then a later that I found out that while they're actually studying the Bible and and to be honest we when they when they talk about the Bible and stuff I didn't quite understand but I just tagged along because the friendship that I had a book with breath so I stuck with them for a first master didn't change my belief or wrong at all but at least you know I get an idea you know what a Christian life looked like and and and also the most important thing that I learned from which also helped me later on in some of the story or even happen is the prayer that they teach me so they teach me how to pray in different situation so I've learned it right so there happened in 2011 and then then the next twenty point happened so mind you that before before before 2011 summer time I didn't believe in God at all I'm going to church and go to the Bible study but I don't believe God period and then but then why event happened change my brief I wrong so what happened was in summertime 2011 one day I don't know I I don't remember which day but I remember that day for some reason I was very anxious and I was like you know I and I was trying to go to school but my car was running out guest so I stopped by a gas station near my home and then just like get out alright open the door get out and and pull my credit card swipe it and pump in my car up right once the pumping is finished I just you know close the door boom drive and but but before then I forgot to I put my wallet on the trunk and the trunk of my car so and as you can imagine I was so hurry and I forgot to pick up my wallet found the trunk and I just drove away so my wallet lost slide off the car and I didn't know and then until I get to the school about five minutes away from the gas station and I start searching for my wallet and I couldn't film I couldn't find my watch and I was that I really really really you know uh you know upset so and that's not like to thinking okay wait where have I been before before the school so and that's gas station so what I went back to the gas station and then asked the 7-eleven guy and he said nobody returned any water and and actually though there's something very important to remind you is in the wallet there are there were nine hundred cash 900 bucks cash in the water and water itself is also that you know pretty expensive and with all the credit cards and everything it's very valuable to me and and also those money it's all coming from China and some are coming from my parents because I didn't have a job at all so that's very very important to me so and then um so I lost the water right and I was really really low and a point but I still need to go on the day so I dropped as I was driving back school and I just started driving driving but as I was driving I just look at the sky I and I was start thinking about God and I was a questioning guy and I was blaming God but while I was driving was like God why why would you make the heaven why would you make my wallet lost today that's a lot of money that's a lot of you know you know important stuff in it what would you allow that happened and I was blaming first and then shortly after my my mindset changed and I was thinking okay maybe this happened this even happens so that I can avoid some the bigger disaster gonna happen down the road right so with that in mind I kind of felt like okay God maybe it's trying to protect me right so and then and I felt so much better after that and I I just go about the day you know doing my thing cancel all the credit cards you know from bank and then I but I never expect that my water will ever I would never ever get water back never cuz so but guess what the second day something happened my friend whose name is Jason he called me up and say is it will so you know where are you I said you know okay you know what's going on Jason and he said oh okay someone's looking for you in my dorm today and and he's mentioning something about a wallet and I was like what okay so who is that guy is he still there he said no he's gone but he left his contacting information okay so so I got contact information the phone number from Jason me and a corner guy and and I calling him that guy so I pick up a phone and I telling me that okay you are the guy that you know drop the wallet that day I was right behind you guys I was screaming at you but you were driving too fast you didn't pay attention right so so he but I have your money so when can I give it to you and I said oh yeah thank you so much sir how about tomorrow and then so then then he said yeah yeah we could be tomorrow and then the next day we we are appointed to me and at the outside of the campus dormitory so as I was waiting there because I was there before him he got it as I was waiting now you know at that point right to be honest with you I have some biased you know kind of opinion like over you know the the societal can stand there anyway as I was waiting I was waiting for like Anna someone dressed up you know someone I tell white Connor right you know someone dressed up very happy don't have any issue with money because I figure you know who would a give now I have to buck cash back to someone you know if they need money right so uh so I mean so I was waiting I was waiting for that person but that person never show up and then they wrong you know there was a guy coming this way approaching me and there was a you know black people a black person and again you know what a based on work but I was taught in China I have kind of a you know biased you know attitude or opinion to tours you know black people but I now know I look back I was completely wrong so but at that time I was totally biased you know and then and that person just just come over and and he keep it know approaching me and he looked like he just keep looking at me and I was like why you looking at me like that right you know I I don't know you so and then but he's just like walking closer and closer and star point at me I was like no way are you that person so so I start walking towards him and as I walking towards him I was like I was like okay and then he said you know how you doing brother and shake my hands and then and I asked okay are you that guy he said yes I'm the guy with a walk so then then I start hugging him you know anyway um so then then we start talking about the wallet and he gave me the wallet and he asked me okay so just just check if there was anything missing your wallet and I check everything 900 bucks is there all the credit cards are the drive license is there and I was I felt so touched I know and but I I have a question I always have question about it why would you you know return the water back to me so later on as I walk him out and I asked him you know sir um I'm just curious me why would you return my water back to me and there was not money in it most people wouldn't return then wanna money right so and then he said oh you know what I'm a Christian and that's the first thing that he said I'm Christian and uh you know when I saw your wallet when I pick it up and see agent face and immediately I thought about well this asian guy probably just you know a exchange student from from Asian country and there's 900 bucks means a lot to him so I think I should have returned to him and in and I believe you know God has has has Diwali intentionally put me there to witness your wallet to be lost so so that I can return back to you and and God want us to love each other as brothers sisters and I hope what I have done to you today and you will do you will do the same thing to others and that's what what he said and guess what whatever he said it immediately changed my heart at the moment I felt so touched and at that moment I instantly believe in God you know you you you might be like okay so what what make you instantly believe in him right and actually in that story there's many details that that Becca I can tell you that it's divine setup so first of all um after that you know after we departed right so and I asked for that the person that gentleman's address and he gave me the address and I tried to you know set up a day to to go to his house and give him some Chinese tea as gift a fainting kicked right and then two then two days later I call him and guess what happened you know mind you that I call him before we contact on the phone before the same number but two days later I call him up and say on the other side I heard like dee dee dee dee dee dee from the phone that tells me that phone is no longer in service and I was really possible only two days why you know okay could I be that the person has changed his phone number you know that that could be possible right but up but I now I don't believe that but and also in that story now I have to like everyone to to share the detail with you so the reason why I believe that's the device set up is that now during the summer time I already move out all the campus and live off-campus in apartment right and my friend Jason who is supposed to live with me in the apartment okay now now you'd be like if you remember that Jason was in the dorm because that's when that's where that guy went to the my dorm that's cooled warm to me Jason and give his phone number to Jason right and now how will Jason end up in that room what happened was in the summertime department and I lived in had a bug treatment so he was really bad and Jason's parents don't want Jason to living in a pond so before he's coming back to school for the fall semester and his parents telling Jason to to apply for Dom to room in school and then was already too late it's very late if you know it's it's it's very hard to apply for a room you know before the school started this new semester study right so he applied it and guess what with which room he applied it he applied for the same room that I used to live in before I'm moving out out of campus and the number was a room 408 I still remember and and the fitness that's one connection right there and the other thing is I'm my driver license when the gentlemen pick up my wallet and he look at it I didn't update the address of my driver license right so the the address of my driver license is to my dorm address and then so that's why that's why the gentleman could go to the door and find out find out where I used to live in that room and it just so happened Jason was in their room now if you think about if Jason just didn't move back to school in the summertime and end up living with me now who can are living in the for a room probably some someone else so the purse the gentleman will never reach me thus I would never get my wallet back and thus how never probably I wouldn't say never but I would not believe in God so if you think about it and also right for the fact that he disappeared on the phone to me it's like okay if it's not God I don't know you know who else can be that the chance for the happen is very very very slim now anyway so so that that's when I believe in God and and and Ashley when we departed that day I immediately go back to my home on the night and post it on the Facebook saying thank God you know the capital letters so now okay so this is the first event that that you know turn my belief from not being God to believe in God okay now the next event also happened in the summertime 2011 and the event turn me from not believing Jesus Christ - Jesus Christ so what happened in that event is so the summer time August I went back to China and then for four months so I already booked my round-trip the flight has been booked right and I was supposed to come back come back to the United States August 25th then I didn't know what after I went back to China I didn't know that I need to go through the visa interview like I renew my visa so as I was going through the visa interview I end up being checked by American government so probably probably you guys will be like okay so what's a big deal you got checked right but but it's a serious thing because a waiver checked you don't know when you will get your visa approved it could be next day it could be a month there could be three months or it could be half a year or even year and you don't know until the visa will be proved by an American company so so during that period before August 25th I was waiting waiting waiting and I did everything I can try to trying to find some help right to to help me get to get a visa proof faster and I contact school at school telling me all right we'll there is nothing we can do to help you because FBI is investigating and when I heard FBI wait a minute like what what have had to do with FBI you know what's the deal you know it sounds so serious but anyway I couldn't do anything because FBI was investigating me and then all I can do was waiting now so I was waiting waiting waiting and then on August 23rd if you mark the day August 25th is the day I was supposed to departure taking a flight back to you US and because I have visa I couldn't not go on August 23rd and nighttime and I still had don't have the visa then 11:00 p.m. on that day August 23rd for some reason I was like I thinking about God and thinking about praying to God because at that moment I know I was helpless and hopeless because nobody can help me and I thought you know as last you know resort maybe I can turn to the God of Israel so that he can help with so I saw praying am i bad and as I was a praying to get uppity to God and the first thing I said is God I know I'm a sinner and I've done so many things wrong in the past I hope you forgive me and and the reason why I pray that is because remember the Bible study that I went through there are people that teach me how to pray and what whenever you you try to come fast to God and that's exactly how I pray and then the prayer that night was very long but I don't know all the details but but I remember is it was my very first tournament I initiated a prayer called my genuine heart because before then I was I would always follow other people like in a Bible study or Church study when everybody praying I pray with but I never initiate my own prayer to God so and then so I pray long time and then I end up with in the name of Jesus Christ amen right and I just went to sleep and and tell and tell the truth you know after the prayer for some reason I felt so peaceful and comfort I feel like okay I did my best you know so but anyway I didn't expect anything what will happen with my visa now next day August 24th least I didn't come right and then but on August 25th early in the morning 9:30 9:30 o'clock my visa came and I was very very happy but at the same time I was like come on God right why what why would you give me the visa like you know right at this time and my flight is 10 o'clock in the morning and if you can give me a visa way ahead of time like the 23rd August 23rd I I don't need to change my flight so but anyway I have my visa and I was very happy I didn't really you know look into the visa but the next day I just open up my visa and when I look at my visa I know this something significant so on my visa there is a data of issue and that's when the pizza is issue right and I see the day is August 24th now you probably don't catch the importance here I have to to tell you two other times they did I have my my visa check because I went back to China four times but that I I had a three times getting checked by an American government and and the other two times the visa you know between the approval of the visa and the day I received the visa is at least two days sometimes three days and but the first time when I get it I see the date of issue on the visa indicate as August 24th and if you know what I was talking about I was praying to God August 23rd now the next day next day it was approved and then then third day I get my visa back so it takes only one day for the visa to be shipped to China and I get it how could it possibly happen you know it and you know it's it take a long time for the visa to be you know shipped right but anyway so to me you know it's it's basically the gods answering to my prayer and the fact that I at the moment submit to him and turn to him for help because I don't have any other people or God can help me so I turned to him and some companies submit to him and he sees it and he answered my prayer and after that at that event I believe it I start believing in Jesus Christ right then then after that I come back to us continuing my school right as I'm continuing to school everything seems to pretty pretty good at the beginning but something you know what you matic happened happened so in the later year of little part latter part of that year for some reason you know at the beginning when I was in school I honestly I was pretty popular guy and a lot of American a lot of American like they know me one time I have a American friend he told me that will you know you know everyone knows you in school and anyway you know so but you know at that time I also have a lot of Chinese friends right but for some reason and because because I I hang out with a merit a lot American friends in my Chinese friends day they they start feeling like you know will will like you know to hang out with American students more than us so and and also in addition there's many other misunderstanding I'm not gonna go into those misunderstanding all those missed understand a misconception that cause that the my Chinese friends were Chinese peer in school they they they have the idea they okay will like to hang out with American and he's American guy you know he doesn't like to hang out with the Chinese so all of sudden I I was like in the position all the American they know me and they like me and then all the Chinese they hate me they hid them from me and they don't even talk about why they don't want to come here with me and and to be honest with you I didn't get it you know I didn't get it so so because all this happened it changed my it changed my spiritual spirituality because I felt so low and there was the lowest point of my life and I remember you know during those time all the way to or the beginning of 2012 and I I was just living in that condition living in that mode where where you know I have to deal with different groups you know and then sometimes when I come back to the dorm I come back to my apartment and at night I was like looking the sitting boss sleeping and I just like question God God why why this all happening you know why why all my people they they don't like me but people but those who are not my people they like me I don't get it so so many nights it during those time I feel so lonely and I I tried to seek help but no because you know my parents will get it and I didn't tell my parents and there is no friends understand me I tried to come occur with come and came with and trying to reason with him but just for some reason like you know there was always misunderstanding out there so so the only only one I can seek help from is the guy so that's why many nights I just started gonna pray to God elbow my eyes look at the ceiling of my room and then just fight oh god why'd ya tell me what help me how me figure this out why this happened but even though that dad didn't you know solve the problem but at least during that period my relationship where the God was getting closer closer and I believe God used that whatever happened at the time to to display me and to draw me closer to him now it in mind you that you know that was the first time that experience that my people you know we reject me okay and then later wrong moving towards 2012 and as I as I start you know kind of getting to Bible and one day I get onto YouTube and just randomly III didn't specifically force looking for some information but I just come across a video about the Noah's Ark has been found that there was a document so I watch it in there like and I just like I saw the video and I see the other evidence and indicating that's all too and I was like okay so the Noah's Ark Noah's Ark was a great flood in the Bible story was true and I was like okay so I thought to myself if that's true how about the other stories like a solid and right or the vasa crossing how about those events or many other events so because other you know curiosity I start searching searching searching more more information and a little fun that way all of those events happen before and there's all the evidence can prove so that made me think about okay if all those events are true is the Bible is absolutely true and the thing is even though I believe in guy at a time but I didn't really believe you know Bible everything involved with you I thought most most of the events in the help in the Bible was I fairy tale fairy tale right so and then and that there was a turning point and a moment to to help me see the possibility of the credibility of the Bible so then I started a journey of studying the scriptures studying the Bible at a point now as I was continue studying studying studying listening to different pastor teaching and the 2012 April 1st my my deacon asked me if I will so well I see you uh you want to dedicate you know your life to to the Lord would you consider getting baptized so I said oh yeah okay okay baptized so April 1st I got baptized in it after baptism breath grandma coffee that friend they brought me into the Bible study and then he he he reached out to me and we hang out and he start asking me like so will now they were baptized do we have anything that you don't understand that then you would like to know you know maybe I can help you so I said yeah Brad you know um I just want to know more about the Bible I just want to have better understanding of Bible that Brad said you know well maybe you should try you know pray to God with this sentence so he suggests me to to end one sentence sentence in my prayer he said no you just trying or adding this sentence in your prayer every time you pray there you know hey father you know what you teach me you were through your holy spirit so you know at that time I didn't really believe whatever do to me you know but I just follow the advice you know who is a senior to me so I just okay I would do it and I just follow the advice and start praying every time adding that sentence and little did I know that the impact that prayer does for the rest of my life so ever since I start playing like that you know God just made my made my heart so peaceful in every situation and then he just made me more and more hungry as I as I'm studying the scripture and I remember and that's an after April 1st 2012 and everyday you know after school I'll just go back to my apartment and then open up my Bible I don't want to do anything else just open them up open up my Bible and start studying studying study and and I remember my roommates they would come back like you know we'll are you not tough are you not tired it tired of you know reading the Bible you know everyday you're doing the same thing what's wrong with you so anyway I was super super hungry for the word of God so because I was a hungry food for the word of God my knowledge in in will of God increase increase and then to the point that I felt like you know I I have loved you know I know a lot of stuff I I kind of puffed up in my knowledge I start sharing with people some of the e theology and for instance like you know the preacher am each other and post-trib rapture and uh and then I thought I was trying to love people but I end up being you know like I end up pushing people away from following the God of Israel so I love my lesson and I continue with my you know look journey and studying the scripture now moving toward 2013 and praise God you know he he gave me a job right and I started working but even though as I was working I still use my spare time be second every minute as much as possible to study the scripture even when I travel in in a hotel I was just always prepare books and then just open up the books to be and to understand you know to to to to study the scripture so and this has been going on since then and until now it never stopped it stayed the same right and then 2013 toward 2014 there was a that turning point happen as I was learning learning being open-minded to different you know theology I bump into a pitcher or pastor his name is Doug Batchelor and he was teaching at the 7 days advance church and I was just so open to listen to what he can offer right so and through my study with him and then I see that ok keeping service is is the mandate and then as a believers we should keep a service so and I but I was I was curious why you know the church I'm going to does not keep service so that's when I start you know going on the journey finding out the reason why no we don't keep the Sabbath and everything else that other law so as I'm going through the all those teachings you know the reason why we don't keep a lot and I my understanding and keep it long getting more consolidate consolidate everyday and then but at it at the time you know I'm still going to the church you know the Chinese Church which is on Sunday but as since I was looking for is a service keeping Church for some reason I couldn't find any church service keeping Church at the time now in 2014 and my Deacon just talk to me saying well um would you like to lead a Bible study on book of creation and I was like yeah sure you know I would like to do that right so and as I was preparing for my for my Bible I'm booked Galatian I was going online and searching for all the material information I can find you know and then then then I discover a person a pastor and he's teaching right on the book of creation and when I when I listen to his teaching it just it just the information that he provided was like oh so intriguing so like I never heard of even though I have studied so much already I was like why I never heard of this but it's so good right so I take all all the information that I learned from his teaching and then take it to the Bible study and the first Bible study and I prepared all the handles to to the brothers sisters and I start explaining and everything went very well and then and I remember an end of Bible study the the wife of the deacon and Pam my back saying well good job good job you know and I was like oh thank you thank you in them but but I made a mistake after that so before the second Bible study I felt like you know I should have tell I should tell my deacon whether I truly believe now so I call my deacon and say you know all right brother I brought some can I can I talk to you about something and he said sure sure she would come to my house Thursday night so I went to his house and then sat down and I start telling him that you know okay I'm keeping service I'm trying to keeping the law right so and as soon as I said that it just the ball drops and the the the the deacon you know his response was very very unexpectedly I didn't expect that he was like well why while you're keeping this keeping service when did you start there you know you're going astray you know what so many people has been like you but I want you to be one of one of those people being a straight so as I was trying to explain but I I didn't give me any chance but anyway long story short so we love that we departed and the next day the next Bible study turned out to be a total nightmare and it was supposed to be my Bible study but everyone start attacking my theology every time bring up at the law everybody saying no we are no longer on the law but under grace so let's move on so but in the end I finished the Bible study but it was very very painful painful experience going through their Bible study because I didn't have much chance to talk and then the and then let it roll you know what the pastor sees that you know he has to address this issue with with me about you know keeping the draw so he called me up before a meeting with a deacon and him and me and and I just you know before the meeting I bought a book to to the pastor and then and I was saying pastor can you read this this book and so that you probably can understand what I believe but I've read now and the response that I received from password it was like so the pastor was looking at a book and he was telling me that you know well I will not all the question book is good for you you have to look at the publication were they public ated right so and and he says you know I don't know this republication a publication place so I'm not gonna read it then he returned the book back to me so at the moment I'm too sporty I was so shocked and heartbroken and I realized you know wow you know what else can I do right but anyway in a meeting the pastor trying to convince me not to keep it along whether I I try to explain but I didn't I didn't submit to his authority and then in the end the pastor said okay we'll if you don't submit to my authority and I have to let you go and you know I response okay I will go but I will coming back to the church in a full fellowship so so in other words I was nicely kicked out by the church and then after that I find another messianic congregation which keep it the Sabbath and everything in the Torah and the law and I start attending there for two years and I like you know everything that I had and I thought you know I'll be in a church for a long time right maybe for the rest of my life but who knows at the you know probably at the end of the two years something happens so one day I had a I hang out with the brother from the church from the congregation and then he we went out to a restaurant and then he ordered a pork dish pork meal and I was like okay brother why you order pork dish do you know that we we should not eat pork and and he told me that Wow will you know we're no longer under law but we under grace and in a New Testament that you know we don't we don't need to eat kosher or clean hand moves so and and I was trying to like you know this explain to him you know that that's not right but anyway long story short we get into some arguments and I later Rob he talked to the rabbi's in accommodation and the rabbi called me up for meetings so after three meetings and then the rabbi couldn't convince me and he just you know ask me like will I have to let you go so he nicely walk me all the complication again so that's my second time and and I want you to see that you know what God has hecka has prepared me for for all those two rejection already before even in the school if you if you remember you know that on my chance Frank they they reject me and the the lowest point that I went through they helped me to to do with those two rejections for the church I was going to and I and I see that as I cycle that God trying to try to I want me to see that you know that's how he disciplined me and trained me but anyway so after that after I left it the congregation and III didn't I didn't any congregation to go to Rey then a beloved a kind brother whose name is Bremen and he's he just so happened to be a part of our podcast and he contact me and I'm saying okay brother will you know what's going on with you right and say you know yeah you know I was expelled by cognition and I have no congregation to go to any say no all right why what why don't you come visit my congregation and that congregation is py a and ever since then I started attending be wahay a and and because that I have found so many you know like-minded you know young folks like me right and and who are among us in the podcast and we start working together you know we you know there are some difference in our brief you know not everything that we believe is the same but to me you know what's more important is the unity in Messiah so we work together actually we just wanted to to bring honor and glory to the name of no to God's name so so basically that's that's my testimony I hope it's not too long but uh before I add my testimony I wanted to bring up you know when Nick said years ago in China before before I came to United States I still remember at that time Nick said you know will you know well I can't believe you're going to Detroit you know but uh you know be prepared and you probably will facing a lot of difficulties and then now guess what you know I I just I'm here in Detroit and then serving God and the lifestyle that I did I mean now and I could never imagine ten years ago in in China I would never imagine ten years later I'll be Who I am today I was I was a man who pursuing money faith and maybe you know something I don't even know like all those secular things but guess what you know God has chanda me God has changed my worldview God has my changing my my my attitude and then he has completely changed me to to someone that he want me to be now someone I wanted to be and I just want to encourage you and hopefully my testimony can be a blessing to you and so I think that's my testimony and if you have any more question and feel free to email us I will I would love to you know respond though with your question or whatever but you know until then stay prayed up thank you guys so see you next time [Music]
Channel: Rock for a Pillow
Views: 297,568
Rating: 4.9042845 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, yeshua, yahusha, yahshua, yahushua, christian, christianity, messianic, hebrew, hebrew roots, bible, torah, tanakh
Id: 8akEFdrBRsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 8sec (3908 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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