Christians and Halloween Hear From Ex Witch!

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hi this is Beth at the other side of darkness check out my blog the other side of darkness calm where I talk about my testimony walking in darkness the occult witchcraft drug addiction depression and more and to a glorious relationship with Jesus Christ who has totally redeemed me and as you can see wipe the darkness out of my life thank you Jesus so today I want to talk about Halloween and Christianity so Halloween is kind of a taboo subject for Christians as far as talking about not celebrating it there seems to be two camps in the thought of Halloween and Christians one is there's absolutely nothing wrong with Halloween it's all in good fun just don't celebrate the evil side and it's perfectly fine and the other side says do not celebrate Halloween at all it's totally evil and I guess there is kind of a middle ground where some people say well don't celebrate it but reach out to the lost with fall festivals at church and handing out tracts to trick-or-treaters so I would just wanted to speak a little bit about that because I know I have more experience with the darkness of Halloween and the evil side then I think some people do and I just want to share that because I think it's really important and it's something that people need to know Christian or not Christian so as a witch when I celebrated Halloween Halloween is a High Holy Day for Satanists and witches alike and so I did not celebrate Halloween thinking it was evil we didn't do sacrifices we didn't hurt animals and it seemed all in good fun it was a day to celebrate the dead and to party and it seemed perfectly good and fun it was until after I got into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ that I really started to realize how evil Halloween is in the Bible God speaks very clearly about not being involved in paganism witchcraft mediums sacrificing children and things of that nature but what many people don't know is that Halloween is a High Holy Day for Satanists and witches and other occult members who actually hurt people and animals they do things it's not just on Halloween Anton LaVey says that Halloween is the third most important holiday on their calendar he if you don't know it was the founder of the Church of Satan he is now deceased the Church of Satan is not deceased though and there's a live an active and Satanists actually love the fact that Christians celebrate Halloween because Halloween opens you up to your dark side now I know a lot of Christians say that they don't celebrate the evil of Halloween but the thing is is that you really can't get away from the evil of Halloween is a day dedicated to Satan evil and death so as I was saying witches see Halloween not as evil but as you know celebration of the dead and partying but Satanist and other occultists see it as a day yes of the Dead partying but to them that means human sacrifices animal sacrifices ritual abuse such as beatings and also sexual abuse so it is very real that babies are being murdered animals are being murdered and other people children and adults alike are being abused it's the real deal and so Halloween Easter and Christmas time are huge pagan holidays that they do these kinds of rituals but Halloween is one of the the one of the more important ones and there are many people out there right now who they come to this time of the year and it's so hard for them everywhere you go just in in my neighborhood my neighborhood stores Halloween is everywhere the evil is Flint the decorations I see they are spiders giant spiders vampires witches ghosts severed heads human body parts headstones and things of that nature I don't really see how you can find innocence in those decorations I understand that you could dress up in costumes that you consider non evil such as princesses and superheroes and and your favorite cartoon characters but the fact is that I really want you to think about is that you can't separate yourself from the evil that Halloween is to its very origins Halloween is evil if you trace Halloween all the way back to the ancient times before Catholicism even it has deep roots and it is all based on celebrating other gods and goddesses which by the way are demons in disguise and sacrificing and abusing humans and animals now fast-forward to current day you don't see or it's not widely talked about those horrifying things Satan has made it very easy to ignore those things and as a matter of fact we are completely desensitized to evil the devil and his demons but the spiritual realm is very real and you are inviting evil into your life by participating in Halloween because God has clearly stated to us that we are to have no part of it so when we have a part of it we are signaling in the spiritual realm which is all around us unseen that we're open it's an orphan open portal or gateway I have been told that witches cursed the Halloween candy and I can only imagine what other curses are going on - Halloween costumes and whatnot at this time of year covens are very active trying to place curses on different churches and different individuals especially individuals like myself who would speak out against Halloween it's a it's very serious I take Halloween very seriously it grieves me to the court to my bones which with immense sadness that Christians participate in Halloween it it's not something for Christians we are called to be the light of the world we are called to step out of darkness our Savior has died and shed blood so that we can be redeemed so that we don't have to be slaved to hell so why are we celebrating and playing and having fun on a day that is dedicated to Satan and that is about death and decay it just really it breaks my heart it breaks my heart and I just want to stop and pray right now Lord Jesus I pray that anyone who watches this video is covered by the blood of Jesus I pray that you would just penetrate every heart and soul with your word right now and your truth God that you would divide anything that I have said that is untrue away from the truth and that you would take each person that watches this video and give them great blessings in your favor god we love you and we praise your mighty name Jesus for you are our wonderful Savior you are the sacrifice the last sacrifice and the only sacrifice that ever need be done and by your shed blood and your work on the cross we can live eternally in joy truth light and hope thank you Jesus praise your name God we love you so I just want you to know that I have no condemnation for what you do or what you have done because there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus and Jesus does not condemn you if you have celebrated Halloween or do celebrate it now he only asked with love as I ask and I urge that you stop and think more about Halloween and celebrating it even fall festivals I really urge you to rethink that I've had people tell me it's fine to not celebrate Halloween we can celebrate fall instead fall is great but I have to ask you this why are you celebrating fall which other season do you have parties and celebrate I've never heard of a spring celebration or festival winter festival we don't do those why is that you feel so called why is the pool to celebrate fall so strong and it's really not just Halloween it's a whole season where we take up celebrating all of October pumpkin patches pumpkin carving decorating our houses with leaves and ghosts and pumpkins and fall colors and I have to ask you to think and ask yourself and pray and ask God why is it the urge is there so strong this is a time of year when witchcraft increases greatly I'm not saying you should be afraid of witchcraft I'm not saying you should fear the devil and I'm not saying you should fear Halloween quite the opposite if you've been saved by Jesus Christ there is no fear you by his blood have defeated the devil you have the power and authority to trample on the serpent and crush him under your heel but I ask you can you glorify God by celebrating Halloween I do not think so actually I do think so you can glorify God by not celebrating Halloween and I say this to you if you don't celebrate Halloween and you stand up for the truth of what Halloween is and spread the word and other Christians stop celebrating Halloween or even people who are not Christian stop celebrating Halloween just on the premise that they refuse to participate in a time where people are being murdered think of what that would do to the devil that would make him so mad and I want to make him mad cuz I tell you what the devil tried to steal my joy kill my life and trample on me for most of my life but look what God has done for me and you too so give him a black eye and step away from Halloween away from fall festivities and pray and just pray we are called to be a part or a separate from this world to not conform to be transformed to be renewed to be holy and it is hard it's very hard not because I miss out on Halloween because I don't I can eat candy or let my kids dress up in a costume lots of other times of the year it doesn't have to be October or even October 31st I could stop one day of the year and not participate in dressing up going to parties or eating candy it doesn't even bother me what bothers me is that sometimes it feels very lonely but I've prayed and prayed and I said God are you sure that we're supposed to separate ourselves from Halloween and all the activities and time and time again I contend the tent continually here yes so I just urge you to pray I thank you so much for taking the time to listen to this and have a wonderful and blessed day buddy
Channel: UNITED7.TV
Views: 90,229
Rating: 4.8635564 out of 5
Id: 1MkP51wsyEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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